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Jade and Saint

Page 4

by Anjela Day

  To say I've always been a daddy's girl is quite the obvious. mainly because the only person I've ever had in my life is my father. He's been everything to me, and I to him. My mother died when I was young. In fact so young I fight to keep her image in my head. I still recall her voice and her touch somewhat. I just know were it not for the photo's and paintings hanging throughout our home I'd long forgotten her face entirely. I'm grateful to my father for that. However I'm more grateful that he loves me. In my father's eyes I can do no wrong, and he'd give me the moon and the stars if I'd ask for it. Although the world seems small compared to what I truly request from my father.

  All I want is a bit of his attention. Just a moment of his time. For him to look at me like he looks at my mother's pictures and feel a since of pride. Instead I feel as if I am just an obligation he feels responsible for.

  While tears could fill my eyes, what's the point of always crying over things you can't change. I feel the void of love with his money. My father is no less a wealthy man. So Wealthy in fact He's been asked by his peers to run for Mayor of our small town in Illinois. While I'm sure my father will win. I also know it is a chance that his past will be tossed around like a day old whore.


  The sound of metal hitting the well-crafted solid Oak door woke me up. What the hell was going on? I thought looking around my bedroom. I'd just fallen a sleep now banging. I was becoming angry. “Dad, daddy?” I yelled. Although my father stayed on the other side of the estate. It was becoming less likely it was him. The sound of glass breaking, and things crashing to the ground alerted me. Ok that is not my father! I said to myself. “Thoughts of my mother filled my head. Thoughts of the men that stormed in my house, and took my mothers life filled my head. Tears filled my eyes. Not again. No I said to myself .

  My eyes grew wide causing me to spring up right in my bed. My first thought was to hide in my closet. However my pride will not allow me to. I am Jade Lawton, I refuse to quiver in fear. I took a deep breath to ready myself for what is coming. I feel my heart racing, as I try and speak.

  “daddy is that you?” I question hearing foot steps grow closer to my bedroom. Who am I fooling, I am as brave, as a mouse. I turn to run when my door swung open. Tears race down my face, and I pray quietly my eyes closed shut, not to see the intruder.

  “I'm not looking! take whatever you want just don't kill me!” I cried out praying that this was a robbery, not a kidnapping.

  “Jade hurry they’re coming. No matter what don’t say a word and call Malcolm Walker he will know how to fix it all” My father said as he damn near made me shit bricks.

  “Who is coming?” I questioned him with no reply. My father grabbed my arm pulling me close to him. To say I was in a state of shock would be an understatement.

  “Daddy what? Why? What? Wait?” I questioned my father who was pulling me towards my closet.

  “Daddy no, please!” I cried fighting my father every step of the way. Flashes of the night my mother was killed filled my mind and I started to cry. I didn't want to hide. I also didn't want to come out and find my fathers dead body. Anyway it was a catch 22.

  “Daddy who is in our house?” I questioned him.

  “Princess I don’t have time for questions I need you to listen to me. Do as I say I need you to handle things for me here.” He said in a demanding tone. I froze and stared at him. I tried to obey, however soon as his mouth closed my door was kicked open.

  Bright white lights filled my bedroom. Behind the lights stood heavily armed men covered in amour like they were expecting to go to war.

  “Is all of this necessary?” I asked covering my eyes from the blinding bright light.

  “Quiet Jade. My father ordered stepping in front of me as if his body could protect me from the bullets in their guns.

  It was not like I was born yesterday I knew just who my father was. Dontay Lawton, is a powerful man in Illinois. Despite his political background everything he does is not always legal. I am aware he bends rules and cut corners to allow me to live the life style that I've grown so fond of. Even though I'm aware of who he is, this was the closest I'd ever come to this side of him.

  The men came in my bedroom. With no regards for myself or my father. The men began to toss my things around. One man grabbed my father and pressed him against the wall like he was just some hoodlum.

  “What are you doing? Let him go!” I spoke knowing that I should keep my mouth shut. As frightened as I was for myself. I feared what they'd do to my father. We live in a day and age where police can kill a black man as easy as they can take a piss. I was already living life without my mother. I'd just die if my father wasn't here to take care of me.

  “I'm fine Jay, just be quiet.” My father finally spoke. He pushed his way free and made his way to the middle of the room. He looked over every man in the room. He was fearless as he stared at each man as if he could destroy them in one look. “Captain Armstrong, have we really come to this?” My father asked his attention now on the man who stood the closest to me. While he was not as tall as my father he had a bit of height on him. His skin was brown was dark and smooth. His hair was cut in a ceaser with waves. I could see it was thinning but he wasn't balding, but not yet bald. For an older man he was attractive. While he was handsome he still made my skin crawl. I wanted to vomit just looking at him.

  “ Damn Dontay, Dontay, Dontay... Your choice of women is impeccable. this little piece of ass is by far one of the prettiest, young bitches I've ever seen. Almost as pretty as that bitch you married. What was her name? The man said and I watched my fathers eyes grow as big as silver dollars. He took a deep breathe. I could tell he wanted to speak, but he said nothing.

  The man my father had just called Armstrong, pulled me into his arms. His body pressed against me. I could feel every breath he took. I

  closed my eyes tighter feeling gross and discussed. Just the thought of this mans hands on me had me ready to loose it. Just when I thought that it could get no worse, He lifted his hand to my face, and stroked my cheek with the back of his hand. Instantly I could feel my skin crawl. I closed my eyes tighter to prevent the tears that were now burning the back of my eyes not to fall.

  “You sure are a pretty piece of pussy.” The man Armstrong allowed to spill from his lips. His hot breath that reeked of alcohol hitting the back of my ear.

  “Armstrong leave her out of this. She has nothing to do with our business.” My father finally spoke ripping me from the mans arms.

  “Oh business? Now this mutha fucka wanna acknowledge that we have business. Where was this insight last night when I came to pick up what was owed to me. You all but laughed in my face. Now look at yo bitch ass.” The man said and I couldn't help but to nervously look from my father to the man that was invading our home.

  “ If you come down to my office we can talk about this. My daughter has nothing to do with this.” My father said. As soon as the words left his mouth, The Armstrong man eye's lit up like bedroom candles.

  “Daughter? This pretty little piece of ass is yours?” The man said his voice now thicker as he spoke.

  “Again lets talk alone!” My father said walking towards the door.

  “No we've passed talking.” He said pulling me back in his direction.

  “You owe me quite a bit of money.” The man said as his eyes roamed my entire body.

  “She has nothing to do with it.” my father repeated himself

  “I disagree. She's the solution. Aren't you beautiful?” He asked me. I tried to hold back the tears but it was entirely to late. My face was stained with trails of hot tears.

  “You'll have to kill me!” My father said. My fathers voice was filled with anger and fear.

  “That can be arranged.” Armstrong told my father and I lost my footing. My legs became weak and I had to hold the wall not to bust my ass.

  “No, that's not necessary!” I said almost breathless.

  “Armstrong don't do anything you'll regret.” My fathe
r warned. Causing the man just to laughed at my father. It was as if the words he'd just said were funny.

  “She's the answer to all your problems Action.” He called my father by his street name, I'd only heard few men call him.

  “You know I have the money you son of a bitch.”

  “Watch yo mouth nigga my mother has nothing to do with this.” I knew he was joking because he laughed however he was alone the entire room was focused on him.

  “We are past money. I want this tight little pink pussy.” The man said further annoying my father.

  “You want to help your father don't you beautiful?” He asked me pushing my stray hairs out of my face. I looked to my father then back to the man.

  This was the first time I'd looked at his face. His thick untamed eye brows, and his chapped full lips. Maybe I was just being overly judgemental because I truly hated this man with every fibber inside of me.

  I looked from my father back to the man.

  “Tell your father you want to help him.” He said tracing my frame with his index finger.

  “She has nothing to do with this my father sternly said. I could hear his voice starting to shake as he spoke.

  I shook my head yes feeling the mans hand brush against my neck. His fingers trailed down my back, and he began to pull the strap to my night gown off my shoulder.

  A chill raced down my body, and my knees grew weak as he dropped my other strap. I watched my father start towards me, but he was grabbed by two of the armed men. A large gun was placed to his head. Tears fell effortlessly down my face.

  “I want to dad. It's ok.” I assured my father knowing what was about to happen.

  This man was twice my age, and a far cry from the men that I was used to, but my father meant the world to me. I just took deep breaths allowing him to undress me. I could feel eyes on me as I stood in just a pair of lace panties. My gown now on my feet.

  Armstrong pressed his body against mines now forcing me to bend over my. This nasty mother fucker allowed his men to watch. He took my breast into his hand and fondled with my firm c cup breast. His lips trailed my neck, as my long brown hair sat on my shoulder.

  “I can't wait to fuck you!” He whispered. My eyes welled up.

  “Please don't make him watch.” I beg feeling Armstrong unlatch his belt. His stiff pipe rubbing against my ass.

  “That's what you want baby.” He whispered in my ear as if we were truly being consenting adults in this moment.

  “Yes.” I said in a whisper. Tasting my salty tears drip into my mouth as I spoke.

  “Any thing you want baby.” He said his body pressing against me. He spread my legs and ran his fingers in my panties as he pulled them down. I could hear my father fighting in the background the last thing I wanted was for these man to kill him.

  “Take him out of here.” Armstrong finally ordered slipping his fingers inside of me.

  “Show me a good time.” he demanded and I could taste vomit in my mouth.

  “Anything you want.” I told him finally hearing my bedroom door close.

  He planted sloppy kisses on my back as he penetrated me” I was no virgin, but he was so rough it was painful.

  “Oh baby please slow down.” I begged he didn't care. He held his huge hand in the middle of my back, and pounded into me.

  Before I knew it he was releasing inside of me. More kisses on my back as he pulled out.

  “I bet no man has ever made you feel that good.” He said and I just nodded my head yes. I felt so weak and low, as I climbed into my bed, and balled up not knowing how I should feel.

  “We're going to have to do that again.” He said kissing my forehead.

  “You can be your fathers insurance plan.” He said and I knew he wasn't joking. I knew he'd want more of me. That made me sicker as I held my stomach, and gave him no eye contact as I listened for the door to slam and a cold gust of wind to shoot chills down my spine.

  My father and I hardly ever spoke to each other. The events that had happened last week, mad things even more awkward between us.

  As much as I wanted to let things go, the truth was my father was no longer super man in my eyes. His cape had fallen off and he was just Dontay Lawton.

  To so many he was the king of our town to me he was just a man. My father no less, but it was nothing special about that anymore. I walked from my room down the stairs and down the narrow hall to my fathers office. Our home was one of the biggest in in Glencoe, Illinois. It was of the most expensive zip code out side of Chicago, and home of some of the biggest snobs the lord ever created. Of all the houses ours was by far the biggest.

  My father was obsessed with having big things. He came from the south side of Chicago, in the old day's he had to work for any and everything he received. So it's only natural that he wanted to have the best of everything. eight bed rooms six bathrooms and that was just the house. We also had a small guess house out back that had about three bed rooms and two bathrooms. Even though it was the two of us, he still insisted on us living in the huge house.

  I walked into his office to find him staring out his window, he had a cigar in one hand, and a cane in the other. Apparently the night Armstrong invaded our home my father was beaten.

  “Daddy.” I said sweetly. He didn't even bother turning around he just shrugged his shoulders like whatever I wanted wasn't a factor. I walked closer to him touching his shoulder. He finally turned around and looked at me. I stared into his eyes, and they were dull, and empty, unlike the twinkle he normally had.

  My father was a handsome man standing well over six feet. With dark skin. His dark brown eyes were big with long lashes, and thick brows. My father made sure to keep his facial hair neatly trimmed thick, but not bushy, his salt and pepper coloured hair was in a neat Ceaser with light waves and he had a small mole under his right eye. He always wore a suit, and smoked a dutch Cigar they were from over seas somewhere. He said they had a musty minty smell.

  Today he was so different he had on a sweater and a pair of gray pants, and his cigar smelt like death. I could tell he wasn't himself.

  “Dad you ok?” I asked and he refused to make eye contact with me. He instead looked over to the fireplace. Over the fire place hung a huge panting of he and my mom when they were just married. Cleopatra Isis Lawton was my mother. They married when my mom was 18 she had me shortly after. My father stared at the picture, and I couldn't help but to feel bad for him. I wrapped my arms around my father and kissed his face.

  “I miss her to dad.” I told him.

  I'd come to ask him a favour. However seeing the mood he was in I declined and walked out of his office.

  “Excuse me, Miss Jade,” Carmen said. She eased by me and walked into my fathers office. Two alluring, yet shabby dressed men in tow. I paused to check them both out. Clearly one of the men had the same idea. He stood in my space looking me over. A cocky smirk on his face, as his eyes explored my entire body.

  I couldn't blame him I was doing the same thing. Everything about him said he was rotten to his core.

  He was about my height, maybe a few inches taller. A du-rag covered his head, slender build. His long braids dangled from beneath the silk scarf. On top of all that sat a Detroit base ball cap, that was slightly slanted on his head. His jeans, sat on his waist, just showing a small bit of what looked like Ralph Laura boxers, that were met, by a Gucci T- shirt. Um, I thought looking at the diamond chain that dangled from his neck, effortlessly. He was my type of man. I thought to myself. Unlike the man walking beside him.

  His black Nike hoodie covered his head, and he kept his hand's cuffed in the front pocket. He was completely hidden, the only thing I was clear of was that he was well over six feet. Even his build was hidden under those baggy black joggers.

  He had a mysterious swag, it was written all in over him. Even when he paused, realising his friend was no longer by his side. He lifted his head, slightly. The Black hood fell behind his head, and there he was. His Cognac coloured skin was flawl
ess. His dark eyes were mysterious but almost inviting. He had a full set of brown lips, the bottom one was sucked in his mouth and his deep white teeth were sparkling like the sun. I'd be lying if I didn't say that I had forgotten all about his friend. It was just the way the man in the hoodie was staring, at me, I'd never forget. and without speaking he summoned the man that I was looking at.

  “You're late!” My father said as they walked into his office slamming the door, before I could get another glimpse.


  The sound of the door slamming caused me to pull my hand from my hoodie jacket. My gun trained on the nervous man before us. He jumped back, just a bit, before pushing the gun down, slowly.

  “We got a problem young blood?” He asked, and I shrugged my shoulders slipping my hands back in my pocket. Honestly there was no problem, I just kept my guard up anywhere I went. I was raised to trust only myself. Pops told me long time ago even Kane killed Able so no one was loyal, if you were lucky enough you meet a bitch, to have yo babies, but that was never a desire I had. Only bitch I needed was my gun.

  “I'm looking for the one they call the Saint.” He said, and Psych, looked at me in confusion.

  “It's just Saint, trust I'm no holy man. I assured him.

  “So who is he? The man asked, and I looked from him to Psych.

  “A grown ass man that can speak for himself” I told him walking over to the leather couch, that sat in his office, and plopped down.

  “Listen young blood, I don't have time for the games. I need someone to assure not a hair on my daughters head is ever touched again. I told Killa he make sure we're protected we have a deal. Well last night that all changed. He said nervously. He walked over to his desk, and pulled open a box. He put a cigar to his lips, then offered us one.

  “Nah I'm good ,” I held Psych from getting one.


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