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Handsome Widower’s Second Chance (Family of Love Series) (A Western Romance Story)

Page 10

by Elliee Atkinson

  Caroline’s face looked alarmed. “Alice is taking a bath? In the middle of the day?” The pitch of her voice began to rise. Adam could tell he was scaring her and moved to sit in the chair next to hers. He reached out and took her hand, swallowing the small thing in between his large ones.

  “Please don’t be afraid, Caroline. Alice is all right. But she might not have been, if Mark and I didn’t arrive just in time.”

  “In time? To prevent what?”

  “Mama,” Alice spoke up from the doorway. She had put on a new dress and brushed her wet hair, which hung in strings over her shoulders. “Mama, mama!” Fresh tears streamed down her face and she ran to her mother with her arms outstretched. Adam let go of Caroline’s hand so the older woman could stand up and grab her daughter.

  “Alice! Oh my dear, what’s happened? Are you all right? Tell me what’s happened, my dear girl.” She held Alice close. Adam sat back and took a deep breath, watching the mother and daughter embrace.

  Alice pulled away and looked at her mother directly. “Mama, Nathan had some of his cowpunchers over here. I was just trying to clean and sweep and take out the rubbish, but he let one of his friends come in here after me and he was going to do something bad to me! He ripped my yellow dress! He was trying to… to…”

  The alarm that had crossed Caroline’s face was back full force. “Oh, no! No! Did Nathan chase him off? Did Adam and Mark help him chase them away? Is that where he is now?”

  Alice shook her head vehemently. “No, Mama, Nate didn’t even try to help me. He was drunk, he was laughing, and he thought it was a joke. It wasn’t a joke, Mama! That man was going to hurt me!”

  “What? What??” Shock covered Caroline’s face. Adam stood up in case he needed to catch either of the women, should they faint. Caroline flapped one hand at her face, shaking her head back and forth in disbelief. “No. Not my Nathan. He wouldn’t dare allow anything bad to happen to you.”

  Alice covered her face with both hands. “Oh, Mama, it’s true. It’s really true! In addition, when Carl had me down on the ground and ripped my dress, Adam came in and pulled him off me. He threw him into the table, that’s why it’s broken.”

  “Where was Nathan when all of this was going on?” Caroline’s voice had become hard. Adam had never seen the woman angry and looked at her in surprise. He and Mark shared a look. Neither of them wanted to get in Caroline’s way when she was upset, by the look on the older woman’s face. Sure now that Caroline was far from fainting, Adam stepped closer to Mark.

  “He was still outside with that other fellow.” Alice answered. “I think his name is David. I can’t be sure. They are always wandering the streets with Nathan. I know you’ve seen them, mama.”

  Caroline nodded. “I know of whom you speak. And he didn’t do anything to help you? He didn’t call the men out on their behavior in any way at all?”

  “No, Mama, he was just laughing. Oh, Mama, oh, Mama,” Alice collapsed against her mother again but Caroline was having none of it. She pushed Alice up and looked into her daughter’s eyes.

  “You stop that now, Alice,” she said in a gentle but firm voice. “You are all right, thanks to these men here. I hope you have thanked them.”

  Adam nodded. “Oh, yes, Caroline. She didn’t need to. It was our duty to protect her.”

  “It was her brother’s duty to protect her. But I do thank you, also.” She looked at both Adam and Mark.

  “Yes, ma’am. You’re welcome.” Mark replied, nodding.

  “I will build you a new table, Caroline. I…”

  Caroline stopped him with a shake of her head and a firm look. “I would like that very much, Adam. But right now, I have much more pressing things to worry about. The table is easily replaced. My daughter’s life and mental well-being is not. You have been a God-send to this family, from the day you met my Holly.” Her voice shook slightly when she said her daughter’s name. “We will not forget this act of chivalry.”

  “What would you like us to do now, Caroline?” Adam asked. “We are willing to go find Nathan for you but I don’t think he will be very receptive to our arrival. There may be another fight.”

  “Did you fight with Nathan?”

  “I did,” Mark answered her. “I had to. He was… saying some very vile things. He was very drunk, ma’am. I only punched him once. He turned tail and ran after that, along with the other two.”

  Caroline shook her head. “What a disappointment he has become. After just losing our dear Holly, he turns to this. What will his father say? What will he think?” She continued shaking her head, dropping into the chair again while still holding Alice’s hand. Alice had dried her tears and was looking at Adam.

  “I don’t want you to go find him, Adam. I don’t want you to get hurt. Nor you, Mark. You have done enough for me already.”

  “However,” her mother spoke up and they all looked at her. “I would appreciate it if you would go find Chuck. He is at the general store picking up supplies for the summer harvest festival. I passed by on my way back from my ladies sewing circle and saw him in there chatting with several other men. They were sitting around the big stove in the middle of the store so I have to assume that’s where he still is. Will you go get him and bring him back here? If anyone is to go fetch Nathan, it will be him. Nathan will not listen to anyone else, I’m quite sure.”

  “Especially not us,” Adam murmured.

  Caroline nodded. “I’m afraid that is the truth, young man. Do Max and Riley have a safe way home?”

  Now it was Adam’s turn to look alarmed. “Do you think Nathan and his buddies will harm my children?”

  He could tell Caroline was trying not to look ashamed but her tone of voice betrayed her. “I’m afraid I don’t know what Nathan is doing anymore, Adam, or what he is capable of. I heard what he did to you last night and that he tried to get the children to come with him this morning because of Missy being at your house. I apologize for my son.”

  “Please don’t. His actions are not yours to apologize for.”

  “Regardless, I apologize. Will you get Chuck for me?”

  “I will do that. Then I will go get my children and take them home. I cannot allow anything to happen to them.”

  “Of course not.”

  “I’d like to go with you, Adam, if that’s all right,” Alice spoke up. “Just let me get my slippers on and put my hair up.”

  Before he could object, which he didn’t really want to do anyway, she had disappeared into her room.




  After Alice came out of her room, ready to go, the three of them left Caroline watching from the doorway and each took a horse to the general store. They were silent on the way there, scanning every face they passed, watching for Nathan or any of his friends.

  Alice was nervous, her heart pounding in her chest as if she had done something wrong. She wanted to tell her father what happened and yet, she wanted to hide it from him. Losing Holly so recently had taken a toll on him. She’d noticed his sorrow etched in the lines on his face, she’d heard him crying out in the middle of the night and being comforted by her mother. Her mother had her own share of bouts of tears. Alice had comforted her whenever she heard her crying but knew Caroline was crying much more often than she let on.

  The loss of her sister had changed everything. It had changed the way she thought about life, that her sister would not be her matron of honor as she had always planned to be. She would not be an aunt and share stories of motherhood with Alice. She would not be there for her own son and daughter’s weddings and would never have grandchildren to dote on.

  The heaviness of her heart battled against the anxiety she felt at telling her father what had happened that day, only a little over a week since Holly’s death. What would this do to him? She feared the worst.

  The three rode up to the general store and dismounted at the same time. They secured the horses to the h
itching post out front and Alice followed the men inside.

  Just as she passed through the door, the half dozen men sitting around the pot bellied stove in the middle of the store looked up and saw her come in. Those who were sitting rose to their feet and several took the hats from their heads, giving her a slight bow. She smiled softly at them.

  “Chuck,” Adam said, going directly to the older man. “We must speak to you. It is an urgent matter.”

  Chuck had been one of those seated. He was about to sit back down when he straightened again, looking at Adam with confusion written on his face. “All right, Adam,” he nodded at the men around him. “You will excuse me.”

  “Of course.” Most of the men responded while others just nodded.

  Adam lifted one hand and rested it against Chuck’s upper arm as they turned to walk back toward the door.

  “What is it? Alice? Is everything okay? Are the children okay?”

  Adam shook his head. “There’s nothing wrong with the children, Chuck. But we’ve had an altercation today and you should know about it.”

  Understanding spread across Chuck’s face. “I heard about what happened last night and this morning at your house, Adam. I’m sorry about Nate. I don’t know what’s come over him to hit you and then try to take your kids from you. I hope you know that’s not going to happen.”

  Adam nodded. “Yes, thank you, I know, but this is something else. Something else has happened concerning Nate. Caroline sent us to make you aware of the situation and to ask that you come home right away.”

  Once again confused, Chuck moved closer to the door. “I’ll get my supplies later, Ben, if you’ll hold on to them for me.” He called over his shoulder to the store clerk.

  Ben nodded and lifted one hand. “Yeah, sure, Chuck. I’ll just stick this over in this corner. You come back whenever you need to.”

  “Thanks!” Chuck made for the door and the others followed him. Once they were all outside, he turned to Adam. “All right, Adam. I deserve a better explanation. What’s happened?”

  The three of them went over the story with Chuck, each supplying minor details in an attempt to explain everything in full. The more they spoke, the deeper Chuck’s frown became until it was a full-blown scowl. He couldn’t stop shaking his head.

  “I cannot believe that boy. What would make him do such a thing? How can he not defend his own sister after losing his other one so recently?”

  Adam shook his head. “It’s a mystery, Chuck. One I hope we can understand soon. But for now, I have been encouraged to get my children and go home and that’s what I plan to do.”

  Chuck nodded. “Yes, you go get your children. Alice, you go with him to make sure he has everything he needs for them. Return her home when you need to, Adam. She will help you with the children.”

  Adam and Alice shared a look. He didn’t know what she was thinking by the look on her face. He didn’t know whether he wanted her in the house on a regular basis or not. She looked so much like Holly and was such a wonderful woman in her own right, he was sure his feelings for her might intensify. He didn’t think that was something anyone would approve of, least of all Alice herself.

  “Thank you, Chuck, I can get Missy to help me if I need it. Alice should stay with you, where she is safe.”

  Alice tried not to look disappointed. She didn’t want Missy taking care of her niece and nephew. She wanted to do it. She wanted to be around them… and Adam. She wasn’t going to deny that she had always been envious of her sister. With Holly gone and Adam left alone in the world with two small children, who better to step into the role than she? They even looked like her because she looked so much like Holly.

  She immediately felt guilty for having such thoughts. She turned away, blushing slightly and felt it deepen when her father continued with, “No, Adam, I am asking you to please take Alice with you. I will be seeking Nathan until I find him, and when I do, I don’t want Alice there nor do I want her left alone with her mother. Neither of them can properly protect themselves. It is up to us as men to protect them at all cost. She needs to be with someone who will protect her completely, as I would. That would be you, from the sound of things.”

  Alice pressed her lips together and chewed on the bottom one. “I’d be glad to help you with Max and Riley, Adam. Please let me try.” She knew she would be a better woman around them then Missy. She hoped Missy didn’t have her eyes on Adam. She didn’t want anyone taking Adam too quickly after Holly’s death and before she had a chance with him. She was willing to take a hit to her reputation to be with him but she dared not tell him.

  Adam nodded, giving in to the pressure of his father-in-law and the beautiful look on Alice’s face. “All right, that’s fine. Mark will come with us, to make sure no one is at my house.”

  “Oh!” Alice exclaimed. “You don’t think they went to your house, do you? I hope not. I hope they didn’t…”

  Adam backed up toward his horse. “I must go check. Mark, you and Alice go to the schoolhouse for the children. I’ll check the house.”

  “Nope,” Mark shook his head. “You can’t be alone. If Nathan is out to get you or any of his friends, you shouldn’t confront them alone.”

  Alice had visions of Adam’s house burning to the ground or his animals being slaughtered. She pressed her hands against her lips, her eyes wide. “Oh, what will we do?”

  “I’m going to find Nathan,” Chuck said, moving to his horse. “Adam, you come with me and the first place we will check is your house. If everything looks good, I will leave once the children are there and go search for him. Mark and Alice can go fetch the children and bring them to you. Does that sound like a good plan?”

  Adam nodded. “Yes, sir. Thank you.” He was relieved to have Chuck on his side.

  The four of them mounted their horses and set off to their destinations. Before they parted, Adam caught a glance from Alice. It was the first time he saw that look on her face and it reminded him of how Holly used to look at him. His heart melted. He turned his horse away from her, thinking that things were taking a strange turn and that he would have to be careful from then on. The last thing in the world he wanted to do was hurt Alice. It would be like hurting Holly. He would never have done that.

  He and Chuck rode along in silence. Adam wondered what the older man was thinking. If Max ever behaved the way Nathan did, not protecting and, in fact, encouraging harm to his sister, Adam didn’t know how he would react. The anger mixed with love for a child would be confusing and miserable. Chuck looked miserable. Adam knew the pain of losing Holly was bad enough without this.

  Once they reached the house, it was obvious Nathan and his friends had not gone there. He went inside with Chuck behind him and they both sat at the table to wait for Mark, Alice, and the children.

  “I’m sorry my son has caused this trouble for you, Adam.”

  Adam shook his head. “Caroline said the same thing, Chuck. I’ll tell you like I told her; this is not your fault. I am so glad I got to your house when I did.”

  “What brought you by?”

  “Would you like a cup of coffee?”

  Chuck shook his head. “If you have any lemonade, I would love some. But it is too hot out today for coffee or hot tea.”

  “I have some lemonade,” Adam stood up to get it from the kitchen. The space was open between the kitchen and the outer room where the dining table was so he continued to speak as he went in and made the cup for his father-in-law. “I went by because of what happened last night and this morning with Nathan. I wanted to know if you or Caroline, if you were angry with me. I was very much hoping you did not feel the same way as Nate.”

  “You mean blaming you for… what happened…” He didn’t finish. Adam knew why. It was still difficult for him to speak of her, too.

  “Yes, sir. I didn’t want you to think I did not watch over her or protect her. I worried about her but there was never any indication that…”

  “You needn’t worry. I… I
always had a feeling I would not have all the time I needed with her.”

  Adam came back in the room, set the cup down in front of Chuck and sat back down. “What do you mean?”

  Chuck swallowed some of his lemonade before answering. He didn’t take his eyes from the table. Adam could tell he was lost in memories as he spoke.

  “Ever since she was born, Holly always seemed like… well, an angel. I know Alice has the heart of an angel and is a good girl, too. However, there was something about Holly that… just after she was born, I held her in my arms and told her that I would never let anyone hurt her. I would always be there to protect her. As she was growing up, that feeling never changed. That feeling like she was not… not long for this world. I felt so blessed on every birthday, every holiday I got to spend with her. She was a little darling, so small and fragile as she grew up. I was constantly worried she would be hurt, no matter what she did. She wanted to climb trees and play with the boys and be rough and tumble. And I worried every minute about her.” His eyes filled with tears. Adam had never expected to see the big man cry. He was a bull of a man, with a full beard and mustache, hair to his shoulders and muscles bulging against his shirt. For his age, Chuck was in fantastic shape. He was a hard-working man, so that didn’t surprise Adam. However, the tears did.

  “I love her, Adam. I will miss her sweet face for the rest of my life.”

  Adam felt the tears stinging his eyes. Seeing his father-in-law in that shape made him want to share in the sobbing. “I understand, Chuck. I really do.”

  Chuck swept the tears away from his eyes and took a long drink from the cup. “I know you do, Adam. You took good care of her. Never worry about that. She loved you more than I’ve ever seen anyone love another person in my life. Once you were with her, I didn’t worry anymore. Well, not like I did. And when I… when we lost her, I was left feeling like God had warned me all my life. I’m so glad I showed her how much I loved her. I would be devastated if I hadn’t.”


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