Error (Adrenaline Series Book 5)

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Error (Adrenaline Series Book 5) Page 9

by Neal, Xavier

  “Climbed on top?”

  “That either,” she mumbles.

  Fist bump me for being lucky enough to be first for that shit.

  “I meant just woke up a guy for sex.”

  “You have my blessing to wake me up any time, day or night for anything.” She grins, so I add, “Especially sex.”

  After she chuckles and playfully swats at me she states, “I am going to get us breakfast.”

  “Alright. Let me get dressed.”

  “No,” she coos. “I'm going to get us breakfast. You stay right here. In this bed. And wait for me naked.”

  “I don't see anything wrong with this plan,” I laugh lightly. “But are you sure you don't want me to come with you?”

  “Positive.” Azura strokes the side of my face with her finger. “I wanna get you breakfast in bed. Let me?”

  What kind of jackass denies a woman that? Hey, hey it was her idea!

  “This time. Next time I get you breakfast.”

  “Deal.” A light peck lands on my lips. “I'll be back before you know it.”

  Folding my arms behind my head, I watch as Azura covers up the gorgeous creation that is her body. If her caramel skin isn't enticing enough, the way her body curves from casual athletics, but constantly moving behind the bar is enough to drive any dude mad. Swirling my tongue around each and every spot is definitely high on my list of new favorite activities. Before she slips out of the room she gives me a small finger wave. The thought of grabbing my phone to do a bit of work runs out of my brain almost as soon as it runs in. Exhausted, I shut my eyes, the idea of catching a few more Zs before helping out in the shop today more tempting than anything else.

  Well, almost more than anything else...

  The feeling of my lap being straddled lifts my eyelids as well as a smile. However the sight on top of me shifts me from excited to panicked instantly.

  “What the fuck are you doing?”

  Angela wiggles. “I think your cock knows.”

  Willing my wake up wood down doesn't take much effort.

  Apparently he doesn't like this surprise either.

  “You look just like him,” she whispers softly.

  “Get up.”

  “I mean...just like him.”

  “Triplets,” I remind her my hands moving to her hips to help her up. “Please get up.”

  Her hands grip mine, the robe she's wearing parting to expose her tits that are not as magnificent as her sister's but still a decent pair. “Do you fuck just like him too?”

  Is it wrong I wanna say better? I mean I don't actually know, but a guy can hope he is the best in his family right?

  “Angela,” I state firmly. “Get up.”

  In a soft sob she begs, “Please. I need this...”


  “I miss him.” Another sob comes from her. “I just wanna be with him one more time and say goodbye...”

  Having a small inkling of what's that like I start, “I get that. I really do. But-”

  A clashing of objects, shoots our attention to the doorway where Azura looks like I'm beginning to feel. Like the world is over before it even got started.

  “Just let you be Destin?” She says slowly as Angela scampers off of me. “Mistake learned.”


  “Don't.” Her lifted hand clamps my mouth shut. “Get your shit and get the hell out of my house McCoy.”

  Angela tries, “Azura-”

  “Out of my face,” she snaps at her sister.

  Struggling with the tie to her robe she disappears.

  She is officially the worst sister in the world.

  Immediately I try again, “Azura-”

  “Do not make me repeat myself.”

  Frustrated, I hop out of bed, grab my clothes and slip them on as quick as possible. I twitch to say something else but that's when she turns and storms off. On my way out, I notice her grabbing the mop and broom, faint cries escaping her. Wanting to help, to fix this giant misunderstanding, I take a step in that direction.

  When her eyes meet mine again, she sniffles. “Please, just go.”

  I nod. With a deep sigh I run my fingers across my forehead impressed at the speed my life seems to be making a habit of turning from golden to shit.

  Check the World Record. Pretty sure you'll see my face there.

  After a long ride around the city filled with a pit stop for gas and a bagel since I didn't get anything in me for breakfast, I park my bike next to Drew's. There's a small tug in my chest knowing that's where Daniel's bike used to be. Should be. Is supposed to be. Another grunt escapes me as I drop my helmet on my seat.

  Entering through the garage I'm surprised to see it vacant of everyone except Wrench. Confused I toss my head at him. “Where the hell is everyone?”

  “Mandatory family lunch meeting upstairs.”

  Immediately I pull out my phone to see the emergency texts from Madden to bring my ass home.

  Great. This day is just gonna keep getting fucking worse.

  “I was told to hold down the fort,” he says before having another bite of his sandwich.

  “So you annihilating a turkey club is you doing that?”

  Wrench sucks dressing off his fingers. “It's a BLT man.”

  “That's what matters,” I mumble and head for the staircase that's connected.

  Quickly I rush up and inside to see my brothers and Knox gathered in front of the television I am beginning to loathe since it's sole purpose now seems to be a way for The Devil to communicate.

  “Right. On. Time,” he says, spotting me. “The man of the hour.”

  I slide my keys into my pocket and approach the backside of the couch where I drop my hands. “The most wanted man in America.”

  “Flattered.” He waves a hand at me. Seconds later he has a bite from a slice of watermelon. “You McCoys don't seem to fucking get it.”

  Drew who is sitting directly in front of me questions, “What's that?”

  “Killing you off is simple.” The words tense Madden who is located on the other couch beside Knox. Her hand clamps down on his thigh to keep him in place. “It's not even fun anymore.” He sucks his teeth. “It was kind of fun in the beginning, now it's just sad...” On that note we all strain to stay still. “Problem is you're now becoming pests.”

  “Our turn to be flattered,” Drew quips.

  The Devil's eyes lock onto me. “At first it wasn't a big deal. So you closed a few bank accounts. Had a house taken here, a vacation home there. My plates tagged, ran, and followed. Warehouses shut down. Drug routes blocked. A man can live with that.”

  I smirk widely.

  Damn right I'm proud. You see how rattled he is?

  “But then you took it too far. Fuck with my money, fuck with my drugs, but never fuck with a man's plane!” Enraged he points the rind of the slice at me. “Never fuck with a man's ability to tour the skies!” He chucks the fruit and lifts his eyebrows at his tantrum. “My helicopter! Then my plane! Too far Geeky McCoy! Too fucking far!” His voice rises. “You wanna fucking play? You wanna see who has the bigger set of balls? My move, right?”

  Swallowing my nerves, I answer, “Yeah.”

  “Good.” The Devil tosses his hands in the air. “Because it's a brilliant one. Who here has a girlfriend in WITSEC?” Dread drops to my stomach. “Well it's not Drew because his girlfriend is dead.”

  The Devil thinks that and we are to keep it that way until he fucking is.

  “You two aren't fucking, which is why she scowls like her vibrator probably does after a hard night and why you're just so....fucking...angry,” he whines and makes pout faces at them. “So that means....”

  Immediately I try to push down harder at the horror that's hauling itself through my system. “You're lying.”

  He bobs his head back and forth. “Am I?”

  “I call bullshit.”

  “Oh...” The Devil nods. “Just one second.” He makes a fake phone with his hand. �
��Hello Bullshit? Yes, you know me very well. Quick question, Destin's girlfriend Azura-” He abruptly stops his own voice. “Oh I need to call The Truth for confirmation? Of course. Duh.” Hanging up the pretend phone he mimics tossing it over his shoulder. “That's not enough to make you panic. This'll help. It's the BV MC who wants her.”

  A small gasp comes from Knox as my jaw trembles.

  The BV MC stands for the Barbaric Viking Motorcycle Club. They conduct business quite similar to Vikings. Instead of raping, it's rough sex, pillaging is in the form of drugs and territory snatching. They have some fucked up code where honor is at the top. Brutal is the name of their game and explanations are rarely needed or provided.

  The Devil smiles brightly. “Did I fail to mention they're on their way to kill her? Oopsy. Eh well. You fucked with something I love. I'm returning the gesture.” Terror floods my eyes and he winks at me. “Have a good day Geek McCoy.”

  Our screen goes black. At that very moment the instinct to let my legs buckle kicks in. The pressure that was once relieved from life bares back down with a vengeance. Before my knees have a chance to touch the floor, Drew swoops in bringing me back to my feet.

  “No,” he fusses. “Get up.”

  “I told you to stop fucking with him!” Madden shouts.

  “I know,” I meekly reply.

  “You're so fucking hard headed!”

  “I fucked up,” my voice shakes. “I know. But Azura-”

  “We're not doing this shit,” Madden grouses. “We're not losing another fucking person.”


  “Just fucking forget it! Fucking focus! Get your head in this!”

  Barely able to breath, I nod my compliance.

  “Where is she?”

  “I-I-I don't know.” Panic pushes out. “We- We- We had fight and I bailed.”

  “Of course you did,” Knox grumbles. “The McCoy way. Things get too intense. You bail.”

  “Not now!” Madden snaps. He instructs with a firm point. “Triple D, check the bar. I'll check her house. Drew stay here and be on standby in case she or they show up here.”

  “I can check her house,” Knox volunteers.

  “No,” Madden shuts her down.

  “I can fucking help,” she argues as he grabs his keys.

  “I said no-”


  “Fuckin' hell Knoxie!” He shouts at her. “I said no!”

  “And why the fuck not?”

  “Because I've already lost too many people I fucking love! If anything, and I mean anything, fucking happened to you, I'd chase down the son of bitch, feed him his balls for brunch and wear his liver like a fucking top hat. I'd write your name in his blood before watching the light fade from his life only to come and take my own knowing I could never fucking live with myself if so much as a goddamn scratch happened that I could've prevented. So just fucking listen to me one goddamn time, at least fucking today, and stay the fuck here.” Madden's graphic declaration touches a nerve I didn't think it would.

  Huh. Yeah. That's pretty much how I fucking feel at the moment.

  Surprisingly enough Knox surrenders in a fluster. “Fuck! Fine! Whatever! Just go! Be safe.”

  He nods harshly and looks at me. “Move it.”

  Without real time to think things through, I hurry out the door behind Madden. Wrench's lips move, his voice trying to reach my ears, but the only thing I can focus on is finding Azura before they do.

  Even if she hates me or never wants to see me again, I have to at least make sure she's alive. I don't know if I could live with myself if she paid for the error of my ways...if she paid for my stupid fucking mistake. I should've listened to Madden. I should've backed down.

  Flying downtown at speeds that would concern most people, I try to bat down as much anxiety as I can needing the clearest head possible. The second I park, I stumble off my bike and scramble to get inside of Mickey's.

  Relieved at the immediate sight of her pouring a beer for Spencer, I try to ignore the idea that she ran straight to him for comfort.

  Now's not the best time for a jealous spat. Remind me of that in a sec.

  I approach the bar quickly. “Thank God you're safe.”

  Unimpressed by my presence she drops her hands on the counter. “I'm not really in the mood McCoy.”

  Fighting the urge to be hurt by the comment, my mouth drops open to explain just as the beer bottle Spencer is holding shatters, the humming of a bullet passing by reverberating throughout the room. Alarm instantly fills the bar in the form of shrieks and bodies determined to find safe keeping. Another bullet blazes by before I have the chance to dodge out of the way. Instead of piercing me, Spencer cries out in pain, falling off his stool.

  “Get down!” I shout to Azura, dropping lower, another shot fired.

  On instinct, I stay low to the ground dodging around bigger targets of tables and chairs, in hopes if they do aim for me, that's what will be hit instead. Azura crawls to the corner of the bar, fear dripping from her big brown eyes.

  Grateful she's safe, but knowing we need to move, I command, “Do everything I say.”

  Rapidly her head nods. “Yeah.”

  The sound of bullets lightens up for a split moment before it seems to increase in volume. Recognizing the sound of more guns being fired at the same time, I lead us even lower to the ground towards the direction of the kitchen. A bottle crashes in front of Azura and she shrieks terrified. My heart aches. I grit my teeth to propel past the agony. Still out of sight we manage to make it through the kitchen door. Finally able to scurry to our feet, I grab her hand and pull her around the cooking station, the shouting from the cook so weak it barely registers. Outside I press us against the wall, put a finger to my lips, and slowly advance us towards the corner. When we arrive, I peer around to see three shooters, helmets still covering their faces, stalking back and forth in front of Mickeys.

  “Damn it,” I whisper, my motorcycle right in the hot zone.

  Knowing the only choice we have is to wait until they venture inside to go after Azura, I stare on, breath choked out of me. As predicted, they enter the wreckage, people fleeing from the bar. At that moment I tug her hand for us to rush for my bike. Swiftly, we both get our helmets on and bike started before the shooters take notice.

  “Hold on!” I shout only seconds before bullets whiz by us.

  We peel off down the road, trouble not far behind us. Weaving us around traffic, thankful it's light, I take a sharp left with the intention to head for the highway. Azura's grip around my waist stiffens severely. The feeling of her body trembling for the wrong reasons causes me to accelerate in determination to get her somewhere she's protected.

  “Call Big D,” I announce into my helmet.

  Bluetooth helmets are amazing for the record.

  It only rings once before his voice floods my ears. “You got her?”


  “Thank fuck,” Drew sighs in the phone. “Madden's got Angela. He's relocating her to some friends close to the state line.”

  “Good,” my voice barely gets out before the three attackers fly on the highway behind me. “I've got a problem.”


  “Times three.” Weaving around a soccer mom clearly in the wrong lane, I question, “You remember how to get on?”

  “Yeah. Yeah. Yeah,” Drew grumbles. “Give me a sec.”

  “I don't really have a sec,” I mumble back.

  After a short pause Drew shouts, “Goddamn it, Destin! This is a lotta fucking porn bro. Even for you.”


  “Focus on deleting your browsing history,” he gripes. Annoyed I prepare to snap when he announces, “I've got you on the grid. I see the bogie’s approaching. Damn. They're tight.”

  “Tell me about it,” I cut off a corvette who doesn't take it well.

  They never do.

  “Get me somewhere safe,” my demand is followed by the tinking sound of a b
ullet hitting the corvette.

  They're not gonna take that well either.

  “Next exit,” Drew states. “Then cut all the way to the first parking lot you see.”


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