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The Naughty Tutor (Sorority Sins XXX Book 4)

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by Sadie May

  Like what? I almost ask but I’m still Jello and my lips don’t work.

  “No, I mean it’s unbelievable. Morgan said she was practically a virgin, how could we have known that it would be so--”

  I jerk away because I don’t want to hear what they will say next. My brain has started up even when my body wouldn’t and all the thoughts that were blissfully gone while they touched me, have returned. Along with all my insecurities. I’m not pretty enough. They only had sex with me as a barter for tutoring. Mike was about to say that, because of my inexperience, the sex was awful.

  I was scrambling to get off of Casey but two sets of hands steady me. “Whoa, love,” Mike says as he holds my upper arms.

  Belatedly, I realize Casey is still partially inside me. “Oh shit,” I mumble as my eyes fly to him. “Did I just hurt you?”

  His cock actually grows inside me. I feel it. “Of course not.” He gives me a soft smile. “But now that you’re awake, I want to assess the damage to you.”

  Mike lifts me up and cradles me close to his body. Casey quickly pulls the condom off and tosses it in the trash, then reaches over and flicks on another light.

  He sits on the couch while we stand, and his fingers skim along the tiny fingerprint bruises now peppering my hips. He looks up with a grimace. “I’m so sorry.”

  I relax, because they are cradling me like I’m precious and it eases my anxiety. I don’t think I realized how much my own insecurities had played into my lack of sex. “I bruise super easy. Pale skin. Don’t worry about it.”

  Mike’s fingers are trailing along my spine. “Beautiful skin.”

  But Casey shakes his head. “You felt so good, I was struggling to go slow.”

  “It’s really fine,” I give him what I hope is a reassuring smile. Taking a breath, I try to step away. “I should probably go, I’ve taken up enough of your time.”

  Casey stands then, his chest pressing into my back.

  Mike is still holding me against him. “You should stay.”

  Casey brushes my hair back from my face. “Mike has a giant king sized bed.”

  Part of me wants to. But I’m sore and I am feeling just a touch empty inside. Because I heard them and I know they are regretting having sex with me. “Thanks, but I have an early class tomorrow.”

  Casey grimaces and he glances at Mike. Clearing his throat, he nods. “Okay, but it’s late. We’ll walk you home.”

  Mike is still holding me as Casey gets my clothes. Before I know it, they are dressing me like a doll. Thong, bra, wrap dress and then one foot is lifted to slip on a shoe. The other shoe is on and then, just as Mike took off my jacket, he slips it back on. “It’s cold,” he says in a whisper.

  I nod, and in seconds, they are fully dressed too.

  We walk out the door and Mike takes my hand to lead me down the front steps as Casey grabs the other.

  Later, I lay in bed trying not to cry. Because I wanted amazing sexual experiences and I had gotten what I’d asked for but now, I wanted more. Like an idiot newbie I had developed feelings for both of them and that was crazy. We were just exchanging sex for tutoring. And you couldn’t fall in love with two guys at once.

  Chapter Three

  I actually do have an early class and when I roll out of my new bed at the sorority, I hop in the shower and then go to get dressed. I don’t have time to blow out my hair, but I don’t want to wear my sweatpants and baggie sweatshirt either. Something has changed, I like the new me.

  I opt for a sexy pair of jeans, boots and a soft sweater that hugs me nicely. I do use a little of the makeup, just some gloss and mascara but I look good. I smile to myself, feeling better than I did last night.

  Heading to class, I sit down for lecture and notice several guys shifting in their seats behind me. When I turn, several sets of eyes are focused on me.

  Well, that’s interesting.

  I set my phone to vibrate and pull out my laptop to take notes but the lecture hasn’t even begun when I get a text.

  It’s from an unknown sender but I know who it is immediately.

  Did you make it to class? Casey and I were worried.

  Okay, that is pretty sweet. But I sigh because sweet is bad, right? I am trying not to get too attached here.

  Yep, I made it. Class starts in two.

  I set my phone down but it buzzes again.

  We are working today but we’re free tonight. Are you available for tutoring?

  I add Mike to my contact list and then respond.

  Sure, tonight works. What time? I reply.

  We’ll pick you up at six. Do you prefer Thai or sushi?

  I hesitate. There is something so intimate about this and it sets me on edge. Once their test is done, what happens? I’m getting attached and that could be really bad for me.

  The professor begins class and I still haven’t responded so I set my phone down and begin taking notes. It buzzes again.

  Do you not like either? Maybe Italian? Or burgers?

  I grin despite myself and pick up my phone to respond. I like them all, but you don’t have to feed me every night.

  I see the three dots blinking at me then they disappear. Start again and disappear again. Finally a message pops up. See you at six.

  Setting my phone down, I shrug and begin taking notes. I should keep my hands to myself tonight. I should just tutor them and not have dinner and definitely not have sex. Because my heart is going to mess this up.

  The day flies by, and I am so glad it was busy. Between the library, the lab, and another class, I barely have time to scarf a salad. I get back to the sorority at just before six.

  Rushing into the house, I make a beeline for my room but my feet skid to a stop. Mike is in the entryway, talking with several of the sisters.

  They are crowded around him like he’s what’s for dinner and they are starving.

  But my foot hasn’t even reached the first step when his eyes connect with mine. “If you’ll excuse me, ladies,” he murmurs and heads straight for me.

  I glance at my watch and read 5:50 pm. “You’re early.” I wrinkle my nose playfully. But I was hoping to do something with my hair. It’s been a mess all day. And I know I shouldn’t work to impress them, but part of me can’t help it. I like them. A lot.

  He gives me a grin, and his hand rests on the small of my back. “Busy day?” He’s moved in close so his chest is touching my arm. I’m on the first step but I still have to look up at him a little. I like this height though. I can really see the green in his hazel eyes, the sexy curve of his lips. Shit… if he makes a move, there is no way I can resist.

  “Yeah, pretty busy. You?” Wow, girl genius. Way to make small talk. And yes, that was more sarcasm.

  “Yeah, I’ll tell you about it on the way to my place. I’ll help you get ready.” And then his hand at my back it propelling me up the stairs.

  Here is a super funny thing. I’ve been on the debate team, the chess team, national spelling competitions and I’ve shredded my opponents, male and female. I take no prisoners. But like this, I actually love that Mike doesn’t ask me if I want him to come upstairs, he’s never uncertain. He’s taking charge and I don’t argue because that confidence is so hot that I already feel my pussy getting wetter.

  Once in my room, I toss all my books on the desk and plug in my laptop. Mike is looking around the room.

  “I only moved in a few days ago,” I explain. Most of my stuff is still in boxes.

  He winks at me but there is an intensity about his gaze that I don’t understand. “Take your time settling in. Never know when you might need to move again.”

  “That’s true,” I answer, heading for the bathroom door. “This school is courting me for the graduate program, but so are others. Never know where I’ll be next year.” I give him a smile. “I’ll be right back.”

  He just nods and I close the door. I pull my hair out of the ponytail but it’s a hot mess falling around my face, so I settle for putting it back in a neate
r ponytail.

  Then I reapply a little makeup. No use changing my outfit now. Wrinkling my nose again, this time at my reflection, I head back out of the bathroom.

  Mike is lounging on my bed flipping through one of my textbooks. He looks up and grins when I come out, and honestly, I wanted to jump on top of him. Like jump his bones. But I rub my hands on my thighs instead and try to focus. “Ready?” I ask.

  “Ready,” he gives me that sexy grin and grabs my jacket off the bed post. “It’s getting cold out,” he says as he drops the jacket over my shoulders and drops a kiss on my lips.

  It feels so good, I nearly moan at the small touch. Who was I kidding that I would say no tonight?

  As we make our way back down the stairs, the gaggle of girls is still in the entry, all eyes focus on us. Morgan has joined them and she gives us a wink. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

  Mike laughs, and whispers in my ear. “There isn’t anything she wouldn’t do.”

  I nod but jealousy trickles down my spine. Dammit, my heart is getting involved. The second we are out the door, I turn to him. “How would you know?”

  Well color me surprised but he actually blushes. He pulls my hand and we keep going down the steps. Raking his fingers through his hair he mutters. “I keep messing this up.”

  I was trying to decide what that meant when he stopped walking and turned to me. “Casey and I know Morgan because the three of us fooled around our freshman year. It feels like forever ago and it was always super casual.”

  I swallow because several thoughts are rushing through my head. Instead of picking one, I just start babbling them all, “I’ve no right to ask. I’m sorry. And even if I did, you’re the tutors, right? Of course you have experience. Not everyone was total nerd like me. And Morgan is super hot. How could you not hit that? Even I’ve had a taste and--”

  “You’ve what?” But he didn’t wait for my response. He started pulling me along the short walk to his house. “Please tell me you kissed her and that is it.”

  I swallowed. It technically was kissing. “Yeah, kissing.” I repeat, hesitant to lie.

  He stops again and glares at me. “You made one of those videos with her, didn’t you?”

  I’m speechless as I stare at him. Then I finally find my voice. “How’d you know about that?”

  “I spent some time at Kappa when I was an underclassman.” He starts moving again. “I get it. You hadn’t met us and you had to do it to get in.” His voice is rough, like he’s upset. “But Casey and I don’t play the field anymore. It’s only you and if you’re in our bed, it’s only us. Can you live with that?”

  The smart ass that I am is thinking. Technically, we were in your foyer and on your couch. There was no bed. But I nod. Because it actually does make me feel better to think as long as we’re fooling around, there won’t be other girls. It eases some of my apprehension. That must be why I say what I say next, “So does that mean I get to see your bed next? The really big king size one.”

  For the third time, he stops. But this time, it’s to capture my lips with his in a kiss that makes me so breathless I barely even notice the people who have stopped to stare. “Count on it,” he whispers and then we head down his street.

  I have to be honest, dinner made me even more confused. There were candles, amazing sushi, definitely not from our little downtown, even flowers sit on the table. We eat and then hit the books but today is different.

  They are learning a ton, that’s the same. But they touch me… a lot. Sitting on each side, their hands graze my back, my arms, squeezing my legs, brushing my hair back from my face. By the time we’re done with our hour session, my body is humming. Any doubts are far, far away. I decide to worry about those tomorrow.

  Casey starts to kiss my neck and my eyes drift closed. He is too tempting but we only have one more day, I need to finish this section. “Hey, Romeo,” I tease. “You need to finish these practice problems.”

  “Or,” he whispers. “We could work on another problem that I’m having.”

  Like I need him to explain that. I give Casey a sidelong glance. “I thought you wanted to ace this test?”

  Mike’s hand skims down my ponytail and I realize he’s pulling out the elastic. I’m about to protest when his fingers start massaging my skull.

  I want what they want too. Their hands all over me. “We’ve still got tomorrow.” He leans over and his lips skim my earlobe.

  I sigh, just a little, the two of them feel so good. “I’ll make you a deal. For every problem you complete correctly, I’ll remove a piece of clothing. Get it wrong and you strip one off.”

  Casey grins, his eyes twinkling. “Now why haven’t any of my previous math teachers been so ingenuitive? That is some work I can get behind.”

  Mike’s fingers were still massaging my scalp as Casey feverishly finished the next problem. Glancing at his paper, I could see he got it correct.

  Giving a grin, I go to unzip one of my boots.

  “Leave those on,” he whispers hoarsely as he reaches for the hem of my sweater instead.

  Pulling it up over my head, I am once again thankful for all my new lacy underwear that my tits are currently spilling out of. “Your turn,” I say to Mike, standing to look over his shoulder.

  He slipped his fingers from my hair and sets to work. Dammit, he gets the problem right too. “Pants,” he commands.

  I have ankle boots on and I am not sure how I will take them off while still leaving the boots on, but they whip off my shoes, each removing one, pull down my pants and place the boots back on before I can even voice my concern.

  I’m standing in front of them in black lace bra and panties and a black ankle boots. Both of their eyes are devouring me and Casey slides off his chair to kneel before me, his hands reaching out, but I wag my finger at him. “Your turn. Get that pencil on your paper.”

  He groans and Mike stands, stepping in front of me. Both hands land on my ass cheeks and he pulls me against him, his erection pushing into my belly.

  I glance down and grin, Casey has it wrong, I can see it already. “Shirt,” I command. “Make sure to keep your equation balanced.”

  Casey groans and pulls off his shirt. “I’m buying you a riding crop tomorrow.”

  Then Casey stands and Mike sits down to work, pulling my back against his bare chest. It feels so good, warm yet firm against me. His lips are kissing my neck as his hands each take a tit and start massaging.

  Mike gets another question right and his fingers hook my thong and pulls it down around my ankles over the boots. Tangled in the leather, they look a little like bindings and both men groan aloud.

  “Fuck, that’s hot,” Casey says as he pulls away and sits down shirtless for the next problem.

  He gets it correct but I don’t even have time to say it. He can tell by my smile and his hand is at the clasp of my bra. It’s undone before I can blink and his hands are pushing it down my arms.

  I do a little shimmy to get the panties the rest of the way over the boots. Mike pulls his shirt over his head too.

  “Expecting to get the next problem wrong?” My eyebrows are up and my hands come to my hips. Mind you, I’m naked in nothing but a pair of boots.

  A guttural noise bubbles up from Mike’s chest. There is something primal about the way he’s staring at me. It makes me shiver with need and my pussy is leaking again.

  He steps closer and one of his hands is back on my ass. “No running away tonight.” His eyes are intent upon my face. “You’re sleeping in my bed.”

  I give a nod and his fingers slide between my legs, grazing my lips and I suck in my breath. My hands are sliding up his chest and around his neck.

  Casey moves behind me and gathers my hair up off my nape to pepper me with kisses.

  Mike’s other hand slides back out and then comes around to the front. He starts to play with me. His fingers toying with my clit, then sliding to my opening to finger the rim of my hole.

  It’s slow a
nd the teasing has me on fire as I tilt my head back against Casey’s chest.

  Casey is back to playing with my breasts, his hands kneading them, tweaking the nipples. Then one hand slides down my side, tracing my tiny waist and the flare of my hips. He slides around my ass and then deeper, until he it tracing the outline of my asshole.

  I’ve gone blind and I can’t see a thing. Literally, my eyes have stopped working. I can only feel and a moan, throaty and wanton, gasps out.

  Then they both enter me at the same time with their fingers, it’s slow and easy but it’s so good, I start coming before I even realize how close I am. My body heaves and grabs at their fingers as I ride out my orgasm.

  “Bed.” Mike’s clipped word has Casey swinging me up into his arms.

  They bolt up the stairs and turn left, a large room with a big bed in the center is all I can see in the semi-darkness.

  Casey lays me down and I collapse like a doll onto the soft comforter.

  I hear the rustling of clothing and then Mike is there, leaning over me, his lips taking mine as the head of his cock presses into my soaking wet opening.

  I wrap my legs around his waist, making sure not to nick him with the heel of my boots. He leans up a little, so his body is on full display for me and thrusts in, filling me in a way that makes me cry out.

  “You feel so good,” he shudders. “You’re so tight.”

  Casey is next to me and I urge his body up, so that I can take his cock in my mouth. Mike is swirling his hips as he pumps in and out of me, hitting these spots that I didn’t even know existed. Another orgasm is building and I grab Casey’s hip and Mike’s arm to keep me grounded. My body is beginning to tremble uncontrollably.

  Mike can feel my walls clutching at him, see my body’s reaction and so he slows down. “We’ll make it last just a little longer.” He grunts looking almost pained.

  I’d tell him that it is sweet torture, that I may die from the pleasure—but my mouth is too full, so I close my eyes and suck more of Casey in.

  I can feel his cock twitching as pre-cum dribbles onto my tongue. I moan and take more of him. My eyes flick to Mike and he is watching with an intensity that I would have thought impossible as he slams back inside me.


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