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Page 27

by Mayer, Dale

  Instantly, he stopped. "Shit. Did I hurt you?" His arms cradling her, he rocked her back and forth. "I'm so sorry."

  He shifted gears again, pushing her back again, his hands running over her. "Did he hurt you? One of my men will take you back to the hospital right now. Get those stitches checked."

  "Stop." Kali placed her hands on his chest and pushed him backwards. "Of course I'm sore, but I'm going nowhere - not until I find Julie. Don't-" She held up a hand to forestall the words as he opened his mouth. "It's now or never for her." Shrugging free of his grasp, Kali bent to pat Shiloh on her back. "I need a flashlight since I dropped mine in the attack. I should have hit him with the damn thing. At least then I'd still have it."

  "Jesus." Grant splayed his flashlight across the area, trampled grass and broken branches testament to her panicked flight. His face grew grim.

  Kali watched the hollows beneath his cheekbones deepen. "It's over and I'm fine. Let's get this job done." Before I collapse, she wanted to add but managed to keep it in at the last moment. From the way she felt now, she could use some more of the doctor’s miracle stuff - it had long since worn off.

  "Take mine. I'm sticking close to you, anyway." Grant handed his to her. "Now let's see if we can put an end to this madness."

  Kali turned toward the fence line and stepped out. "Shiloh, back to work."

  "What the hell, Kali?" Frustration oozed from Grant's voice, even while he fell into step at her side.

  "We're close. I can feel it." It would explain the killer's presence. She had no doubt that's who'd attacked her.

  Grant compromised. "One hour. If we don't find her in an hour, you're returning to the hospital and we continue without you."

  "Like hell," she muttered under her breath. Hopefully it wouldn't come to that. Kali picked up the pace as Shiloh strained on her restraint. She could feel the exhaustion and cold gnawing away at her. Suddenly energy surged through her, colors erupted in her mind, bathing her body in a warm lavender energy. Kali didn't dare stop. In fact, she suddenly felt like she could go all day. Then recognition hit her. She laughed inside.


  A rumble of warm laughter wafted through her mind.

  "Thanks. I needed the energy."

  "You're welcome!"

  And he left, leaving a pulsing, throbbing surge of power in her legs and body. She didn't know how long it would last, but she was grateful to have it at all. She hadn't been at all sure she could go on.

  Kali raced now, focused and determined to finish this job before her body or Grant finished it for her.

  For fifteen minutes they raced forward in the darkness. Going left, then right, under trees and around brushes and hillocks as Shiloh tugged on the lead. Kali's determination waned as her energy declined. Her stomach growled. Grant pulled a granola bar from his pocket and handed it over. She snatched it with a grateful smile and devoured it in a few bites. Shiloh's focus had to be intense; she rarely missed a chance at a bite of Kali's bars.

  Kali's tingle surged to the forefront, starting a musical beat on her spine. Excitement took over. This was it. She knew it. It had to be, she couldn't go much more.

  Shiloh caught the scent. She barked, tearing off in a flat out run. Kali was jerked forward, her flagging energy gathering for this final lunge. She ran behind Shiloh.

  "Kali?" Grant caught up from her jumpstart, running easily at her side. "What's going on?

  "We're close," Kali gasped.

  Hearing footsteps behind her, she looked back and saw a team of men running at her heels. The eerie lights of multiple flashlights moved, crisscrossing in all directions as the group moved across the rough terrain. The knowledge that everyone believed in Shiloh, in her, warmed her heart. And scared the crap out of her. So much rode on this night.

  Shiloh sped up, making for an open area. There. Threads. Dark violent, angry reds and blacks twisted in the night, faint but visible to Kali. "She's here. I can see her."

  "Are you sure?" Grant came to a stop beside Kali, walking the area searching for any sign of Julie's presence. "We searched this area already." Grant said. The team with them spread out to search.

  Kali walked toward the ribbons, unsnapping Shiloh's lead. "You missed her. She's here."

  Shiloh barked once, circling a ten foot radius, stopping at a heavy bush. She sat and barked again.

  Excited, Kali ran to her side. "This is it. Shiloh says she's alive." Threads of energy wove through the brush. "Let's get some light over here, please." Men rushed over, flashlights blinding her. More men joined them.

  One of the men spoke up. "We didn't spend much time here, because the terrain's not right."

  Kali circled the bush, making two laps before she spied it. A pipe rose from the ground up into the bush.


  "Here's the pipe."

  The three men ran over to her. "Where?"

  "How? It doesn't appear to be a burial site."

  The bush had thrown them off. Willow bushes were notoriously hard to kill with their tenacious multiple roots. But had it actually grown here or been planted as a cover? Studying it, she realized none others grew close by. The ground consisted of fallen leaves and moss. Bending, Kali reached deep into the center of the bush, branches snagging on her hair, scratching her face. She grabbed on and pulled.

  The bush lifted free easily, throwing her off balance. Strong arms took it from her, throwing it off to the side.

  "See." Kali bent to the end of the pipe, shining her flashlight inside. She couldn't see anything. "Julie? Julie can you hear me?"


  Kali called a second time. "Julie. Julie, can you hear me. It's Kali. We're here to help you."

  There. She bent her head closer to listen. She waved the men to silence. "Shhhh."

  Everyone stilled, holding their breath.

  Kali bent her head and pressed her ear against the pipe. She strained to hear. There. She put up her hand. What was that noise? Kali closed her eyes and focused.

  There again.

  A slight moan.

  "She's here."

  A cheer went up.


  Hidden high above in the leafy bowers of an overgrown fir tree, the killer could see nothing below. But the conversations came through clearly.

  "Son of a bitch," he whispered, spit rolling in his mouth. "They found her. That's impossible." How'd Kali pull that off? He'd had trouble finding Julie in the dark tonight, even though he'd visited the area many times.

  His fury grew in tandem to the growing noises below. Were they cheering? How dare they? The assholes figured they'd won. He snorted. He wasn't stupid. Kali might have found Julie, but he doubted she'd survive the night.

  He glared at the shrubbery hiding him from the men searching below. This was not supposed to happen. Not now and not tonight.

  In his books, this round counted as a draw. He'd cut his losses and rethink his plan. He must have done something wrong. God had to be displeased with him. But he would sort it through. God knew he was loyal. Then he could move on.

  Kali would have no hope of beating him on the next one. Even with her black magic bullshit.

  Good humor restored, he settled down to wait them out.


  Triumphant, Kali turned to Grant. "Shovels, men, and lights - lots of them."

  Everyone moved back several feet, looking for the best approach. Everyone but Kali. She sat protectively beside the pipe, not wanting to leave Julie alone, feeling the exhilaration morph into exhaustion. Her pulse beat a nervous tempo as she watched the team organize Julie's release. Shiloh lay at her side, her chin resting on Kali's thigh. Nothing could dispel the sense of urgency. Julie hadn't spoken again. They had to get her to a hospital now.

  The hill dropped to a hollow. The men started there. Other teams converged on their corner. A stretcher and medical equipment were carried in. Kali had lost her bearings. She didn't know if the men had found the road access or if they'd hauled this gear for
miles. She hoped not. Walking back wasn't on her agenda.

  Feeling moisture gathering on her cheeks, Kali reached up, not surprised to feel tears. She wiped her face on her sleeve. A sniffle escaped.

  An odd tingle whispered through her mind.

  "Nice job."

  Kali stiffened. "Stefan?"

  "Yes. You found her. Good for you."

  The faintest sensation slipped from her mind like it had never been.

  A warm hand squeezed her shoulder. "You did it, Kali. We've found her."

  Kali lifted her head to see Grant at her side. Standing up with his help, she smiled through her tears. "I know. I can't quite believe it." She glanced at the frantic activity. "I won't feel better until she's safe."

  Julie had to be feeling the same way. Kali leaned over the pipe, speaking down the tube. "It's okay, Julie," she said encouragingly. "We've got lots of men. You'll be out in a couple of minutes. Hang in there and you'll be fine."

  "Kali." A whisper so soft, Kali almost missed it.

  "Julie, I'm here." Kali waved the others to silence.

  The men stopped digging.

  Her voice, tired and weak, traveled up the pipe. "Kali, be careful. He's here."

  "He's here?"

  "Yes..." A muffled cough sounded underground.

  Kali exchanged looks with Grant. "Julie, who is he?" Several gasping coughs sounded. Kali repeated the question.

  The coughing stopped. An eerie silence filled the night.

  Grant raced to join the men, everyone galvanized into action. A palpable worry permeated the atmosphere. Kali's stomach knotted. She closed her eyes, repeating a litany of prayers. Shiloh nudged her hand and whimpered. Crouching, Kali hugged her tight and buried her face in the warm fur. Kali's heart pulsed in tune to the fear throbbing through her veins.

  A shout went up.

  She surged to her feet. Hands reached out, pulling her back as the front of the hillside slid down, the pipe falling to one side. The corners of a large box slid into view. Men quickly brushed off the last of the rocks and dirt on and pried against the crumpled corner. The medical team filled the area and Kali could see nothing but men bending over the opening.

  "Is she alive?" Kali called out to Grant, the top of his head buried in the sea of men.

  Tense silence worked through the crowd as they waited for news.

  Grant stepped free of the crowd. "She's alive!"

  The crowd roared.

  Shiloh leaned against Kali. She didn't notice.

  Kali stood in the cool night air and bawled.


  Kali drooped in the hospital cubicle, her eyes closed and her body swaying from exhaustion in the overly bright space. As they said in the movies, she'd hit the wall.



  "Kali, wake up. The doctor's here."

  Kali struggled to focus, her bleary gaze settled on a familiar face. She gave him a wan smile. "Great drugs, doctor."

  He grinned at her. "At least you put them to good use. I hear you found the missing woman. Good for you."

  Kali straightened in her chair. "How is she?" Memories flooded through her. The medic in the woods figured Julie had spent the bulk of the time sliding in and out of consciousness.

  Probably a good thing.

  "She's severely dehydrated and suffering from a head injury. That's what I can tell you at this point. We're running tests now."

  "But she's alive."

  The doctor patted her shoulder, smiling. "She's alive - thanks to you. We'll do everything in our power to keep her that way."

  Kali beamed through the dirt and gave him a small decisive nod. "I know you will."

  "Now, young lady, let's see what kind of damage you did to yourself tonight." The check-up didn't take long. Kali was past the point of protesting. She slumped back down, lifting what he told her to lift and showing him what he wanted to see. She never protested at the poking or prodding. Her relief was obvious to all when he asked her lie on her stomach, although she couldn't help but flinch when he checked on her stitches and cleaned her wounds. Her eyes drifted closed.

  "No new damage. A couple of stitches have pulled loose. We can't restitch them, so your wounds will take longer to close. Nothing serious except you're worn out, which will slow your healing. Go home and rest for the next few days. That's an order."

  "Hmmm. Sounds good."

  "Nurse, bring in that bear of an FBI agent pacing in the hallway, before she falls asleep."

  "I'm okay." Kali worked to sit up, her leaden limbs refusing to cooperate. Grant must have been close by because suddenly his face was there, tilted, watching her with a grim smile.

  "How is she?"

  "Exhausted. She needs to go home and rest." The doctor looked down his nose at Grant. "I expect you to see that she follows orders."

  "Oh, I will. Don't worry." Grant voice threatened retribution if she didn't do as she'd been ordered.

  "She'd like to sleep now." Kali slid off the bed, and would have fallen to the floor if Grant hadn't reached and caught her.

  "Easy does it. Ten, fifteen minutes, then you can sleep."

  She snorted. "Five. You get five minutes, and that's it."

  Grant raised his eyebrows. "Right. Let's go then." With murmured thanks to the doctor, Kali let Grant help her to his car by the front entrance. Shiloh lay stretched out in the backseat. She gave a tired woof at the sight of Kali. The fresh night air filled her lungs, giving her some much needed energy. Kali managed to slide into the front seat on her own.

  "Home, James," she ordered.

  Long minutes later, the house loomed before her. Every muscle ached as Kali made it from the car to the front door. At the bottom of the stairs, she wavered. Grant joined her within minutes.

  "Let's go. Upstairs."

  Trembling with exhaustion, Kali grabbed the banister and made it up the bottom set before Grant picked her up gently and carried her up the last flight in seconds. Shiloh raced to the top beside them. He lowered her to her feet at the base of the bed. She stumbled forward, pulled back the covers and dropped. Shiloh jumped up beside her.

  "Kali, wait. Let's get you out of those clothes."

  "Too tired," she whispered. Grant wouldn't leave her alone. He tugged her shoes and socks off, ignoring her grumbling. "Typical male." She brushed his hands away as he pulled on the waistband of her pants and tugged her jeans halfway down her legs. "Cold," she murmured.

  "I know, honey. Come on. Sit up." Sliding an arm under her shoulders, he lifted her into a slumped sitting position. Sliding one hand along her waist, he grabbed the lower edge of her tee-shirt and eased it over her head. Kali flopped backwards and moaned as the gauze dressing over her stitches pulled on her tender skin. She immediately curled into a tight ball.

  "I'm sorry, Sweetheart. You'll sleep better without the heavy clothing."

  Kali wanted to comment, only her teeth chattered to the point she couldn't talk.

  Grant pulled her duvet up to her chin and tucked in along the length of her body. Then she was alone. Blessed quiet descended in the room

  She closed her eyes and sank deeper into the mattress. Grant returned in minutes.

  "Just one more thing. Let's wash your face." Soothing warmth filled her as he wiped her face clean.

  "Now you can sleep."

  Kali sighed as a lassitude warmed her body. She fell asleep before he made it to the doorway.


  Sometime in the night, Kali woke up aching...everywhere. Tears drifting across her face. Grant's warm arms wrapped around her, tugging her into a comforting hug. The tears poured.

  "Shh, it's alright, Kali. Take it easy."

  Her shoulders shook as she burrowed deeper. The tears wouldn't stop. She cried in silence. Emotionally battered, her heart ached with the pain, the losses. Tension had knotted her muscles. The relief of finding Julie should have let it go. Instead, fear kept them tight and coiled...prepared. What if they hadn't found Julie
in time? What if there was someone else out there? Her heart ached too much for sounds to make their way out her throat. Through the pain, the massaging motion of his hands on her lower spine finally penetrated her agony as he soothed away some of the aches and pains.

  "Shh. Stop crying, please, honey. You'll make yourself sick." Tender kisses landed on her forehead, the top of her head and her temple.


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