Book Read Free


Page 19

by Patrice Wilton

  “Why doesn’t he use a spray gun?” she asked Sean.

  “Said it can make too big of a mess in an inexperienced hand. Also said the paint would last longer this way.”

  “I should have hired someone,” Kayla said. “You two are working way too hard.”

  “Someone had to do the job, and this gives him satisfaction and a feeling of accomplishment. He’s proud and happy to do it.”

  “What about you?” she asked. “You’re a skilled surgeon. Won’t this hurt your hands?”

  “Not if I don’t fall,” he said with a grin. “And I’ve been lazing on my ass for a couple of months now. The exercise will do me good.” He put a hand around her back and kissed her cheek. “I’m also hoping to earn a few favors.”

  “Oh yeah? What kind of favors?” She moved closer.

  “The best kind.” He kissed her once before stepping away. “Now don’t distract me. It’s going to be hard enough keeping my eyes and hands of you. Miguel will fire both of us.”

  She laughed. “He can be a ball buster, can’t he?”

  “Let’s just say the man has good work ethics,” he replied and handed her a brush. “Follow my lead.”

  “You think I don’t know my way around a paint brush? I’ll show you.” She made carving motions into the sky, brandishing the brush like a sword. “There! How’s that?”

  “Impressive, but we need to be a bit more detail oriented.”

  “Okay, okay, I get it. You’re the boss.”

  “Now we’re talking.” He gave her a meaningful look. “But later, honey. Then I’ll tell you what I want.”

  Her heart raced. “Let’s get to it then.” She couldn’t help but admire his ass as he bent over for the can of paint. “I’ve never had a sexy boss.”

  “I can be extremely demanding.” He gave her a crooked grin. “You might have to work out some of the kinks later tonight.”

  “Oh crap! Why did you go and say something like that? How am I going to paint straight when I’ll be thinking of nothing but that?”

  “Find a way,” he said, “or Miguel will have you do it all over again. I know this from experience.”

  “The only thing I want to do over again is you,” she answered lightly, but meant it with everything in her heart.


  Painting trim with Sean proved to be fun, and one summer day slipped into the next. They never discussed it, but just fell into a routine. They worked every afternoon together, and at night she’d fall asleep in his arms. Her family knew and were delighted by this, and it was nice not having to sneak around.

  Life had never been better. The cottages looked absolutely beautiful in their fresh Key West colors. She had professional photographs taken for new flyers and the website, and they were getting regular bookings. The winter season seemed to be promising. With any luck the bank loan would be covered by the end of the season.

  Even Brittany seemed happier. Marc had done more than put a temporary smile on her face. He had promised to come back the following month and suggested that she might like to visit him in Sarasota. Her baby sis had also found a dance studio in Miami where she could take lessons once a week, and a few of the dancers were nationally ranked.

  “What are you grinning about,” her mother asked, catching her day-dreaming and gazing out the window.

  “I was thinking how happy Allan would be for us. Living his dream, and turning this place into something he’d be proud of.”

  Anna’s eyes got misty. “You are so right. I’m amazed at what a difference the new paint job made. I expected it to spruce the cottages up, but they look like something out of a glossy magazine. At least a four star resort.” She tossed her head and laughed. “Now we’re going to have to do something with the inside.”

  “I’ve been thinking the same thing. Maybe we could do one cabin at a time. After all, we did save the money that we’d designated for painters.” Kayla turned to her mother, happy she agreed. “Nothing expensive, but just update the furniture a little. Hardly anyone uses the kitchen appliances so we can get away with those for awhile, but good mattresses and bed covers, and a new sofa. Oh, gosh, I could go on and on, but I better not.”

  “You’re right, you better not.” Taylor had just walked into the room. She flopped onto the sofa and put a hand on her forehead, looking a tad melodramatic. “I have a pounding headache. I spent the entire morning talking to every damn place I could think of who books rental accommodations online. I searched the web for every site that mentions hotel accommodations in Islamorada and the surrounding areas and will get to them tomorrow.” She sighed heavily. “You wouldn’t believe how many places there are. Not only sites to advertise, but also how many small family owned rentals there are. I had no idea! Wish I didn’t.”

  Anna walked into the kitchen. “Sounds to me like you need a nice, cool drink. How about a daiquiri? Or name your weapon.”

  “Mom! It’s not even four.” Taylor sat up, groaned, then sank back down on the couch. “How can you think of a drink?”

  “It’s close to five o’clock, and we know it is somewhere.” Her mom smiled. “Besides, we’ve all been working hard. Your poor head is pounding from the tension of all those silly websites, and a drink won’t kill you. Or me.”

  Kayla laughed. “If it could, it would have by now.” She jumped up. “We should try out a new recipe for our cocktail hour. Mom? Let’s do something different tonight.”

  “What did you have in mind?” Her mother walked to the buffet where they kept the hard liquor, checking the different bottles.

  “What about a champagne cocktail? After all, we have something to celebrate. The cottages look amazing, and our photo shoot went well.”

  “Do we have champagne?” Anna asked.

  “I’ll go buy some.” Kayla grabbed the car keys. “And Taylor, since you worked so hard today—and you’re so totally awesome, how about if I pick up something easy for appetizers?”

  “Like what?” Taylor lifted her shoulders and opened her eyes. “What can we offer that’s as good as what I do?”

  “Champagne and caviar. And strawberries, and smoked salmon, and frozen Russian vodka shooters. This is going to be a heck of a party!”

  “Fine. Take me out of the equation,” Taylor moaned. “I think I might lie here all night.”

  “Oh, you can’t do that. What about that cute fishing guy that’s been dropping in to our happy hours lately, on the pretense of selling us his fresh fish? I think he has a crush on you.”

  “No way,” Taylor said a little too quickly. “And if he does, he better get over it. I’m not interested.” She sniffed. “Besides he smells.”

  “You’re not interested in who?” Brittany asked, letting the screen door slam behind her. “That adorable guy who’s mooning over you?”

  “Give it a rest, Brit. If you think he’s so adorable, he’s all yours,” Taylor snapped. “Oh, my head. Somebody grab me an Advil.”

  “Get your own Advil,” Anna said, “and don’t tell your sister to go after this guy. You know how she can’t resist a good-looking man.”

  “Takes one to know one,” Taylor said in a sugar sweet tone of voice. “I mean that in the best way possible.”

  Anna laughed. “Point taken. I’m flattered to be honest. I like men. Always have. They make life interesting.”

  “Don’t you find your life interesting now?” Kayla asked, stopping at the door on her way out. She gave her mom a worried look. “You’re not restless, I hope.”

  “Not at all. I’m having the time of my life. Here with you girls. Meeting new people every week. Well, I’m truly blessed. Mind you, if that handsome dog who owns the Pizzeria gave me the time of day, I wouldn’t say no.”

  “Isn’t he married?” Taylor asked.

  “Nope. His wife died.”

  “How do you know that?” Brittany asked, sitting down on the flowered matching chair to the sofa.

  “I asked the waitress,” their mother replied. �
�Turned out she’s his daughter.”

  “Oh crap!” Brittany rolled her eyes. “Bet that went down well.”

  “Well, my pizza came out a little black. Just the crust, but I don’t eat that anyway.” She smiled. “I wonder if she told him I was interested?”

  “I wouldn’t count on it—but are you?” Taylor asked. “How can you be? Allan is barely cold in his grave.”

  “Oh, it’s been near six months. Long enough to grieve. It’s not like I’ll ever forget him or the wonderful years we had together. He’ll always own a piece of my heart just as your dear dad still does. But luckily, I have a pretty big heart.”

  Kayla shook her head and tried to keep the grin off her face. “Yes, you do. But don’t spread it around too easily. Anything worth having is worth waiting for.” Her thoughts flew to Sean. She’d wait an eternity for that man, if it meant she had his love.

  * * *

  Kayla returned from the store with six bottles of decent California sparkling wine, a bottle of pear brandy, and plastic champagne flutes for the pool. She carried another bag with the strawberries, caviar and crackers, smoked salmon and a couple of good pates. She let Taylor put it all together, and then went in to shower and dress.

  This was her favorite time of the day. A chance to kick back with her sisters and mom and have some fun with their guests. It was also the first opportunity the women had to relax all day. They were working hard but hopefully the fruits of their labor would pay off and they could breathe a little easier. Not that anyone else in the household seemed to worry about the bottom line, but—it was in her DNA.

  After her shower she dressed in a turquoise V-neck tee, and a flowered knee length skirt that was breezy and light in this heat and humidity. Some people would never be able to live here in the most southern part of Florida in the summer months, but Kayla didn’t mind the extreme heat, or breaking a sweat. As Sean could testify.

  Their nights together were never dull. The heat between them was off the charts, and no matter how many times they made love, she always wanted more. He filled empty places inside of her that she had never known existed. His need of her matched her own intensity. She didn’t know how either of them would survive when he left.

  Glancing in the mirror, Kayla straightened her shoulders. She would not think about that now. There would be plenty of time when she could feel bad after he left, she damn well wasn’t going to spoil a minute of the time they did have.

  She lifted her chin, placed a smile on her face and left the bedroom. Taylor was alone in the kitchen. Her mother and Brittany had taken the champagne cocktail to the pool.

  “Your turn to get ready,” Kayla told her sister. “I’ll take down the appetizers. It looks amazing, by the way.”

  “Thanks, Kayla.” She nibbled on a cracker with a piece of smoked salmon. “I’m really not in the mood tonight, but I know you want to celebrate. And we should. The guests have had to put up with all the mess around here too. They haven’t complained, and I’ve heard several compliments as well. But still…”

  “I know. I was thinking that we should offer them a complimentary three day stay for next year to make up for any inconvenience.”

  “That’s a great idea. It will bring them back and hopefully their friends too.”

  “Exactly. So go put your party face on and I’ll see you down at the pool.” Kayla picked up the tray, balancing it carefully. “What’s that fishermen’s name again?”

  “Colton,” she answered. “Colton Travis. Sounds more like a cow wrestler than a man who makes his living by the sea.” Taylor smiled. “I told him that too.”

  Kayla laughed. “What did he say?”

  “Told me his mom loves romance novels and she’s got stacks of these sexy cowboy books. He figured he was named after one.”

  “That’s too funny. Does he live alone?”

  “I have no idea. Hardly know the guy. But if you really want to know, ask him yourself.”

  “Nope. I have my hands full.”

  Taylor grinned. “Sean’s taking up a lot of your time, isn’t he? I admire your stamina, girl. Work hard all day, then sneak home in the wee hours of the morning. I doubt if you’re getting much sleep.”

  “Who needs sleep when you’re in love?” Kayla heard the words slip out of her mouth, and the tray darn near slid out of her hands. Luckily Taylor grabbed it just in time.

  “I didn’t mean that,” she blurted, feeling heat in her cheeks.

  “Unfortunately you did.” Taylor gave her a sympathetic look. “Take care of yourself. You know he’s only here for another six weeks.”

  “I know. I doubt if he’ll even stay that long. But I’m going to enjoy what time we do have. And deal with the consequences later.”

  “You’re stronger than I am. I’d be running to the hills right about now—saving myself from heartache.”

  “But then you’d miss out on the chance to love. To really, truly love. That alone is worth the pain.” She hoped it was true, because she’d never experienced this depth of emotion before. How would she survive it when it was gone?

  “I never knew you were an incurable romantic.” Taylor put the plate down and gave her a brief hug.

  “I’m not. Or I didn’t use to be.” They looked at each other, stunned by the revelation.

  “I guess I’ve changed,” Kayla said. “I was always the practical one, but this happened, and I couldn’t have stopped it, or wouldn’t have even if I could. I want to love him. He deserves happiness.”

  “What about you?”

  Kayla bit her bottom lip. “I’ll deal with it.”

  “Oh, Kayla…”

  “Don’t ‘Oh Kayla’ me. I know what I’m doing.” She grabbed the plate of appetizers, determined to end this conversation.

  “Off you go. And don’t trip over your big feet. I want that caviar to reach the pool.”

  “Okay, sunshine. I’ll keep Colton company until you arrive. Look pretty,” she told her sister. “Not that you need to try.”

  Taylor made a face at her. Eyes crossed and her tongue sticking out, she was still a knockout.

  “Beautiful,” Kayla said, and pushed her way out the screen door. She heard Taylor laugh, and that added a spring to her step as she sashayed her way to the pool. Halfway there, Sean joined her and took the tray out of her hands.

  “Thanks. It’s heavier than it looks.”

  “Is that brie? What’s the occasion? I heard champagne corks popping.”

  “I felt like we should celebrate now that the cabins are done. It looks so beautiful, and the photos are great. So tonight, champagne and caviar.”

  “Good enough reason. But I’ll miss having you around in the afternoon.”

  “Really?” Her heart raced, then stopped. Pain flowed through her. “I’ll still be around. I’m not going anywhere.”

  He cleared his throat. “I had a call today from Mass General. One of my patients is sick and has asked for me.” He glanced at her, and she could see the concern in his eyes.

  She held her breath. “Are you going?”

  “I might fly up for a couple of days. Then I’ll be back.”

  “Don’t go.” She swallowed hard, shaking her head. “Forgive me. I shouldn’t have said that. Do what you have to do.”

  “I don’t want to return to work. I’m not ready. But I know this man and his family and feel obligated.” His steps slowed. “It’s not that I want to leave.”

  “Then stay.” Her short fingernails dug into her palms by her side, and she felt a layer of ice wrap around her heart. She shivered in spite of the heat.

  “We’ll talk about this later. Everything will be fine.” He said it quietly, in a matter-of-fact voice that irritated the hell out of her. Did he think he could drop a bomb like this and that she wouldn’t react? Perhaps he even thought she’d just crawl right back into bed with him. Not going to happen, Buddy!

  “Maybe later I won’t want to talk about it.” She gave him one long look, then ran off to the
pool, leaving him to trail behind. Her mind was in a fuddle. Perhaps she was being unfair to him, after all he hadn’t promised her anything, but her heart wasn’t buying it. His kisses had told her a different story, and led her to believe that he cared for her as much as she did for him.

  But what about her? Had she been lying to herself all along? She couldn’t handle it. His leaving would break her heart, and hadn’t it been broken enough?

  Joining her guests, she sipped on the ice-cold bubbling champagne, laughing and chatting as if she didn’t have a care in the world. She hoped no one, especially Sean, could see beyond the false front. This was her fault. She had welcomed him into her heart, into her life, believing that she was tough enough, mature enough and magnanimous enough to deal with the aftermath. She had wanted so desperately to take this grieving man and make him whole.

  What a vain, foolish woman she’d been. And now she had to pay the price.


  Sean watched Kayla leave and didn’t have any words to stop her. The past few weeks had been some of the best in his life, certainly since his daughter became ill. That was when his world tumbled down, one small piece at a time.

  His marriage had been a good one. At least he’d thought so, but then he’d been so busy working all the time that he wasn’t even sure if he’d made his wife happy. He thought he had, but now that he looked back he could see all the times he’d disappointed her over the years. The parties and special occasions they’d missed when a patient took a turn for the worse and needed his care, or required emergency surgery. Laura always understood, or at least accepted his canceling their plans with a great deal of grace.

  She had been a good wife, and he hoped she found a man who’d take care of her the way he hadn’t. She was still young and beautiful. Perhaps she might remarry and have another child. She deserved happiness, and they couldn’t find it together. Not after all that passed. Watching their child die had killed any hope of that.


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