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Oathbreaker (The Godhunter, Book 3)

Page 20

by Sumida, Amy

  The kiss was fierce, full of anger as well as passion, but it was also sweet and desperate. His arms brought me in tighter, his lips pulling at me, his tongue warring with mine. It was toxic and a cool relief, all at once. My drug of pleasure and healing, a fix I needed as bad as any junkie. I drew the taste of him into me, into my very cells, calling up the memories that wanted to come forth and letting them roll over me.

  I found myself lying beneath him, pulling him tighter against me, gripping his hair with my hands. I was crying but I didn't know whether it was with happiness or misery. I couldn't tell the difference anymore. Not there, in that moment of revelation and reunion. Of redemption and damnation.

  I bit at him and drank him down like he was communion, my own personal god. He blocked out all thoughts of anything else until the memories eased and the fire burned down enough for me to think again.

  “I love you,” I whispered against his lips. “I have felt the loss of you my entire life. So cruel of you to deny me oblivion but I can't hate you for it. I seem to love you even more, you vicious, selfish thing.”

  “Sabine,” he moaned and buried his face in my hair. “I love you so much.”

  “The feel of you here, pressed against me, seems right,” I stroked his hair. “But I know it's wrong, my sweet raven. You've plucked me out of death and given me a new life but the cost of this rebirth is that it must be new. I can't live the same life twice.”

  “No,” he lifted his head up and took my face in his hands. “Don't say it.”

  “If you had let things run its course, let me return to you on my own as I swore I would, we would have had a new life together. But you forced things instead and in doing so, you've also forced me to let you go again,” I reached up and brushed at his tears. “I'm so sorry. I wish I could stay here with you. I wish there were a way to have all of you but there isn't. I have to decide. To do otherwise would be unfair to you both.”

  “So you choose him?” Odin pulled us both into a sitting position. “All of our years together, and you choose him?”

  “It's because of our years together that I have to choose him,” I gently took his hands from my arms. “I made a promise to him, to love him in this life. I won't break that promise.”

  “What of your promise to me?”

  “That promise died with Sabine's body,” I stood up before I lost my strength to fight the pull he exerted on me. “This body is Vervain. My mother, the woman you chose to carry me, influenced more than my appearance. She showed me what it meant to be strong. Do you even realize you put me into a sixteen year old girl?”

  “Yes,” he shook his head in confusion. “That's the perfect age for a woman to bear a child.”

  “Maybe but it's not the acceptable one anymore,” I shook my head at his selfishness. “Especially not outside of marriage. You forced a hard choice on a young girl. My Mom's family is very religious, she was judged harshly for your decision. Yet despite all that, she bore me and she raised me with so much love that I never knew of her hardships until I was much older. She was not just a vessel for your dead wife to be reborn from, she was and is the ruler I measure myself by and I will not disrespect all of her sacrifices for me by coming up short this time.”

  “I...” Odin swallowed convulsively. “I had no idea.”

  “No, of course not,” I shook my head, disappointed in him and in myself for loving him despite it all. “All that mattered was your need, you never considered how it would affect everyone else. Well today I'm going to show you that everyone else matters just as much as you do. My mother matters and Trevor matters.” I took a shaky breath and let it out slowly. “Odin, this is over. If my life changes and I'm able to have you again, I will welcome you back with open arms, but until then, I have to be true to Trevor. I have to be true to the woman I have become and the woman who raised me. Life and death are a circle, I told you that once and you should have listened to me. I would have made my way back to you on my own and that would have been right and natural. This, what you've done, we will both have to pay for in tears.”


  “Goodbye, Odin.”

  Chapter Thirty-One

  When I returned home, the bed was empty. No Trevor. A shiver of dread shot through me as I remembered the last time he went missing. I looked around the empty room, peering into the shadows like they might be hiding a werewolf. They weren't.

  “Kirill,” I called without leaving the room.

  “Tima?” He was behind me in an instant.

  “Do you know where Trevor went?”

  “No,” he frowned. “He ask me same zing about you. Zen he leave. He tell me nozing.”


  I flipped open my cell and dialed his number as I did the litany of pick up, pick up, pick up inside my head. He didn't listen. I didn't even bother calling Moonshine, I just headed quickly for the door. By the time I had it open, Kirill was behind me wearing a dark expression and his leather jacket. We were both going through déjà vu, it appeared.

  I took a deep breath and headed for the car, no words exchanged between the two of us. At least I wasn't feeling Trevor's pain this time. Maybe he was out getting ice cream. Maybe he was having an affair. Oh please, let it just be another woman.

  I sped down the deserted streets, as I tried to keep panic at bay. I didn't want to trace over, in case he'd got into an accident and was lying on the side of the road. Images flashed through my head. Trevor in Demeter's embrace. Demeter's cold stare as she dropped my wolf to the ground. If it weren't for Kirill's calm thinking and my bond to Trevor, the Prince would be dead. As it was, Fenrir and the entire Froekn clan had it out for the goddess for her attempt on his life. Maybe she figured she might as well finish what she began.

  Why did he go looking for me? He should have just stayed at home and waited. Yeah right, like I would have waited. He got up in the middle of the night to an empty bed and decided to go find his mate. It's not unreasonable but it was my fault. I should have left a note. I should have woke him or something. I shouldn't have just left without letting him know where I was going.

  But that was the rub wasn't it? I couldn't tell him where I was going because he would have wanted to come. I wasn't even thinking straight at the time. I just knew I needed to talk to Odin. And what had I said to Odin? If my situation changed, I'd welcome him back with open arms. Could Odin have done something to Trevor? No, that was impossible. I'd gone straight to the tracing room and then home. Odin couldn't have beat me back.

  So what then? Where was Trevor and why was I heading to Moonshine? It's not like it would have been the first place he'd look. I almost turned the car around but something told me to keep going. I knew I was headed in the right direction. Trevor had gone to the club. I just didn't know why.

  We pulled into the back lot of Moonshine, where Trevor's Harley sat forlornly in a sea of asphalt. I screeched into a spot beside it and jumped out.

  “Fuck,” I ran over to the bike and looked down at a piece of paper flapping in the breeze.

  It was tied to the handlebars with hair. Trevor’s hair. I started to shake as I yanked it off, pieces of beautiful black hair drifting away. The note was made of real parchment, written in exquisite calligraphy and read simply:

  I have your mate, I’d rather have you, come to Breidablik if you want to trade.


  I crushed it as I screamed.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  In less than two hours, I was standing on the hillside beyond Breidablik with an army. Fenrir was on my right with the Froekn, Odin on my left with the God Squad and his non-evil sons, and the Intare was at my back. I was going to kick some serious shiny ass.

  “How long do you think it’s going to take before he does something?” I looked at Odin but he just nodded his head toward the gate of the massive estate.

  A large force was walking out to meet us, Balder at the head. There were the traitors that had left Odin, and even Demeter(not a huge surprise
really), but there were also some new faces in the group. Balder and a few men separated from the whole and started for us. I frowned as I strode forward to meet them, Fenrir, and Odin walking with me as my guards.

  “Who are the others?” I eyed a tall, dark-haired man who looked like he had a Xena fetish.

  “The one you’re staring at is Ares,” Fenrir growled.

  “Ares, the God of War?” I looked closer and something inside me jolted in recognition. “Oh shit.”

  “He was one of Aphrodite’s lovers,” Odin was eying his son as he added that little tidbit.

  “Yes, I know,” I rolled my eyes. “Thus the ‘oh shit’. He probably doesn’t like me much.”

  “Neither do their children, I suppose,” Fenrir nodded to the men behind Ares.

  “They had four children?” I had only recently learned that Aphrodite had bore a son to Hermes, now I hear that she had four with Ares. The only one she didn't give any children to, it seems, was her husband. The poor bastard.

  “Yes but only two of those there are their sons,” Odin waved distractedly. “The men in the back are his attendants, Trembling and Panic.”

  “Trembling and Panic?” I stopped walking for a second, to eye Odin before he took my arm and propelled me forward again. “What he name his sons, Pain and Avarice?”

  “Try Deimos and Phobos,” Fenrir smiled scathingly, “Dread and Fright in English. Harmonia and Eros don’t fight for obvious reasons.”

  “The hobbies of my children are no concern of yours Wolf King,” Ares had finally come within speaking distance.

  “Save your remarks for later,” Balder shot Ares a quelling look. “You’re on my time.”

  “Fuck off,” Ares growled. “I’m not here for you. I want the witch.”

  “At least you’re not bitter,” I sighed.

  “This is humorous to you?” His eyes narrowed. “You took the one woman who loved me away and now you mock my pain?”

  “Interesting,” I looked closer at the angry god. He was good-looking but his lips had a tight, greedy look to them and his eyes turned down at the sides like he was perpetually frowning... or a little slow. His chin was square but stubborn and his nose gave the distinct impression that it was constantly raised in disdain.

  “Interesting?” Hot color was suffusing his cheeks.

  “I notice that you say the woman who loved you, not the other way around,” I nodded. “You two were definitely well suited. Did Hephaistos know about you guys?”

  “Don’t speak of my mother, whore,” a white-haired young man stepped forward and when he sneered at me, I couldn’t help but notice his pointed teeth. I wondered if he was Fear or Panic.

  “Don't speak of your mother-whore? Is that like Madonna-whore? Is it a complex?” I smirked.

  “No, I called you a whore,” the man snarled.

  “Why do they always call me a whore?” I looked over at Fenrir.

  “I don’t know but they’d best stop,” he growled as his muscles bunched in preparation of launching himself at Mr. Pale’s throat.

  “Make all the threats you want,” Ares pushed in front of his son. “When the end comes, my magic will turn the sky black.”

  “Then we will fight in the shade,” I smiled slowly, wondering if anyone would get my reference. Doubtful, though it was a war movie.

  Ares sputtered and reached for his sword but Balder stopped him with a quick hand. “Enough, this is my moment, find your own time to fight her.”

  Ares stared at me hard but finally nodded curtly and stepped back.

  “Where’s Trevor?” I glared up at Balder.

  “Inside,” Balder smiled, finally serene. “Demeter's been taking care of him. I’ll bring him out if you’d like to come in.”

  “Figures,” I snorted. “You and that evil bitch. Do you know she just tried to kill her own son-in-law?”

  “No, and I don't care.”

  “You don't care that the Lord of the Underworld is now your enemy because of the company you choose to keep? Interesting but then I guess he's no more terrifying than either of these two.” I gestured back to Odin and Fenrir. “Do you think they're just going to go away once we make this little exchange?”

  “They will if they want you to live,” the Shining One started to lose his sparkle.

  “You're planning on killing her anyway,” Fenrir growled. “Better to save her the torture.”

  “But you won't be saved from torture,” Odin said directly to his son before turning his one-eyed stare on the others. “Any of you.”

  “Bring it on, cyclops,” the pale one spoke again.

  “Shut up,” Ares pushed the guy back. “She killed my lover, All Father. You cannot deny that I have a valid claim.”

  “Your lover was in the middle of torturing Vervain to death,” Odin said before I could jump in. “The Godhunter was within her rights to kill Aphrodite.”

  “I care not for whys or rights,” Ares spat. “Aphrodite was a goddess, this bitch is merely human. I will have my vengeance.”

  “Then you will pay for it dearly,” Odin said calmly. I have to say, it even gave me the shivers.

  “And let Demeter know that when this fight is over,” Fenrir added, “she's next. There's a whole lot of vengeance that needs to be doled out today.”

  “I’ll tell you what, Balder,” I narrowed my eyes. “Why don’t we settle this right now, you and I, winner takes all kind of thing.”

  “You want to fight me?” Balder laughed and looked at Odin. “Doesn’t she know?”

  “She knows,” Odin shrugged, “she doesn’t have to kill you to win, just incapacitate you.”

  “Hmph,” Balder looked over his shoulder. “Bring the wolf!”

  A great commotion preceded Trevor’s arrival. When he came into sight, I saw why. He was chained heavily, strung between four men, who pulled him forward amidst bouts of cussing and chain pulling as they struggled with an enraged Wolf Prince. Trevor was in half form, snarling and occasionally pulling hard enough on the chains to stumble his attendants, but somehow they managed to get him out.

  I knew better than to call out but he was aware of my presence instantly, raising his face and catching my gaze with his suddenly calm one. He stopped and howled ferociously, pulling the chains so hard that two of the men slammed into each other. The Froekn behind us let out answering howls and my Intare joined their roars to the commotion. I saw, with no small amount of satisfaction, that the opposing army was a little disturbed by it.

  “Ull,” I called towards the hill we'd been on and Thor’s stepson came bounding down. I turned back to Balder. “Will you make a binding oath with me that you and I shall fight and the winner will keep Trevor?”

  “No,” Balder smirked. “I don’t want Trevor, Godhunter. I want you. The oath shall be this: if I win, you’ll accompany me back into Breidablik without interference or retribution from your friends here. If you win, I shall never seek vengeance upon you again. Either way, the wolf goes free.”

  “Fine,” I ignored Trevor’s snarling protest, as I nodded to Balder. “But you must also swear that you will receive no outside help in our fight. It’s to be you and I alone.” I needed the freedom to drain him if I had to, since I knew Balder was impervious to all harm.

  “I agree,” Balder held out his hand and I grudgingly shook it. “It’s just you and I.” He waved his men back and they formed a loose semi circle. My own personal army came up to make the other half.

  “Release Trevor now or forget it,” I nodded in his direction.

  “Let Ull make the oath binding and I’ll set Trevor loose.”

  “So be it,” Ull held a hand out to both sides. “None here shall interfere in this fight between Balder and Vervain,” voices rose up on both sides in assent and Ull concentrated a moment to assure himself that everyone had sworn before he continued, placing one hand over my head and one over Balder’s. “The Wolf Prince is to be released immediately but if Balder proves victorious, Vervain will give herself
into his keeping. If Vervain wins, she shall be free to go, we shall all depart in peace, and Balder will no longer seek his vengeance on her or her people.” A tingle spread over us before spreading out to the assemblage.

  “Release the wolf,” Balder didn’t take his eyes off me as he gave the order.

  Trevor howled as the chains were removed and picked up two of his jailors to bash their heads together with a sickening thud. The other two ran all the way back into Breidablik. Trevor snarled in their direction but stalked over to us instead of giving pursuit. I think my jaw had come unhinged.

  “Vervain,” his voice was rough but his eyes washed over me gently. “Don’t do this; let me fight in your stead.”

  “The oath has been made, Wolf Prince,” Balder sneered. “You can’t save her now.”

  “Have a little faith in me,” I whispered to him, giving him a quick kiss on his furry cheek. “I love you, fur face.” He pulled me in tight against him, rubbing his cheek against mine, the wolf in me leaping in delight. I gave in to the safety of him for a moment before going to face off with Balder. Trevor’s growl followed me into battle like a warning to the Fates.

  I drew my kodachi, the short sword singing softly out of its sheath, and I felt War and Victory rise up inside me in response. The magic filled my limbs, imparting me with the endurance and strength of Victory as well as the lust for battle, of War. I knew I’d need every advantage against Balder, so I pulled up the rage of the lioness and the cunning of my wolf as well. In the background, I felt the warm breath of my Nahual, I sensed her smiling and knew she blessed this fight.

  The sound that left my lips as I circled Balder, was an alien mixture of human, jaguar, wolf, and lion. A snarling, howling, roaring battle cry. It thundered over the crowd, leaving an unsettled silence in its wake. I felt my lips lifting in a teeth-baring snarl, low level growls still rumbling out. Balder’s eyes narrowed as he too pulled a sword from his hip and angled his body into a defensive crouch. I sprung forward to meet him, the predators in me, unwilling to wait for his attack.


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