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Handsome Widower’s Second Chance (Family of Love Series) (A Western Romance Story)

Page 12

by Elliee Atkinson

  Mark shook his head. “I am here for this family in every capacity, Mr. Wesley. I’ll come along with you.”

  “If you plan to, you’ll have to call me Chuck. Not standing on formality with someone who is willing to be in a precarious situation.”

  Mark grinned slightly. “All right, Chuck it is.”

  “Where will you go first?” Adam asked. “The saloons?”

  “We’ll check there first, yeah. Most likely place to find him, I’d say.” He stood up and went to the ladder. “Max!” he called out.

  When the little boy leaned over the edge of the loft and looked down at him, he continued. “Did you see where Uncle Nate was going? What he was doing?”

  “They were idling outside the school, watching us play. I thought he was going to come over but when Miss Berry came outside, he turned away and went to his horse. His friends went with him. I went inside and didn’t see where they went.”

  Adam frowned. The thought that Nathan had been watching the children unnerved him.

  “Okay, thank you, son.” Chuck turned to face the other adults. It was obvious by the look on his face that he was thinking the same thoughts as Adam. “Why was he watching the children play?” he murmured. He took a few steps toward the door, gesturing to Mark. “Come on, we have to go find him.”

  Before he went out the door, he turned and gave Adam a long look. “Keep your eyes and ears open, Adam. If you see anything suspicious or you are confronted by him or his men, don’t hesitate to fight back. He is my son and I don’t want to lose another child. Nevertheless, I refuse to let him take my daughter, grandchildren, or you down with him. You fight back, you hear me?”

  Adam nodded. “Yes, sir. I will. I understand.”

  Chuck went out the door, shaking his head.

  Mark followed behind him, giving Adam and Alice a short salute before leaving.

  “Be careful, Mark, Papa!” Alice stood at the door, watching them leave.

  “Alice, come in and close the door,” Adam said, softly. She turned to look at him and did what he said. “I’m worried. I don’t want… they might be out there. I don’t want you hurt again.”

  “We can’t stay holed up in here forever, Adam. What will we do? We must fight back.”

  Adam nodded. “I agree. For now, the only option we have is to stay inside and hope for the best. We will pray that your father and Mark find them and help them cool down from this mess.”

  “I don’t like it. I don’t think Nathan can possibly be in his right mind.”

  “Oh, he isn’t. That’s what drinking does to a man when he loses control of it.”

  “I don’t understand the urge men have to drink. It makes my mind foggy. I can’t think straight. I don’t like it.”

  “I don’t know, Ally. I have never been much of a heavy drinker.”

  Alice sat in the chair her father had vacated. “It surprises me that you didn’t stay drunk for the past two weeks, since it happened. I think any man would and no one would blame you.”

  Adam shook his head. “It’s never been a strong urge for me.”

  “Do you want me to stay here tonight? The sun will be setting in a few hours. It’s almost time for dinner. I’ll make something for you and the children if you like.”

  “That would be nice, Ally. I can use the help.”

  Alice looked around the untidy room, smiling. “Yes, you need someone to dust and clean in here. I’m surprised Missy didn’t do it.”

  “Missy tries her best. But she’s not a family woman. She has never had her own family.”

  “I wonder why. She’s a pretty woman.”

  Adam shrugged. “I guess it’s for the same reason Mark is not married.”

  “Haven’t found the right one?”

  “Yes, I suppose.”

  Alice raised her eyebrows. “Maybe they can get together!”

  Adam laughed and reached out to rest one large hand over one of her small ones. “Are you playing matchmaker now, Ally?”

  She smiled at him. “Maybe.” She drew the word out and both of them laughed.

  “I suppose they would be good for each other. They are about the same age. Both good looking people. Smart. Funny. Yeah, they’d be a good pair.”

  “Well, maybe I will go ahead and suggest it. To Missy. You can say something to Mark.”

  Adam continued laughing and shook his head. “I’m no matchmaker. Don’t expect me to say anything to Mark. His business is his and I’m not interfering. When he finds a woman to marry, it will be on his terms and no one besides his.”

  “I understand that,” Alice smiled. “We were talking about that when we went to fetch the children.”

  “About marriage?”

  “Yes, and relationships. Neither of us are married, both of us are marrying age. Well, he’s a bit older than most. But he doesn’t seem to mind. He says if or when it happens for him, he’ll know it. I understand that. There’s not a lot of women here in Wickenburg or on the West coast.”

  “That’s true. And what did you say about being married? Or not married as the case may be.”

  Alice tried not to think of the implications of his question. Her sister was important to both of them. It was too soon for her to be thinking about marriage or a relationship with the man in front of her. However, her heart was telling her otherwise and she knew that the subject was making her blush.

  “I… I feel the same way he does. When it is right, when the right man is with me, I’ll know it. It’ll happen. I told him I don’t want to marry for money, protection, or any of those things that so many women get married for. I want to be in love with my husband. I want to be loved by him. I don’t want to be property or a housemaid to him.”

  Adam nodded. “I understand. That is very wise. You should wait until you find a man to make your heart pound and your blood heat up. That’s the only way to go. That’s when you know you have found love.”

  “But what if that’s just the surface?”

  “What do you mean?” Now he looked confused. She grinned.

  “What if the physical reactions are only a temporary thing? Did you feel that way when you met Holly? Or did the feelings grow the whole time?”

  “I always loved Holly, from the minute I met her. I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. I’m blessed to have our two children.” His voice had grown tense but he continued on anyway. “The feelings I had for her – and still have – will never go away, even if I find someone else to love. And someone to love me and my children. I don’t expect it to happen. However, if it does, I will take it as a blessing. That I was twice blessed in my lifetime.”

  Alice could say no more on the subject. She wanted to be the woman he chose if he was to be twice blessed. She knew it. She didn’t dare say it out loud though. If he was ever to find out, she may lose his friendship and access to the children in one fell swoop.




  Adam watched Max and Riley eating the dinner Alice had prepared for them, thinking how easily they had adjusted to their new life without their mother. He’d heard Riley crying a few times in the middle of the night, but when he went to the bottom of the ladder that led up to the loft, he could also hear Max comforting her, so he didn’t go up. For now, they were chatting about their school friends and how excited they were to be learning to write.

  “I can do them easy,” Max said in a proud voice. “I learned to write the alphabet when I was younger than you, Riley. Now I’m writing words.”

  “Well, you are older than me,” Riley responded, sticking her tongue out at her brother. “When I’m as old as you, I’ll be writing words, too.”

  Alice giggled. Adam thought what a lovely sound it was. He turned his eyes to look at her. She was as beautiful as her sister, so similar it almost hurt. He pushed past the feeling, knowing that missing Holly would not bring her back. He knew his fondness for Alice had taken a new
turn and wasn’t sure what he wanted to do with those feelings. Alice may very well react with shock if he were to be too forward with her. After what had happened with Carl, he knew it was not the time to be opening up about something like that to her. The last thing he ever wanted to do was hurt her. He didn’t want to hurt anyone.

  The sound of horse’s hooves outside made Alice and Adam stop eating and look at each other with alarm. The children continued talking to each other but Adam no longer heard what they were saying. He stood up slowly, shaking his head at Alice when it looked like she was going to stand, too. She stayed seated and stared at him in fear.

  Not wanting to scare the children, he walked casually to the door and opened it enough to see out. He didn’t see anything. He looked back at Alice before stepping out onto the porch.

  “Is someone there, Papa?” Max called out. Alice shushed him quickly. Max frowned in confusion.

  Adam looked to the side of the house where the trail led up to it. There was someone on horseback, carrying a lantern to light the way. He breathed a sigh of relief when the horse and rider got closer and he could see it was Mark.

  He moved back to the front door and looked in at Alice. “It’s Mark. I’ll be right out here. You three stay inside. It’s too dark to be out here playing anyway.”

  “Okay, Papa.” Max said in a grown up voice, nodding. His face was so serious it made Adam want to laugh. He didn’t want to discourage the child, so he turned away and pulled the door closed behind him.

  Mark dismounted and pulled the horse along behind him to reach the front of the house, where he tied the reins around the post.

  “Hey.” He came up on the porch.

  “Hey. Did you find Nathan?”

  Mark shook his head. He lifted the lantern and hooked it on a nail Adam had put in the porch post just for that purpose. The two of them sat on the top step of the three porch steps. “We looked in both the saloons. They were at both at some point during the day but not when we were there. Everybody is looking for them right now.”


  “Well, everybody we talked to. Sam said he’d send someone to the Wesley’s if Nate showed up there again. Chuck didn’t want to go to Carl’s or David’s though. He’s an older man, you know, and he wouldn’t want to be confronted by all those men at the same time. I don’t either, to be honest with you. Hurt my hand punching Nate. He’s not going to react well to my showing up. They might have even more people there too. We don’t know what they’ll do.”

  “Nope. We don’t know. They probably haven’t stopped drinking. They’ll be even meaner and more willing to fight.”

  “That’s what I was thinking. Alice inside? The kids okay?”

  Adam nodded. “We’re just finishing dinner. Alice will put them to bed soon and we’ll talk. I don’t know if I should send them to school tomorrow or not.”

  “Do you really think Nate will come after the kids?”

  Adam frowned. “Well, you heard what Max said. They were watching the schoolhouse. They might have been plotting how to get the kids from there. They might have been thinking about waiting for them to get out and take them somewhere.”

  “I don’t know why he’d want to do that. Doesn’t he know how much pain that would cause, not just to you, but to his mother, father, and sister?”

  Adam shook his head, thinking Nathan didn’t care about any of that. “If he’d had a problem with someone hurting his family, he wouldn’t have let Carl attack Alice.”

  “I don’t understand why he has it out for you at all. His actions aren’t very logical.”

  “He is angry because he thinks I didn’t take care of Holly. Didn’t protect her.”

  Mark nodded. “I get that. I understand that’s what he’s thinking. But hurting everyone else isn’t the way to handle things. I mean, he hasn’t even processed the damage of what’s already happened. He’s got everyone tied up in knots trying to figure out what he’s planning.”

  “Maybe that’s his plan. To scare us all.”

  “Why would he want to scare his mother and father?”

  Adam felt a bit of frustration run through him. He didn’t know the answer to Mark’s questions. He was as confused by Nathan’s behavior as everyone else. “I don’t know.” He finally said in a gruff voice.

  Mark fell quiet. Adam knew he recognized his irritation and didn’t want to continue aggravating him.

  “How is Alice feeling?”

  “She seems to be fine for now.”

  “I’ll bet she’s comfortable in your house.”

  “What makes you say that?” Adam looked at his friend but couldn’t quite make out his face in the dim light cast by the lantern and the half-moon above.

  “It’s cozy in there. You built a nice house for your family.”

  “Thanks.” Adam looked at his clenched hands and consciously relaxed them. “I did the best I could.”

  “I know you did.” They were quiet for a moment. “Do you think Alice will stay on and help you for a while? Or were you thinking about getting Missy to come back?”

  Adam shook his head, recalling his earlier conversation with Alice about Missy. “I don’t think I’ll have Missy come back. If I need someone to help me, I’ll ask Alice. She seems willing.”

  “She’s more than willing.”

  Again, Adam gave Mark a sharp look. “She is?”

  Mark raised one eyebrow at his friend. “Of course she is. You and the children are her family. She would do anything to keep you safe. Anything within her power, anyway.”

  “And she doesn’t have much power.”

  “Not strength. But she is an encouraging woman. Her presence would help the children. And you, too. I know you aren’t used to being alone.”

  Adam wondered if Mark could tell he had growing feelings for his sister-in-law. He contemplated bringing it up to get Mark’s advice on what to do. He pictured Alice in his mind and it gave him a sense of peace and comfort. He sensed that if she stayed long enough, he wouldn’t want to let her leave. If she wanted to go, he wouldn’t stop her. Mark was right, though. Her presence was soothing. It almost made him feel normal again, even though Holly had been gone such a short time.

  “I have to be careful with her, though. She is a sensitive woman.”

  Mark chuckled. “All women are sensitive, Adam. Don’t you know that by now? You’re the one who’s been married all this time.”

  “Holly was a strong woman. I didn’t give her a reason to be sensitive about anything.”

  “You don’t need to give a woman a reason. They’re just like that.”

  Adam smiled. “Okay, Mr. I know everything about women.”

  Mark lifted his hands in defense. “Now, I didn’t say that. I just haven’t met a woman yet who hasn’t proven to be quite sensitive about everything.”

  “You’re looking in the wrong place then.”

  “Oh? Where am I supposed to look? Wickenburg isn’t a metropolis, you know.”

  “That’s true. I guess you might have to wait for some lady to come traveling through and grab her up before she has a chance to say no.”

  Both men laughed. “I don’t think I’m going to do that.” Mark replied, shaking his head. “Listen, I want to ask you something and I don’t want you to punch me for it.”

  Adam stared at him. “Okay,” he said slowly.

  “Do you think… maybe you and Alice might…?” Mark stopped talking and just let the sentence trail off. Adam didn’t immediately answer.

  “I think it’s too soon to be thinking about that,” he said. “I’m still… I’m still grieving. We both are.”

  Mark nodded. “I know. But… well, I just want to let you know that… well, it’s kind of obvious to everyone else that you two are getting closer.”

  “How can we not? So much has happened in the last two weeks.”

  “Just be careful, Adam. If you aren’t feeling that way for her, it will be a huge let down to her. I can see it in the way she
looks at you. It’s written all over her face.”

  Adam frowned. He hadn’t noticed anything.

  “I can see you don’t think she’s feeling any sort of way for you,” Mark said. “But take it from someone who observes faces all the time. Her feelings are growing. When you tossed Carl off her like that, coming to her defense… you became her hero right then, Adam. If you weren’t already. She knows you’re a good man. She saw the way you cared for her sister. How can any woman resist a man who she already knows is a gentleman and a loving husband and father?”

  “I don’t know about all that. I haven’t seen anything…”

  “You wouldn’t. I know it’s still too soon to be talking about all this. However, I’m just warning you. If you don’t plan to be closer to Alice, I’d pull back a little before it’s too late and she’s full blown in love with you.”

  Adam bit his tongue to keep from spilling his thoughts to Mark. How he felt about Alice was his own dilemma to deal with. Knowing that her feelings were displayed on her face to everyone else and he hadn’t noticed was going to make it even harder for him to resist his own.

  “I don’t want to hurt her.” He said.

  “I know you don’t. Trust me. I know it.”

  They fell into silence for a few minutes, lost in their own thoughts.

  “What is Chuck doing now?”

  “It’s late,” Mark replied. “After we rode around town looking for Nate and his cowpunchers friends, he got hungry and wanted to go to bed. He went home. He said if Nathan returned home, he would deal with him.”

  “I hope they aren’t in danger. I hope Nathan isn’t planning anything sinister against his own parents.”

  Mark shook his head. “I don’t think he will. It’s not them he’s mad at. Then again, they are taking your side in this, so maybe he’s angry at them for not being on his side.”

  “That’s comforting,” Adam said, sarcastically.


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