The Wolf's Prey

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The Wolf's Prey Page 20

by Edugardo Gilbert X

  When Rhys doesn't respond I look at Wesley who is shaking his head. "That's not true. He begged her not to go, she wouldn't listen." Wesley says, sounding doubtful of his own words.

  "My daughter was the one to tell me of Rhys deception. You can ask her yourself."

  "No need. I was there she told me she was sent to kill Jocelyn Griffin." Beta Martin states, stepping closer to Wesley. "Alpha Rhys convinced your sister that killing Jocelyn was the only way he'd be free to mate with her."

  "In hopes that she would fail. Tell him Rhys, how you thanked me for Wendy and the pups death." I say, seeing Wesley face become hard as he takes in Rhys obvious guilt.

  "He's lying." Rhys replies, nervously backing away from a suddenly fierce Wesley.

  "No, you're lying. Wendy told me she was going for you, but I didn't understand what she meant. Now, I know she went because you gave her no option. She was pregnant! With your pup and you refused her on a lie! She left in hopes that she'd succeed and that you'd accept her and your pup!"

  Wesley doesn't wait for a response. Even I had to look away from the viciousness of the attack. Rhys was dead within seconds, yet the sound of creaking bones continued for minutes longer. After the attack Wesley sat breathing hard and looking at his former Alpha.

  "Why didn't you challenge him earlier. Why wasn't he challenged by any of you?" I ask, looking around the oval seeing the other pack members."

  One of the men that walked us to the clearing steps forward. "It seemed that anyone that would challenge Rhys would die before they could get to the fight."

  "Who was responsible for the killings?"

  "Rhys." He replies.

  "He didn't act alone." Travis states, pointedly.

  The pack members look around themselves, everyone suspicious. "Did anyone help Rhys in the killings? It's understandable if you were ordered to do so."

  From the corner of my eye I watch as Wesley stands, looking less drunk then before. "Answer him, now." He demands to the pack. The men step forward with their heads down.

  "What did he order you to do?" I question.

  "After Theo left I tried replacing him. I set up the killings, making sure there were no witnesses." The man admits, truly ashamed.

  "And you?" I ask, the next man.

  "Rhys made me his ears. Any talk of a challenge from the members of the pack, I had to tell him."

  I nod to the last man telling him to state his involvement. "I got rid of the bodies." He mutters quietly.

  There's a few murmers and gasps from the crowd. They can't be surprised, everyone had to have known their alpha was deceiving them. A man as unstable as Rhys would be virtually impossible not to notice.

  "You have a new alpha, Alpha Dalton." I turn to him. "Unless, you still want your retribution?"

  He shakes his head, no. "There was no other option. Rhys made sure she'd get killed. I got my retribution."

  "I assume you'll run this pack with more honor then your predecessor? No, sudden deaths before the challenge date?"

  "I'm not Rhys." He grumbles.

  "I'm sure your pack is happy to hear that." I reply, walking towards him. I see him tense up and watch me wearily. I stop in front of him. "Keep yourself out of the bottle. Your pack needs you." I hold out my hand to him as a gesture of truce. He nods and shakes my hand.

  He tilts his head in respect. "Alpha Hall."

  I mimic his actions and reply, "Alpha Dalton."

  Wesley offers us dinner but I refuse on behalf of us. "No, we have to get back." I reply, already walking back to the vehicle that bright us here.

  "Anxious to get back and finish your mating?" Beta Martin asks, knowingly.

  I stop beside the van and turn towards him, about to tear him apart for mocking our relationship. Then I see that he's perfectly serious. "What are you taking about?"

  "Alpha Thompson informed me he told you a way to secure your mate."

  "He didn't tell me anything. Secure her in what way? A pup? We've figured that out already." I say, getting in the car. The man that drove us here gets behind the steering wheel as we pile into the car.

  We're all seated when Beta Martin turns in his seat to look at me. "No, not by a pup. By her marking you."

  It clicks in my head what he's talking about. "Alpha Thompson told you of this?"

  He nods. "He told me and your mate."

  "When?" I question. If Jocelyn had found out did she have time to tell me? If so why is she hesitating? The feelings she felt when I left aren't putting me at ease.

  "I don't know. Alpha Thompson told me the day she was attacked. He said he was going to tell you and your mate."

  "So, you don't know for certain he told me mate?"

  "No, I assumed he had when she came into the office today. Since he told her about the Rhys situation, I'm sure he told her about marking you."

  Even if he had told Jocelyn, she didn't have enough time to talk to me about it. The knot in my gut lessens knowing that.

  Jocelyn's POV

  After asking everyone to leave I think about what I want and can only come up with one answer, Lennox. My heart is his, but I need to convince him that he can talk to me. I want more than his reassurances, I want the truth.

  It's getting late but I've made sure to focus on what Lennox is feeling. So far no pain has registered only irritation, frustration and confusion. I decide to pack our things which isn't much for Lennox. I pick up his dirty jeans and boxers and a black box falls to the ground. I look at it briefly before picking it up. Caressing the velvet box I sit on the edge of the bed and debate whether to open it or not.

  I can't open it, it might not even be a ring. I set the box next to me on the bed and stand up to pack the rest of our thing. Why would he get me a ring now? It's not unusual for couples to give each other rings. It just seems odd, I can't picture Lennox taking the time to look for one.

  I finish cleaning my room not wanting to leave a mess behind and pace the floor. I know I have nothing to be alarmed or nervous about, but I'm itching to get back home and for things to go back to normal.

  I hear the door open and spin around quickly as Lennox walks into the room. I turn running to his open arms hugging him tightly.


  Its Official

  Jocelyn's Pov

  After embracing I can tell something is off about Lennox, it’s like he's on edge. He doesn't say much and I realize it’s not the time to demand that we talk about things between us. I brush it off as his anxiousness and need to get back to the pack. I don't know what happened with Alpha Rhys, but it can't be good. I notice him pick up the black velvet box and slip it in his pocket, obviously not caring that I've seen the box.

  We leave shortly after saying a quick goodbye to everyone.

  The whole trip back to the pack is silent; it’s almost like he's angry with me, but I can’t tell for sure. With Lennox I don't know where his moods come from. If he’s happy, sad, mad or content he's always the same, silent. I have decided to tell him about the marking after we talk about his lack of communication with me and the lies. I need him to realize I deserve to know the truth even if it’s unpleasant. If he wants to be my mate then he'll treat me as an equal, not a fragile piece of glass.

  As he parks the car in the garage his silence is starting to grate on my nerves, if he’s upset about something he should tell me. He opens the back and takes out our bags and I hold the door open for him. I follow him to our room and as soon as the bags hit the floor I've had enough. "What’s going on Lennox?"

  He straightens up and turns to me. "Nothing."

  I'm not surprised by his answer. "Something is wrong. Talk to me, please." I plead, tiredly.

  "It's been a long day." He replies, deflecting my question.

  "Yes, it has. What happened with Rhys?" I ask, trying to be understanding and patient with him.

  "Wesley, Wendy's brother killed him for his deception towards Wendy."

  "She had a brother in Rhys’ pack?"

He nods simply and doesn't explain, but he doesn't need too. Usually, the only reason families are separated are lost challenges and mating’s. "You seem angry about something." I point out, walking closer to him.

  "I'm not angry."

  "Lennox, I am seconds away from shaking you. Talk to me! It shouldn't be this hard to open up to me. We're mates treat me like one!"

  "Mates!" He shouts back making me jump. I have heard him raise his voice, just never at me. As soon as I feel myself shrink back I snap back and push his chest steeling my spine. I stand straight up glaring back at him, refusing to back down.

  "Yes, mates." I reply, staring at his burning eyes. I won’t show him how scared of him I am, but I know he can feel it. I try to calm my racing heart and control my breathing.

  "I know about Alpha Thompson telling you to mark me and you haven't said a word about it. Second thoughts, babe?" He questions, his anger intensifying.

  Confused and surprised he would think I was changing my mind, I open my mouth to respond and nothing comes out. "You're not getting out of this. You're mine."

  Finding my voice finally, I respond softly, "I wouldn't want it any other way. I was going to tell you. I just wanted to talk to you first."

  He scoffs and turns around walking to the bathroom and slamming the door. He doesn't believe me! I grit me teeth and storm towards the closed door. I turn the knob and push it open with all my strength, hearing the satisfying bang against the wall. The shower is running and Lennox has his shirt off, he drops it to the floor and I cross my arms glaring at him. "If you want me as a mate then start treating me like one. You're the only one I want, but I need to know you think of me as someone you can talk to, someone you can confide in otherwise we're nothing. I realize you think you are protecting me but you’re not, you're alienating me from your life." I explain sadly, practically begging him to see what he’s doing to us.

  Top of Form

  He nods stiffly, I can see he’s taking in my words and thinking about what I'm saying. "I didn’t see it like that." I watch as he turns off the shower and looks back at me.

  "I know. That's why I wanted to talk to you first." I say, feeling like a ton of bricks being lifted off of me. This is what he’s feeling, he thought the worst and instead of confronting me about it he’s carried it around all day. Feeling sorry that I didn't address the issue either, I see that he’s not the only one not communicating openly. I should have told him about the marking sooner.

  He steps towards me and I meet him. He wraps his arms around me and leans down nuzzling his face in my hair. "So, no second thoughts?" He inquires, needing reassurance.

  I smile. "No, no second thoughts. Just anger with you for spearing my feelings and not being truthful with me."

  "I felt that. I knew you were upset when I left. I promise you, you won’t feel that way ever again." He states, firmly.

  I hug him tighter. "I love you."

  He pulls away and bends down looking under the sink cabinet. When he stands back up he has a box of condoms. "Oh, now you want to play it safe." I say, smirking.

  "It’s not that I want to, just that I will until you're ready."

  "Thank you." I reply, happy that he’s taking my feelings into account.

  He nods and sets the condoms on the counter top. He steps closer bringing his hands to rest on my hips and lifts me until I'm sitting next to the box of condoms with my legs spread and him standing between them.

  Kissing me sweetly and pulling away. His eyes burn into mine. "Mark me." He orders, softly his voice sounding husky.

  "Now?" I ask, stupidly.

  "Now." he replies.

  "Shouldn't we do that in bed?" I question, knowing that a true mating can be very intense and sexual. Agreeing that the counter-top isn't the best place to consummate our mating he carries me and the box of condoms to the bed.

  {Sexually Explicit}

  Lennox lays me on the bed and undresses me slowly. His eyes touching every part of my body like he’s committing it to memory. His rough hands caress the most sensitive parts of my skin making it burn and tingle with need. When the time comes for him to undress, I watch him utterly entranced by the movement of his muscles as he works on such a simple task.

  I can’t keep from blushing as he opens the box of condoms and puts one on. He watches me the whole time never breaking eye contact. When he leans over me kissing me deeply I moan with excitement and dig my fingers in his hair. Feeling him enter me I pull away from the kiss and pull his hair until he exposes the side of his neck. I lick the spot I'm about to mark and hear him groan. Putting my mouth on his neck I bite down until the skin breaks and the taste of blood reaches my tongue. Instantly a flood of sensations comes over me, changing me. I feel myself become more aware and the mark on my neck burns slightly.

  The need to be fulfilled is overwhelming as Lennox slams himself into me with an almost brutal force. I feel my pleasure mounting with each thrust and call out his name in a haze of passion. By the time Lennox finds his release my legs are sore and I've been pleasured repeatedly. My eye lids heavy, I curl up to Lennox's warm body murmuring, "I love you."

  "I love you, too." Is his reply, before I feel him shift and leave the bed. I open one eye and watch him sleepily. He goes to his discarded pants and takes out the black ring box and walks back to the bed with it. Sliding back under the covers he pulls me to his side and opens the box. "I wanted to give you this. It was my grandmothers." He takes out the princess cut diamond ring and shows it to me.

  "Its beautiful." I say, as he slides it on my hand. "Thank you."

  "Almost as beautiful as you." He says, kissing the ring on my finger and looking into my eyes. I know at this moment I couldn't love him more.

  *******Bottom of Form

  The Big Day

  September 22

  I look at myself in the mirror; today's my birthday. Today's the day of the challenge and the day of Lennox's and my commitment party. My whole family and all of our friends are here. I nervously fix my snow white dress and leave the room. I see Marta and Thompson talking quietly with each other in front of the room she's staying in. They both turn towards me when I close the door. Marta blushes lightly, which is such rarity I almost gasp.

  "Hey guys." I greet them awkwardly.

  "Happy birthday, sis." Marta replies warmly.

  I smile, even though it's not really my birthday. This is the day I want to celebrate every year. Thinking of my real birthday, I'll only think of being taken away. At least with this birthday, I’ll share it with one of the best sisters a girl could ask for. "Thanks. I see you two are becoming close." I say, smirking. I've never gotten to tease Marta about a man before, I can't pass up this opportunity.


  We hear a commotion coming from the room across from Marta's. "Jessica?" I call out, concerned.

  "I'm going to kick his ass!" She screams before opening the door to continue. "When I'm done with him he'll be a dickless, bloody stump and former beta."

  I try not to smile, the wrath of Jessica is not something to take lightly. "It'll wash off." I reply, trying to sound consoling. Liam and Jessica have had a pranking relationship with each other. It all started three days ago when both started daring each other to jump off of the cliffs at the local falls. It was supposed to be a relaxed time, just us enjoying the unseasonably warm weather. However, it seems the two of them are determined to one up the other and that has escalated to pranks.

  She huffs. "I don't care! Who puts flour in someone's hair dryer?!"

  I shrug, "You did put glitter in all his shower gel."

  "Yeah, he said his dick looked like a disco ball." Alpha Thompson adds, making Marta and I laugh.

  "This isn't over." She growls pulling open her bedroom door and slamming it shut.

  I wince and tip tow past her door. "Later, love birds."

  "Shut it, I have more dirt on you then you do me." Marta orders. Thinking about our past I hold up my hands, calling a truce and walk down the sta
irs. I watch and listen for Lennox, finding him in his office with my dad, Liam, Andrew, Wesley and my brother Travis who is holding his sleeping baby girl in his arms.

  "Liam, you are very brave. However, you're very stupid. Jessica is going to kill you."

  His eyes light up. "She used the hair dryer? Man, I've been waiting for hours."

  "Liam, she threatened to castrate you. You may want to hide until she leaves." I say, seriously.

  He shrugs uncaring and I walk to Lennox. I feel Lennox's disappointment and reluctance. "Tell me." I demand immediately, knowing his moods better now and what they mean. If he's ever disappointed or reluctant I know he's struggling with himself over bad news.

  "I've been challenged."

  "By who?"

  "That asshole I dragged from your house."


  "Yeah, him."

  "Why would he challenge you? You've already almost killed him once."

  "Obviously, he's not very bright."

  I'm not nervous, I know Lennox will win but I don't want to see Tom hurt either. "When did he challenge you?"

  I see his chagrined look and know he's known for a while. "He still has time to withdraw. Go talk to him."

  He groans but stands up. Liam immediately follows after Lennox and they leave the room. "Well, little miss timid has found her backbone. It's good to see." Andrew jokes.

  I laugh because it's true. I've gotten more comfortable with Lennox. It's amazing what he'll do for me when I ask, it's like he lives to make me happy. I leave them and find my mothers are in the kitchen cooking and preparing dishes for our mating ceremony. I'll admit it was awkward when my mothers’ met, and downright terrifying when my dads’ did. However, after talking my moms have learned a lot about each other and managed to put the past behind them.

  "Need any help?" I offer.

  "No, sweetie. This is your day."

  I sit at the kitchen island waiting for Lennox to return. He's been so great lately, I miss him as soon as he leaves a room. We've talked about kids and agreed that we'd start a family after I take classes in carpentry. A local man runs an apprentice program and after sending him pictures of things I've learned to build with my grandfather he's agreed to teach me and help me expand my knowledge. I'm sure Lennox had something to do with his willingness, but he refuses to acknowledge the question every time I ask.


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