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The Wolf's Prey

Page 12

by Edugardo Gilbert X

  "Maybe. We need call around and see what the other alphas have to say." Andrew states.

  "Jocelyn and I are leaving today." I say. I need to get home, work is piling up and Jocelyn still has school. Plus, I really want her to myself. I want to have breakfast and dinner with just the two of us. I want to let my guard down with her, I haven't been able to relax. As an alpha on another alpha's territory, it's impossible to feel completely at ease.

  "You'll bring her back for Halloween, Thanksgiving and possibly Christmas?" Travis asks, as we get in the car.

  "Sure. We'll see about Christmas." I agree. Knowing we’ll be back for every holiday. I know it will make Jocelyn happy.

  Jocelyn's POV

  I hear a commotion and start walking to the front door. Lennox is the first through the door. It's been over an hour and although I could feel he was fine, I was still worried. I walk up to him and he pulls me close. "We need to leave." I nod, but still look at him expecting more of an explanation. "I have work and you shouldn't miss anymore school." I know he's right, but I don't want to leave. "We'll come back." He says, smirking down at me.

  "Okay. Can I say, goodbye?"

  "I'll go pack our things. Take your time." I look for my dad and find him in the kitchen. Mom looks so sad, it doesn't look natural on her. The first time seeing her so feisty and bubbly and now she almost looks depressed. It's been a long day and I know this thing with Rachel is wearing on her.

  I walk to her side and hug her. "Lennox and I are leaving shortly."

  "Your father told me." She replies sadly. "Do you have to go?"

  "Lennox has work and I have school." I explain.

  I look up to dad and see a very tired man. "Thank you, for everything." I tell him. He leans down hugging me.

  "Come back soon." He demands, kissing the top of my head.

  "We will." I reply.

  "Lennox, promised you'd spend Halloween and thanksgiving here." Dad says, pulling away.

  "Well, Jessica will be happy." I smile slightly, horrified about what costume she'll make me wear for Halloween. They laugh and I'm almost knocked down from behind.

  "Don't go! Stay longer! Tell Lennox to leave you here."

  I laugh. "I don't think that would go over well. You can come visit whenever you want." I offer, turning to hug her back.

  "Okay, I'll go pack my stuff." She says, excitedly running down the hall to the stairs.

  "Don't even think about it! You have school." Dad states, stopping her mid run.

  I say goodbye to the twins hugging them tightly. T and Brenda are last and I order her to let me know when the baby is born. I know Andrew is still here, but he must be busy. I don't see him to say goodbye.

  I leave with a heavy heart. Even after the plane leaves the ground the view doesn't help my thoughts. What if I never came back? Would Rachel still be here? Would their family still be intact? Is this my fault? I look over to Lennox, who is concentrating on flying. I'm sorry I had to leave my family, but I want to be alone with Lennox. I care about him as my mate. I couldn't imagine being with anyone but him. However, I feel like there's a closeness we're missing. I don't know much about him. I know about his father and mother, but I want to know about his hopes about his dreams. I'm also missing trivial things about him. What kind of movies he likes, his favorite pizza toppings, what TV shows he likes. I want to know him through and through. Not just what he gives me little glimpses of.

  Lennox lands the plane and I'm relieved. No matter how long I'm gone there's always that sense of relief when I get home. I see Liam waiting for us and wave. He waves back as I climb out. Lennox carries the bags to the truck and throws them in back.

  I go to sit in the middle of the bench seat, but Lennox makes me sit on his lap. I'm tired and for some reason my wrist is hurting more than it was. I lay my head on his chest, watching the scenery pass. I wish I had classes with Marta, it would make school more bearable. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow.

  "How'd everything go?" Liam asks.

  I smile. "My real parents are amazing."

  "Everything with Rhys is settled." Lennox replies.

  I realize I didn't ask what happened with Rhys. "What did my dad do with him?" I question.

  "He took care of him and sent him back to his son."

  "Took care of him?" I question.

  He nods. "Killed him. Quickly." He adds.

  I expected him to kill Rhys, I just wish it never would have never happened. I wish I could've had the family I was supposed to have and no one would have gotten hurt.

  Liam pulls up to Lennox's house and I open the door climbing off Lennox's lap. I'm sure Lennox wants to get back to his work. Maybe I'll go talk to Marta. Even thinking about seeing the Robinson's I get mad. I'll ask if she'll come see me here, I'm not ready to see them yet. I'm hurt my 'mom' never told me who I really was. I expected this from my 'dad', but not her. Lennox grabs our bags and Liam leaves.

  Once we are inside Lennox turns to me. "I have some work to catch up on. Give me an hour?"


  Alpha Rules

  "Okay." I reply, understanding that he needs to work. "Maybe I'll call Marta and see what she's doing."

  He takes my hand and starts walking down the hall. I follow after him. What is he doing? He opens the office door and it occurs to me he's probably letting me use his office phone. He walks to his desk chair and sits down. Starting his computer, he pulls me onto his lap. I pick up the phone to call Marta, but before I can dial he takes it from my hand and hangs it up. I look at him curiously. "I want to spend time with you. It won't take long and we can talk while I work."

  He wants to talk while he works? I don't know why, but I'm pleasantly surprised. I shouldn't be, Lennox continues to shock me. "What do you want to talk about?" I question, happily.

  "About you."

  "Oh." I reply a little disappointed. I don't want to talk about me. "I'm boring. What do you want to know?"

  "What are you feeling about your real family and the Robinson's? What do you want done with them?"

  "I love my real family, but I love Marta too. I don't want you to hurt da-Theo, or anyone else involved. Chris Rhys was responsible and like you said, he's taken care of."

  "Theo lied to me before he came into my pack. I can't just look the other way."

  "What are you planning on doing then?"

  "Kick him out of my territory." He answers.

  I freeze. If he kicks Theo off his land then Marta and mom will have to go as well. “Please, don't do that. I can't lose Marta." I beg, my eyes staring to water.

  "She can stay." He offers.

  "She won't, she'll leave with them." I reply knowingly.

  He watches my face obviously feeling my panic. "If I let him stay it will be viewed as a sign of weakness. That I tolerate people that lie to me. It's inexcusable to lie to an alpha, it's a punishable offense that I take seriously. I've built a reputation on being fair without exception."

  I don't care about his reputation, I don't want to lose my sister. I've lost my parents and gained a whole new family. A new family that I had to leave all over again. Now, he wants to get rid of the person I'm closest to. I turn away from him, angry and hurt. That's what he wants to talk about? He wanted to hear what I was feeling about my new family and tell me he's getting rid of my old one?

  I don't want to be near him right now. I try and stand up, expecting his refusal. "I have to use the bathroom." I say, quietly.

  "No you don't. You're angry with me."

  I nod. "I am angry. I don't want to be near you." I admit, honestly.

  He releases my waist and lets me stand up. I walk away quickly. Opening the heavy wood door I walk into the hallway and to the front door. I need air, I need to think. I walk to the park sitting under the tree where I fell asleep. It's not that I don't understand where he's coming from. I get it, I really do.

  But what did he expect me to say? Oh, go ahead and ship off the most important person in my life. I'll get
over the fact I just lost my sister and best friend. No, if he makes them go I'll never forgive him.

  I thought being alone together would bring us closer. I thought he really wanted to get to know me as badly as I wanted to get to know him. I couldn't have been more wrong. He's an island and I don't have a boat. I don't know if I care to know him anymore. I know he felt my pain and panic thinking about losing Marta, but he's more worried about his reputation. I'm his mate, I should be important to him, not his image.

  I watch the kids playing and running around. I stand up and start walking back. I know he'll come looking for me soon or send someone to get me. I'm probably being followed right now. I see his house and walk at an even slower pace. I wonder when he'll make them leave. If he's worried about his reputation it'll be soon.

  Opening the front door quietly I listen for him. I don't hear anything, so I go to the kitchen. I take a bottle of water from the refrigerator and walk up to our room. I don't want to be awake when he's done working. Spending time with him right now, isn't as appealing as it once was. I lay down hoping to find sleep before Lennox comes to find me.

  I'm not so lucky, minutes later I hear the door opening. I don't turn to look at him. When he walks to stand beside the bed I look at his legs avoiding eye contact. "Next time you leave the house I expect you to tell me where you're going."

  "Okay." I reply, wishing he'd just go away.

  "I'm going to talk to the Robinson's, would you like to go with me?"

  "No." I answer. I can't say goodbye to Marta. If I see her leave my heart would break. Just the thought is painful enough. I know I'll be able to talk to her, but that's not enough. I want to see her whenever I want and know I'm near her if she ever needs me. I hear him slam the front door as he leaves the house. Letting my pain out I cry loudly, hugging myself tightly. I've never felt so alone, so isolated.

  Alpha Lennox Hall

  I slam the front door, irritated by the pain I feel I'm causing her. I can't let this go. I won't overlook the fact a pack member lied to my face about his family. She's going to have to realize, I'm the one she needs, not her "sister". If she needs to talk, she can talk to me. I'm making her my world, I expect her to do the same. I drive to the Robinson's, fully aware of the pain in my chest being hers.

  I walk to the door and knock once. Theo answers the door and I can tell by his face he's weary of my presence. "You have twenty four hours to get off my land."

  "Yes, Alpha Hall."

  I turn around go back to my truck. I drive to the house and park in the driveway. I don't know what to say to her to make it better. I hate that she's angry with me, she's soft hearted and forgiving. I expect her to be like this, but she can't expect me to be the same. I hear her crying as I walk up to the house, making my wolf go wild. I open the door and hurry up the stairs to or room. I find her in the fetal position her arms wrapped and her stomach. I lean on the bed touching her side. She finches away from me and I growl loudly, instantly angry. I grab her hip and roll her towards me. I lift her chin to make her look at me, but her eyes stay closed.

  "Open your eyes." I demand. She opens her eyes and I narrow mine at her. "You will show loyalty to this pack and to me. Not to that lie of a family." I feel her hand connect with my face and I stare at her stunned. Then I feel pain, her pain. I grab her waist. At least she didn't hit me with her broken hand. I see her palm is red from my face and massage it. "Don't do that again."

  "Just leave me alone." She says, pulling her hand from mine and turning away from me.

  I leave her alone and walk back down to the office. This is not how I wanted our first night alone to go. I call Travis. "Lennox?"

  "Yes, did you find out anything from the Red Wolf Pack?"

  "They said she hasn't been there. I called around and confirmed Chris Rhys story. She was shopping for an alpha mate at two other territories. Apparently, she thinks mating is her only option to get protection and revenge on me."

  "She might try overseas soon."

  "Maybe." He replies, tiredly.

  "I told the Robinson's to leave."

  "I know. I just talked to Theo Robinson and told him to find another pack. That my pack was full. How did Jocelyn take you kicking them out?"

  "She slapped me." I answer.

  He laughs. "That sweet little thing slapped you?"

  "Right after I told her she would show loyalty to me and my pack and not her fake family." I explain, knowing I deserved it.

  "Idiot." He replies.


  The Slap Heard Around the World

  I wake up after a few hours of sleep. Lennox isn't in bed with me. I can see that it's dark outside and I check the bedside clock, 10:17 p.m. I stare at the phone beside the clock for five minutes before I pick it up and start dialing Marta's cell phone number.

  It only rings once before she answers, "Hello?"

  "Hey, it's me." I croak out, my voice rough from sleep and crying.

  "Hey." She replies starting to cry.

  "I don't want you to go." I say.

  "I have to. You know I do."

  "I know." I admit. "Where are you doing?"

  She sniffles, but answers, "Well, Alpha Griffin refused us. So dad spoke to Alpha Briggs from the Brookside Pack and he agreed to let us stay. It's not far from your parent's territory. Do you think you could visit?" She asks, hopefully.

  I think about it for a second then it occurs to me, Andrew took them in. He has shared land with my father’s pack. "Yes, I can! Andrew and my dad have a parcel of land they share. We can meet up there and I'm sure he'll even let me come stay a few nights or my dad will let you-"

  "No, I think it's best if we keep us and your parents apart."

  I sigh, knowing she's right. "I feel like I'm losing everything I have." I cry, feeling the crushing loss of losing her. "When are you leaving?" I question, sadly.

  "Beta Holden came to help, we're almost done. Did you really slap Lennox?" She inquires somewhat giddy.

  I wince thinking about hitting him. "Yeah."

  "What did he do? I've never seen you hit anyone before and you hit your mate!" She asks, shocked.

  "He kicked you off of his land and accused me of not being loyal to him and his pack because I was upset. I slapped him when he said I was being too loyal to my 'fake family'." I explain, bitterly.

  "You don't see me as your fake family do you?"

  "God no. How could you even ask that?" I question.

  "I shouldn't have I'm sorry. I'm going to miss you so much."

  I wipe the tears streaking down my face. "I'll miss you too. I hate Lennox for doing this." I feel my anger spike and the phone taken from my hands. I look up to see an angry Lennox ending the phone call and slamming the phone down on the table. I jump and marvel as the phone stays in one piece. I look away from his dark eyes seeing his wolf surfacing. I don't look away out of fear for the first time, but out of anger. Why couldn't he have stayed away for five more minutes? I wanted to at least say goodbye.

  "You will not speak badly of me again. Especially, to an outsider." He states.

  "Yes, Alpha." I reply.

  "Don't call me Alpha." He growls.

  "You should start writing all these rules down, so I don't forget." I snap back.

  He closes his eyes. When he opens them again he pins me with his glare. "Enough. I'll have a mate that stands beside me."

  "How can I stand beside you as cast away the only family I've known? You asked me how I felt about them, did you consider my feelings once. It might not have been a perfect family, but it is still a family. My family."

  "I'm your family now."

  "I don't know who you are! You give me glimpses, but you're still unreachable."

  "It'll come in time. You need to eat." He states calmly.

  "I'm not hungry." I respond truthfully. I can't stomach anything right now.

  "You'll eat anyway." He orders.

  Of course I will. Deciding not to fight any longer I stand up and follow him
out the door and down the stairs to the kitchen. Lennox opens the refrigerator and takes out fried chicken, mashed potatoes and green beans. He puts them on a plate and heats it up in the microwave. After it beeps he sets it in front of me and I thank him. I use the fork to play with the mashed potatoes. When I feel him watching me I put some in my mouth.

  "Andrew took in your family." He tells me.

  "I know."

  "They'll be fine in his pack."

  "I'm sure they will." I agree.

  "Then you have nothing to be mad about."

  "Okay, Lennox." I reply, tired of him. Why bother talking to someone when they tell you how to think and feel? It's not worth fighting about. All it will do is isolate me even more. He's right, he's my family now. This is my life, time to come to terms with it. I finish everything giving myself a belly ache. I don't think I can handle another alpha order tonight. I stand up and go to the sink rinsing my plate and silverware. I load them in the dishwasher and turn to Lennox. There's a knock on the front door and I follow right behind Lennox. When he opens the door my hope that it was Marta is dashed when I see Liam standing there with papers.

  "This is the homework Jocelyn missed. Marta picked it up for her." He explains.

  Lennox takes it and I walk to the stairs not caring about anything. If Liam brought that by, that means he's done helping Marta load their things and they left. I go to our room and straight to the shower shutting and locking the door behind me.

  I turn on the faucet and undress as I wait for the water to heat up. I try my best not to cry, I try thinking about tomorrow and school. I try thinking about the Griffin’s, anything to stop the tears. When that doesn't work I start thinking about the mundane task of washing my hair and shaving my legs. When I turn off the water I think of every step I have to take. I take out a towel and wrap it and myself and use another to dry my hair. I brush my teeth until I hit 360 seconds and walk into the bed room. Ignoring Lennox's presence, I go into the closet finding a pair of pajama bottoms and a large tee shirt. I leave the closet taking another twelve steps to the bed. I lift the covers and get in, before I lay down I turn off the beside lamp. I feel his arms go around me and I don't fight when I'm pulled to his chest. I lay tense, but resigned to his touch. Not once letting myself find the comfort he's offering.


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