Book Read Free


Page 39

by Patrice Wilton

He laughed. “Why don’t you work on her? I’ve got to deliver fish to the market, then get cleaned up for the wedding.” He glanced at Taylor. “Want to take some fish off my hands?”

  “No, thank you. We have all the food for tonight stuffed in the cafe’s fridge.”

  “Don’t look at me,” Brittany said. “I only like fish on my plate.” She playfully batted her eyes at him. “But I could always use a good man like you.” She shot her sister a pointed look. “Especially if Taylor’s still holding out.”

  “Thanks for the offer,” Colt replied, darting a quick glance at Taylor. “But I’m afraid my heart’s elsewhere.”

  Taylor’s pulse speeded up. Damn, why wouldn’t he just ask? “Later, dude.”

  “Yeah. Later.” With a jaunty toss of his shirt over his shoulder, he swaggered off, knowing probably that both women’s eyes were on him.

  Brittany whipped around and glared at her. “Are you out of your ever-loving mind? What are you waiting for? He’s smoking hot, and wants you. If you don’t watch out someone else will come along and snatch him up.”

  “I’m not interested in a casual affair. That’s why.” Taylor dug her palms into her shorts’ pockets. She knew it wasn’t completely true. She was worried what would happen to her at the end. Because there would be an end.

  “He’s told me plenty of times that he isn’t interested in a relationship. Marriage is off the table.” She shrugged. “So why would I want to let him in my bed?”

  “Well that kinda sucks, but you could ignore it, couldn’t you? At least for a night. Give him a good work over, then Taylor, sweetie, you can go back to being a practicing nun.”

  “You say the nicest things.”

  Brittany grinned. “I’m just trying to help. I see the way you look at him. Your eyes go all soft, your cheeks turn rosy, and your skin gets prickly.”

  “That’s a lovely image. I’ll make sure I stay well clear of him from now on.”

  “No, you won’t. It’s adorable. I’ve never seen you ga-ga about a guy.”

  “Good thing if my skin breaks out with hives.”

  “Don’t be silly. That’s probably your body telling you that you need to get laid.” She gave her a long speculative glance. “So you two have never done it? I thought maybe with the hurricane thing you might have. Mom hoped so too.”

  “The two of you seem to think the world runs on sex. And that a man equals happiness. It’s not so. I’m perfectly happy…” she paused to think about it, “most of the time.”

  “So, no touchy feely, get down and dirty, fun at all?” Brittany gave her a disappointed look. Like she had failed miserably the test of sisterhood.

  Taylor decided to give her a little hope. “Okay. We messed around some.” She gave a careless shrug. “He’d like me for a steady lover.” Her chin shot up. “But I said no.”

  “Oh, Taylor. From you, I’d expect no less.” Brittany laughed and swatted her arm. “Me? I enjoy it too much. I don’t want things down under to grow over from lack of use.” She put a hand on her hip and gave her a pose. “On that note, I invited Jose. I’m hoping he’ll drive down from Miami. I told him I’d make it worth his while.”

  “He’s a lucky guy,” Taylor said, meaning it. Everyone loved Brittany. Who could help it?

  “That’s what I keep telling him. But you know men. He’s dark, dashing and delicious. And has an eye for the ladies. Who have an eye for him.”

  “Hmmm. Not sure if I like the sound of that.”

  Brittany shrugged. “I can handle it. And him.” She turned around to see her mother weaving between the tables that were set up for the wedding reception, carrying two drinks in her hands.

  “Hi, Mom.” Brittany reached for the second glass. “What are you drinking?”

  “A light fruity sangria punch. I just made a batch. Try it. Does it need more lime or wine?”

  She tasted, and licked her lips. “Yummy. What do you think, Tay?” She handed over the plastic glass with flamingos and Paradise Cove etched on the sides.

  Taylor sipped. “Good. Delicious. Offering a punch to our guests as they arrive was a terrific idea.” They had seventy-five people attending the wedding. Several people from the hospital where Sean worked and a few old friends, including his family from California. Kayla’s friends from Philadelphia were here, as well as three young women that Brittany had grown up with. Anna had invited a few couples that they’d all known for years that were delighted to come.

  Taylor handed the still-full glass back to her mom. “I’m going to run off and take my shower. Kayla should be getting here to dress in the next hour.” She hurried away, glad to get the shower first while there was still plenty of hot water. When she reached their cabin, she stopped short. Colt was sitting on the front step.

  “Colt? I thought you had to drop your fish off to the restaurants before going home?” She walked slowly toward him.

  “I wanted a minute with you alone.” He stood up just inches from her, invading her space.

  She could smell the scent of his body mingled with a light clean aftershave, and it made her mouth water. Oh, the things she’d like to do with this man. The things she had done with this man. If only she didn’t have all these damn scruples. What was so wrong with being a friend with benefits? It worked for a lot of people. But she had a sinking feeling low in her gut that it wouldn’t work for her.

  She would wind up getting hurt. Her emotions would get deeply involved and she’d want a commitment, and to make him the father of her babies. All of them. Wasn’t going to happen, and wishing it wouldn’t make it so.

  Taylor put a hand on his bare chest, holding him back. At least that’s what she told herself. It wasn’t to cop one quick feel.

  “Have you been thinking about us? What I suggested?”

  “Yes. A little.” She looked down at the ground. Away from his eyes—his mouth—the temptation that was him. “We’re friends.” She tried for a light-hearted tone. “Can’t mess with that.”

  He groaned. “Taylor. You’re killing me.”

  She took a step back, her stomach in a knot. She wanted Colt, but not like this. “If you want instant gratification, you can always find it elsewhere,” she told him, hoping for a denial. What would she do if he said okay? Well, then she’d have her answer, wouldn’t she? With that mindset, she decided to press harder, eager to know where she stood. “You know the old saying—there’s plenty more fish.”

  “Not the kind of fish I’m looking to catch. I want one worth fighting for. Anybody can get a flounder. But a spectacular beauty like a sailfish, now that’s worth waiting for.”

  “Am I a sailfish?” she asked, actually liking the comparison.

  “You sure are.” He reached out a hand and scooped it behind her head, bringing her face down to his. “One kiss, then I’ve got to run.”

  She shouldn’t have, but she let him kiss her. She tasted his salty lips, his sweet minty breath, and the wholesome scent of the sea. A whole mess of feeling swept through her—an awakening of desire, a need to fill the emptiness inside of her, a surge of longing to take what he offered, but caution pricked her consciousness, and she knew she’d say no.

  She wished she could be like her sister, and live for the moment.

  Yet he was still kissing her, and she hadn’t stepped away.


  “Taylor?” His lips caressed hers, slowly, tenderly exploring her full lush mouth, tasting her and feeling the heat grow between them with every breath. How long could she hold out? His patience was long, but his need was great.

  “Hmm,” she murmured, her beautiful breasts nestled next to his chest. She kissed him open-mouthed, wanting him as he did her. She might pretend she wasn’t interested, but a man knew. She wanted him, and she wanted him good.

  “You know that I care about you. Do you trust me?”

  “Of course I do.” She pushed back a little and looked at him with startled eyes. “Why do you ask? You think I’d be tonguing you if I

  “No. But I want us to be closer. I don’t want other women. Just you.” His eyes pleaded with hers. “Tonight my boat will be next door. I have champagne in the fridge. And roses for you. At least consider it. Okay?”

  She chewed on that for a moment, a frown crinkling her brow. Then gently she pulled out of his arms. “You know I want to. But I can’t. Having sex for fun sounds like a hellova an idea for most people, but I’m not made that way. I don’t want anything from you, Colt. I’m not asking you to be different than what you are. You have your business and your son to take care of. I’ve got the cafe and the resort. Maybe one day things will be different, but it isn’t now.”

  He admired that about her. She was hard-working, honest, and even-keeled. Good work ethics, like he had. But what did that have to do with sex? They could still enjoy each other. Didn’t mean they needed to jump on the marriage train.

  “I agree that we can’t rush full steam ahead, but I’m just talking about you being my girl. We’re both adults and we can have a little recreational sex if we want to.”

  “True, but still I don’t think it’s a good idea.” She tossed her head back and straightened her shoulders. Her hazel eyes had that worried look she wore so often. “Sex always complicates things, and our lives are so complicated anyway, that I think we’d be making a really big mistake.”

  “Doesn’t have to be. Not if we both go in with our eyes open.” He gave her his sexiest, melting-the-pants-off-a-woman smile.

  “Colt. Look at it from my point of view. Sex is different for a woman. What starts off casual doesn’t stay that way. A woman’s emotions always get involved. Men—they can do it ’til their dick falls off, and not have their hearts involved.”

  He laughed. “That’s crazy. Men are just as much at risk as falling in love as women are.”

  “I don’t believe it. Maybe Rhett Butler, but how many others?”

  “Me, for one.”

  “All the more reason to stay clear of you.” She shook her head. “Really. You and I would be a colossal mistake. I can’t be a mother to your boy. I wouldn’t even know how.”

  “Jamie already has a mother. Try another excuse.”

  “He’s a good enough reason.” She folded her arms around her middle. “He doesn’t want to share you with me, or any other woman competing for your affection. Maybe you don’t realize it, but he must still be hurting over the divorce. It hasn’t been that long, and he’s being bounced back and forth. It’s tough on a child.”

  “How would you know?” She could be so infuriating at times. Why the hell wouldn’t she just sleep with him and put them both at peace? They were walking around like two hormonal kids, all hot and bothered by each other. He wanted her. Period. And he wasn’t the kind of guy who gave up easily.

  “I just do.” She tossed her head back and glared at him.

  He took a deep breath and released it slowly. “I’m trying to get you to see sense. You want me. I want you. As far as Jamie’s concerned, I know he’ll be fine with it. He likes you. A lot.”

  “I adore Jamie too,” she said softly. “But I know what this kind of upheaval can do to a kid. I’ve lost two fathers, neither from a divorce. Kids need both parents, and it’s very hard when they lose one.”

  “Taylor, I know that must have been really tough. You girls didn’t have an easy childhood, did you?”

  “No, but we’re doing fine now.”

  “I understand where you’re coming from, but Jamie hasn’t lost a parent. He still has both of us.”

  “Yes, but…”

  He interrupted, wanting to get his point across. “If you and I hung out once in awhile, he wouldn’t have to know. If it got serious, then we could tell him.”

  She shook her head, but her eyes misted up.

  He stepped closer and cupped her chin. “Life is difficult enough without someone to hold once in awhile. I want to hold you in my arms, sleep with you.” Before she could push him away, he kissed away her tears.

  He felt her body shiver. “Stop trying to sell me on this idea. I said no. Why can’t you just accept that?”

  “Fine. No it is.” Disappointment kicked him in the gut, and his groin was stinging like a jellyfish bite. He hated her stubbornness and common sense. Even more, he hated pressuring her, but he had been patient for the better part of a year. The night of the hurricane had changed everything. At least for him. He couldn’t get her out of his head. Every night when he went to bed, he hurt for her.

  “Thank you, Colt.” Her expression softened. Her bottom lip trembled. “You’ll see. It’s better this way.”

  “If you say so.” He turned away and took a step. Then halted. “Remember how we first met?”

  “Uh-huh. Down at the docks. Brittany and I would go for long walks along the beach, and we’d see you half naked on your boat. Or fishing.”

  “And you’d always stop and say hello. Once you knew that I wasn’t just a bum hanging around all day—that I actually made my living off the sea, you wanted to buy fresh fish from me.”

  “Which you wouldn’t sell. You always made a silly excuse to give me one free.”

  “And you’d sit and talk for awhile, even flirted, if I remember right.”

  “Maybe I did. But I didn’t know you were divorced and had a son. And at the time I didn’t expect to open a restaurant. It’s a big responsibility running two businesses.”

  “Always comes back to that, doesn’t it?”

  “Guess so.”

  “If that’s what you want, I’ll stop pestering you.” He thrust his hands in his pockets, so as not to reach out for her. Touching her set everything inside of him on fire. If she didn’t want that, he’d just have to find a way to live with it.

  * * *

  Taylor watched him go. Her shoulders slumped, and she let out a weary sigh. This was not easy. She knew she was hurting him, as well as herself. They did have strong feelings for each other. The only thing holding them back was her fear. Fear of loving him too much, and not having him for keeps. Everything else was just an excuse. That was the real issue at hand. She was afraid of the consequences if she chose to sleep with him regularly. She might lose her heart completely. How could she not? He already owned a part of it. And since neither one of them wanted to commit to each other, she’d be better off to keep her legs shut.

  Pushing all negative thoughts from her mind, she stepped into the single bathroom and turned the shower on, letting the steam rise as she tossed off her clothes. Tonight was going to be one of the happiest days of her life. Her best friend and beloved sister was getting married, and nothing was going to mar this special occasion. Certainly not worries about what or what might not be between her and Colt.

  Stepping out of the shower, she wrapped a towel around herself and opened the door of the bathroom.

  And there stood Kayla, peering into a full length mirror and struggling to zip up her wedding dress.

  “Oh, my gosh,” Taylor gasped, seeing her beautiful sister. She rushed over to give her a big wet hug. “Look at you! Stunning. Here, let me help you with that.” She took hold of Kayla’s shoulders and turned her around so she could zip up the back of the strapless gown. “Where’s Mom?”

  “She’s getting dressed. They saw you talking with Colt, so they both grabbed the shower before you.”

  “Sneaky. I didn’t see them pass.”

  “Maybe because you were kissing Colt,” Kayla said with a laugh. “Oh, I do hope things work out with the two of you.”

  “They won’t. I basically told him to forget about me.”

  “Why did you do that?”

  “It’s not important. Your wedding is all we need to think about right now.”

  “Oh, Taylor, I’m so excited and nervous.” Kayla gave a shaky laugh. “Look. My fingers won’t work.” She pulled at the dress and patted her tummy. “Am I showing?”

  “Just to the people in the know. The other guests will never suspect.” Taylor spun Kayla around t
o face her again. “You are the picture of a radiant bride.” She nodded at the mirror that captured their image. “Look at you. Pink cheeks, sparkling eyes, ruby red lips. And that dress! You look like a magazine cover. Only better. Sean is going to be climbing all over you.”

  “He better not! I just spent a fortune getting myself all primped for this today. Hair, nails, bikini wax.” Kayla’s sunny smile faded. She turned from side to side frowning at the mirror. “Is it too plain?”

  The dress was simple but elegant. An ivory-colored mermaid dress with a sweetheart bodice, that clung to Kayla’s lush curves and swept around her size nine feet. “Plain, my ass. Good thing we have more than one cardiac surgeon around tonight, because you’re going to get everyone’s heart pumping!”

  “Oh, Taylor,” Kayla laughed and kissed her cheek. “I do love you.”

  Their mother came out of the second bedroom. She wore a rose-colored fitted dress that fell to her ankles. It had sheer lacy sleeves, and was extremely modest compared to what she normally wore. Tonight she was playing the role of Mother of the Bride, and carrying it off beautifully.

  “Kayla, my baby girl.” Tears filled her eyes. “This is the happiest day of my life. You’re getting married at last.”

  Taylor stifled a laugh. Kayla was thirty-two years old, not quite two years older than she was. And yet, their mother had worried that they’d all be old maids.

  “Yes. I got lucky,” Kayla said with a playful grin. “Went fishing last year and hooked myself a real catch.”

  “Don’t get cheeky with me,” her mom said with a twinkle in her eye. “You did do well, but so did he. Sean’s a wonderful man and you’ve made him happy again. It does my heart good to see the love shining in his eyes for you.”

  “I know, Mom. It was hard seeing him hurting so badly.”

  “Yes, well, that’s over now. You two are going to be very, very happy and give me lots of grandchildren.” Anna kissed her daughter’s cheek, then wiped the rose-colored lipstick stain left behind. “I know that this is the one.” She touched her daughter’s tummy. “A little Anna, maybe?”


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