Healing Love
Page 29
A collective ah sounded from the crowd. Then Pastor T sealed their words with a blessing and closed with a prayer.
He tucked his Bible under his arm and widened his stance. “And, by the powers invested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. Ubaldo, my man, you may now kiss your bride.”
Ubaldo’s eyes lit, and Alberto whooped. Brooke’s cheeks heated as her husband—her husband!—pulled her close. His gaze locked on hers, and he placed one hand on her waist and the other on the back of her head. Her knees weakened as he lowered his mouth to hers, kissed her with a passion that drowned out the cheers of their guests.
A kiss she’d be enjoying for a lifetime to come.
I have the best friends around—women who love story and have the courage to tell it like it is. Sarah Rice, Amy Pfortmiller, Jennie Davis, Susan Aken, and my sweet and always supportive mother-in-law, Bea Slattery, thanks for embarking on my fictional journey from Southern California to the lush country of El Salvador and taking the time to offer your invaluable feedback. This story is stronger because of each of you!
I also want to thank Northland Baptist Church in Kansas City, MO, for awakening my love for this beautiful Central American country and its people. The week our family spent with the 18-person mission team sent by your church changed us forever.
Note from the author
Perhaps, like me, reading about impoverished hurting orphans broke your heart, and you’re wondering what you can do to help. Obviously, most of us won’t be able to move oversees to serve in an orphanage, like Brooke did, but we can all do something. For some, that may mean pursuing adoption. For others, that may mean acting as an emotional and/or financial support for those who have been called to adopt. We can also partner with ministries like Compassion International who are transforming lives for eternity. I’d also encourage you to share this book with others to help me stir action-based compassion in others, because when we all do a little, combined, the results can be exponential!
I don’t know what God might be calling you to specifically. The options are endless, but please, if this story touched you, don’t do nothing. Find some way to get involved, and pray that God raises others up to help bring safety and healing to the countless orphaned children across the globe. But whatever you do, can I mirror Lolita’s words, spoken to Brooke before she left San Miguel? Do not forget.
Your sister in Christ,
Jennifer Slattery
If you enjoyed this book, check out these other books by Jennifer Slattery:
Beyond I Do
When Dawn Breaks
Breaking Free
Restoring Love