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Hot Southern Mess (Hide Your Crazy)

Page 8

by Hardenbrook, T. A.

  “Hey come with me,” he requested, sliding out of the booth and offering his hand. Even with all the booze in my system I knew this wasn’t a good idea. This was my job, and sleeping with the boss was always a no-no. But, technically, I worked for Stephanie, and, really, I was working with Black Laden. Political Downfall was another band that NP managed, but not under Stephanie’s contact. So by process of elimination, I did not work for PD, so this could not be considered ‘bangin’ the boss’. Way to talk myself into this one.

  My body was slammed against the cold hard wall as he pushed himself on to me. The heat of his body and the coldness of the cement wall sent chills down my spine, instantly sending myself into a shivering fit. There was nothing hotter at this moment than being man-handled by this guy; playing rough was just how I liked it.

  Brantley forced his knee between my tightly locked legs, causing me to open them up wider as he settled in between them. His hard erection was pressed firmly against stomach; the length of him had to be fantastic. My body was turning into mush in his hands, and he hadn’t even kissed me yet.

  Suddenly, my arms were raked above my head as he grasped my wrists tightly in one hand, the other tailed slowly down my arm. A moan escaped my lips once his fingers reached my exposed stomach; the connection between us was undeniable.

  “I want you, Molly.”

  His voice rang in my ear, making me desperate to feel his lips upon my skin. All I could do was nod my head; this man was intoxicating. I was quickly becoming drunk from his touch; sobriety stood no chance as long as his hands were on me.

  Suddenly, Brantley released his grip on my arms, grabbing the sides of my thighs and lifting me effortless around his hips. His erection now pressed hard into my pussy, causing a throbbing sensation to roll through my lower half. With my now free hands, I grabbed the side of his face, crashing his lips into mine.

  The eagerness of his kiss made me push deeper. I wanted all of this man, and I wanted him now. His hands shot up the back of my shirt as the rough touch of his fingers raked across the skin. My hands flew to the back of his head, pressing our kiss harder into one another.

  Quickly, I reached over his back and swiftly started to pull his t-shirt over his head. I wanted this man naked, and then I wanted to be naked. Nothing was going to stop me from getting that sweet………….

  “Molly Anne, what in the FUCK are you doing?” Reid’s voice roared from the doorway.

  Seriously? What were the fucking odds?

  Chapter 10: Have you seen my humility? I think I lost it somewhere……………………..

  The sound of his voice cut through the silence like a knife, and for some unknown reason the knife dug deep into my heart. I couldn’t have feelings for that man, considering that I’d known him for what…..a whole week or so now? So why in the world did I feel like a teenager getting caught doing the nasty in the back seat of their parents’ car?

  My feet touched the floor, and Brantley released the grip he had around my waist; only for me to be yanked off the wall and drug down the dark hallway.

  “What in the hell are you doing, Reid? Let go!”

  “Really, Molly Anne? You were really going to fuck Brantley in a dark nasty hallway of a strip club?”

  “Well, who knows what would have happened if you hadn’t come and interrupted?” My anger was growing by the second. All the alcohol in my system didn’t help the situation any either. It only fueled my already blazing pissed off mood. I was twenty-five years old; I knew exactly what I was doing.

  “Reid, I don’t think she wants to go with you,” Brantley shouted, closing the space between us rapidly.

  Reid’s grip around my wrist tightened and I was instantly swept behind him. The tension in the room elevated. The two men stood toe to toe, both equally threatening in their own appearance. Even with all the rage and anger that hung in the air I couldn’t help but think how absolutely delicious it would be to be in-between both of them right now.

  “Back off, Brantley,” Reid threatened through clenched teeth.

  “Why; cause she didn’t pick you, Reid? Not everyone wants to fuck you; fucking get over your damn self,” Brantley barked, his fists tightened at his sides.

  Gone were the thoughts of being in a Reid and Brantley sandwich. Something was about to break between these two and it wasn’t going to be pretty.

  “Reid, let me go,” I said softly, placing my free hand gently on his back. The tension in his body was evident, every muscle rippled through the tight black t-shirt.

  “You heard her, Reid; let her go.”

  “Not helping, Brantley,” I warned, still keeping contact with Reid’s body. An edgy moment passed with nothing but silence filling the air. Slowly, the grasp on my wrist released as a sigh left his body. Reid’s head dropped and his shoulders slumped. No longer was this man standing at attention, ready to exchange blows with Brantley.

  “Okay,” Reid replied, stepping around my frozen body and headed to the door.

  Brantley’s eyes stayed narrowed at Reid as he exited through the black stage door. There was something between these two men that had my curiosity peaked. However, I wasn’t a conquest, or a prize to be won. And, that little pissing match had just about done me in. I really knew nothing of these two men other than they were both musicians, who both knew some smooth pick-up lines that caused women to lose all sensibility. Sure they were both absolutely hot, and if I wore panties they both could have easily gotten me out of them, but that was it.

  “So, where were we?” Brantley’s glare softened as he reached out to wrap his arms around my waist.

  “I can’t.” Biting my lip, I backed away from his outstretched arms. I could easily walk right back into them, finish what we had started earlier, but something nagging inside of me said walk away.

  “Because of him?”

  “Yes………I mean, no. Fuck, I don’t know.”

  Brantley’s arms dropped to his sides and he slowly nodded his head. I couldn’t look him in the eyes; I didn’t want my confusion to be evident.

  “He’s not right for you.”

  “I didn’t say I wanted him,” my voice wavered, making my insecurity evident.

  “He won’t treat you the way you deserve, Molly. Sure, I’ll admit having drunken sex in a strip club wasn’t the greatest idea I’ve had, but I want to actually get to know you after all this. There is something about you, Molly, that I just can’t get enough of, something that won’t go away easily.”

  A lump developed in my throat as I fought the urge to run. Breaking away from this moment was the only way I would be able to survive. I wasn’t looking for a relationship, and especially not with an up and coming rock star.

  “I can tell you are unsure, and that’s okay. So, let’s start out as friends,” Brantley said with a sweet smile.

  “Hi, I’m Molly Anne McGlenister,” I replied, sticking my hand out in front of me.

  “Brantley Nash.”

  Walking back out into the club, I noticed Reid wasn’t at any of the tables. The thought of him being in a private room made me sick, but after the exchange earlier, I knew those feelings needed to be squashed.

  “Beer?” Brantley asked, motioning to the bar.

  I reached for my phone and glanced at the time. It was almost two, and somehow I had to round up all the guys and get them back on the busses and on the road. Another beer would be fantastic since my buzz had basically been killed back there in the hallway.

  “We need to get going,” I mumbled as my eyes scanned the club for Tiny.

  “Well, didn’t that just ruin the night.”

  I let out a small laugh and nodded my head. Getting slammed up against the wall and teased with the assumption of sex had been fantastic, but I’m starting to think the altercation was somehow a saving grace in a weird sense of way.

  “I’ll go grab my guys and get them out. See you tomorrow?” Brantley asked, his eyes searching mine for an answer.

  “Thanks for the help
, and of course I’ll see you tomorrow,” I replied with a smile. Where this weird relationship we were starting would take us was a mystery, but there was a spark of curiosity deep down inside of me.

  Brantley flashed his lopsided grin and headed over to his band mates. Oh good golly was I in trouble now.

  I’m sure it would have been easier breaking into a chastity belt than what I had to go through to pull the boys away from titties and beer. As soon as I got a couple of them out the doors and into the car, I would walk back in and others would be gone. I saw more of that strip club than I cared to remember; glitter, latex, and pasties galore.

  “Have you seen Reid, Tiny? I can’t seem to find him,” I asked the giant man as he shoved a very drunk Brody into a car.

  “He went back to the bus like an hour ago.”

  Dread crept over me when I realized he apparently left after our little encounter and pissing match in the hallway. I knew he had issues with me and Brantley, but his dingle hopper was in and out of chicks at every pit stop. Not that Brantley and I had anything going on anyhow, but for serious, that man had issues.

  “That’s the last of them; care to join me in a nice quiet ride back to the busses?” Tiny questioned, holding the last remaining car door open.

  “Sounds fantastic,” I replied. This job was taxing not only on my body, but also my mind. Who would have known that babysitting rock stars was such a draining task? As much fun as I was having, all this craziness almost made me miss picking up dry cleaning and coffee.

  I should have realized that the crew bus wasn’t going to be waiting for just me tonight, and once again I was stuck riding with the boys of Black Laden.

  “Damn it,” I quietly cursed, getting out of the town car. You could hear the guys being all sorts of loud in the front of the bus, and it really made me want to beat the crap out of them. All I wanted was to enjoy the night, possibly get a little action, and sleep until like noon. Well, my night was going to suck. I got basically the girl version of blue balls, and there was going to be very little sleep happening with a bus full of drunken, stupid boys.

  “Don’t worry, I didn’t let any of the strippers come back with them,” Tiny commented before climbing on the bus.

  I snorted. “Well, that’s a bonus for tonight.” At least I wouldn’t have to play uber bitch and kick any chicks off tonight. Well, I guess it was technically morning now.

  “Oh Molly, I loved the little dance you so graciously blessed us with earlier. Tell me; were you a stripper in a past life?” Brody was beyond hammered, slouched over on one side of the couch.

  “Oh shut it, Brody,” Tysen snapped, offering me a sympathetic smile.

  “Congratulations, Brody, you saw my bra,” I muttered, taking the far end of the couch. I really wasn’t in the mood to deal with his bullshit, but unfortunately I didn’t have anywhere to escape on this bus.

  Ryder grabbed an acoustic that was sitting next to him, and softly started strumming some cords. To hear the melody emerge made me desperate for Simon. Sadly, he was stuck on the other bus where I should have been too.

  “Can I see it for a moment?” I asked Ryder, my eyes basically begged for a chance to let my fingers to touch the strings.

  “Um…………yeah sure. I haven’t really had time to tune it,” Ryder responded, holding the beauty out by the neck for me to take it.

  I eagerly snatched it away from his outstretched arms and gently cradled it in my lap. It was no Simon, but none the less it was still a great piece of wood. Quickly, my fingers strummed across the strings and instantly knew what knobs to turn. Twisting the tuning knobs to my satisfaction, I strummed my fingers over the strings again, relishing in the beautiful sound radiating out of the guitar.

  “So you play?” Tysen asked, his brows furrowed in question.

  “Yeah,” was all I managed to get out as my fingers instinctively positioned themselves for the chords to Journey’s Faithfully. The commotion on the once rowdy bus started to fade, and I continued to play, softly humming the lyrics to one of my favorite songs and closing my eyes, letting the music carry me away.

  The last chord rang out and I gently lifted my eyes, not ready to make eye contact with any of the guys just yet. It felt weird playing in front of these guys. I was confident in my guitar skills, and I knew my voice wasn’t horrible, but these guys were a platinum selling band.

  “Wow, I guess I didn’t expect that,” Tysen commented in shock.

  “How long have you been playing?” Ryder piped up, staring me directly in the eye.

  “I picked up the guitar when I was eleven. I was a complete wreck as a teenager and this kind of saved me in a sense.” I shrugged. Actually, I still was a wreck, just in a grown up body now.

  “She can play and dance, who would have known,” Brody slurred as he stood trying to make his drunken way down to the bunks.

  I offered the guitar back to Ryder, and he shook his head.

  “I’m going to bed; when you are done just set it down on the couch,” he stated, giving me a smile before walking into the darkness.

  I smiled and repositioned the guitar in my lap. Closing my eyes, I started to strum the chorus of Simple Man, letting my fingers once again take over and play something that was second nature to them. The bus was once again quiet as I softly played.

  “You’re good,” came Reid’s voice from the small kitchen. I didn’t even realize he was standing there; once again music had a way of capturing all my attention in its lullabies.

  “And that’s my cue to exit. Night, Molly,” Tysen commented, excusing himself from the moment.

  There was an awkward tension in the air; a feeling that I just couldn’t put my finger on. We didn’t really leave the club on the greatest of terms, but after all, I was an employee and nothing more. I offered a smile to Reid and returned my gaze to the guitar. Everything in me said just talk to the fricken man, but I still felt like a little girl who got scolded from the incident earlier. How could this man make me want to drop my pants one second, and then beg for his forgiveness the next, was beyond my comprehension.

  “Sorry, was I being too loud?” I asked Reid, keeping my eyes firmly locked on my fingers gripping the neck.

  “No, I wasn’t sleeping. Keep playing,” he demanded. His voice was stern, like it wasn’t a question if I should keep playing; it was a demand.

  My insides squirmed and my mind started to spin. The control this man had on me was unreal. I wanted to continue to play, but the stubborn child in me begged me to stop. I wanted to chuck this guitar and jump on the man, but at the same time the urge to stick my tongue out and give him the bird was completely taking over my mind.

  “What are you waiting for?”

  Coconuts, my body started to betray my mind and my fingers once again started to find their rhythm, taunting my mind and betraying my heart.

  I played for what felt like forever and my fingers started to cramp and ache. The entire time I had Reid’s complete attention. Whenever I managed to open my eyes and peek over at the man sitting across from me, his eyes automatically caught mine, like he was staring directly into the hidden parts of me. Music had always been a release, a sudden glimpse into my secret inner world; and this man found his way right into it.

  “So what other hidden talents do you possess, Molly Anne?” Reid smirked, finally leaning back into the couch.

  “Well, I am an excellent flame thrower and have dabbled in hypnosis.” I couldn’t help but laugh at my response. How easy it was to get lost in the music and leave yourself venerable; yet the second it stops the wall of protection was easily built right back up again. Reid laughed at my comment and motioned for me to hand over the guitar.

  “Here,” I whispered.

  Reid’s hand grazed mine in the exchange, instantly sending chills down my body. Yep, pretty sure I’m totally lame. I tried to stifle the yawn that escaped my lips as Reid started to strum the guitar.

  “Sleep, Molly Anne,” he spoke. This man had a dominatin
g side, and it made me never want to question his motives again.

  I nodded my head and stretched out on the couch, quietly listening to the amazing rock god, Reid, play softly in the background. If this didn’t screw with my head even more, then I’m sure I was already certifiable to begin with.

  Chapter 11: Does dating really exist anymore? Well………besides speed dating that is.

  The bus came to an abrupt stop and I immediately got introduced to the floor. Lucky for me, the ground was carpeted, and I landed on my back instead of flat on my face. Groaning, I slowly opened my eyes to the light slamming through the large windows. Closing my eyes again, I let out a loud sigh; this really wasn’t how I wanted to wake up this morning.

  “Coffee?” Reid snickered from the kitchen.

  I lifted my head off the floor and narrowed my eyes at the man standing there, holding out a coffee cup. I knew if I opened my mouth before coffee this morning, something absolutely bitchy and horrid would emerge, thus nodding my head and sitting up was the only logical response to go with.

  Reid walked over and offered a hand to help me up, and without hesitation I reached out and grabbed it. I’m sure there would have been butterflies, however this morning they were all dead………..or asleep…………..or maybe a mixture of both. Either way, all I wanted was that liquid goodness he was holding for me.

  “Thanks,” I grumbled, reaching for the cup and bringing it to my lips. The heat was scorching to my lips, but I didn’t care; I needed the strong cup of Joe to bring me back to the living.

  “Black right?”

  Nodding my head I took another long sip, savoring the flavor as it went down. My mood this morning was obviously sour, and I could bet it on the lack sleep I had been getting the last couple of days. This job was basically a twenty-four-seven kind of thing. Sure, I was making fantastic money and being around music was completely kick ass, but my mood was heading south quickly.


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