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Rising from the Ashes

Page 6

by Charity West

  Mr. O’Donnell was absent, but Molly assured me he’d have been there if he could. Something about getting tied up at work, but unless he worked at the garage, I had no idea what he did for a living. Was he an adrenaline junkie like his son? Or did he have a safer office job? I wanted to ask, but I didn’t want to appear too nosey. Maybe I’d ask Zarek, if I talked to him later tonight. I was almost certain he’d call at some point, if for no other reason than to see how dinner went at his mom’s house.

  “Kaycee,” Molly said, “you already know Seamus, but you haven’t met the rest of this crew.”

  She started pointing around the table, introducing Zarek’s brothers and sisters. It was a massive dining room table, and there were three brothers, two sisters, and the spouse and child of one of those sister’s. Too many names to remember. I hoped there wouldn’t be a quiz later, because I would have surely failed.

  “You work with my brother?” the one I thought was named Calder said.

  None of them looked alike, and I had to wonder if they were all adopted. Not that I was asking. My manners might have been rusty, but even I knew better than to do that.

  “Yes. I started working at the fire station this past week.”

  Calder whistled. “And baby brother already moved you in? Did you cast a spell over him or something? Zarek hasn’t been serious about anyone his entire life, and suddenly he has a live-in girlfriend? Something smells fishy, if you ask me.”

  Molly cast him a stern look. “Well, no one did ask you, so zip it.”

  “I think it’s romantic,” his sister, Raja, said. I wasn’t certain, but she looked like she might be from India, although her accent was pure North Carolinian.

  “The romance between us is new,” I admitted. “I originally moved in because he was trying to keep me safe. Someone broke into my apartment my first day on the job and Zarek didn’t want me to stay there alone. Moving in was supposed to be temporary, and honestly, we haven’t discussed when I’ll move out. For all I know, he still wants me gone as soon as possible.”

  Seamus snorted. “Not based off the conversation I had with him this morning. That boy is head over heels for you. I think if you tried to move out, he’d tie you to the bed.”

  My cheeks flushed as I contemplated Zarek and ropes. Not that he would have to tie me down to keep me by his side, but it was definitely something I wanted to explore later. So far, things had been pretty vanilla between us, which was fine, but I wouldn’t mind turning up the heat a little. I just had to convince him that I wouldn’t break. He was always so gentle and careful with me, as if I was a piece of spun glass that might shatter at any moment.

  “Oh, ho,” Seamus shouted. “Look at her face. I think she liked that idea.”

  My face burned hotter.

  “Seamus, leave the poor girl alone,” Molly scolded.

  He chuckled, but didn’t say another word.

  “Kaycee, what brings you to our small town?” Molly asked.

  Oh, boy. Zarek apparently hadn’t told her much about me, or at least nothing of my past. I wasn’t sure how much he wanted her to know, or how much I wanted her to know. She was still a stranger to me, even if she was Zarek’s mother. I didn’t want to lie exactly, but I didn’t want to tell her everything either.

  “I needed a fresh start. I just got in my car and drove until I found a place that looked like home. I had some money saved, so I used it to get an apartment and pay for the basics while I found a job.”

  “That doesn’t sound very responsible,” Calder said.

  “I’m nineteen, and I’ve been through more than you realize. I had my reasons for leaving home. All that matters now is that I have a stable job and I’m here to stay. I like this town, and I don’t plan to move on anytime soon.”

  “Well, I, for one, am glad you’re here,” Molly said with a smile. “I can tell that you make my boy happy.”

  The conversation turned away from me and focused on the others at the table, for which I was eternally grateful. By the time the meal was over, and the blueberry pie had been eaten, I was yawning and ready to go home. I excused myself, after thanking Molly for a wonderful meal, and made my goodbyes. When I got into my car, I sent a text to Zarek to tell him I was heading home.

  Night had fallen and the roads were dark. Very few neighborhoods in their town had street lights, and there were few to be seen on my way home. It was eerie with few cars on the road and no one out walking dogs or jogging. Almost as though the town were deserted. Unease crept down my spine as I pulled into the apartment complex. The windows were dark in Zarek’s apartment, and I couldn’t remember if I’d turned on the lights or not. I stopped with my hand on the ignition, trying to decide if I was ready to go in or if I wanted to wait. But wait for what? It wasn’t like Zarek was coming home tonight.

  I steeled my nerves and got out of the car. With my purse slung over my shoulder and my keys clutched in my hand, I approached the apartment. I nudged the door with my foot, breathing out a sigh of relief when it didn’t pop open. I was probably overreacting. There had been no sign of Price since the snakes in my old apartment. Maybe he’d just wanted to scare me, and he’d scurried back home now. He wasn’t very patient, so I had a hard time seeing him hanging around and doing nothing.

  The key slid into the lock, and I gave it a twist before pushing the door open. The apartment was freezing, and goose bumps broke out on both of my arms. I didn’t remember leaving the AC on high and wondered if it was on the fritz. After I shut and locked the door, I turned on some lights and went to check out the thermostat. Sixty degrees? I hadn’t set it that low! I pushed the button to raise the temperature and made my way through the rest of the apartment to check things out. Nothing looked out of the ordinary, so I relaxed.

  Gathering my pajamas, I went into the bathroom and shut the door. As an afterthought, I turned the lock, just to be safe, before I started the shower. As I washed my hair, I couldn’t shake the feeling something was wrong. Everything had seemed fine, but there was this voice in the back of my head telling me things weren’t as they seemed. I quickly finished washing and put on my clothes, but when I went to open the bathroom door, I hesitated. I hadn’t thought to bring my phone with me, and now I wished I had it.

  My heart pounded in my chest as I turned the lock and slowly opened the door. My breath left me in a whoosh as my eyes adjusted. Every light in the apartment was out. My hand tensed on the knob, and I almost slammed the door shut and locked it again, except then I’d be trapped. A sob welled in my throat as I inched my way through the apartment toward the front door. Partway down the hall, I froze. The door to the apartment stood wide open.

  I damn near pissed my pants as I contemplated what to do. Should I close and lock the door, or would I be closing someone in here with me? I fumbled my way to my purse and pulled out my phone. My hands were shaking as I dialed 9-1-1. I only hoped whoever answered wouldn’t think I was just some overly paranoid girl and would actually send help.

  “9-1-1. What’s your emergency?”

  “I think someone is in my apartment. When I got out of the shower, all of the lights were out, and the front door was standing wide open.”

  “Ma’am, are you still in the apartment?”


  “Can you go to a neighbor’s and wait for the police?”

  “I’m scared to move.”

  “Give me the address.”

  I rattled off the address and stood frozen, listening for anything out of place in the apartment. She assured me help was coming and to remain calm, to which I laughed. The apartment was deathly quiet and I could hear every one of my labored breaths. I shook from head to toe as I waited for the police, too afraid to stay in the apartment, and yet, too afraid to step outside. What if he was out there waiting for me? Even worse, what if he was in here waiting for me?

  Sirens could be heard in the distance, and my heart picked up its pace. I hoped that if Price was still around, and heard the sirens, that he would t
ake off. Wait. Was that … a noise? I heard a noise. I spun and faced Zarek’s bedroom, the door partially open. I crept closer, calling myself ten times a fool, and eased the door open. A figure darted from the closet and out through the patio door. A scream rose in my throat, and I bolted the other direction, straight out the front door and into an officer.

  “Easy, ma’am. I’m Officer Thomas.”

  “He was in the apartment.” I pointed back the way I’d come. “He ran out the patio door.”

  The officer pressed the radio clipped to his shoulder and told someone to check out the back entrance to the apartment. I didn’t know where Officer Thomas planned to go, but I knew one thing was certain. He wasn’t going to leave me standing out here on my own. I’d rather be with him and face Price, then be stuck out here by myself and have Price sneak up on me. I wasn’t going to be the dumb girl in the horror movie who went running up the stairs when she should have escaped out the front door.

  “I’m staying with you,” I told him.

  The officer nodded, and I followed him into the apartment, making sure I stayed out of his way. He cleared the space one room at a time, his partner coming in through the back. I was relieved Price wasn’t still here, but also scared. If the officers hadn’t found him, then he was still out there to terrify me another day. The worst part was that I’d only seen a shadowy figure of a male. I couldn’t say for certain that it was Price, but who the hell else would it be? I didn’t have any other enemies that I knew of.

  “Ma’am, I won’t say that you didn’t see someone, but are you sure there was a man here?” the second officer asked. “I didn’t catch anyone escaping out the back way.”

  “He was here. He bolted out of the closet and ran through the patio doors.”

  The first officer turned on some lights and inspected the closet. The clothes had been pushed aside, just wide enough for a man to fit, and the shoes in the bottom had been moved. Whatever they thought of me, I wasn’t making this up. Someone had been in there, and I had no doubt that if the police hadn’t been on their way, I’d very well be dead right now. They talked to me a little more and assured me they would patrol the apartments before heading out. When they left, I locked every lock on both doors, but I couldn’t shake the chill that had taken hold of me.

  My hands were still shaking when I picked up my phone to call Zarek. He didn’t answer, and I wasn’t about to leave a voicemail with terror still making my voice wobble. I hung up and hoped he’d call back when he was able. I really needed to hear his voice. What I needed more than ever was to have his arms around me, but I knew that wasn’t going to happen. Not unless I went to see him, and after the night I’d had, I wasn’t unlocking those doors for anything. If the apartment caught fire, I’d have to burn to death, because I wasn’t running out into the night with Price on the loose.

  Chapter Five

  The next week passed in a blur. I was constantly looking over my shoulder, never feeling safe unless Zarek was with me. Even at work, I jumped every time the door opened or the phone rang. I could tell the guys were worried about me, but they tried to give me some space. Zarek was troubled, even though he tried not to show it. I’d told him about Price being in the apartment, and he’d had an alarm system installed. It made me feel a little safer at home, but the only thing that would make me feel completely safe would be having Price behind bars again.

  It was Friday night, and Zarek was off work until Sunday morning. We curled together on the couch watching a movie, a large bowl of popcorn on the table in front of us. Things had been strained between us in the bedroom. I could tell he wanted to be intimate with me, but he was holding back. If I’d thought he was careful before, now he was downright paranoid that he was going to hurt or scare me. He didn’t seem to realize I needed the connection between us. I wanted those intimate moments, wanted to be touched and loved.



  “You like me, right?”

  He turned to face me a little. “What kind of question is that? Of course, I like you.”

  “Then why don’t you kiss me like you did at first? You’ve hardly touched me this week, and I can’t help but feel that you aren’t attracted to me anymore. Is it because of Price? If you want to distance yourself, I’ll understand. I can look for a new place to stay tomorrow.”

  He flicked off the TV and pulled me into his lap. “Kaycee, I don’t want you to go anywhere. I like having you here, having you in my bed. I’m just worried that you aren’t ready to take things as far as I’d like. You’re going through a lot right now, and I don’t want you to feel pressured.”

  I cupped his cheek. “I won’t feel pressured. Being with you is the best part of my day.”

  “Are you saying you want to go to the bedroom for more than sleeping tonight?” he asked as he traced a pattern on my thigh.

  “I’d very much like to go to the bedroom for more than sleeping.”

  He heaved a sigh. “Thank fuck. Do you know how hard it is to be around you and not touch you? It’s been torture trying to be good and give you some space.”

  “I want there to be as little space between us as possible,” I said, right before kissing him.

  Zarek tunneled his hand into my hair and kissed me like a starving man. When he pulled away, he cradled me against his chest and carried me to the bedroom. He eased me down onto the bed and then lit some candles around the room. After shutting off the lights, he slowly stripped out of his clothes, giving me a show. I crawled across the bed and ran my fingers down his abs. I would never get tired of touching him.

  “I think you’re wearing too many clothes,” he said as he reached for me. I giggled as he helped me out of my clothes, dropping them on the floor.

  With a growl, he pressed me back against the bed and traced every curve of my body with his lips. His touch was electrifying, and I leaned into every caress. As his shoulders nudged my thighs apart, my heart hammered in my chest. His lips brushed against my inner thighs and slowly inched higher. The first swipe of his tongue had me gasping and going still. No one had ever put their mouth on me there before, and I was excited and nervous all at once.

  He was tentative at first, as if waiting to see if I would protest or scream for more, then more demanding. Every lick and suck drove my need higher and higher until I was wriggling beneath him, begging for more. My orgasm grew to a crescendo and then broke, making me cry out in ecstasy as he took me to dizzying heights. My body pulsed and throbbed as he came over me, pressing me down into the mattress.

  As he kissed me, I could taste myself on his lips, and it was the most erotic experience I’d ever had. Zarek entered me with one sure thrust, and my nails scored his shoulders. His strokes were long and deep, and he took me to paradise twice more before he found his own release. Afterward, as the candles cast shadows on the walls, we lay cuddled together in the bed.

  “I want every night to be like this,” I said.

  Zarek smiled. “I don’t have a problem with that.”

  “Not to ruin the mood, but can I ask you something?”

  He rolled to face me. “You can ask me anything.”

  “Why haven’t we been to your mother’s together yet? I know you encouraged me to go alone, but I had to wonder if there was a reason you didn’t want to go too.”

  “I’d love to take you. We can go tomorrow night, if you want. I’ve just liked having you to myself on my nights off, and with Price out there…”

  “You don’t want to take trouble to her door.”

  He nodded.

  “Then we’ll wait until Price is caught before we go back. I don’t want him to think that he can use them as leverage. I’d hate for anything to happen to your family. They were really great, and I really like your mom.”

  “I know she loved you. Pretty sure if we broke up, she’d try to adopt you.”

  “Well, I would be honored to be part of your family. But I somehow didn't think you’d want to see me every day if we b
roke up. Wait. Does this mean we’re officially dating?”

  Zarek snorted. “I don’t do casual sex. As far as I’m concerned, we’ve been a couple since the day you moved in. It may have started as me keeping you safe, but it didn’t take me long to figure out I wanted you here all the time, even if Price wasn’t after you.”

  I trailed my fingers up and down his arm. “I like being here with you. If you’re sure I’m not in the way, I’d like to stay. But if you want your space, I’ll look for a new apartment in a safer part of town.”


  I couldn’t help the goofy smile that spread across my face.

  “If we’re not going to sleep yet, what would you like to do? Neither of us has to work tomorrow, so we can stay up as late as we want. Want to do a movie marathon? I think we could still get a pizza delivered, maybe even Chinese. I don’t know about you, but I’m starving,” he said.

  “Movie marathon on one condition.”

  “What’s that?”

  “That we watch the Scream movies. And those are definitely pizza and popcorn kind of movies.”

  “Deal. Let’s shower first, and then I’ll call in the pizza order. Unless you’d prefer Chinese? Hopefully, there’s still some popcorn in the pantry. If not, I’ll run to the store and grab a box.”

  “Chinese is fine.”

  I kissed him softly before rolling out of bed and going to the bathroom to start the shower. I couldn’t remember ever feeling this happy before. As the water warmed, Zarek came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, placing a kiss on my shoulder. We got into the shower and took our time washing one another. By the time we got out, the water had gone cold. Zarek was already dressed in his pajama pants and on the phone ordering our Chinese before I’d even pulled my pajamas from the dresser drawer. I dressed and double-checked the locks on the bedroom door before joining him in the living room.


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