Error (Adrenaline Series Book 5)

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Error (Adrenaline Series Book 5) Page 10

by Neal, Xavier

  Checking my mirror at the shooters after us, I let out a deep breath and wait to cut between the two cars until the last possible moment, nearly getting my back tire tapped. Off the exit, I dart to the furthest possible lane, swing into the parking lot, and try to be thankful that now there's only two drivers on my ass.

  “Follow it around back. You're gonna see a walking path. Take it.”

  I weave around the speed bumps, Azura's nails cutting into my flesh, reminding me exactly why I can't hesitate or question Drew's instructions.

  For the record, I prefer to be the one behind the keyboard.

  On a harsh jerk we hop the curb and dash down the vacant trail.

  “Listen closely,” he says very slowly. “There's gonna be a bridge. Don't take it. Skid across the creek on the left side four feet. Exactly four feet, Triple D.”

  “I don't exactly have a fucking a ruler, Big D!”

  He chuckles. “Trust me.”

  With the area he is describing on the horizon, the realization of where we are causes me to smirk. “You son of a bitch...”

  Thrusting us forward for the creek, I hit the targeted area, while one of the driver's tries to roll up beside me a few inches over jamming his bike directly into a rock that sends him and his motorcycle packing.

  “Middle Man scared me shitless that day.”

  “Yeah,” Drew chuckles. “You were such a pussy.”

  “Fuck you.”

  Mom loved to find little less known parks and creeks to let us go crazy at, especially in the summer time. This is the one where Daniel hid under the water by that stupid fucking rock while Drew and Madden convinced me to go check it out, so he could scare the shit out of me. Which he did. Assholes...Don't laugh!

  Veering back onto the path, Drew states, “Just one left?”


  There's a faint sound of typing as we pull into a neighborhood. The bike begins to gain on me, fear rising once more that I might be out of time.

  Abruptly Drew yells, “Left!”

  I take a sharp turn, Azura's sharp gasp the reminder I needed that I can't let fear get the better of me. To my surprise the bike follows with little hesitation on a turn most people would fall off.

  “Right!” I take another one with the same unexpected zest hoping to throw him off his game. “Left. Left. Loopy Loo.”

  No he's not having a fucking stroke.

  His directions land us on a road filled with parked cars as expected. Spotting the target in sight, I hop onto the sidewalk for a few houses before crossing the street right in front of the shooter to head back the direction we just came. He follows in the street turning his bike around gracefully. Accelerating I hop back onto the sidewalk opposite of the one I was just on, repeating the previous action once more cutting him off abruptly to travel on the other side. Again he avoids crashing into me while driving parallel onto the street. When I hit the same distance as before, I veer in front of him, and back onto the other sidewalk. This time when I prepare to cross the street, he hops in front of me to beat me to the sidewalk, anticipating me to unexpectedly stop, which is when I stay on the street as he crashes into the fire hydrant he wasn't aware was on the other side of the parked car.

  Without waiting to see if he survived, I zoom down the street. “Where am I headed, Big D?”

  He feeds me the next line of directions and instantly I know exactly where he's sending us.

  I know I asked for safe, but fuck's the last place I expected to be going.


  Unable to stop shaking, I try to find solace in Destin's arm that's draped around me. The throbbing in my head matches the one in my chest. Tears continue streaming down my face as I gasp for breath after breath.

  The door finally opens and an older toffee colored man with a beard darts his eyebrows down. “A McCoy on my doorstep is never a good thing.”

  Destin slightly shrugs. “Sorry Commissioner. But's an emergency.”

  “It always is with your family,” he sighs. “Get in.”

  “Thank you,” Destin softly says leading us past him.

  Through blurry eyes, I follow the Commissioner around past a set of stairs and into a living room, the entire time with Destin's arm trying to keep me from collapsing.

  Can you blame me? I was just shot at! At least I think it was me they were shooting at. But why on earth would anyone be shooting at me!?

  When we drop down on the couch, he sits across from us in a large chair. The expression on his face puts the word displeased to shame. “Why are you here, Destin?”

  He hesitates but then questions, “How'd you know it was me?”

  “I've spent enough time with Drew to know the difference. You bastards may be identical to the rest of the world, but you have enough characteristics that separate you naturally. As in when you're not trying to be the same person, at the same I will not repeat the question.”

  Destin sighs, “I need to know why Azura was in the WITSEC program.”

  “What?” I snap pushing myself out his grip. “I'm not in the WITSEC program!”

  The Commissioner ignores my outbreak. “What do you mean was?”

  Leaning back he struggles to say, but eventually reveals, “The information was leaked. The BV MC is who is after her. Now we both know I could log onto a computer and find out everything you law enforcement poorly hide, but obviously I need more than just that information. I need help. Real help. Please.”

  He grumbles under his voice before a woman enters the room. “Make the call, Nick.” When his eyes dart up to her she firmly points. “Make. The. Call.”

  With a surrendering of his hands, he stands up. “Give me a few. And don't even think about putting your feet on my coffee table.”

  Destin nods and before I can ask any more questions, the sweet woman, comes closer. “Nice to finally meet you, Destin. I'm Nadie.”

  He shakes her hand. “Nice to meet you too.”

  She extends her hand for me. “Hi honey. What's your name?”

  Through sniffles I try to gain some composure. “Azura.”

  A soft smile comes to her face. “You two look like you could use a little homemade comfort. How about I whip some up? Have you two eaten?”

  After glancing at me Destin replies, “I had a bagel.”

  Recalling the breakfast I dropped all over the floor in shock from catching my supposed boyfriend with my stepsister, I shake my head. “I uh...I haven't eaten.”

  “Can't have that,” Nadie says sweetly. “Let me slip in the kitchen and see what I can cook up.”

  Almost as soon as she disappears, I snap my head at Destin. “How did you know I was in WITSEC? Am in it? Was? Whatever!”


  “And how did you know they were coming for me? How do you know who they are?”


  “Are you one of them?” I scoot my body towards the other end of the couch. “Why do I feel like I don't even know you? One minute you're just the hot guy I've been dreaming of for the past couple years and the next you're trying to bang my sister hours before you're getting me shot at! What the hell is going on?”

  Destin lets out a deep breath. “First and foremost, nothing happened with your sister-”


  “Nothing. Fucking. Happened.” He accents each word so harshly it hurts. “If I wanted to fuck Angela I would've way back when Daniel was passing her around. The only person I've ever wanted to be with, and I mean really be with, is you.”

  I sniffle away the last of my tears. “How'd you know about WITSEC? I don't even know about it...”

  A dismal expression plants itself on his face. “You know how I work another job?”

  Trying to lighten the situation I ask, “Are you a secret spy?”

  His appreciation of the joke is apparent by the way the corners of his lips twitch. In a hushed tone he answers, “For the last few years my brothers and I have been working for essentially...a drug

  This information doesn't blow me out of the water like it probably would most.

  Come on now. I'm not a complete idiot. Most of the people I hang around are involved in something illegal. Jamie's fights aren't exactly legal. I've catered to enough underground street racers at the bar to know they're a very real thing. Even the extreme sports I film are not exactly on the right side of the law.

  After looking behind me for sight of the Commissioner I question, “Doing what?”

  “Our hands have always been typically clean. More delivery of...things,” he explains staying vague. “When we were younger it felt like it was worth it. Endless cash. Endless women. Endless security, but then things went sour and he's made it his mission to kill everyone we love-”

  “Love?” I interrupt again. “Are you saying-”

  “Yeah.” Destin moves his body towards me. “That's exactly what I'm saying.”

  My mouth slips open, but instead of saying it back, I lunge forward and lock our lips. He takes the impact poorly, tumbling backwards, but threads his fingers through my hair to keep the kiss going. Our tongues connect expressing everything the two of us have been failing to say. The kiss is shorter lived than I want, but I know we need to keep talking.

  His mouth slips off of mine as he rests his forehead against mine. With his eyes still closed he whispers, “Hi...”

  Expanding my smile, I nuzzle his nose until he opens his eyes to see me. “Hi...”

  “Are you seriously making out on my couch?” The Commissioner growls entering the room.

  Instantly we sit back up and my face blushes. “I'm...I'm sorry. It wasn't what it looked like.”

  “For everyone in this room's sake it damn sure better not have been what it looked like,” he comments flopping down in the chair with his phone in his hand. “Here's the deal. I'm gonna read you why she was in WITSEC then you're gonna tell me why she's no longer in it. Agreed?”

  “Agreed,” Destin whispers.

  The Commissioner touches his phone. “Azura Rose became the name of a four year old born Michelle Kelly.” There's a pause in his voice as it seems he's scanning the information. “Her and her mother entered the program as volunteers, which was recommended. It says there was another family entering the program at the same time as you in which your mother had a faint connection with.”

  “My step dad?”

  “Says here, him and his daughter of the same age were entering the program after a recommendation as well. His wife did classified work for the military,” he continues to read. “Most of this is blacked it was suggested they pretend to be a married couple. His wife and your father knew each other in boot camp. Says your father died while deployed.”

  In disbelief over the information being shoved at me, I shake my head. “I...I don't remember anything about him. How old was I when he died?”

  There's a short hum from him. “Says you were just six months old.”

  Is that why my mother's so distant from me? Do I look too much like my father? Does it hurt for her to see the life she left behind? I mean, I get now why we don't have photos, but did the fear of the past catching up force her to turn away from me?

  “Why are they in the program?” Destin prods. “What did she do?”

  “It's what she saw,” he corrects. “It's listed you witnessed a member of BV MC commit a crime.” When he looks up he sighs, “Typically we don't put four years old on the stand, but back when this happened they were desperate to get members of BV MC anyway they could on any charge they could. It was back when the club was setting fires just to watch everything burn.”

  “Are we talking actual fires or metaphorical ones?” My boyfriend asks.

  Fair question.

  “Both.” The Commissioner clears his throat. “From what I know about them, they went to war hard in the beginning with rival gangs, but over the last few years have dialed it back. More importantly, I don't want them in my city. I have enough shit to deal with between street races, underground fights, drugs and now high price escorts on top of the normal crime in a city. I'm aiming to make it less corrupt, not bring in another reason for my beard to go gray. Your turn McCoy. Explain.”

  Destin's thumbs twiddle. “You know the anonymous reports you've been receiving in regards to The Devil?”

  Metaphorical right? He's not trying to tell me that he's seen the actual red faced, pointed horned thing. What do you mean that's not what he looks like? You really wanna have that conversation right now?

  “You mean the ones that have helped us cease millions of dollars in assets? Prevent him from fleeing the country? Clear out warehouses and stop a few transports in progress?”

  “Those would be them.” When The Commissioner glares, Destin finishes, “Apparently he doesn't appreciate he retaliated by leaking Azura's information to the BV MC.”

  “Just hers,” The Commissioner informs. “No one else in her family has had their information revealed. From what the tech team briefly gathered, Azura Rose has been exposed, but the rest of her family seems legit still. Looks more like this nice family adopted you than two families protected under one law.”

  “I really don't know what the report is talking about,” I interject. “Honestly, I don't remember anything before life with Angela and Mark. My mom never talks about it, which makes sense now why, but that part of my memory is non-existent. So even if you could charge them with something I would be useless. Why come after me?”

  “Loose ends,” Commissioner Carter answers shortly. “Smart criminals typically don't like them.”

  Destin glances away but doesn't comment.

  “You said you wanted my help,” he grabs his attention again. “What do you want from me?”

  “I want help keeping Azura and her family safe.”

  “Her parents are still out of the country, so they are safe. I informed someone to make a call advising they stay that way. I would recommend her sister relocates for a few days while I see if there's anything I can do to help get this settled before my streets become a war zone.” He briefly pauses. “A bigger war zone.”

  “What about me?” my voice meekly questions.

  “You have two choices,” the Commissioner starts. “I can call the Marshals. We can get you relocated. New identity. It'll be abrupt, take a couple hours, but it can be done. You will no longer exist. We kill Azura Rose and you will become someone else entirely. No contact with any of your friends. Your family. No one. You may have no remaining ties to the person you are now.”

  Tears sting the corner of my eyes as I glance at Destin who looks like he's about to break down as well. With a trembling jaw I try to ask what the alternative is, but can't seem to get my vocal chords in gear.

  Destin fingers intertwine with mine, planting a kiss on the back of it. Turning to face The Commissioner he asks, “What's the other choice?”

  He folds his hands together. With his eyes placed on me he states, “You can let the McCoys protect you.” Surprised by his words my eyebrows lift. “If there's anything I've learned over the past few months, it's the lengths they are willing to go to protect the ones they love. In my opinion, you're safer and most likely happier with them watching over you. Merrick brought my daughter home from the pits of hell. I have no doubt Destin will die trying to make sure you don't fall into the flames. However, the choice is ultimately yours. Regardless of your choice, I will be working to keep the BV MC out of my city.”

  Destin turns to look at me. “It's up to you baby. If I've gotta live the rest of my life without you so you're safe I will.” My breath feels robbed from me. “But if you choose to stay, you heard what he said. I'll die trying to save you if necessary.”

  “My whole life is here,” I whisper softly. “I mean, I know it's not big, and I know nothing really feels like home, but there are things I don't wanna give up. Especially you.”

  His tongue wets his lips fighting the instinct to kiss me.

  Probably be
st with the Police Commissioner watching.

  “I'll do what I can from my end. I'll have an unmarked officer on detail duty as often as I can spare the man power. Most likely round the clock.”

  “Thank you.” Wiping away the tears from the corner of my eyes, I nod again. “Thank you so much.”

  The Commissioner nods in return before moving his attention to Destin. “McCoy.”


  “I've told you and your brothers, but since you all seem to have a comprehension issue I will repeat myself one more time. Back. The. Hell. Off.” Destin's grip tightens. “I know how badly you want The Devil. All of you. However, at this point, I need you and your brothers to back down. Yes, the tips were appreciated, but it's not worth the price of the bodies that keep falling on my conscience.”


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