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THE WITCH'S CONSORT (The First Witch Book 2)

Page 6

by Meg Xuemei X

  He laughed. “Sleep, Freyja. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

  “The better you understand this, the better we’ll get along,” I said. “I don’t owe you, but you owe me big time by dragging me out of my comfortable home to find your future. So it’s your priority to keep me safe, warm, and nourished, and then I’ll be able to perform and find your witch.”

  “Isn’t this what I’m doing,” he said, tugging me closer, “to keep you warm?”

  I complained a bit more to make sure he understood me before sleep took me in its sweet warm, dark nest.


  Fire Burn

  When I woke up in the morning, Ares wasn’t in the tent, but his warmth and scent lingered. I inhaled, half-closing my eyes, remembering what had transpired yesterday.

  Ice had burned in my veins, and Ares had expelled the cursed cold with his body heat. His touch had not only brought out the ravenous lust in me; it could also heal me. With his aide, I awaked with such vigor.

  Lying alone half-naked in the bedroll, I missed the prince’s presence. I was warm now, but I had another need for him. I inserted my fingers into my panties and brushed my sex. It was hot and wet with aching want.

  Then I heard voices outside the tent. My hearing wasn’t as superior as an Angel’s, but it was sharper than any other earthling species. I pricked my ear and concentrated. Ares was conversing with Caen behind the tree that he’d hacked yesterday.

  “What’s going on, Ares?” the no-longer-silent Dragonian asked. “You’ve never acted jealous before when it came to women. You were always casual and you were never territorial. What’s so special about this wolf girl?”

  Ares warned, “Careful, cousin.”

  Cousin? Caen was Ares’ royal cousin?

  “You almost twisted off the shifter’s head last night,” his cousin said. “You’d never fought your men over a woman, regarding it beneath you. But ever since you bought this wolf girl along, you’ve been acting like a virgin boy under her spell.”

  “I’m not a virgin boy,” Ares snapped. “And she has a name.”

  “Have you slept with her?” his cousin asked.

  “That’s none of your business,” Ares snarled.

  “If you sleep with her, you throw away everything you’ve worked so hard for.” Now that Caen had opened his mouth, he wouldn’t stop. “Your fealty is to the First Witch,” he continued. “If you aren’t faithful to her, you’ll lose your perfect mate and true queen. Have you forgotten the Oracle’s words—only the First Witch will bring you the greatest kingdom Earth has ever seen and produce superior offspring that none other race could compete with?”

  My heart sank. No wonder Ares desired the witch more than anyone. Which man on Earth could turn that down? It wasn’t a temptation. It was an irresistible promise.

  “I haven’t slept with Freyja,” Ares said.

  I bet he was proud of himself. He would have hated both of us if he had acted on his lust for me last night.

  Caen blew out a relieved breath.

  “Maybe I don’t want the great kingdom,” Ares said in a dejected voice. “Maybe I’m no longer that ambitious.”

  My heart stuttered.

  “Did you hear what you just said, Ares?” Caen demanded. “If you think with your dick, you’ll also lose Atlantis. Your father’s kingdom will be divided and there will be a civil war. Your pure-bred bothers have considerable supporters. Many won’t follow a half-blood heir after you father is gone, unless you bring them a new prospect. Only when you secure the First Witch, and she shows her great, terrifying power and gives you a superior heir and children, it will convince our race that your father’s idea of the hybrids and super species is indeed the future of our people. Only then, will your rule never be contested again.”

  The Dragonians placed such a burden on the First Witch—she had to bring Prince Darken a grandeur kingdom on Earth, breed super-race children for him, and display her terrifying power in front of the entire nation to convince them.

  What woman in her sane mind would want that?

  I was so glad that they only knew me as the wolf girl, who was supposed to be wild, free, and irresponsible. Good luck finding the witch. Let them chase their own tails.

  I sat up and thanked Goddess Rhea that this bunch would never, ever, connect me to the witch.

  But why had the Oracle sent Ares to me?

  Merlin had also said I would be a great queen.

  Give me a break.

  After what I’d heard today, I would rather not claim the she-beast at the bottom of the lake and demonstrate a forbidden, terrifying power.

  I would bring chains to myself being the First Witch.

  I would be free forever being a wolf girl, until the day I expired.

  I would shove the “greatness” up anyone’s ass but mine.

  I dressed myself and stretched a bit as I continued eavesdropping. The duo was basically whispering. They didn’t think anyone could hear them.

  Good thing they kept underestimating me.

  “The witch is your future,” Caen said. “What can Freyja offer you? Sure, she’s a wild beauty, but you’ve had so many beautiful women in your bed that you lost count. None of them even left an impression. Perhaps the wolf girl is different—I’ve never seen you look at any other women the way you look at her, but this infatuation will pass. No matter how special she is to you right now, she isn’t the great First Witch. Only your fated mate will bear your offspring and share your throne. If you screw the girl, you’ll lose everything. If she becomes the threat to your future and your kingdom and you don’t have the heart to take her out, I’ll do it for you.”

  I heard a ferocious snarl from Ares, then a gagging sound from his cousin.

  “I don’t care how loyal you are to me,” Ares said, the brutality in his voice making me shudder. “I don’t care that you’re my first cousin. And I don’t give a damn that you’ll do everything to help me secure my rule. But if you lay a finger on or have anyone touch Freyja—I swear on my mother’s grave—I’ll erase you and your entire house from the face of Earth.”

  Indecipherable noises followed Ares’ words. It seemed that Ares had let go of Caen.

  “I won’t harm the girl,” Caen said after he stopped coughing. “But you need to let her go. She’s wrong for you in every way.”

  “I appreciate your concern,” Ares said. “How I deal with Freyja is my own fucking business.”

  “I won’t say it again,” Caen said. “In the end you’ll have to choose: living with nothing with the wolf girl or living with the witch who can give you everything.”

  I strode toward them like I owned the mountains. They snapped their heads at me. Caen’s gaze on me darkened, but Ares’ only brightened. I wasn’t wearing the cloak that usually concealed my face and I hadn’t put on my gloves.

  “Ares,” I asked, bracing hands on my hips, “where’s the breakfast?”


  Ares hadn’t been joking last night when he’d said we would be on patrol today.

  “Why do you need me for this, Prince Darken?” I asked, standing several feet away from Ventus and refusing to get on his back. “I’m not a scout and I don’t like chores.”

  The main reason I didn’t want to go was because I was afraid of being spotted by the Angels. Eye-patch might have brought more of his pals to look for me. The Dark Lord had seen me through the link. His charcoal eyes had stared back at me like endless pit, making me shudder with chills. His legion could be upon Earth anytime now.

  “What did I say about earning a keep last night?” Ares said. “And I’ve just fed you.”

  “I don’t care about earning my keep,” I said. “Why don’t you just throw me out?”

  Ares stalked toward me. “Wherever I go, you go. I lead, you follow. It should always be that way.”

  “Who says so?” I said as I backed away from him. “All my life I’ve followed no one. I’m not going to start now.”

  Ares growled.

>   “Freyja, I have a proposal,” Ventus said. He watched our argument with a keen interest. Wild wind was in his nature. He didn’t like harmony. He thrived from chaos.

  “That’s not completely true,” the guardian frowned at me. “I’m only thinking of your benefit this time. You can either go see the spectacular view of the war zone with the prince and me or stay here let your Dragonian nemeses glare at you the entire day. They won’t cook you lunch.”

  Einarr wasn’t around. The three Dragonians might scheme to kill me. Caen had proposed to take me out this morning. And I had no lethal weapon against them since they now all knew about my death touch.

  “What war zone?” I asked.

  “Humans are fighting Kinnaras on the other side of the mountains we’ll have to cross,” Ares said, regarding the spark in my eyes before turning to Ventus. “Let’s go without her. We invited her for a grand view, and she thought it a chore.” He no longer advanced toward me, but strode back to the guardian.

  “Wait!” I called, chasing after him. “Do you mean centaurs?”

  “Yeah,” he said in a bored tone. “The half-man half-horse species.”

  “I’ve never seen a centaur before,” I said. “I’ll go patrol with you.”

  “You aren’t needed anymore,” he said. “Actually, you’re dismissed. I can’t allow you to keep nagging—”

  I ran past Ares toward Ventus.

  Ares had always lifted me and placed me on the guardian’s back in the past when I’d pretended to be fragile. Now that everyone knew my lethal secret, there was no need for any pretense.

  I broke into a run and leapt. Effortlessly and gracefully, I landed on Ventus’ massive shoulder.

  You should have giving me a fair warning, Witchling, Ventus said.

  I thought you preferred my dramatic entrances, I said.

  Yeah, well, he said.

  I settled on the seat and turned to give Ares a victorious look.

  Everyone dropped their jaws, amazed at the height I could jump to. Only Lucas wasn’t around. I guessed he was still upset with Ares.

  Ares looked at me, a golden light sparkled in his eyes, and there was undisguised desire in them. A pair of tiny wings did a funny flutter in my stomach. Now I was really looking forward to patrolling with him. I hoped he’d slide his strong arm around my waist when we were in the air.

  I’d slept on his warm chest last night and I still couldn’t get enough of him.

  This feeling was more dangerous than pure lust. I wanted to fuck him, but I had no intention of falling for him. It’d be a miserable business to fall for the future ruler of Atlantis.

  Ares shook his head. “If you want her to go one direction, all you need is to point to the other.”

  He thought he’d figured me out, didn’t he?

  Ventus flapped his vast, taloned wings and surged to the air. At the same time, Ares leapt, like an arrow, and sat behind me.

  Did he always have to outshine me?

  Ventus took us sailing across the snowy mountains.

  He flew low and with leisure. I looked down at the multitude of white mountains sprawled beneath me and didn’t swat at the arm Ares snaked around my waist. He took it as a sign of encouragement and leaned into me to inhale my scent, his face almost buried in my neck.

  Even his breath on my skin could bring me shivers of pleasure. I enjoyed it for a few more seconds before turning to scowl at him. “Why are you sniffing at me?”

  “I was curious what kind of soap you used,” he said. “It smells—interesting.”

  “What do you mean, interesting?” I asked, annoyed. “It’s either good or bad. Interesting doesn’t say anything.”

  He laughed. “It says something, and it’s interesting.”

  Ventus also chuckled. It’s interesting, he said in my head.

  “You didn’t bring any soap, so what could I use? And I didn’t get to bathe last night, unless you wanted me to freeze my ass off.”

  He’d warmed me the whole night while I had only my undergarments. I also remembered the feel of his large, hard erection against my belly.

  “Einarr bought all the toiletries you’d need,” Ares said lazily. “You should ask him.”

  “Last time I asked, and you said—” I stopped. When I had bathed in the lake and asked him kindly to fetch me a soap, he’d said he and his team weren’t pussies that carried soap.

  “Perhaps this is your natural smell?” he asked, his nose brushing my neck, as if he couldn’t get enough of my aroma.

  To show my generosity, I let him sniff me.

  Enveloped by his scent that reeked of territorial male and protectiveness, my fear of the Angels dissipated. I relaxed against him, watching the sunlight sparkle off a ridge of snow-capped mountains and the guardian’s scales.

  Ventus glided through the landscape.

  It was all like a beautiful dream.

  Ares hadn’t brought up his precious witch much since he’d rescued me from the Angels. Before, he had constantly mentioned her with reverence. Now he seemed unwilling to get into the topic about her. It didn’t matter. We’d still be going in the direction he thought he would meet her.

  You don’t know much about men, do you, Witchling? Ventus said in my head.

  I know enough about men, I hissed.

  Then you should know about his feelings for you, Ventus said. He got you to patrol with him in order to spend time with you alone.

  We aren’t alone, I said. You’re here, listening to our every chat and intervening whenever you feel like.

  I’m not the third wheel, Ventus said in annoyance. Anyway, the prince thinks about you all the time.

  Like you can read a man’s mind and heart, I snorted.

  You’re all open books to me, Ventus said.

  Really? I said. Read me.

  The guardian tried to brush my mind, and I shoved and punched him.

  Ouch! Ventus cried. You’re being difficult. But the prince’s mind has no shield. As a red-blooded hybrid Dragonian male, he thinks you have the loveliest body he’s ever seen. He relishes his every touch on it.

  I blushed furiously. Ventus, that’s private.

  Not to me, Ventus lazily blew out a steam of wind. I think we should probably end this game. It’s best you just tell him you’re the witch, so we can all go home. The Angels are hunting you. The prince will protect you with his great army in Atlantis.

  I didn’t want to hurt his feelings by telling him that none of Atlantis’ army and his brethren could hold against the coming Angel legion. At some point, I would have to ditch all of them and go my own way. If I was lucky, I would reach Mysth in time. If I didn’t, there was no need to drag down the whole party with me.

  I wasn’t being sentimental. I was merely practical.

  It’s getting harder to keep your secret identity at all times, Ventus complained.

  I can’t tell him. It’s complicated, I said. And you won’t tell him a thing either.

  How can it be complicated? Ventus asked. I’ve never seen him want any woman like he wants you. Though his mind is slow to realize it due to your deception, his primal male instinct has recognized his mate.

  Stop, Ventus!

  You’re putting both of you through unnecessary torture, Ventus said.

  When did you become a relationship expert? I retorted.

  He wants you so much that he hates himself for it. He hates himself for not being able to be faithful to his future mate.

  You’ve just said it, I said coldly. Ares doesn’t want me more than anyone. He wants the witch more than anyone.

  But the witch and you are one and the same!

  Not the same in his head! I said. He’ll choose her over me any second of the day. I understand his reason. The Oracle promised him that she would give him everything. No sane man would turn that down. But it isn’t because I’m bitter or vindictive that I won’t tell him who I am. Ares and I won’t have a future together. If he knows I’m the witch, he’ll be disappointed beyon
d consolation. He pictures her as his perfect mate and regards her as a goddess. Even if he finally accepts me as the witch, he’ll only lose me eventually. So you’ll zip your big mouth instead of meddling and breaking his heart.

  What? Ventus asked. You lost me. What do you mean you two aren’t a perfect match? No one else can be more perfect for him. And how can he lose you?

  No matter how close you are to him, Ventus, I sighed. The prince doesn’t think like you. He won’t want a woman just for love or lust. He’ll be the ruler of Atlantis. He’ll be the new Commander, a Dragonian king. He’s chasing the First Witch for the kingdom and many other benefits she’ll bring him.

  You can do that, Ventus said.

  I’ve been living on a borrowed time, I said. My curse caught up with me last night. It’ll only get worse. I thought I had two years, but I was wrong. I don’t have much time.

  What curse, Freyja? Ventus asked. His whole body tensed beneath me.

  “Freyja,” Ares called, pulling me tightly against him, not liking the space between us.

  “What?” I asked.

  “I wonder what it means that I’m the only man who can touch you,” he said.

  “You aren’t the only one,” I said, turning to look at him cheerfully.

  He frowned at me. “Who else?” Then a light of delight sparked in his amber eyes. “Any man who touches you dies a painful death.”

  “Have you forgotten Merlin can also touch me?” I asked. “You aren’t all that special, Prince.”

  “The druid has a magical shield,” he said. “I’m but a normal man.”

  “You’re genetically enhanced.”

  “The guardians are also genetically-enhanced, intelligent, super beings,” Ares said. “But I doubt they can sustain your touch. Not that I encourage you to try on them.”

  “My touch will harm them,” I admitted.

  “That’s what I meant,” said Ares. “There’s a reason behind my immunity to your lethal touch.”

  “There’s no special reason behind it whatsoever,” I insisted. “Merlin can touch me like a normal man as well. He didn’t put up his magical shield when he held my hands in his.”


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