Error (Adrenaline Series Book 5)

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Error (Adrenaline Series Book 5) Page 8

by Neal, Xavier

  “She's in the wrong sport,” Destin chuckles.

  We make our way around the crowd towards the bar.

  “You would think,” I giggle back. “My point is, she doesn't like to be hit in the face and the only way to prevent that is to knock her opponent the fuck out faster. This is her 10th fight this year.”

  “She wanna go pro?”

  “There's talk,” I reply with a shrug. “But I don't know.”

  “She should not go pro,” a voice says from beside us. Quickly our faces turn to see one we both know well. “I make too much money off of her underground.”

  “Vinnie!” Destin calls out giving him the manly half hand shake, half hug.

  What is that thing called? Does it even have a name? Let's call it the man pat. Or the bro hug. Huh? Oh Vinnie! Vinnie is like an underground betting guru. He's got his hands in anything that he can make a profit from. He's a sweet guy for the most part. I know him from these things and his trips to the bar with his girlfriends. Destin's brothers and cousin used to race for him. Not real sure if they do anymore.

  Destin's arm falls around my shoulder. “What the fuck are you doing in this place?”

  “I just told you.” He pushes up his black box frame glasses, which are similar to my own. “Rock 'em, Sock 'em makes me a lot of money.”

  Destin's confusion makes me giggle. “Rock 'em, Sock 'em?”

  “Jamie's nickname,” I answer as we move closer to getting a drink order.

  “What kinda fucking name is that?”

  Vinnie moves with us. “Dude, you remember Rock 'em, Sock 'em Robots?”

  “Of course. Daniel stole the neighbor kid's so we could play.”

  Why doesn't that surprise me?

  “Let's just say, when she hits, it's for the face and typically lasts as long as that fucking game did. A couple punches is all it takes before her competition is knocked the fuck out.” Vinnie describes. “Bank roll off of her.”

  “Damn,” Destin mumbles.

  “Hey.” Vinnie nudges my arm. “I got your video portfolio passed to this dude I know who works for X-treme X-press-”

  “The extreme games company? The one that hosts the biggest extreme sports across the world?”

  “That'd be the one.” He winks. “Turns out they liked what they saw and you should be getting an email any day now to set up a Skype interview.”

  Shock drops my jaw. “Shut up.”

  “Or...” Vinnie tilts his head at the bartender. “I could buy you two congratulations drinks instead.”

  “Oh my god!” I squeal and toss my arms around him. “This is amazing!”

  Vinnie hugs me back at the same time he says, “Chill Triple D. It's just a hug. You're as bad as Merrick used to be.”

  “Yeah well, I now understand why his balls were always in a twist over his girl.” He gently pulls me back towards him. “Happens when you fall for someone.”

  Unsure of what to do with either of the new pieces information I simply bob my mouth.

  “Three shots of Kiss My Ass,” Vinnie orders.

  “On me!” I squeak reaching into my back jean pocket for my card.

  “No fucking way,” they say in unison.


  “I'll pay.” Destin grabs more cash from his pocket. “For yours too Vinnie.”

  He nods his appreciation while the male bartender gets to work. With admiration in my voice, I sigh at Vinnie, “I honestly can't thank you enough for this.”

  “Don't thank me too much. It was Triple D's doing. All I did was what was asked. He's the real hero here.”

  Feeling my body overflowing with joy and reverence, I turn to face my boyfriend who is beaming at me with a crooked smirk. Instead of expressing my gratitude with my words, I shove my mouth on his, showing appreciation with push after push of my tongue against his. An animalistic growl comes out of him as one of his hands pulls me closer to him by my ass.

  “I hate to be a cock block,” Vinnie starts. “Especially because it violates my own personal code of honor, but can you pay the man?”

  Destin hums, gives my tongue one more tease, and pulls away. Casually he hands the bartender a fifty and insists he keeps the change. The three of us raise our glasses and he announces, “To things finally looking up in life.”

  “I'll fucking cheers to that,” Vinnie agrees.

  Clinking my glass with theirs I exclaim, “Me too.”

  The shot smoothly runs down my throat tasting like chocolate milk.

  Totally recommend it!

  “I'll see you guys at the fight,” Vinnie announces before strolling away.

  “Want another?” Destin offers.

  “Nope.” I shake my head quickly. “I wanna be sober for what's next.”

  “The fight?”

  I wink. “After...”

  He bites his bottom lip at me and I giggle. Grabbing his arm, I pull him away from the bar, moving us towards the lower caged in area where we will be watching Jamie in just a few minutes.

  The area is crowded, but we manage to make our way to the front. Once we're there Destin wraps his arms protectively around my waist. A small smile comes from me. Feeling secure, I lean back against him, even more cheerful when he kisses the side of my forehead.

  Was that a fuck off kiss to everyone else? Are you smirking too?

  Moments after we spot Vinnie across the room, the fighters take the ring. It's only a brief prelude before the two of them are exchanging blows. Much like Vinnie described, it barely counts as a fight. Jamie's opponent spends more time blocking than countering or actually making a move of her own. Like the champ she is, she wears the girl's defenses down until they drop. That's when she unleashes swing after swing, each strike so sharp it causes me to grit my teeth. Watching the woman's face ruddy so quickly tenses my body. Destin gives my arms a consoling rub. Jamie's opponent falls to the ground, knocked out before my friend's broken a sweat.

  Yeah. Always bet on Rock 'em, Sock 'em.

  The announcer holds up Jamie's hand as she waves the other to encourage the boisterous crowd to get even louder. Destin and I cheer alongside, appreciating the small shout out nod she always gives to me when I show up.

  I try to make as many of these as I can. It's usually not an issue, but shit happens.

  After the announcer indicates the next round of fighters are about to take the ring, we move out of the main area and linger in the room with the bar waiting for Jamie. When she arrives we shower her with praise, make small talk for a bit, and cut out right after her date finds us.

  Chicks love to see her knock another woman out. She gets the luckiest after she's gone a round. The next morning details are usually shared over my favorite breakfast tacos, but not this time. This time, I plan to be too busy with morning sex to make the meet up.

  Destin and I head back to my house with him driving my car.

  I'm not comfortable taking his motorcycle everywhere and he prefers to drive, so this makes everyone happy. It's not really that big of a deal anyway. I don't really like to drive.

  As soon as we pull into the driveway he pulls out his phone. I bite back the immediate urge to snap about him working. Casually he mentions, “Just letting Madden know not to expect me home tonight.”

  Thankful I'm not about to share my night with work, I ask, “You have to check in?”

  His head tilts and he hesitates before answering. “ many deaths so close together, it's a courtesy thing.”


  Now I feel like the world's biggest bitch.

  Sweetly he looks up at me. “It's cool. You didn't know. Now you do.”

  The two of us get out together, hands linking up at their first available chance. He hands me my keys to open the door.

  “You know my parents are still out of the country.”

  “Oh yeah?” Destin whispers over my shoulder, the door creaking open. “What about Angela?”

  “A date.” Turning around to face him as I back into the ho
use I add, “She doesn't bring them home. It's one of her rules. Only special guys can come over.”

  With a crooked smirk, he locks the door behind him. “You mean to tell me, it's just you and me?” When I nod slowly he continues to stalk me down the hall towards my bedroom. “All night?”

  “Most likely.”

  “Good.” His voice seems a bit shaky. “Because it is my mission before morning for the entire fucking neighborhood to know my name.”

  I barely have time for another breath because he swiftly presses his lips to mine as he pushes me against the wall, rattling the pictures on it. Hungrily he consumes me, the pushing of his tongue sucking the strength to stay upright from my body. In a vortex of sucks, nibbles, and licks, I'm swept away into an ecstasy that has my pussy soaking long before we reach the bed.

  God, I hope it's not long before we reach the bed.

  With a pull of his shirt, I start to move us back towards my room. The second we cross the threshold into it, he shuts the door with his foot, rips off his shirt, and stalks towards me. Feeling helpless in the sexiest way, I flop down on the edge of my mattress only to have his body blanket mine seconds later. Frenetic, our mouths demand each other's surrender, our tongues the fatal tools. Destin redirects his efforts momentarily to my neck before yanking my sweater over my head. As soon as he gets one glance of my bra, he undoes it. On a heated groan his pierced pleasure provider delivers the world's most tantalizing twirl around my nipples. With each tease, my pussy pulsates in objection it's not the one enjoying the fun. For what feels like hours, his mouth tours my body, the journey to my lower half the longest of my entire life. Once I'm completely naked and his hot breath is inches from delivering what my aching pussy is dying for, he pulls his body completely up.

  In a huff I say, “Really?”

  A playful smirk crosses his gorgeous lips. “Did you...did you want something?”

  Just as I prepare to threaten the shit out of him, his pants drop revealing the only thing my pussy craves more than his tongue. Moaning my opposition as much as my desperation just makes him smile wider.

  “That's what I thought,” he whispers. His tongue wets his lips, but he remains still. “Before I do the thing I can't wait to fucking do, you should know I use EA.”

  EA which is the street name for a drug called Enilanerda. It's basically a miracle liquid. It ramps up your immune system to kill any STDs that may try to weasel their way in. One shot and you're practically stress free from the consequences of sex. It even helps protect from unwanted pregnancies. Two things I should mention. The first, it's illegal. My step dad has reasons stacked upon reasons why it should stay illegal, but I feel like as a pharmaceutical rep his opinion might be a bit biased. The other downside with EA is it has an effect on your body chemistry. Every time you take it, you run the risk of becoming dependent on it in order to get an erection or wet. You also run the risk as a dude never getting it up again and as a woman, we run the risk of becoming infertile. I don't judge to anyone who uses or doesn't. We all have to make our own choice, ya know?

  “But it's been...a long time since I've had a need for it.”

  Curious I ask, “How long?”

  “Um...” He scratches the back of his neck. “A little less than a year.”

  In disbelief I lift my eyebrows. “But I thought-”

  “I'm really good at keeping up appearances,” he confesses. “Besides, most of the reputation of being a McCoy does all the hard work for me.” Seeing the slight anguish in his eyes he pleads, “I hope um...that doesn't change your mind.”

  With a sweet grin I shake my head. “Not at all. It's been longer for me.”

  “How long?”

  Dreading my own response I whisper, “A little over three years.”

  Destin fights the urge to smile, the wheels in his head clearly turning.

  Cockiness is cute and obnoxious.


  “The pill,” I inform. “My step dad would kill me if I even thought about EA.”

  “Works for me,” he says softly before grabbing my legs, yanking me to the edge of the bed. With a sly smirk he advises, “You're gonna wanna hold on.”

  I grip the sheets with my hands as he positions my legs to be folded against my body. Passionately, but powerfully he pushes his cock inside, the immediate parting of my pussy painful enough to make me squirm in discomfort.

  Destin releases a long deep exhale. “Relax, baby. I won't hurt you.”

  Shutting my eyes I do my best to melt into my sheets, the gentle rocking of his dick, swiftly moving from pain to pleasure. A deep panting begins as my pussy grips his cock, coaxing it to move deeper. His hands grip my legs firmly. He pulls me closer. The start of what was a gentle stroke now slamming so vigorously, so precisely he elicits cries of his name as if I'm afraid he won't remember it if I don't continue to remind him. Thrust after thrust trembles through my body. I struggle to open my eyes, to stare into the ones that are giving me something I've never experienced before, but can't. Lost in the tumbling tasty turmoil, I let my body remain trapped at his ruthless demands for an orgasm to come out of me.

  Barely audible I whisper, “Des...”

  “Fuck,” he groans in return, fingers so tight I know it's going to bruise.

  You should see the hickey he gave me earlier this week.

  I beg, “Don't stop.”

  “No fucking way,” he grumbles and pushes hard this time the bouncing action, forcing his cock to the hilt.

  My hands ceaselessly claw at the sheets, desperate for stability, desperate for something to make the ecstasy stretch out longer than I know my pussy will allow. A defeated moan escapes just as my pussy begins to clamp down repeatedly on his dick. Waves of euphoria drown me while I verbally beg for more. On a low growl, Destin's body hunches forward, his own proof of pleasure overflowing the tight space. Our breaths continue to heave while fighting to keep every little scrap of air we can. Finally spent, he lowers my legs. His forehead hits mine.

  When I open my eyes, he gives my bottom lip a lick. Sated he coos, “Hi...”

  Dazed and delirious, I utter the only word back I'm now learning I need to. “Hi...”


  I've been out of the sex game for a while. Quick question. Six times in one I slacking? To be fair the final time was with the sun rising, but still, is that lower than I should be? Why is your jaw on the floor? Pick that up.

  The feeling of a warm hand wrapped around my cock encourages my eyes to open. To my surprise, Azura is not only wide awake, but grinding her body against mine.

  Groaning at the wake-up call, I prepare to pull her onto my lap when she shakes her head. “Not yet.”

  I open my mouth to object but am hushed by her tongue anxious to find mine.

  Okay, so seven won't be so bad for getting back on the horse I guess.

  Her stroking increases in speed, her fingers working in an unpredictable pattern of squeezes of my shaft and soft tugs of my balls. Something about the combination has me growling, impatient to get inside her again. Running my fingers through her tangled hair I give it a small tug. She retaliates by tugging my nuts. Another low roar ripples out and I find myself ready to come already. My dick stiffens almost as a warning of what's pending. At that point Azura straddles me and lowers herself slowly, insuring she coats every inch of my cock.

  A helpless feeling pins me to the bed, my arms flopping backwards. “God you're amazing....”

  She giggles, lifts herself off, and repeats the action this time her hands bracing themselves on my arms. Trapped in paradise, I let my eyes roll back into my head as her pussy grinds on top of me. Slowly she rocks her hips, discovering the spots that cause her to moan louder than others. I make mental notes to explore them again later. Struggling to hold back the nut I can't wait to bust, I stifle my groans behind gritted teeth. Azura stumbles upon a rhythm that seems to suck the breath right out of her. All at once a mixture of moans and mumbles of my name topple off he
r tongue until she screams out, “Destin!”

  Her pussy vibrates on my dick, ripping apart any restraint I had left. The two of us come in tandem, pulse feeding pulse. My hands strain. A bellow bursts from deep inside and bounces throughout the house.

  Azura collapses on top of me. With a crooked smile I sigh, “Good morning to you too.”

  Another giggle comes from her. She buries her face in my chest and wiggles her head back forth. When she finally looks up, there's a red shade I love more each time I see it. “I don't know what came over me....I've never done that before.”


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