The Wolf's Prey

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The Wolf's Prey Page 19

by Edugardo Gilbert X

"His eyes-" I start.

  "Completely coincidental." He replies, before I can finish.

  I feel my tears. What did I come here for? I know the answers to these questions. I swallow the lump in my throat knowing what I want to ask, "Did you love me?"

  "Yes!" Mom shouts, falling to her knees in front of me. She cups my face forcing me to look into her eyes. "I will always think of you as my daughter. I miss you and love you every second of the day." I feel tears falling down my face and Mom brushes then away kissing my wet cheeks lovingly.

  "It's been so hard." I cry, and she hugs me tightly.

  "I can only imagine how hurt you feel and I'm so sorry." She replies, almost pleading with me to understand.

  We hold each other from a while before I feel a tap on my shoulder. "I'm sorry, but we should get going before they realize we're gone." Jessica says, remorse on her face.

  I nod, getting Jessica that I heard. "I'll call." I state, looking at mom before standing up. "I'm not sure when I'll be back, but I want to come again."

  "Yes, come anytime." She replies, wiping at her own wet cheeks.

  We walk to the door quietly and say our goodbyes. I feel lighter as we drive back home. After parking we walk back inside the house and I watch as Jessica starts looking around apprehensively.

  I'm not sorry for going out, or scared about getting caught. I'm emotionally drained and tired but the great burden about the Robinson has lifted. Moving on will be easier now. I won't have to constantly wonder if the people who raised me loved me. Knowing I was loved and that everyday wasn't a total lie is comforting and exactly what I needed to hear.

  I feel a arm wrap and my shoulder. "Are you okay?" Alpha Thompson asks.

  "Yeah, I just feel different. I don't know how to explain it, really." I reply, confused by my own feelings.

  "They didn't just raise you, they accepted and loved you. That's bound to be confusing." He replies, seriously. I give him a weak smile and he walks away.

  "You feel better, right?" Marta asks.

  "Yes, so much better. Thank you both for helping." I say.

  "I'm sorry I made you leave." Jessica apologizes, looking guilty.

  "I didn't need to stay. I got the answers I wanted." I respond, giving her a reassuring hug.

  "Alright, I'm starving let's raid the refrigerator." Jessica says, breaking out hug and skipping to the kitchen.

  I watch her leave and Marta follow after. I really need Lennox. I know they're busy so I walk to the kitchen. I see Alpha Thompson is already helping himself to the contents of the refrigerator making a sandwich.

  Marta and Jessica start taking out leftovers and heating them up in the microwave. I sit down at the kitchen counter as a plate with a ham sandwich and a pickle is placed in front of me. "Thanks." I respond, picking up the sandwich and taking a big bite. My appetite has been non-existent for so long. I cant remember the last time I enjoyed a meal.

  "I have a theory about why you're not taking your mates mark." Alpha Thompson says, sitting next to me.

  "You do?" I ask, surprised he'd even be thinking about it. I thought we solved why my body was rejecting Lennox's mark?

  He nods. "Yeah, have you tried marking him back?"

  "No, I haven't." I reply. Thinking about it, it does makes sense. If I'm accepting the bond for a few days at a time, then maybe to get it to last I have to mark him back. A sign of acceptance would be marking him back. Why haven't we thought of this before?

  "You're right. That might work." I respond, happily.

  "It's rare that this even occurs. I've only read of it happening a few times and never with an alpha's mark. I think it's worth trying." He says.

  "Yeah, I will. Thanks."

  "I've only heard of it happening to my mom." Jessica says, joining the conversation.

  "My pack documents every thing that is of importance, they have for generations. I read about it in one of the books and was going to share it with Alpha Hall eventually, but I thought I'd let you know so it's your choice." He explains.

  "My choice?"

  "You're not of age. You still have choices. I thought I would tell you this regardless of what I 'think' your feelings for Alpha Hall are."

  "She loves him." Jessica states, glaring at Alpha Thompson.

  "I do love him." I concur. There's no real choice. Lennox may have chosen me but we found love together.

  He watches me for a couple seconds before responding. "Good. And I don't think you have to worry about Alpha Briggs anymore. I think he knows that he's out matched with Alpha Hall. However, Alpha Rhys is another story. I'm sure he was the father of Wendy's unborn pup."

  My mouth drops, "How do you know that?" I question, my heart hammering in my chest.

  "It was something she said to Rachel as we were traveling here. She said, 'Brett doesn't care about me or the baby, just her.' I'm sure Rachel was hoping that Alpha Rhys was going to attempt to save them, because of Wendy. Of course, he didn't lift a finger and he got rid of his two biggest problems, courtesy of Alpha Hall."

  "You think Alpha Rhys wanted Wendy and the baby to die?" I ask, horrified at the thought.

  "I think he was hoping it would happen, yes. He sent her to my territory where we kill trespassers without patting an eye. Your fathers involving and foresight to tell us before hand of her plans was the only thing to save their lives."

  "So, now if Alpha Rhys comes after Lennox it can be under the guise of claiming retribution for Lennox killing his unborn baby. He can get others to help him, what Lennox did will cause a lot of anger towards him." Jessica states, connecting all the dots.

  "She attacked me, she tried to kill me. Surely, we can tell everyone it was a justified kill." I say, fearing for Lennox and our pack. If were here, Alpha Rhys could attack and our members would know nothing about it.

  "We have to tell Lennox." I state, starting to stand up.

  "He knows. My beta told him this morning. They're doing some damage control and calling other Alpha's."

  I get up, not caring and run towards my father's office. I need to know what's happening. I won't be kept in the dark any longer.



  Alpha Lennox Hall

  All morning I've been calling other packs, explaining Wendy's death. I've told the whole scene over and over again, with Travis, Andrew and Beta Martin. Many have accepted the story and taken our word about the circumstances. It helps that Travis had contacted them days before about his daughter and her accomplice acting against his pack. Yet, word has reached us that Rhys is playing the victim. The loss of his lover and child unbearable, he wants revenge. I've contacted at least three packs that I'm sure are on Rhys side. Although, some have taken Rhys side, I know they won't get involved. They're smaller packs and are aware of what they'd be up against.

  Even if Rhys has amassed an army I'll be ready for him. I have my enforcers running the perimeter and will be on my way I'm back within the next hour.

  We've come to terms with our contact with the Red Wolf Pack and the stipulations of visiting each Alpha's land. Not all terms are the same but there close.

  There's only one more thing to do.

  "I'm calling Rhys. I'd rather do this civilly. I don't want him on my land and threatening my pack.

  "He won't want to give you the advantage." Travis, replies knowingly.

  "Then I'll go to him before he can strike." I respond listening to the ringing on the other end.

  "I'm going with you. You can't trust Rhys." Andrew says, stepping forward.

  He is the last person I expected to join me. I nod accepting his help.

  "Alpha Rhys." I hear through the phone.

  "How do you want to do this?" I question Rhys, impatiently.

  "Alpha Hall, I have to thank you. You took care of two of my problems for me. Really, very gracious of you." His happiness sets my teeth on edge.

  "Just tell me how you want to do this?" I repeat, sickened by his attitude. His lack of compassion for hi
s own unborn pup is repulsive and speaks to his mental instability.

  "My land." He states, readily.

  "I'm on my way, with Alpha Briggs." I see Travis and Beta Martin step forward.

  "Alpha Griffin and Beta Martin."

  "Bring Jocelyn as well."

  "Fuck you." I growl.

  He chuckles. "It was worth a try. She'll be mine once I'm done with you anyway. I'll be waiting." He replies, ending the call.

  "His land as soon as possible." I tell the others as I put the phone down.

  The door open and Jocelyn comes in with a worried expression on her beautiful face. Seeing Alpha Thompson behind her I know he told her about the threat from Rhys. Alpha Thompson hasn't been a part of the negotiations or the meeting . He doesn't seem to like sitting still while talking, but he knows what's going on.

  I'm going to have to keep her here, she's not going to be happy about it. I can't risk her, if this is a trap or if things don't go as I expect them to, she'll be put in harm's way. I can't have that.

  As soon as she's lose enough I take her in my arms.

  "What's happening?" She questions.

  "Rhys has agreed to settle this between the two of us."


  "I'm on my way to talk to him about it right now." I say, but wanting to tell her that we're fighting. It will only worry her and I need her calm.

  "Talk?" She asks, in total disbelief.


  "I'm coming with you." She states.

  "No, I'm bringing your father, Andrew and Beta Martin."

  "I'm not staying here. I want to be with you."

  "I'll be back tonight."


  "We have to go. I'll call when we're on our way back. Rest. You look tired." She pulls out of my arms not looking at me or anyone and leaves the room silently.

  "Let's go."

  On the drive to the airport I feel Jocelyn's anger and hurt feelings. I keep telling myself I'll make it up to her, but her anger and betrayal tells me I'll need to do more than that. I can't shake the feeling that she is questioning our relationship. Maybe I should have been honest with her, but what would that have done besides worry and scare her. I'll tell her everything after I get back and apologize.

  We board the plane and take off down the runway. My need to bury Rhys grows as we get closer and closer to his territory. This is a damaged and deranged man. How anyone could live under his control is astonishing. What are his pack members thinking?

  Jocelyn's POV

  I leave the room before I start to cry. Why can't he ever be honest with me? I think I've handled the last couple of months better than most would've. I'm not a weak individual that needs constant pampering.

  He's fighting Alpha Rhys I'm certain of it. I understand why he wouldn't want me there and I agree with him. Me being there wouldn't be a smart move. I just wanted to hear him tell me the truth for once. I'd give anything for him to be honest and straight forward with me.

  I close the door to my room as I listen to them leave. I know I should be worried, but I'm not. I know he can defeat Rhys and with two alphas as backup I don't think too much can go wrong. Things might not be done without fighting, but we do have a sense of ethics or code when it comes to it. Fighting is fine if possible with the least amount of casualties. For instance if two alphas have a problem that can be solved between the two of them, it will be. Whatever the outcome it will be respected by the members of both packs.

  There's a knock on my door and it opens I almost gasp in shock.

  "Hey, can I talk to you?" Rachel asks, tentatively.

  "Yeah, sure." I reply kind of dazed.

  She takes two small steps in when I see Alpha Thompson directly behind her. I look at him.

  "Are you making her apologize to me?" I question, slightly irritated. I notice Rachel look behind her quickly, obviously not knowing he was with her.

  "No, just making sure she didn't try anything."

  "I'm not going to do anything to her." She snaps at him.

  "Good, then I won't have to do anything to you."

  Rachel glares at him for a few seconds, but turns back to me and shifts on her feet uncomfortably.

  "How's your neck and back?"

  "Not that bad. Thanks for trying to help."

  "I really didn't think she'd actually attack. I know she was a little crazy and aggressive but I thought it was all talk."

  "She had it out for me." I agree with a smile. I appreciate that she's trying to tell me she's sorry. I don't think anyone thought that she'd attack me, it would've been suicide to do so.

  "Yeah, but what she did." She shakes her head sadly.

  "No one saw it coming, Rachel. She had to have known what would happen if she attacked."

  "She told me it was Alpha Rhys' baby. He told her he was connected to you that she had to kill you to set him free. He sent her on a suicide mission. knowing that she'd fail and be killed along with the baby."

  "Ah, that's sad and sickening." I say, holding my stomach.

  "I understand why she did it. Why did you?" Alpha Thompson asks.

  "Attention mostly." She replies turning toward him slightly, then liking back to me.

  "No one cared about me when you were taken. They certainly wouldn't care about me know that you were back."

  "You have to know that's not true. You devastated the whole family. Especially, dad. I've never seen someone so distraught. He was worse than I was when I found out my family wasn't really my family." I state, setting that I'm going her attention I continue.

  "He and mom cried over everything to do with you. They know they made mistakes, but they hoped that you would forgive them."

  "It's hard to forget something like that."

  "I'm sure it is. I didn't want to forgive the people that raised me. I was angry, hurt and confused. I couldn't understand how they could lie to me all my life. Then I went to talk to them. They explained things and I got to look into their eyes, I know they're sorry for what they did. Maybe you need to do the same thing with our parents." I suggest.

  "Maybe." She shrugs carelessly. I know I pushed and I don't have the right. I wasn't here when it happened, but I know they're sorry and she needs to realize that too.

  The silence is awkward, which somehow is only intensified by Alpha Thompson's presence.

  "Hey, bitch. Let's-" Jessica says, walking through the door and coming to a stop after seeing Rachel and Alpha Thompson. Marta follows directly after Jessica only muttering, "Awkward" under her breath.

  Rachel doesn't talk to either of them, she simply ignore them as she leaves the room.

  "What was all that?" Jessica inquires, confused.

  "She wanted to talk, it was nothing."

  "About what?"

  "Nothing much. You guys kind of interrupted." I lie. It's not that I'm hiding what happened between Rachel and I. I just don't want to talk about it.

  "Oh. Well, what's going on with dad, Lennox and Andrew leaving?"

  "They're meeting up with Rhys."

  "For what?"

  "To talk." I answer sarcastically.

  "They're going to fight?"

  "Lennox wouldn't tell me." I reply, truthfully. They must see the hurt in my eyes because they instantly come closer.

  "You know he did it to protect you."

  "Protect me from what? It's not like I'm the one fighting. He never tells me anything. I hate that he can't be honest with me, maybe it's me intentionally refusing his claim. it's that possible? I mean he's forced this relationship and he's never honest with me. Maybe it's me refusing the marking."

  "It's possible."

  "But could I also mark him?"

  "If you mark him that would demonstrate your love and trust in him." Alpha Thompson explains.

  Do I want this? To live with the man I love, but can't trust to be honest with me? Is it a matter of trust or is it strictly protection? I sit on the edge of the bed, completely torn and hurt.

  The Fight

  Alpha Lennox Hall

  We're picked up at the airstrip and driven to Alpha Rhys' home. The car pulls up to a large two story home and parks in front. Andrew, Travis, Beta Martin and I get out. One of the men that picked us up motions for us to follow him.

  "Alpha Rhys said to bring you in back. We've cleared an area for the match." The taller one says. Judging by his demeanor he and his friend aren't even put on alert by three alpha's coming into their territory. I don't know if he's stupid or has no loyalty or fondness for Alpha Rhys.

  I'm not concerned about this fight, there's no way I can be beaten by Rhys, this will end quickly. I notice Rhys as we round the corner of the back of the house he's standing with another man and I instantly recognize him. Wesley Dalton, Wendy's brother. He was kicked out of my pack when he chose to challenge me five years ago and lost. He is older then me by two years, he's big and a quick fighter. However, he always had two weaknesses, arrogance and alcohol. He's not looking too sober as far as I can tell. As we walk closer I hear Rhys is not at all pleased by his intoxication. This must've been Rhys' plan. Wesley would be fighting me in place of him for the death of his sister. Smart move, if he would've kept his fighter sober.

  Rhys and Wesley turn towards us as we walk closer. I look at both men and see that Wesley has been training, his build looks menacing. Even intoxicated, Wesley will be a fiercer match then Rhys. However, even standing with his legs are braced apart he is swaying slightly. I will not fight a drunken mess like him. "I hope you don't expect me to fight him." I say, looking at Rhys and pointing to Wesley.

  "Why? You afraid, Alpha Hall?" Wesley slurs, taking an unsteady step towards me.

  "Please, you look like you're about to pass out." Andrew mocks.

  "I'm not drunk." Wesley refutes, drunkenly.

  "I know that. You're completely wasted." I respond. "Look, I'd rather get this over with soon. Are you ready?" I ask Rhys.

  "That's the thing, Alpha Hall. I demand a fight for the killing of my pup and Wesley demands a fight for you killing his sister." Rhys says, smugly.

  "I may have killed his sister, but you sent her on a suicide mission. Her blood is on your hands, just as it is mine." I respond, knowingly and intentionally wanting to get Wesley's attention.


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