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Famous (Famous #1)

Page 24

by Kahlen Aymes

  “Brook, you’ll have a lot of time to deal with all of this, so you’d better get used to it. I’m fairly sure the second movie will go into production, and so we’ll be doing this dance all over again. You have to learn to deal with women like Wendy. Cade is crawling with them.” She put her hand on my shoulder. “I can ask Cade to tell her to back off, and that he’s not interested in her that way.”

  “He already has! She’s relentless.” I sighed heavily and dug the toe of my shoe into the dirt, dust instantly clouded around my feet. “What’s the plan for the rest of the night?” I was anxious to hear the managers’ plan for getting us together.

  “Cade has a suite at the Regent Beverly Wilshire, and we’ve arranged to cater a meal for all of you there. After that, you’ll all arrange rides home on your own.” She paused. “And, Brooklyn, you must go home. You can’t stay with him at the hotel, okay? The paps are watching you now, too.”

  “Ugh!” I groaned as my head fell back. “You don’t know what you’re asking, Denise. I haven’t been with him in over a month! Jesus!” My brow furrowed.

  “Oh believe me, I know, Brook. Cade’s been hammering me with it. I’m sorry. Let me think on it, and I’ll see what I can figure out, but we really can’t risk you being seen leaving the hotel in the morning. We need to protect your contracts.”

  “I know. I’m sorry, but it’s so unfair. We’re frustrated.”

  “It will work out Brook. I can see how much you love each other, but that’s just the problem. Everyone can see it when you’re together. It oozes right out of both of you.”

  I smiled and shrugged. “We can’t help it. Cade makes me happy.” I hugged her. “I guess I’d better change. Wendy will be ragging on my ass if you’re all waiting on me,” I said as I went in the trailer. “Unless she can hang out with Cade.”

  “Well, hurry then, because he’s given me clear instructions to keep that one away from him.”

  Chapter 15

  Too Close for Comfort

  Cade’s suite was beautiful and large, with twelve-foot ceilings and long draping tapestries in shades of mauve and cream. It was more like a luxurious apartment than a hotel room. Pinnacle was footing the bill because this was a promotional obligation for the film. They had a nice spread of grilled meats, cold shrimp, fruit and vegetable trays, and a variety of breads and desserts set up buffet style on the table by the balcony.

  Dawson brought his guitar with him and he’d probably want to have another of the many jam sessions that were one of our usual activities up in Vancouver. I made up a small plate of food and found a place on the corner of one of the sofas. Cade had gone into the bedroom to remove his jacket and get his guitar. I watched Wendy follow him in there, and my stomach tightened. Dawson was next to me and heard my deep intake of breath.

  “Don’t worry, doll,” he said. “He’s not interested in Wendy.” I’d figured Cade had shared his feelings about me with Dawson, and this confirmed it.

  “Oh?” I said innocently, then, smiled. “And I would care, why?”

  “Yeah right, Brook. Okay, if you want to play it like that.” He grinned back at me.

  “The worst part is, I have to Dawson. We both do.” I frowned.

  “Jen and I have the same issues with our contracts, but we work around it. I know it’s easier for us because we live in the same city and the press doesn’t hound us like they do you two, but we’ve worked through it. You will, too.” He looked at me seriously as my eyes strayed toward the entrance to the bedroom when Cade still didn’t emerge. Dawson put a hand on mine. “He’s telling her to sod off’ right now. Trust me,” he said in a British accent and laughed.

  “I hope so Dawson…” I was sure sadness filled my eyes, but I offered a weak smile.

  “Brook. Come on. He only has eyes for you. I’ve never seen a man so crazy about a woman, seriously.” I felt tears prick at my eyes as I tried to blink them back. “I give him all kinds of shit about it.” He smiled warmly and covered my hand with his.

  “Thanks, Dawson.” At that moment Cade came out of from the bedroom carrying his guitar, his eyes searching mine. He offered a wry grimace as Wendy followed him out.

  “See? Told ya,” Dawson said softly at my side, squeezing my hand.

  Wendy looked upset as she went to the wet bar for a drink. Cade set his guitar down, got a plate of food, and moved toward Dawson and me. “Mind if I join you?” he asked, the smile on his lips reaching his eyes.

  “Not at all,” Dawson replied. They talked a lot about Cade’s music and what he was working on with Daniel. Dawson had a band called Insane Interference, so he and Cade enjoyed jamming together after our long days on the set. When Cade’s friend, Daniel, or Dawson’s band members visited during filming, they all played together. It was during these sessions that Cade started to teach me to play guitar, and what led up to him buying me one for my birthday earlier this year.

  “Did you ever see the final notes on the piano scene?” I asked. It was in the next movie and one Cade might be allowed to write a song for. He’d submitted a song I’d heard.

  “Yeah. I hear they are leaning toward a song by someone established in the industry. I’m trying not to be pissed.” I saw the disappointment in his eyes, as he took a bite of his sandwich. Shit.

  “But that song you wrote was so beautiful! I’m sorry. I don’t want to see it wasted.” I felt my lower lip pout out a little.

  “It wasn’t wasted.” He took my hand. “You stayed with me that entire day while I composed.” He leaned forward so only I could hear him. “That was for you, not the movie, love. Always for you.” He touched my chin with his finger.

  My breath caught in my throat as I looked at his beautiful face and my eyes started to burn. I blinked. The moment was getting too intimate so I decided I needed to move away from him for a bit. I hated this fucking charade.

  “I think I’ll toss this back and get another drink. Want something? Dawson, how about you?” I asked. Feeling about him as I did, it was impossible to keep the love out of my expression. He looked up at me as I stood and smiled.

  Yes, I want to kiss you, too. I saw it on his face.

  “I’m good,” Cade said as I made to leave. Yes, you are, I thought.

  Dawson shook his head indicating he didn’t need anything from the bar.

  As I moved across the room, I told myself I needed to socialize with everyone there so that no one would be suspicious. I saw Gavin talking to Sarah and I wanted to say hello.

  I went across and gave them each a big hug. “I’m so glad to see you both,” I said as Gavin kissed me on the cheek.

  “How did things work out in London?” he asked quietly. I glanced at Sarah. From her smile, it was clear Gavin must have filled her in on the details.

  “Really good. Thanks so much for your help with that.” I gave him a big smile. All of my close friends seemed to know about us, which made things a little easier. They also seemed willing to keep the secret from the public.

  I spoke with them for a while longer, asking about the recital his daughter had earlier that morning and talking with Sarah after she introduced me to her parents. They were only staying for a day or two longer, so she was leaving the party early.

  “Cade looks so happy, Brook. So do you,” Sarah whispered in my ear as she hugged me goodbye. I hugged her tighter. “A far cry from how miserable you both were at the wrap party.”

  “Yeah. We are.” A big smile spread across my face. “Really happy.”

  The phone rang, Cade answered it, and a few minutes later went to the door of the suite. He took out a folded bill as he walked to the door. Handing the bellman the money, he returned with my guitar. As he walked over to me to give it to me, his crooked grin stopped my heart.

  “What? How is this here?” I asked as my eyes widened.

  “I figured you’d want to join us tonight.” He smiled. “I’d like you to, if you want, and knew you’d need this, so I sent the driver to get it from your house.” He shrug

  God, he was so incredible.

  “Thank you, Cade. That’s… very thoughtful.” My heart was melting and at the same time, I was speechless. Gavin and Sarah smiled and she raised her eyebrow at me, a wry grin landing on her mouth.

  Wendy got up and huffed onto the balcony. Cade shrugged again as we both watched her leave. I set the guitar down and decided to go after her. The last thing we needed was her leaking to the press and we used to be friends. Maybe I could still salvage that.

  “Hey Wendy, are you going to hang out for the jam session? I guess we’re gonna start in a few minutes.”

  She whirled around and turned hard eyes on me. “What the fuck is up with you and Cade, Brook? I want to know!” Her voice was elevated enough to carry inside.

  Her response startled me. “Nuh… Nothing.” Her confrontation was more than I expected. “I’ve told you. We’re good friends, Wendy.” I looked at her seriously.

  “Why are you lying?” she practically screamed at me. “You eye fuck each other all the time! I see the way he always finds a way to touch you, and now he makes a point to get your stupid guitar delivered? And what about, David? Have you suddenly forgotten about him?” She was furious.

  “No. I’m not lying, Wendy.” I swallowed the lump in my throat. “Cade and I are very close, but Dave and I are still together,” I lied through my teeth.

  She didn’t look convinced. “Very close, as in fucking?” Her thin brows shot up as emphasis.

  “I can’t believe you’re asking me that,” I said. “He’s my best friend.” I answered quietly, hoping she wouldn’t press me for more.

  She looked at me for a long moment. Her eyes were hard and she was breathing fast. “Why won’t Cade give me the time of day, then?” She slammed down the vodka in her glass.

  “He likes you, Wendy. He talked to you a lot on the way back from the shoot.” I was stammering because I didn’t know what to say that wouldn’t give it all away. “I guess, I just don’t understand what you expect me to say,” I said tightly.

  “I’m asking you to tell me the truth. Why doesn’t he want me? Aren’t I pretty or sexy? What does he want that I don’t have?” Her tone was bitter. “If you’re best friends, he tells you everything, right?” She spat the words at me. I still heard the disbelief of my explanation in her voice.

  “Wendy, Cade and I talk about a lot of things, but he doesn’t talk to me about you in that way. He’s way too much of a gentleman to discuss women in those terms. I um, I wouldn’t know the answer to those questions,” I said hesitantly.

  In a way, I felt sorry for her. I knew how I’d feel if I found myself in love with him and he didn’t return those feelings. I wanted to find out if she was in love or just lust.

  “I’m sorry you’re upset.”

  “You’re my friend, right, Brook?” She looked at me pleadingly, deciding to change her approach.

  “Yeah, of course,” I told her.

  “Then help me figure out how to get him.” Her voice was begging. Oh, God.

  “What exactly do you want from him?” I asked, not really wanting to know the answer.

  “Fucking him will do to start with.” I cringed. “He’s just so damn hot, I can’t help myself,” she said and pulled on her cigarette. “And if I can get him in the sack, that ups my chances of getting more.”

  My lips pressed into a tight line. I looked at her for a minute and then shook my head and let out an angry breath.

  “What?” She asked, exasperated.

  I was pissed and I knew my face was flushing. “There is more to Cade than just being hot, Wendy. You should try to get to know him. He’s an old soul, very deep and intellectual. He actually cares about people and thinks about things. Try to be less superficial. That isn’t what he’s about,” I said honestly and hoped the love wasn’t dripping off my words.

  I couldn’t believe I just told her how to get close to the man I adored. I felt sick to my stomach.

  “Wow.” She raised her eyebrows and she nodded as she held her cigarette. “That’s heavy shit, Brook. Can you talk to him for me? See if he’ll open up?” Her voice was low and I could see the wheels turning behind her eyes. “Maybe set us up?”

  “I’m not going to help you treat him like a piece of meat, Wendy. I care about him.” I told a little piece of the truth. “But yeah, I will see if I can find out his feelings.” Since I already knew what they were. “You can’t get mad at me if he isn’t in a place you want him to be, and you can’t ask me to stop being his friend. That isn’t up for negotiation, okay?” I was hoping that I’d tell her he wasn’t interested and she’d drop it.

  “Okay,” she said shortly. “Wait here,” she said as she ran back into the room.

  What was she up to? I was looking out over Beverly Hills and Hollywood, the lights of the city were pretty, and I was lost in thought. I ran my hand through my hair and shook my head.

  “Hey,” Cade touched my arm softly. “Wendy said you wanted to talk to me; that it was important.” His eyes were hungry as he looked at me. “Are you okay, love? Is something wrong?” He leaned on the rail close to me, his face turned toward mine.

  When I didn’t say anything, his brow crinkled. “Brook, tell me what this is about,” he said softly.

  I took a deep breath. “Wendy has been drilling me about my relationship with you. I had to tell her that we are just good friends and that I’m still with David.”

  Cade’s jaw set and his eyes hardened, sparkling almost black in the dim light.

  “I didn’t know what else to do. I wasn’t prepared for her to press me. I’m sorry.” My eyes were pleading for his understanding.

  “Is that all?” he asked. “I’m not angry, babe, but I bloody well hate this.”

  “No, that’s not all. She wants me to help her get you in the sack, to find out why you won’t take her up on her offer.”

  He groaned and he leaned both elbows on the railing of the balcony. He paused for a second to shake his head and let out an angry breath.

  “Just tell her the fucking truth, Brook. If you don’t, I will.” He was upset, his blue eyes flashing, as he ran a hand angrily through his tousled locks.

  “Cade, you can’t. Denise told me today that Wendy has a reputation for connections with the paparazzi. She tips them off to photo ops, and they spin the story in her favor. She is probably responsible for all the paps at the airport today. We can’t risk her knowing the truth. Not now.”

  It was getting out of hand, and I sighed.

  Cade turned and studied me, his eyes intent on my face. “I just want to love you, to be with you and not hide it. That’s all. Why is that so bloody difficult?” I could read the pain in his face. “I’m so angry about all of this!”

  I softened my voice, hoping to ease his angst. “Look, I’m really looking forward to this jam session. I want to hear you play for me.” I smiled. “We’ll figure out what to tell Wendy later.”

  His eyes were intent on mine as he reached out to run his hand down my arm. “Do you trust me, Brook?” I nodded slowly. “I’m going to handle it once and for all, okay?”

  “Yeah. What will you do?” I trusted him completely, but was worried about his methods.

  “You don’t have to worry about it, but I will take care of it, I promise.” He took my hand, “Come on, love, time to have a good time. Forget about her,” he said as we walked back in.

  Wendy looked at me anxiously and I smiled, hoping she would wait for another time to confront me about my conversation with Cade.

  He let go of my hand and went to pick up his guitar. Dawson already had his and was tuning it on the opposite couch. Jennifer came to sit next to me and brought mine with her.

  I watched Cade as he started to play, and knew it would all be okay somehow. I let myself get lost in the intricate strains of his acoustic guitar. Just like the day in the piano studio writing music, he amazed me every time he played an instrument.

  He was truly gifted. He had perfect
pitch, and could play practically anything by ear. He was so perfect. And he was mine.

  Chapter 16

  Only You

  When I could, I stole glances at Brook and watched her play and sing with us. I asked her to play again the song she did in London, and Dawson and I played with her. Her face was glowing, her eyes full of love as she sang it, I found myself not playing at times. When I bought it for her, shortly after our goodbye in Vancouver, I never dreamed she’d learn to play it. It made my heart swell knowing it meant as much to her as it did to me.

  I loved to see her so happy. She was laughing most of the night, except when Wendy decided to interrogate her, and I saw her face tighten. After our conversation on the patio, I mulled over how I was going to handle Wendy, but one way or another, I was going to handle it.

  It was almost midnight and I was ready for the night to be over, at least with this room full of people. I wanted to be alone with Brook. I was leaving the next evening, and I needed as much time with her as I could get. I really needed to consider getting a place in L.A. Most of my business was here, my agent was here, and now Brook was. It just made sense.

  “I’m really tired, guys. It’s 8 AM London time, and I need to get to bed. Does everyone have a ride home?” I asked.

  Wendy was, of course, the first to speak. “I don’t have to leave yet, Cade!” she said coyly.

  Always tuned in to her, I noticed Brook stiffen at her words. She turned to put her guitar away, and my jaw clenched. This ridiculous shit caused her pain, and I was bloody well going to put a stop to it. Now.

  Everyone filed out one by one, and everyone was gone except Wendy, Dawson, Jennifer, and Brook. “Brook, I’ve called my car to take you, Dawson and Jennifer home. Wendy, let’s get you a cab.”

  My plan was for the media to see Brook leaving with Jen and Dawson, and then sneak her back into the hotel through the garage entrance after the other two were dropped off. It also gave me the needed time to talk to Wendy alone. I would make my point this time, once and for all.


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