Model Attraction

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Model Attraction Page 12

by Sharon C. Cooper

  His surprised expression would have been comical had this not been a serious situation.

  “I take it this is Austin Reynolds,” Nelson said once he recovered. “The man you’ve been playing kissy face with while in Atlanta.”

  “Be careful, Nelson.” Janna stood next to Austin. Nelson might have been almost like a father to her over the years, but she wouldn’t stand for him belittling or disrespecting either of them.

  She and Austin had already talked about her not seeking out a new manager and giving Nelson another chance. But she’d figured she’d let her manager stew for a while, knowing he wouldn’t give her up without a fight. By showing up at her place before she could settle in, his actions were as she predicted. They’d had their share of disagreements over the years and she’d fired him a number of times. He always came back days later as if nothing happened. And she always took him back.

  “I’m sorry, all right? I owe you both an apology.”

  “Yeah, you do,” Austin said and snaked his arm around Janna’s waist. “And for the record, we might have been young, but we were very clear about our feelings for each other.”

  “The only way I’ll accept you back in my life, Nelson, is if you promise to never do anything like that again. Austin means everything to me. If you ever come between us again, you’ll be very sorry.”

  Janna had no intention of letting anyone or anything interfere again. Ever.

  * * *

  “Drop your head back slightly and tilt it toward me so that I can get a glimpse of the diamond-studded earrings in this shot,” the photographer said to Janna and he snapped shot after shot.

  For the past hour, Austin had watched as Janna showed why she was one of the most sought-after models in the industry. She smiled, smirked and at times laughed out loud during the photo session as if she were having the time of her life. Most times the photographer let her do her own thing and just took pictures. She was clearly in her element.

  The photographer stopped and pointed out a few things on his computer screen to Janna.

  “I’ll have the contact sheet available later. If you want, I’ll let you take a look at the proofs before I send them over to the client,” he said.

  “Kenny, you’re the best,” Janna gushed and hugged him. “I know you don’t do this for just anyone, but thanks for looking out.”

  While they talked, Austin watched her as she gave her opinions about the various frames. Some days he still couldn’t believe she was back in his life. And in the two days they’d been in New York, she’d shown him how invested she was in her career. He’d already known how hard she worked, but for the past day and a half, he’d witnessed it.

  The photographer took a couple of additional shots as per Janna’s request. Austin’s heart swelled with pride. She was exquisite. He didn’t even want to think about what the world would have missed out on had she not pursued this career choice. The plans they had made years ago were good, but he could honestly say he was glad she’d gone after her dream. It would have been selfish of him to not share her, that gorgeous face and her beautiful spirit. His mother often said that anything meant to be would be, and he now knew Janna was meant to be a model.

  “Hey, baby.” Janna walked up to him and threw her arms around his neck, planting a noisy kiss against his mouth. “I’ll probably need another hour. Do you want to stick around?”

  He had come directly from having breakfast with a potential client to the studio, unable to go another minute without seeing her. Yes, he was tired after a week of submitting proposals and reworking budgets, but being with her always gave him extra energy.

  “I’ll wait.”

  “So what do you think about all of this?” She waved her arms around at the space.

  “I think it’s cool, and I think you’re absolutely amazing.” He kissed her lovingly. It was as if he hadn’t just seen her hours earlier. He couldn’t wait to get her alone.

  “You say the sweetest things.”

  Instead of responding, he kissed her again. With that gesture he wanted her to feel everything he felt for her without having to utter a word.

  “Wow, you must be really happy to see me.” She smiled sweetly once he let her up for air. “Oh, and I want a repeat of that when we get out of here. I should be done soon and then I’m all yours.”

  Austin watched her walk away. The gentle sway of her hips was hypnotic, soul stirring. This woman, this sweet, sexy, dazzling woman, was his. He felt so blessed that they’d been given a second chance, and every day he fell more and more in love with her. The strong feelings he still had for her didn’t freak him out as much as they had weeks ago. In fact, the thought of having to leave her in a couple of days made him feel ill.

  Austin stepped over to the industrial-size windows and stared down at the busy Manhattan traffic. After several business trips there in the past year, New York was starting to grow on him. The energy, the glamour, the endless amount of things to do—all of it was slowly seeping into his bones.

  Now that Janna was back in his life, it was starting to look even more appealing. He’d never thought he could do a long-distance relationship. Actually, he’d never wanted to, but after spending those weeks in Atlanta with Janna, he couldn’t bear the thought of letting her go. Not knowing how things would progress or if they could make this work, he had to try.

  He turned from the window and watched as she posed for the camera. He wanted forever with her.

  But did she want the same thing? He hadn’t asked, for fear of her thinking that he was moving too fast. The last thing he wanted to do was scare her off by discussing forever too soon.

  Chapter 11

  Austin sat in awe. It seemed as if his mouth hung open most of the evening whenever Janna strutted down the catwalk at the charity fashion show. Even after four months of dating and traveling to New York, experiencing life in her world, she was still able to surprise him.

  She paraded to the end of the stage, her confidence shining through like a beacon in the night, commanding and holding the attention of everyone in attendance. She made a few twists and turns, showing off the intricate design of the garment she was wearing. His heart galloped when she struck a pose, smiled brightly and winked at him before turning and heading back. That’s when his heart stopped completely. The serious dip in the back of the dress plunged to the top of her perfectly round ass, almost showing way more than he was comfortable with everyone seeing.

  He stuck his finger between the collar of his shirt and neck, trying to loosen the suddenly tight fit. She had to know what effect the outfit would have on him. He didn’t dare look around at any of the other men in attendance, sure that they’d had the same reaction.

  Before he could recover from the previous outfit, she returned, wearing an equally provocative pantsuit. Though it covered a little more of her body, it was clear that she wasn’t wearing underwear.

  Maybe attending a fashion show after not seeing her for two weeks wasn’t a good idea.

  He sat in a constant state of arousal each time she stepped foot on the stage. He had arrived in New York a few hours ago, unable to get an earlier flight. They’d only had a few minutes to squeeze in a quickie before she had to leave for the fashion show. Even with that release, his body was wound tighter than an oil drum, and he couldn’t wait to get her all to himself.

  When all of the models stepped out on stage for the grand finale, the crowd erupted in applause. He was clapping and whistling louder than any one. Granted, the show was awesome, but he couldn’t wait to get the hell out of there so that he could worship Janna’s exquisite body.

  After months of dating, everything was working better than he could have imagined. As he was a planner by nature, there wasn’t a day that went by that he didn’t think about their next steps. He wanted more, yet he hadn’t figured out how they both could
get what they wanted. But he would.

  As agreed, Austin waited for Janna in the foyer of the elegant hotel, surrounded by people dressed as if they should have been in the show. The more Austin experienced Janna’s world, the more he was convinced that she was doing exactly what she was meant to do.

  “Hey, baby. I saw you clapping and whistling. I guess you liked the show.” She kissed him before giving him a chance to respond. This was probably her way of keeping him from saying anything about her skimpy outfits, and damn if her distraction wasn’t working.

  “I loved it,” he said when she ended the kiss.

  “I knew you would.” She looped her arm through his. “We have to hurry. I want to stop home real quick before we head to the after-party.”

  Twenty minutes later, Austin had to admit that he’d thought her reason for wanting to stop home was to finish where they left off earlier. In each other’s arms. Instead, he was sitting in one of the upholstered chairs in her bedroom, waiting for her to finish changing into something more appropriate for the after-party.

  He dropped the magazine he was sifting through and sat back, stretching his legs out in front of him. His eyes drifted closed. If she didn’t hurry up, he would be out for the count. No sooner than the thought crossed his mind, he heard the bathroom door open.


  His eyes grew large and he sat speechless.

  The slim-fitting dress that stopped just above her knees had open, two-inch squares that started at the sides of her breasts and went down each side of her body. The sexy outfit, with the deep V in the front and the back, barely covered her assets and would definitely catch attention.

  “Well?” she asked again, impatience in her voice. She twisted and turned again to give him another look, as if he hadn’t already memorized every inch of the garment.

  “I think I’m not letting you out of this apartment.”

  Janna stopped moving and looked at him as if trying to determine if he was for real.

  “You’re not serious.”

  “The hell if I’m not! You have fifty million dresses in that store you call a closet. I’m sure you can find something that’s a little less...less,” he stuttered, “no, not less, but something with more material. A lot more. Every man with a pulse will be drooling over you in that dress.”

  Janna strutted up to him, smiling. “Sometimes you drive me nuts with your overprotectiveness, or is it possessiveness? At any rate, you sure are cute when you’re all riled up.”

  He frowned, not appreciating the fact that she wasn’t taking him seriously.

  “Just think, with me in this dress, hanging all over you tonight, you’ll be the envy of every man at the party.” She gave him a quick peck and ignored the low growl as she walked away to put the finishing touches on her look. “Oh, and by the way, I’m not wearing any underwear.”

  * * *

  The air was electrified with energy when they pulled up to the warehouse-like building, one of the hottest spots in the city. The nightclub often booked some of the world’s most famous DJs, and no doubt Grand Master Rock-It had already started turning it up. Janna could hear the music all the way outside.

  “Are you sure you’re up for this?” she asked Austin when he helped her out of the vehicle. Limo after limo pulled up to the building, dropping off some of America’s most famous people.

  “About as ready as I’ll ever be,” Austin grumbled, making a face that almost made her laugh out loud. He was such a trouper. The day had been a whirlwind and she had yet to welcome him back to her city the way she wanted to. A quiet evening at home would have been nice, but she had already committed to the charity fashion show and after-party. Besides, she was dying to wear her L.J. Owens original. It was a gift from the up-and-coming designer for agreeing to do the show at the last minute. Considering he was donating 40 percent of the proceeds to a charity that supported foster children, she couldn’t refuse.

  “Come on. Let’s dance.”

  Janna pulled a reluctant Austin to the middle of the floor as soon as they stepped into the establishment. He knew how to dance. It just wasn’t something he necessarily enjoyed.

  The moment they found a good spot, the music changed to a slow jam.

  “Now this is what I’m talking about,” Austin said huskily and pulled her against his body. “I’ve been wanting to have you rubbed up against me since seeing you step out on that stage in that first outfit.”

  Janna smiled up at him and looped her arms around his neck. She loved being close to him. She loved him. He had yet to say those three magic words, but his actions spoke just as loudly. Janna was pretty sure they felt the same about each other. She just wished he’d say it.

  “God, you smell good.” Austin nuzzled her neck as they moved in perfect sync, as if they’d been dancing together forever.

  “Thank you. And may I say, you’re looking sexy as hell in your tux.”

  “Sexy enough for you to want to go home right now and rip it off me?”

  She threw her head back and laughed. “Yep, but we’re not leaving yet. I will say, though, when I get you home, it’s on.” She gave an exaggerated wink, eliciting a laugh from him.

  Oh, yeah, she planned to have a real good time with him.

  * * *

  Austin felt as if he’d been gritting his teeth for the past hour as he escorted Janna around the multilevel nightclub. Every eye had been on them from the moment they stepped through the door. No, make that the moment Janna stepped through the door. He’d admit that she looked good—damn good—but having so much attention on them had him holding his breath most of the night.

  They strolled past a wall with floor-to-ceiling mirrors and he groaned inwardly at their reflection. She was clearly trying to give him a heart attack by wearing the too-revealing, too-tight, too-damn-sexy dress. And to tell him she wasn’t wearing any underwear was downright cruel. It was taking every bit of willpower he had not to pull her into the nearest broom closet and have his way with her.

  Janna tugged on his arm and he leaned close in order to hear her over the music that seemed to get louder by the minute.

  “Why don’t we go up to the VIP lounge? It’s not as crowded and we’ll be able to hear each other without yelling over the music.”

  “Sounds good. Lead the way.”

  Austin had never been the type to react to seeing famous people, but the A-listers in attendance did make him take a second glance. Though it was childish, he couldn’t wait to brag to his brother about not only seeing, but meeting, some of their favorite actors.

  “Now, isn’t this better?” Janna said when they arrived in the area that was less crowded and definitely not as noisy.

  “Much.” He didn’t bother asking her why she had just suggested it. He knew. Tonight she wanted to be seen. Supposedly the guy who designed her dress was the next big thing in fashion and her new favorite designer.

  Though Austin had been taken aback by the dress she was wearing, he was tempted to commission the guy to make Janna a few more outfits. For his eyes only, of course.

  “Do you want another glass of wine?” Austin asked, his hand at the small of her back, his mouth only inches from hers.

  “That’ll be nice, but someone should be walking around with...” Her voice trailed off and she stiffened next to him.

  “What’s wrong?” He squeezed her waist and then followed her gaze.

  “What is she doing here?” she ground out a heartbeat before the second most beautiful woman Austin had ever seen approached them.

  “Hello, Janna.”


  Chapter 12

  All Janna could do was stare at the woman who gave birth to her. She shouldn’t have been surprised that she would show up, but she had hoped their most recent encounter would have been thei
r last one.

  “It’s nice to see you,” Phoenix said, vulnerability in her eyes. “I love your dress.”

  Had Phoenix been anyone else, Janna would have said the same to her. The soft blue strapless maxi dress with the deep side split, which appeared to be Versace, was absolutely stunning. Instead, she said, “Thank you.” And snapped her mouth shut to ensure she wouldn’t say something she’d regret later.

  “Can you give us a moment?” Phoenix asked her date, a man young enough to be her son. Janna had seen him at a few events in New York but didn’t know his name.

  Phoenix glanced at Austin as if expecting him to leave them, but Janna touched his arm before he could move away.

  “Please stay,” she said to Austin, but she wasn’t compelled to introduce them. “Phoenix, we have nothing to talk about. Your appearances and your need to say anything to me are starting to get a little old.”

  “Janna, why are you doing this?” Her voice was low and almost pleading. “I just want us to be friends, but you won’t even accept any of my phone calls.”

  “That should be a clue that I don’t want to talk to you. As a matter of fact, like I’ve said on more than one occasion, I want nothing to do with you. Why can’t you just accept that?”

  “Because I’m your mother!”

  Anger pulsed through Janna’s veins. “You are not my mother,” she ground out between gritted teeth, feeling Austin move closer. She inched toward Phoenix and whispered, “The day you relinquished your parental rights was the day you became dead to me.”

  Phoenix reared back as if she’d been slapped, her hand quivering against her chest. Janna was almost taken in by the hurt in the woman’s eyes. Almost. She wasn’t fooled. Phoenix was a world-renowned actress and no doubt she was putting on her best performance.

  “I was so young,” she said softly, her voice raspy with emotion. “I couldn’t raise a child on my own. I tried. God knows I tried. But once you started school, it was too much...too hard to juggle waitressing and casting calls. I had no family. There was no one I could count on to help me. I thought I could get myself together and come back for you, but—”


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