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Hot Southern Mess (Hide Your Crazy)

Page 12

by Hardenbrook, T. A.

  “Don’t worry, you will. I just want to enjoy it, rub my hands all over your naked body and suck on the places that make you moan.” Brantley dropped his head to the crevice of my neck, gently sucking on my soft skin. I couldn’t help but whimper from his touch. My body was dying for a release and he wanted to take it slow.

  “Just let me love you,” Brantley said slowly, running his hands under my shirt. His hands were cold on my hot skin, making me shiver at the slightest movement of his hands.

  “Raise your arms,” Brantley stated, staring directly into my eyes.

  I brought my arms up as he gently pulled the fabric up and over my head then letting it fall to the floor. My hands dropped and wrapped around his neck, pulling his face into mine.

  “Slow,” I mumbled, tasting his lips once again.

  “Slow,” he replied, letting his hands travel up my back to the clasp of my bra, unhooking it in an instant.

  Maybe I could do this ‘slow’ thing after all.

  Chapter 15 What? Do I look like Dorothy or something?

  I couldn’t get the images of last night out of my head, and the round this morning, oh, and I couldn’t forget the airport bathroom. The first go at it had been slow and sexual, the second was a little faster, and the third was like two sex deprived teenagers banging it out in the school bathroom. I much preferred the banging in the bathroom style, but it was nice slowing it down a little bit.

  “Something to drink, ma’am?”

  The flight attendants voice startled me out of my daydream, causing me to jolt awake and blush. If this woman only knew the thoughts in my mind right now, I’m sure they would be calling for a priest and some holy water.

  “Sorry, yeah um………water?”

  The flight attendant nodded and handed me a small bottle, accompanied with a cup of ice.

  “Thanks,” I babbled, trying hard to suppress the images of Brantley’s cock from my mind.

  “I’m so ready to go home,” Danielle, a wardrobe assistant, boasted, slinging back the remainder of whatever was in the small bottle.

  “I concur.” I’ve never been a fan of ice cold water; really, room temperature was what I preferred. One of the many weird little quirks I possessed.

  “So, I’ve noticed you and Brantley getting a little cozy while on tour.” Danielle laughed, turning in her seat to face me across the aisle.

  I tried to laugh, making light of the conversation. “We are just friends.”

  “Oh bullshit; don’t think I don’t see you guys looking all googly eyed at each other and humping when no one is around. I have a sixth sense for things like that, and trust me, girl, you are playing with his sword.”

  My eyes grew large as my body started to panic. It wasn’t like we were hiding hanging out together, but I really thought no one suspected we were having sex. Fuck, who am I kidding? He is a rock star and we have been gallivanting all around with each other.

  “For serious, I need a drink.”

  “Let’s go do something fun tomorrow. Besides, Halloween is coming up and we need costumes.” Danielle giggled.


  “Um………yeah. Are you living under a rock? They are throwing a huge party in Atlanta after the concert; costumes required.” She smiled a naughty grin.

  I hadn’t even thought about Halloween, considering all I did on the road was work for the most part. I’m sure I would have to play the babysitter for the bands and not really get to enjoy any of the night.

  “I’m thinking a girl scout…………..oooh……..maybe a naughty nurse for you?” Danielle squirmed in her seat, clapping her hands with excitement.

  I laughed. “There is no way I’m being either of those.” For one, short dresses weren’t exactly my thing. And second, I couldn’t pull something off like that. The person wearing those costumes needed to ooze sex appeal and while I rocked what my momma gave me, sex appeal wasn’t one of them.

  “Well it’s official, give me your address and I’ll swing by and pick you up for an afternoon of slutty fantastic fun!”

  I think I’m in trouble, I thought as I felt the plane touch down on the runway.

  The guys’ charter plane had landed a couple hours ago, so it was just a few other crew members waiting with me at the luggage return. Somehow I had finally caved on going shopping with Danielle tomorrow, and all I wanted to do was head to my little apartment in the U-district and crash. I don’t know what I was more excited about; my crappy little bed or the fact that there would be absolutely zero distractions. Ah, the joys of being home. Yep, Seattle was now my home. No matter where this job took me, coming back to Washington was now my home base. Sure, my family was still in Georgia, but I never considered that the place I was destined to put roots down in.

  “I’ll call you tomorrow,” Danielle shouted as she wheeled her bag through the large doors.

  I smiled and waved, glancing back at the carousel just in time to grab my bag from the conveyer belt. Hauling the large piece of luggage off the belt, I released the handle and set out to grab a cab. The vibration in my pocket signaled I had a text. I reached into my sweats to retrieve the evil piece of technology.

  *I have a couple forms that need to get to the office. They are extremely confidential, so I need you to come get them. Tiny should be outside in a black SUV waiting for you.*

  This number wasn’t familiar, and the person who sent the text didn’t say who it was. I almost had reservations about walking outside, but the texter did state that Tiny would be picking me up. It had to be someone from the company, considering they were using the company staff to pick me up.

  Stepping outside, I glanced down the waiting area full of yellow taxis for a black SUV, noticing a large shiny one a few hundred yards up. Rolling my suitcase behind me, I set out to see if this was my chariot.

  “Well, hey there, small one, long time no see,” Tiny joked as I got closer, holding his hand out to take my suitcase.

  “I just can’t seem to stay away from you, Tiny. Maybe I have a stalking problem,” I joked back, offering him my suitcase and pulling the strap for Simon off my back. Tiny hoisted the bag and Simon into the back, closing them quickly. He started to head to open my door when I shooed him away. I wasn’t the rock star; I didn’t need someone to open the door for me.

  “You make me feel like such a loser, Molly. A gentleman always opens the door for a lady.”

  “Well it’s a good thing I’m not a lady then.” I laughed, pulling open the front door of the cab. I felt like a tiny little dwarf inside the large vehicle; the seat almost swallowed me whole when I clipped my seatbelt into place. Tiny dashed around the car and climbed in, immediately darting out into traffic, causing my heart to fall right out of my ass in terror.

  “Good flight?” Tiny questioned.

  “Yeah, it was fine,” I replied, starring out the window.

  “Good, well it shouldn’t take us long to get to his place.”

  “Huh?” My phone vibrated again in my hand. Swiping my thumb across the lock screen, I noticed this one was from Brantley.

  *Don’t forget you’re coming with me tomorrow night; I’ll pick you up at seven.*

  “Reid’s place.” Tiny looked at me, confused, obviously not realizing I had no clue on who sent me the text message earlier.

  Just when I thought I was going to have a nice relaxing night at home, this got dumped on me. Hopefully, I could get it done quickly. Reid and I were back to a working relationship, and I planned on keeping it that way. He was a great musician; but as a male……………..well, he basically sucked.

  I forced a smile on my face and prayed that the conversation would just die, letting me ride in misery and self-wallow; knowing damn well that this request was going to be a nightmare.

  “Got plans while you’re back in town?” Tiny asked, breaking the blessed silence that I craved.

  “Nothing really exciting. Going shopping with Danielle, and maybe hit up an open mic night with Brantley,” I replied, shrug
ging my shoulders casually. I wanted a relaxed weekend, but I was sure once we reached Reid’s place my blood would boil, and, well, there went my time off.

  “I noticed you and Brantley spending a lot of time together,” Tiny teased, wiggling his eyebrows and puckering his lips.

  “Yeah, yeah.” He wasn’t the first person to point out my coziness with another rock star.

  Tiny chuckled and darted across several lanes, causing me to look for some ‘oh shit’ handles to hold on to. This wasn’t how I wanted to spend my very few days off; running errands for Reid, the pompous asshole.

  Tiny pulled the car up to a large iron gate and punched in a couple numbers on the pad, springing the gate open. The fall brought the darkness earlier here than down south; but the lights that lined the long windy driveway showed just enough light to realize this area was stunning. Tiny kept driving the car down the windy road, as we dropped further down an apparent hill. Suddenly a large glass house stood out in the distance, framed on either side of it by water and sparkling moonlight.

  “Holy fish sticks,” I muttered quietly. This place was absolutely spectacular. The windows stood floor to ceiling in the massive two story structure. Only a few lights were on in the house, letting the lake shine through the remaining visible windows. The sight was unquestionably breath taking, as Tiny pulled into the circular drive through, shut off the engine, and turned with a large shit eating grin.

  “Reid said to just head in when you got here,” Tiny exclaimed, nodding to the large metal double door in the front of the house.

  “Uh……..okay,” I said, still in shock of this place. Of course he was a rock star that had money, but I really didn’t expect this. I grew up with money, and lived in some pretty large places as well. But there was something completely different about this residence. This wasn’t just some shell, this was a real home.

  The dark walkway was lit up by sparkling torches every few feet; bringing a glowing effect to the dark stained concrete. The entry way had only a single light centered above the double doors, letting the darkness creep through the large glass panes that flanked each side of the doors. I know Tiny said to walk in, but that totally felt intrusive and rude. A house like this is already an open book with all the glass; I would hate for someone to just come strolling into my sanctuary.

  “Just walk in, Molly; I’m betting he is out on the back deck,” Tiny yelled from the car.

  Letting out a sigh, I reached for the handle and pushed one of the doors open, stepping into a long dark hallway.

  “Um…………hello? Reid?” I called out into the darkness. My voice echoed in the emptiness, causing a shudder to roll down my skin. Tiny said he must be out on the back deck, and considering the house was facing the lake, if I just kept walking straight I was bound to run into the other wall.

  From what I could see in the darkness the house was immaculate. Modern furniture scattered the rooms, and paintings littered the interior walls. This wasn’t a bachelor pad; it was a fully designed masterpiece. “Holy shit,” I muttered, as I walked into the kitchen. I have never really been able to cook, considering I grew up with a chef and when I lived on my own eating out and microwave meals were staples in my lifestyle. However, this kitchen made me want to become domestic, shit I would wear an apron just to play house in this kitchen.

  Out of the corner of my eye a fire roaring outside caught my attention. Reid must be out there enjoying the quietness of the scenery. Glancing around, I noticed an almost hidden glass door that looked like it led to the back deck. Careful to not get my grubby little finger smudges on the perfect glass; I pushed my way out into the cool October air.

  “Hey,” Reid called out from the lower deck, closer to the fire.

  “Hi; you needed me to take care of some paperwork?” If I thought the view from the front of his house was breathtaking, someone might as well shoot me on the spot. Nothing could top this view from where I was standing now.

  “Come sit,” Reid called out, motioning to a chair next to him by the fire.

  Those damn butterflies started to attack my stomach, and beating them into submission was not an easy option. Carefully, I made it down the few steps to the lower deck, taking the seat next to Reid. As much as I’ve tried to deny the feelings I’ve had for this man, I couldn’t. Sure, he was an absolute pig; knocking boots with a slew of women since that night in the hotel room. But for some reason my mind made justification for that behavior; blaming it on the inner rock star.

  I took a small shallow breath and turned to face him. His black zip-up sweatshirt with the hood pulled up over his head fit his upper body tightly. It was strange seeing this man in a loose fitting pair of charcoal grey sweats, but even in his casualness, he was still one of the hottest creatures on this planet.

  “Did you have a good flight?”

  “Yep.” Once again, my conversation skills lacked something fierce in this conversation.

  “Good,” Reid replied, turning his attention back to the water. It was unquestionably one of the prettiest places I had ever been. The moonlight shining on the large body of water a mere five-hundred yards from the deck was remarkable. Why anyone would leave this place and tour was beyond my comprehension.

  “So, you have some papers for me? I’m sure Tiny would like to get back to whatever he was doing,” I said quietly, still unsure of how to interact with the man sitting next to me.

  “Not really; I lied.” He shrugged, his eyes still focused on the lake.

  “Oh,” I replied in shock. If he didn’t have anything for me to deliver, then what was I doing here?

  “I just wanted you here.”

  “Oh, well, Tiny is waiting in the car,” I mumble, forcing myself to stand.

  “Sit down. Tiny already left,” Reid said sternly, looking up into my eyes.

  It was like I was a trained dog; immediately I sat on command, hoping to get rewarded with a treat for doing what was told. The sexual tension between us was electric. If a spark had ignited, the whole area would have gone up in damn flames. I hated that he had such control over me, considering he had basically ignored me the last couple weeks.

  I had to convince myself that tonight wasn’t what I wanted. I wanted an evening with Brantley tomorrow, and tonight couldn’t happen.

  Reid offered his hand, and without thinking my arm betrayed my mind, and willing gave my hand over. Apparently, my mind had no say in what my body did tonight.

  Chapter 16: What’s a little sex between friends?

  “There was something about you Molly Anne. I can’t quiet put my finger on what the attraction is to you, but it’s there.”

  “Wow, that was like a backhanded compliment,” I scoffed, jerking my hand away from Reid’s clutches. This man confused the hell out of me. One minute he could be a total gentleman, and the next a raging asshole who I wanted to throat punch. I refused to battle the Jekyll and Hyde attitude he gave off.

  “Knock it off, Molly Anne; you know exactly what I mean.”

  “Really, Reid? Because you say one thing, yet mean the next. One minute you’re totally civil and nice to me, and the next you shun me like I’m a walking disease. I’ve offered you nothing but friendship, and really, I’m thinking it’s kind of a one sided thing now. I can’t keep putting in the effort when it’s a fifty-fifty shot if you’re going to respond.”

  Reid folded his arms across his stomach and focused back on the water. The silence out here was defining. I wanted to scream at the man; say something, anything at all. But the silence lingered.

  “This is my absolute favorite spot in the entire world. Right here, on my deck, staring out at the water. Even with as much traveling as I’ve done all the different cities, the beautiful sights, the amazing people I’ve encountered nothing really beats being home.” Reid sighed, still focusing on the water.

  I should be angry with him. Fire should be shooting out of my mouth and laser beams radiating from my eyes. I just verbally dumped everything I was holding in when it came
to my feelings, and he was so calm and relaxed. I should get up and walk out, letting the door slam when I reached the house. But I don’t. For some unknown reason, I continued to sit there, in the dark, watching the man that made me angrier than an elephant getting Botox, zone out in the beauty.

  “I always come back here. Having something to come back to can erase all the bad that happens during the time away; a magical healing power in a girly kind of way,” Reid snickered, turning to look at me.

  “Why are you crying, Molly Anne?” Concern showed on Reid’s face as he reached out and grabbed my hands.

  “So, you are human.” I tried to laugh, removing my hands from Reid’s and wiping the tears away from my eyes. This man was five million times complicated. He put on that tough exterior and rocked it to its fullest, not once letting the cracks of the years show through his facade. Getting the opportunity to see what he kept hidden was a moment to cherish for a lifetime. Even if we may never cross paths again after this tour, I can truly say I got the privilege to know the man behind the rock star.

  “You completely confuse and infatuate me all at the same time, Reid; you know that?” I laugh, shaking my head at the madness of the situation.

  Reid flashed me a smile that melted me on the spot. If anyone would have told me twelve hours ago I would be sitting outside, watching the moonlight with Reid, I would have told them they were fricken’ nuts. Now, the only nuts that were obvious were the ones rattling up in my empty head.

  “Beer?” Reid asked.

  “That sounds fantastic,” I replied with a soft smile. I had no clue where tonight was going, but I knew it would all be okay in the end.

  “You guys seriously thought you wouldn’t get arrested?” I said between laughing hysterics. We had been trading stupid stories for the last hour, tipping beer after beer back and enjoying the company.

  “Well, we thought since we were, you know, famous that they wouldn’t tell us no.” Reid chuckled, leaning back on the ends of his barstool.


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