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Luciano's Willing Captive

Page 5

by C. M. Steele

  “Now come here, there is only so much lust for my wife that can be quenched with my hand.” He pounced on me with a growl. We made love into the wee hours of the morning.

  Chapter 9

  The past month has been a-fucking-mazing with my Amber. We have made love and fucked in every place we could find. Once I caught her while she was getting a glass of water in the kitchen in the middle of the night. I had her spread out over the island as I ate her pussy.

  “Luciano, are you thirsty, too?” Damn woman was learning to be my dirty girl so I rewarded her naughtiness with a spank on the ass. Then I turned her over and fucked her doggy style as I bit down on her neck and held on to her gorgeous breasts. Another had been when she had gotten out of our swimming pool and the water was dripping down her body, I couldn’t resist. She was wearing a pink bikini that showed off all her goods. I had been pissed because I had my men roaming the house, so I taught her a lesson. I sent everyone one away from the pool area and I took her to the lounge chairs, then laid her over my thighs and gave her a good couple of whacks on her round wet bottom. “Let me know that you are going to dress like that to swim and everyone will be out of view except Rosa or me. I don’t want others looking at what’s mine.” I lifted her off me and undid my pants. I wasn’t feeling patient at that moment, so I slid her panties to the side as I had her slide down my pole and ride my cock while I gripped her sore bottom. Yep, living with my wife is great.

  Business was doing well, too. The Russians calmed the fuck down and I had fewer problems to deal with in my day to day shit. Vladmir Zarachenko was the leader of the Russians and after a brief but fruitful phone call, we straightened some stuff out, though they do want to meet today. I have changes in the works for me and I am hoping to be able to execute them with ease.

  Enzo has been obeying my every command, though I still don’t trust him, especially when it comes to Amber. I noticed the bruising on her breast that first night in the shower. I didn’t say anything because I knew what she had been through was difficult, and I wanted to show her love instead of the violence that that bastard had bestowed on her. My uncle has recovered from his pneumonia, and I am tempted to cap Enzo’s ass if he even looks at my love one more time.

  My girls spent a lot of time together. They had taken my wife out to shop twice now, but not without a whole crew of guards on their asses. There was still her father, right now he was laying low, but I didn’t know if and when his ass would strike. The hospital incident rumors have been buzzing and his popularity has gone down fast. When you back an animal into a corner, you never know what to expect, so I am trying to stay alert.

  I was getting ready for the day, I had a meeting with my dad about taking the girls on a surprise trip and another very important topic that will affect the both of us and the entire operation. My girl has been getting annoyed about not going out much. She complains that when I am not here there is nothing for her to do. I told her to learn her damn Italian, but she hasn’t wanted to since I told her ass college was out of the question right now. She said when she goes to school then she will learn. Sometimes she can be a real brat. I forget that she is still a teen sometimes, she is smart for her age, but I spoil her ass and now she thinks she can get away with shit. She thinks if she pouts enough she will get some freedom, not going to happen.

  Before we got together she had friends, now I haven’t let her out of the house but those few times. Her friends call her all the time, but since she can’t hang out, they are going out without her. What the fuck am I supposed to do? I want her to have friends, but they are going to clubs and shit and hell if she is doing that. First, her ass is only eighteen and there are way too many fuckers out there that would want her pretty young ass, making a lot of motherfuckers targets. Second, I got enemies and until I can get rid of them or end our marriage, which isn’t going to fucking happen, then she is going to have to get used to sitting in the house being a good little wife.

  “Luciano, we need to talk. I need to get out of this house. What do you expect me to do all day, just sit around and twiddle my thumbs while you go out and do whatever it is you do?” She crossed her arms and pouted like a little kid. I wanted to laugh, but I was seriously getting tired of the argument.

  “What has gotten into you? We already had this discussion and you know how I hate repeating myself. You are growing claws sweetheart and you need to stop that shit. What part of ‘it’s dangerous out there’ did you not understand?”

  “What the hell? There is no give with you. I am either on my back or on my knees with you. I get nothing else. I thought it would be better to live with you than with my dad, but at least with the asshole I got to see the outside world.”

  “Don’t you ever compare me to your father! I am doing this to protect you.” I turned back to the mirror and finished tying my tie with frustration.

  I turned back to her once I was done. “What the fuck! Don’t give me that dirty ass look. I don’t have time for this shit. I have to go.”

  “Just go, Luciano.” I tried to give her a kiss goodbye and she turned her head on me.

  “Fine. I will see you when I get home.” I turned to look at my wife and felt like something was about to go wrong, but I still walked out that door. How I will live to regret it forever.

  Chapter 10

  “What the fuck?!” I shouted out as I was attacked outside my meeting with the Russians. Vito was lying on the ground with a bullet in his chest and next thing I know, I was being knocked the fuck out by three of my men.

  When I woke, I thought I was in a nightmare. I was tied to a chair and directly in front of me on the bed was my wife, bloody, unconscious, and naked. The bed she was on was new to the room, but everything else that I could see was the same. They brought us to the ‘cell’. If I get out of here, I am going on a rampage. Blood will be everywhere when I am done.

  “Amber, wake up, baby, please, baby.” I whispered to her. I needed to find a way out. I looked around and that is when I saw him. Fucking prick! I should have ended his ass a long time ago. He crept towards me from the dark corner in the room. He stood right in front of me and gave me a sharp blow to my face. “Hmmm… I seem to remember we were here not too long ago, but now I am in charge.”

  “Look who is finally awake. Are you ready for the show, cousin?” He smiled at me, and I was never more afraid than I was right now. Lying helpless was my wife, my world. She was starting to stir, and he made his way towards her and leaned down onto the bed.

  “Fuck you, Enzo. You are going to fucking pay for this.” I was wiggling in my chair with blood dripping down my face.

  “Yeah, yeah. I don’t think so. I have it all wrapped up nice and tight here. No one besides my guys know you are here. The Russians are being taken care of as we speak since your pops believes that they have you. And look what we have here, your delectable wife. I thoroughly enjoyed taking off her clothes. I am going to allow you to watch as I fuck your wife into submission, and it will be up to you as to whether or not she lives after.” The sinister fucker laughed.

  “Don’t you fucking touch her!” I was trying to jump out of my chair. I don’t care what he does to me, but I can’t take it if he hurts her. I was stuck, the ropes were tied tight, but I was still going to try. I needed to get to my girl and protect her.

  “Wake up, sleeping beauty. Look, Amber, I have someone here to see you.” He lifted her head, she was barely conscious. Seeing her husband tied to the chair jolted her awake. “No! Let him go! How could you?” She tried to fight him off, but she was no match for him with her hands bound. He smacked her across the face. I growled at him to let her go, but it was no use. I continued to try and get out of my seat, but it wasn’t working. It was then he flipped her on her back and opened his pants and rammed himself into my Amber. I can hear her screams echoing in the ‘cell’. I think my heart just shattered. “Amber!”

  “Ha! Yes, you little bitch take it! Look, Luc, I am doing what I wanted from the first time I sa
w her. God, she feels great. No wonder you can’t pay attention long enough to know you were being set up. Your men were no longer loyal to you. What a few good lies in the right ears can do, I tell ya. Shit, you have to excuse me, cousin, but your wife’s pussy needs my attention.” He gripped her hips and pounded away.

  “I am going to kill you. I will gut you and chop you into pieces, you motherfucker.”

  “You know, don’t worry, I will take good care of your widow. I think I will keep her ass tied here until I knock her up with my baby. You know my wife turned up missing this morning. She will be found later and guess who will take the fall for it? You! Yes, I got my next wife right here.” He pulled her up and squeezed her breasts.” I will let everyone know it was payback for killing my wife.”

  Yanking her hair to lift her head, he licked her neck and said in a loud whisper, “You know that this is his entire fault. We both saw you that day in the limo, and my cousin here couldn’t hide his attraction to you. My guy here followed Vinnie and Vito and guess who they were watching? You. It was too easy, you are his weakness. The one person who could destroy him and I am enjoying it so much. Your boyfriend Grimes did a good job of getting you distracted so we could nab your sweet ass.” He continued to ram her as she begged and cried out for him to stop.

  “Get the fuck off her!” I was still trying to get my hands unbound. I had just started making progress when Frankie came up behind me and held me still.

  “I thought you said I would have a turn, boss.” Frankie called over me to Enzo as he watched my wife being raped. I couldn’t control the tears of hot rage as I watched her give up and take it while silently crying. It was then the fucker nutted inside her.

  “I changed my mind you can have my little cousin Bianca since it would be fucked up and sick for me to hit it.” The crazy bastard wanted to rape my sister too. I hope my dad finds out the truth before it is too late to save Bianca.

  That was when the door handle blew off and all hell broke loose. It was the Russians and my dad with Vinnie and four other goons. My father popped Enzo in the shoulder and threw him to the ground away from Amber while Vladmir, the head of the Russian crew, cut the ropes off me. Vinnie grabbed a sheet and covered Amber. As soon as I got out of my seat Vladmir handed me a gun. “Bye, Frankie.” I put a bullet in that fucker’s head. Everything happened so fast, I didn’t think, I just reacted. Enzo was tied up and gagged as I ran to my wife. We will deal with him later.

  “We need to get her to the hospital.” I called out as I looked at my broken Amber. Damn it! I did this to her. I should have been there. I felt something was wrong and I didn’t stay. Enzo got to her, fuck, how?

  “The ambulance is on its way, son. We need to move them before it gets here. Better yet, let Vinnie carry your wife outside and to the limo. We will take her to the hospital ourselves.”

  “Are you out of your mind? No one touches her but me.” I picked her up, the pain from being tied up and beaten was nothing compared to the pain radiating in my heart.

  I sat next to her hospital bed as I waited for her to wake up, but she hadn’t so far. I cried for a while and it had taken some time for me to get my head together. I finally stood up and walked to my father and asked how he knew where to find us.

  “It was Vito and the Russians who called me. Vito gave the phone to Vladmir with my number ringing already and told them that they took you to the ‘cell’ before he passed out. I am sorry I didn’t get there in time.” He looked in on my wife from the door as we talked. “What are you going to do, son?” His concern was great, but I didn’t need pity. I needed to go back in time and not left her alone this morning. I needed to have gutted Enzo after that first night. I needed to have walked away when I first seen her instead of having my guys pursue her.

  Division among the family was big. Dissention among my men had led to my wife being brutalized. No one is supposed to attack a wife of the mob, or else it is war. This was a big fucking deal in our world. Heads would roll, and I am sure there are some that helped orchestrate this that fled, but I will find their asses.

  “Well, like we discussed earlier, I wanted out, wanted a clean life so Amber would be free to be normal, but I don’t think she will be normal again. Damn it, he raped her and all I could do was watch. You have no idea what that is like. It was my fault Enzo noticed my interest in her from the start. She deserves better than me, Dad. I don’t know if he left his baby in her, but I am going to give her the freedom she wanted. I can’t even protect her in our own home.”

  “Son, think it through. Going straight will be good, but giving her up, do you really want to do it?” He could see the pain in me. I walked back to her and took her hand in mine, rubbing her wedding ring, the symbol of her surrender to me, her condemnation.

  “Yes, I have to, Dad. He raped her. He broke her.” That was all I got out when she started to move her fingers in mine. I wanted to yell and scream at the injustice of it all, but she needed to be safe and that didn’t include a life with me. I will make sure she is well provided for and then I will let her lead a life without me. God, just saying it breaks my heart, but after what I saw today. The pain, the fear, and the resignation, I couldn’t force her to live through a life of fear because of me, the cause for all her anguish.

  She started to toss and turn so they gave her some medicine to ease the pain. When she was conscious again, we spoke briefly about her pain. It wasn’t long before she asked me for a divorce. I wanted to fight, cry, kick, and scream out that she couldn’t leave me when just a little while ago I told my father I was going to let her go. I didn’t fight it. I just agreed to it and walked out the door. I wanted to kiss her goodbye, but what good would that do. I needed a clean break.

  I left her with protection of the men I trusted. She would always have it, but I didn’t want to know anything about her. I didn’t want to know if she found another man and had a family with him, I couldn’t handle it. I loved her so damn much, and I had to do what was right for her and not be a selfish prick, but I wasn’t going to stand by and watch as she moved on. I wanted to crawl under a rock and die already. I understand why she wanted to leave, look at what being with me did to her. I didn’t give her a choice to be in this with me, but I am giving her a chance to leave and she’s taking it. I am broken.

  Chapter 11

  It’s been two months and I have not heard from Luciano. The divorce has not been finalized because my lawyer is still waiting to hear from his. I have seen articles about him in the paper over the last month about a legal venture he is pursuing. I couldn’t read more because I was afraid to read about him and his next Mrs. Rossi. I am sure he would be looking soon for my replacement.

  I haven’t told him about the baby. After the conversations I overheard, he wanted this. First the conversation with his father about leaving me, then when he was in the hallway with the doctor and talked about the possibility of me carrying Enzo’s baby, I knew it was over. I said I wanted a divorce before he could utter those words to me and destroy the part of my heart that wasn’t already broken. I still love him so much that it gets hard to breathe sometimes. He was everything to me.

  To him I had been nothing more than a possession, but like with most toys that get broken, you just get rid of them and get replacements. I cry myself to sleep every night in my little apartment in the city, remembering those words ‘He broke her’. I have money that he left for me and have started to apply to schools. I don’t know how much Luciano planned the settlement to be in the divorce, but I don’t want it. I wanted him. I will use what I need to get on my feet, but the rest I will put away for the baby. I spend most days at home talking to my belly. This little one and I are in this together.

  I don’t have nightmares of Enzo and his attack, which is weird considering it was horrific and haunting, but he took everything away from me so I have nothing left to lose from that incident. I dream of him, of times when we were happy. I even dream of the impossible future between us, but it is just
that, just a dream. Sometimes I wake up and just hate him. There was no fight, no ‘you are mine, you are not leaving’, like he acted before his bastard of a cousin touched me. Now I was ruined and broken, not worth keeping. I hate him for making me love him, for giving me hope of a wonderfully, happy family.

  I just started working at the grocery store in town to start saving for my personal use. Some of my old friends and I still hang out on the weekends, but I am not the same anymore. All I can think about is the man who said he would never let me go, but did with ease because another man touched me. ‘He broke her’, ‘I can’t take it if she is carrying his baby, doc,’ those words ate me alive.

  The girls and I would go out before I started to show to try and ease my spirits, but it didn’t work, especially when I would see a handsome man in a suit. There were many handsome men I would meet and dance with when we went out. I no longer wore my wedding rings and we had fake IDs, so we got in the hottest spots in the city. Some of the hottest guys would hit on me and I wanted to take them up on their offers, but for some reason I couldn’t do that to him. I guess it was because the divorce was not final. I was thankful I never ran into Luciano there. I would be devastated to see him with some bitch because the way he was with me, I knew he would be fucking some broad by now.

  I have noticed the security detail he has on me, so I am sure they noticed and reported back to him that my belly has grown, it’s not really pronounced, but it is obvious it’s no longer flat. That probably solidified the end of our relationship to him.

  I am in the heart of the city to meet with my lawyer to follow up with the divorce and to try and move on. Luciano was stalling in getting the papers to the lawyer, but seeing that he has some new ventures in the mix, perhaps he doesn’t have time to deal with his cast-offs and his biggest mistake.


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