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Broken Pieces (The Riverdale Series)

Page 19

by Janine Infante Bosco

  “Anyone ever tell you that you ask a lot of questions?” He asked as he swiped his hand down his face. Ava shrugged her shoulders and grinned at him before taking another bite of her pizza. Nick blew out a breath. “They say kids say things adults are too chicken to say.” He said more to himself than to Ava. He didn’t remember where he had heard that saying, but it rang true. “I’m not Aunt Sam’s boyfriend, Ava.”

  “Why not, she’s pretty!” She said defensively and put down her pizza. Nick’s eyes widened as Ava gave him a scrutinizing look.

  “She’s very pretty. She’s beautiful, just like you.” He said and leaned over to wipe the sauce at the corner of her mouth. He winked at her. “But Aunt Sam doesn’t want me to be her boyfriend.”

  “Yes, she does.” Ava said, her face softening. “She likes you a lot. I know she does.”

  “Oh yeah?” Nick asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “So stop being a chicken and be her boyfriend.” Ava said as she pointed her finger at him. “Otherwise, I won’t hang out with you anymore.”

  Nick chuckled, how could anyone, say no to this little girl? “Okay, Okay. I’ll get right on it.” He leaned forward and held out his pinky to her. “But you need to promise that you’ll still hang out with me.”

  She grinned at him and wrapped her pinky finger around his. “Pinky promise, Uncle Nick.”

  Nick winked at her and hoped that one day when he became a father and God decided to play tricks on him and bless him with a daughter, that, she would be just like this little princess that wrapped her pinky around his.

  Ava looked up and noticed Sam standing not far behind Nick. Her face lit up. “Aunt Sam! You made it!”

  Nick slowly turned around, his eyes finding hers. He looked her over for a moment, wondering how long she had been standing there. Not that it mattered, he realized, anything he said to Ava he’d say in front of a room full of people. She smiled at him, one that didn’t reach her eyes. Sam sat down between the two of them and smiled at Ava.

  “Are you having a good time, sweetie?” She said as she tucked a piece of hair behind the little girl’s ear.

  “Yeah, Uncle Nick, I mean Nick is a blast! Did you see all the stuffed animals he won for me?” She said enthusiastically. “I’m full. Can I go play another game? I still have some tokens left.”

  Sam smiled. “Sure, just stay where we can see you okay?”

  Ava slid off the chair and threw her arms around her aunt. “I will!” She said before she pulled out of her embrace and ran towards one of the games. Sam looked after her, not ready to face Nick just yet.

  He took a slice of pizza and put it in a clean paper dish and placed it in front of her. She glanced down at the pizza before she lifted her gaze to his. “Thanks.”

  He nodded and took another slice for himself. He watched her look down at the dish as if the answers to life would jump off the dish.

  “Sam…” He said softly as he pushed his dish away. He leaned over the table and took one of her hands in his. She lifted her eyes and gazed up at him. .

  “You look like you survived the day.” She offered him a smile. Her eyes glanced down at their hands that were locked together.

  “Yeah, I guess I did… He cleared his throat and said, “I know I told you I’d be your friend and respect your wishes.” Her eyes met his nervously.

  “But…?” She whispered.

  “This thing between us, it’s wild and it can’t be tamed.” He squeezed her hand. “It’s not going anywhere.”

  “Nick…” She started, but had no idea what else to say. Her heart felt as if it was going to beat outside of her chest.

  “Just listen. It’s time you realize I’m not going anywhere.” He leaned closer to her and reached out to touch her cheek. “I’ll let you take your time to figure out where we go once you acknowledge I’m here to stay.”

  “Oh yeah, and why is that?” She couldn’t help but ask.

  He grinned. “It’ll be all the more rewarding when you beg me to take you.” He winked and she couldn’t help but laugh. He released her hand and nodded towards her pizza. “Now eat, I bet you haven’t eaten all day.”

  She folded the slice of pizza and sighed before she leaned down and took a bite. Well, if that didn’t seal the deal, nothing would, she was screwed beyond her control, might as well take comfort in the cheesy pizza.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Nick walked into Rudy’s and immediately found Cara behind the bar, drying some clean glasses. The bar wasn’t packed; in fact, it was pretty empty for a Sunday afternoon. He leaned over the bar, not taking a seat in one of the vacant stools. Cara lifted her head and peered at Nick.

  “What’re you doing here?” She asked, putting the dry glass in its rightful spot. She assumed he would have been at the Lanza’s, for Sunday dinner. She had half a dozen voice mails on her phone with invitations from each of the Lanza’s. She didn’t answer their calls and felt a little guilty about it, but the truth was, she couldn’t bring herself to be around them without Jake. She felt as if she didn’t belong at their table anymore. She couldn’t sit at a happy family dinner with them and pretend she was okay, or as if each of them didn’t remind her of what she lost and could never have back.

  “I’m dragging you out of here.” Nick said and winked at her.

  Cara studied Nick for a moment before she rolled her eyes. “What did Luke send you here?” She didn’t understand why that guy wouldn’t just take the hint. She didn’t need him, nor did she want him hanging around all the time. Talk about constant reminders, Luke hanging around her like his brother’s guard dog was all, the reminder she needed.

  “He didn’t send me anywhere. He mentioned and so did Deb, that, they had been trying to get in touch with you to come to dinner.” He shrugged his shoulders. “I thought I’d deliver the invitation personally.”

  “I’m not going.” She said and went back to drying the glasses.

  “Mind sharing with me what they did to you?” Nick asked as he leaned his hip against the bar. She glanced up at him and furrowed her brows.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  Nick blew out a breath and stared at Cara for a moment before he continued. “It means we’re both cut from the same cloth. It means those people have been nothing but family to us when our own families weren’t worth shit. I know for myself there is absolutely nothing I wouldn’t do for them, and when they ask me to come to dinner to try and make things normal again after they lost their son, I do it. No questions asked. So I’m just wondering what they did to you, that you can just forget that?”

  Cara waited a bit, trying not to break down into a puddle of tears, because Nick was right. The Lanza’s had always been there for her. She had heard the desperation in Deb’s voice, in each and every voice message, and it broke her heart.

  “Let me ask you Nick, if Sam died and they asked you to sit next to her empty seat at dinner, would you want to go? Knowing she wouldn’t nudge you under the table when Joe said something funny, or that she wouldn’t pick off your plate when you weren’t looking? Would you be able to sit next to her empty chair?” She wiped at her tears that fell despite her will not to shed them. She sniffled and looked up at Nick, his face full of empathy as her words hit home. “Jake was the person who brought me into that home, he was the one who I belonged to and he’s not there anymore.” She shook her head.

  “He may be the person who brought you around, but Cara he would want you to feel as much a part of his family as you did when he was here. He wouldn’t want you by yourself.” He sighed. “I’m not going to pretend that what you said doesn’t make my gut clench, but I do know Jake would want you there.” He waited a moment. “Why don’t we go together and if it’s too much for you I will take you home myself?” He shrugged and cocked his head to the side watching as she contemplated the idea. “At least you will have tried.”

  Cara sighed and placed her hands on her hips. “Anyone ever tell you, you’re hard guy to say no t

  “No, but could you do me a favor? Maybe mention that to Sam?” He cocked one eyebrow at her and she smiled faintly.

  “You promise you’ll take me home if I start to lose it?” She said as she went to untie her apron, her hands pausing as if to wait for his word.

  “I promise.” He said sincerely and pushed himself off of the bar and took a step backward, shoving his hands into his pockets as he waited for her to get her belongings. She nodded and untied her apron, folding it and placing it underneath the bar. She made a quick beeline towards the back office and told Rudy she needed to leave. It took a few moments for her to return and find Nick exactly where she had left him.

  She took a deep breath, walked up beside him, without another word spoken between them; they left the bar to go to their family dinner.

  * * * * * *

  Luke sat down beside Sam, who was sprawled out upon a lounge chair. They were both watching Ava as she played in their parents' in ground pool. Sam turned around and looked at her brother.

  “Well, this is depressing.” He stated as his shoulders slumped.

  “Don’t let mom hear you say that. She’s too busy pretending everything is normal.” Sam said as she sat up in the lounge chair. She stole a glance at her mother vigorously cleaning the grill with a wire brush. There were seldom times when Deb opted to barbecue over actually tearing up her kitchen.

  “If things were normal she would be inside setting the dining room table. Instead, it’s blocked off; I’m surprised she didn’t have Dad put up barricades.” Luke said and looked over his shoulder at their father sitting under an umbrella. He had on his usual dress slacks and shoes only he chose to pair it with a short sleeve polo shirt. He was tweaking the rabbit ears of an old portable television, that he refused to part with, determined to watch the Yankee game.

  Sam followed Luke’s gaze and smiled somewhat, a weakness for her father’s shenanigans tugging at the corners of her heart, she looked back at Luke. “Any luck with Cara?”

  “No.” Luke said flatly and looked towards the water where Ava was splashing around by herself. “I don’t know what to do with her. Have you spoken to her?” He asked abruptly turning back around to face his sister.

  “I called her a few times, but she never answered. She texted me back once, that she was sorry she missed my call. But that was that.” Sam shrugged. “I can’t say I blame her.”

  Luke looked at her as if she was absurd. “What?”

  “I don’t know Luke, do you think being around all of us is easy for her? Especially mom and dad, we all lost Jake. We’re probably just a reminder to her.”

  Luke processed her words. “Maybe….” He paused and then shook his head. “Even so, it’s not like she has a family to help her through this. We’re her family.”

  Sam smiled softly. “You sounded just like Jake, for a moment.”

  “Don’t say that.” Luke said stiffly. “I’m nothing like Jake, and don’t deserve the comparison.”

  Sam’s eyes widened at the sharp tone in Luke’s voice. She watched him put his hands on his knees and stand to his full height. Before Sam could question where that had come from, he softened his voice and ruffled her hair.

  “I’m going to try and convince mom to let me man the grill.” Luke said before sauntering over to Deb.

  Sam let out a breath before bringing down her sunglasses. The direct sun was way too hot, so she made her way towards her father and reached for the pitcher of iced tea behind him.

  “Still can’t get it to work?” She asked her father nodding towards the ancient television.

  “No, this is ridiculous. I have a perfectly functioning television inside, but your mother is banning me from being in my own damn house!” ” He growled as he scratched his head trying to figure out why he couldn’t get a picture and only sound.

  “Cut her some slack, dad.” Sam said, placing a reassuring hand on her father’s shoulder.

  Joe sighed and looked at his daughter. “All I’m saying is that she obviously isn’t ready to do these dinners like she used to. No one is begging her to either, so I don’t understand why the urgency.”

  Sam looked over at her mother who had allowed Luke to help her with the grill. She didn’t know what to say, it was obvious her mother wasn’t herself. She looked back towards her dad and offered him a small smile. “At least you got the sound to work.”

  Joe rolled his eyes. “This is the last year Jeter is playing; I can’t afford to miss any magical moments.”

  Sam laughed and made a mental note to take her father to a game before the season ended. She glanced up and her heart stopped, or at least she thought it did. Nick was striding in through the gate with Cara alongside him. “He got her to come.” She whispered unaware that she had even spoken the words.

  Joe lifted his head and looked in the same direction Sam was. “Well, I’ll be damned.” He shook his head in amazement. “That Nick, is a good guy.” He said completely certain that his words were true.

  Nick winked at Sam as he and Cara walked over to where Deb was. She hadn’t even noticed they had entered the yard. Her back was towards them and so was Luke’s as they began to load the grill.

  “Put the chicken on one side, and lower the flame or it will burn,” Deb instructed her son.

  “Ma, I know how to barbeque.” He said patiently and did as he was told.

  “Yeah, but to be fair everything you learned about barbeque you learned from the master.” Nick said as he leaned over Deb’s shoulder pressing a kiss to her cheek. “Don’t let him forget that Deb.”

  Deb set the platter of marinated chicken on the side of the barbeque before she turned around to embrace Nick. She stopped short when she saw Cara standing beside him, tears immediately welling in her eyes.

  “Cara.” She said softly, not being able to hold all her emotions back. “I didn’t think you would come.” She admitted honestly as she took hold of her late son’s great love. She held her hands as she stared into her hazel eyes. “I’m so glad you’re here sweetheart.”

  Cara glanced at Nick than back to Deb. “I’m sorry, I guess I needed someone to remind me where I belong.” She said hoarsely before she wrapped her arms around Deb, embracing her as if she was afraid to lose her too.

  Luke watched on as Cara and his mother embraced, before looking over them to Nick. His eyes questioned him silently, trying to figure how he had managed to get her to show up for Sunday dinner. Nick shrugged his shoulders telling him in that silent code they had, not to worry about it.

  Deb pulled back and smiled, wiping at her eyes as she noticed her husband and daughter had made their way towards them. “Joe, look who made it!” She said proudly, not letting go of Cara’s hand.

  Cara turned around to face Joe. He graced her with a genuine smile. “Good to see you, again.” He said and she smiled at him releasing Deb’s hand to embrace the man who acted as a father to her for most of her life. He kissed the top of her head, just as he would do to his own daughter.

  Sam pulled Cara out of her father’s arms and took her into her own. “I swear to God you better never ignore me again!” She hugged her friend tightly. In the last year the two of them had become so close, and when Jake passed, she felt the loss of Cara too.

  Cara laughed and pulled back slightly to look at Sam. “I’m sorry.” She bit her bottom lip and held herself together.

  “Nothing you need to be sorry for girl.” Sam smiled and then narrowed her eyes. “Just don’t make a habit of it.”

  Deb smiled giddily as she looked over her kids. “Why don’t you all go sit down and make yourselves some drinks? You to Luke, I want to do the cooking.” She said taking the tongs from his hand.

  “I have a better idea.” Joe said as he wiggled his eyebrows towards the younger generation. “Why don’t you all take a chance a piece at fixing my TV?” He nodded with his eyes wide as if he had the most spectacular idea of his life. “How’s that sound? Then you can all watch the game with me!” />
  Nick wrapped his arm around Joe’s shoulders. “Come on, old man, show me that TV of yours.”

  “Watch who you’re calling old boy…” Joe said before he decided that Nick may be the one handy enough to fix his problem. “Did I ever mention you’re my favorite?” He said, hoping to butter him up to get his TV going.

  Nick chuckled and shook his head as he let Joe lead him over to the table the archaic television was propped on top of.

  Sam laced her arm around Cara’s and followed Nick and Joe. “C’mon, this should be entertaining.” She said as she eyed Nick’s ass that filled his shorts oh too well.

  Cara raised an eyebrow at Sam as she caught her wandering eye. “Please tell me you’re not still sitting on that.”

  Sam chewed on her lip to suppress her grin. “I haven’t sat on it in a while.” She said and pouted. Cara’s eyes widened at her admission and she covered her mouth.


  She shrugged her shoulders and looked at her innocently. “What?”

  Nick looked over his shoulder at Sam, and smiled devilishly at her. “We could fix that, just say the word.” He said gruffly through the smile he planted on his lips.

  “Before you go fixing her stuff, how about my TV set?” Joe said completely unaware of what he was condoning Nick to fix for his daughter. He patted the top of his it, “Come on now let’s get to it. The game is starting in fifteen minutes.” Cara and Sam giggled as they sat in the shade.

  Luke walked over to the edge of the swimming pool to check on Ava, before he went to see if she wanted to get out for a while. She splashed him and told him to come in the pool with her. He promised he would in a little while before he walked over to where everyone was sitting. It didn’t go unnoticed to him that Cara had completely ignored him, which left him to wonder if she had remembered anything that had transpired between them the night Nick left him at Rudy’s. He shook his head, damning himself straight to hell, for letting things escalate the way they had. He wished he too didn’t remember, but the memories haunted him. He sat as far away from the girls as possible, his eyes glued to the pool as he took a pull of his beer.


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