Error (Adrenaline Series Book 5)

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Error (Adrenaline Series Book 5) Page 11

by Neal, Xavier

  Wait. Is that why Daniel died? Merrick? No one has mentioned the details. The only thing they say is there was an incident....what else am I missing? Do you know?

  “We can handle him if you'll just take a step back. I need you to trust me. I have an inside man. The walls are closing in around The Devil. He's scared. He's moving right where I need him too, so one final time. Back. Off.” When Destin looks like he's about to object The Commissioner adds, “If not for my sake then for hers. You've seen what he's capable of.”

  Do you have any idea what that is? I mean can it get any worse than letting the entire world know I'm wanted by a motorcycle gang? Why are you looking at me like that?

  After a meal of bacon mac and cheese filled with lighter conversation from Nadie while The Commissioner disappeared to find ways to help, Destin drives us back to the apartment. We lounge around in the living room watching movies in an active attempt to keep our minds busy as we wait for Madden's return. Once he's back, he assures us Angela is safe, and that the best thing we can do right now is try to get some rest.

  Destin takes his advice and leads us into his bedroom.

  The door shuts behind me. Almost immediately I say, “Wait. I...I don't....I don't have anything here.”

  Destin lifts his eyebrows in confusion. “What?”

  “Clothes,” I start. “Or deodorant. Or a tooth bush. I don't have anything here, Destin. My stuff-”

  “We can swing by your place tomorrow and grab some,” he says pulling me into him by the hand. “We'll go with Madden. We'll pack you up and move you here until...until...”

  “Until when?” my voice chokes out. “What if The Commissioner can't help? What if I'm never safe again? What if-”

  “As long as you're with me, you'll always be safe.” Destin pushes a fallen strand behind my ear. “I promise.”

  Nodding, I let out a breath I didn't realize I had been holding.

  Playfully he says, “You can't use my toothbrush, because I think that's gross to share, but I can offer you a t-shirt to sleep in.”

  A small smile flashes on my face.

  He strolls away, grabs me a plain black t-shirt, and proceeds to strip out of the clothes from the day. As soon as we're both dressed for bed, we crawl under the sheets, and let the mindless ramble of an old re-run of a sitcom attempt to entertain us.

  Is it weird that this feels perfect? I've spent my entire life wanting somewhere that feels like people can see me, like I matter and here I am, getting exactly what I used to lie in bed and wish for. Is it the ideal situation? Absolutely fucking not. Is this family or my boyfriend perfect? No. But at least I feel like I belong. At least I feel like if I went missing or into hiding, he would notice. He would care. None of my family has made contact. Not even my parents.

  Eventually the weight of my thoughts rolls me over onto my side. Admiring Destin's profile, I lightly run my finger along his jawbone line. His eyes briefly shut in what appears to be a pleasant way. They flicker open again until my finger repeats the action.

  Quietly he sighs, “That feels amazing.”

  “I'm barely touching you.”

  “Yeah,” Destin hums. “But you're barely touching me. Every little thing about you feels like the best thing to ever happen to me.” He turns to face me. “Everything. I'm the luckiest man in the entire fucking world and I don't deserve to be.”

  My finger strokes the spot once more and he melts into it. “Would you really have been okay letting me go?”

  “No fucking way,” he grunts. “Losing you would be the final blow of lost family I could possibly take. I'd fucking stop waiting for whatever plan it is Madden thinks he has building, locate The Devil, and place a bullet between eyes.”

  The violent declaration should scare me, should freak me out, but it does just the opposite. I find extreme comfort in it.

  Is that twisted? You know...I don't even care if it is.

  “I'd let you go because your life is a million times more important than mine.”

  “Not true,” I quietly object. With the tip of my finger, I turn his head so our eyes can meet. “You undersell yourself too often. If you're the luckiest man, it's only because I'm the luckiest woman. I love you, Destin McCoy, and that's something I couldn't live with walking away from.”

  Slowly his mouth descends to mine. Instantly swept away in the magic that comes every time our lips connect, I run my hand around to his nape where I hold on for dear life. There's a mixture of a moan and sob that come from him as he grips my hip with the same amount of gusto. In a gentle yet intense session of kisses the one article of clothing each of us is wearing disappears. Our bodies fervently grind against one another, legs rubbing together as if they've began the sexual journey without us. More belated than either of us clearly enjoys by the eager clawing we've begun, Destin's cock nudges inside my tense muscles. A long relieved moan seeps from me as the leg that's dangling over his hip is moved putting his shaft at a deeper angle when he shifts to palm my ass.

  With his face buried in my neck, I softly proclaim, “This feels amazing.”

  Like the most heavenly treat he's ever tasted, he continues indulging, each suck in unison with his thrusts. The sharp pushes of his dick not only penetrate deep but tease my clit with ephemeral grazes. Craving more, I arch into him. My arm that's draped around him finally moves to anchor myself for the imminent orgasm that's impatiently waiting.

  “Just a little more,” I beg.

  He squeezes my ass tighter. A loud moan escapes, which is when Destin's tongue drags itself up to my ear. “You can have anything you want from me, baby. Just ask.”

  I whimper at his words as does my pussy. The muscles are wound so tightly around his cock, I'm afraid if he tries to change angles, it'll snap it in half as punishment.

  I don't know that you can actually break a dick in half, but you can injure one! Had a guy at the bar tell me that horror story.

  The smooth ball of his ring rolls around my earlobe. “Tell me what you want, Azura.”

  I bite down on my bottom lip holding back screams. Not pleased with the choice, his teeth clamp down.

  On a sharp shriek I demand, “To come! Destin make me come!”

  And with those words he fiercely drills into me. His hips jerk repeatedly, so relentless I'm not sure my pussy will survive what it's asking for. Suddenly the mixture of clit teasing and g-spot nudging causes me to shut my eyes tightly before his name pours out of me. My pussy throbs and throbs begging helplessly as I spiral out of control, careless about who hears. The intense squeezes are rewarded with a hot stream that feels as if it's endless. Faintly, he calls my name in my ear, the sound of it more like an invocation than I've ever heard before. Completely exhausted, emotionally and physically, the two of us crumple together in a sweltering pile of limbs.

  I'm glad I chose to stay. I'd rather live happily for a few more days than return to a version of the miserable existence being with him has allowed me to give up.


  What if Azura staying was a terrible idea? I mean I love her. I know we can keep her safe, but what if this shit is much worse than I thought? What if that unmarked car across the street isn't enough when the shit really gets thick? What if The Devil has an inside man the way The Commissioner does. To be fair he used to have a shit ton, but they started to drop like flies a couple months ago. What if no matter what we do it's never enough? What if the only way the BV MC gives up is if she really is dead? Should we fake her death? Why aren't you giving me any answers?

  “Destin!” Drew's voice snaps.

  Unsure of why he's yelling I turn abruptly and bite back. “What?”

  “Can you hand me that wrench or not?”

  “Yeah.” I shake away the invading thoughts. Reaching for it, I ask, “Why'd you yell at me?”

  “Because I've asked you for that so many times, Wrench is probably beginning to think I'm in love with him.”

  “I was flattered,” Wrench calls from across the shop.
br />   A light chuckle leaves Drew as he takes the tool. “Look, I know you're worried-”

  “I'm fine.”

  “You're not,” my brother shuts me down. “It's only been a few days. We all know this kinda shit takes some time. Try to relax. We won't let anything happen to her.”

  I can't relax. The only thing that remotely gets my mind off of possibly losing her is fucking her and I can't fuck her when I'm supposed to be in the shop. Well, I mean I can, but they only let me get away with that shit the first two days. Since I've been back down here I've tried to spend most of my time behind the computer, catching up on paperwork and fucking The Devil over in every little hole I can. Yeah, I know what The Commissioner said, but come on. I'm a McCoy. How well do you think we listen to what the cops say?

  “Did you hear a word I just said?” Drew gripes. When my head tilts to answer he surrenders his hands. “Never mind. Just do me a favor?”

  “What's that?”

  He drops an arm around my shoulder and turns us to face a Harley pulling into the driveway of the shop. “Look at that. I mean just look at that Triple D. Don't you wanna run your fingers down those sexy curves, grip that bitch, and show her the best fucking time possible.” With a small smile I nod in agreement. “Ride that from sunrise to sunset. Damn. Go talk to her and convince her to leave that precious piece of ass here for us to touch.” He points at me. “Don't blow it. I haven't touched a Harley that sexy in a while.”

  Rolling my eyes I grab my tablet and hustle out of the shop towards the leather clad woman who is still straddling her bike.

  Professionally, I introduce myself. “I'm Destin McCoy. How may I help you?”

  In a swift motion she moves her helmet, ruffles her red hair, but doesn't remove her sunglasses. “Just the man I wanted to see.”

  Alarm alerts my system into action. Holding the tablet with one hand, I drop the other, preparing to give the hand signal for back up.

  Yeah. We've got fucking hand signals. When you switch from heavily guarded to heavily, violently pursued, you invest in that kind of simple shit.

  “Relax,” she says leaning forward. “I'm gonna talk. You're gonna listen. Every word I say will appear to be said in a threatening form. That's the intent. Play along. Got it?”

  “Who the hell are you?”

  “I'm undercover agent Clara Louis. I received a message if I had any information that could help to make contact.” She messes with her red hair once more. “This conversation never took place.”

  Relieved that my luck might be changing, I nod. “Never.”

  “Good.” After a glance over my shoulder she cocks her head at me. “Years ago when BV MC was trying to make giant waves among their rivals, particularly the ZD MC, there was an incident and an object of their victory was acquired. This was a huge deal. The reasons exactly are legends that change depending who tells the story. However, this object, went missing a few years back after a party.”

  “What is the object?”

  “The only information I have on that is it has something to do with a scorpion.”

  “And Azura?”

  “The incident occurred at the ZD President's house while his wife and child weren't home. Apparently Azura used to live in the same neighborhood, was outside playing, and was the only one who spotted him fleeing with the object. The BV member was Slaughter. He's now President. If she can place his face at that scene, he faces the possibility of prison because the ZD president was also murdered that day, around that time. Any guesses who they wanna pin for it?”

  The information has me uncomfortably shifting my weight. “But she doesn't remember anything.”

  Clara shrugs. “That's good. Add that with the little peace offering of the missing object and they would back off. Hell, they'd probably do more than that. Might give a chance to be a prospect.”

  Never happening.

  “At this point, it's just her word of lack of memory versus Slaughter's determination to keep his presidency. Look, he's an irrational man, one of the worst actually, but he's a man with a strict honor code. Give him your word and bare a gift he wants, free passage from whatever it is you want. Including your girlfriend's life spared. He takes loyalty pledges, oaths, and protecting his family to the grave.”

  “If you know he's committed murder-”

  “Allegedly,” she corrects. “The evidence of that entire situation is a mess. Honestly, it's been too long for her witness testimony to mean shit, putting aside the fact she was just a child, but he doesn't realize that or it's not setting in.” Clara prepares to put her helmet back on. “Find whatever it is they want and make peace. Make a bond. You should know the first time they sent prospects to kill her. The next time it won't be amateurs.”

  Those were fucking amateurs?

  “You haven't got long before Slaughter is going to want to act again. He's got more pressing business on the docket, but not for much longer, so act fast.” I attempt to say something when she cuts me off, “I have to go. Anyone asks what happened here and I threatened to make you choke on your balls if you didn't produce the girl soon.”

  With a new task tumbling around in my head, I compliment. “Nice bike by the way.”

  Clara winks. “Perk when you're fucking the VP.”

  After she gives me a good rev, she backs her bike up slowly, the unmarked cop stationed across the street now on edge. I turn quickly to head back into the shop.

  “I told you not to scare her off,” Drew jokes until he sees the expression on my face. “Wait. What the fuck just happened?”


  “Who was that?”

  “BV MC,” I smoothly lie.

  “Are you fucking kidding?” He tenses. “Why didn't you say something fucking sooner?”

  “She just...came to send a message.”

  “What was it?”

  Staring into the eyes of one of the only people I've never lied to, I swallow the knot of guilt.

  We have to keep this a secret. At least until I can figure out what it is that went missing. Once I've got that information, I'll share. I'll bring it to Madden's attention too. It'll be my saving grace for fucking not listening when he demanded it before. As for now, this is just between us. Got it?


  Drew folds his arms across his chest. “Just what?”

  “Just...just that we don't have much time to give them Azura.”

  Sensing the lie he scrunches his face tightly. “Is that all?”

  Instead of risking my voice shaking, the indication of a lie, I nod. Drew stares harshly, the cycle of disappointment and betrayal clear as the sky outside.

  He sighs, “I guess I'll give Mad Man a call to let him know.” When I don't object he storms away kicking a tool out of the way, which catches Wrenches attention.

  Triple D doesn't lie to each other. It was a promise we lived by when we were growing up. We would lie to other people. Lie about each other if it could help any other brother get laid, but we swore we'd always be honest to each other. But what do you want from me? Desperate times and all that bullshit. It's just not Triple D I'm trying to protect any more. It's the love of my life too.


  Azura's voice invades the bathroom just seconds after the warm water falls down my back. “I'm serious Destin.”

  Annoyed this argument is still in motion I roll my eyes. “Azura-”

  “No.” she stubbornly cuts me off. “I have given up staying at my house. I can't go back to the bar not only because it's still closed, but because they might try to get me there too. I need this Destin. I need to do this event tomorrow. If it'll make you feel better to be at my side with your superman cape then by all means join me, but I'm going.”

  My face appears around the shower curtain. Seeing the stern but sad expression, I cave. “Fine. I'll go too. Get up ass early and everything for you. Now, get naked so I can fuck you rotten before I have to get to work. It's all hands on deck today.”

  She grins
widely, my favorite color coating her cheeks. Slowly Azura pulls my t-shirt over her head, the sight underneath stiffening my shaft.

  We grabbed her shit from her house over a week ago and still she prefers sleeping in my shirts. It's probably the sexiest look of all time. Find me a dude who argues that point and I'll be the first one to label him full of shit.

  Azura slinks her body over to me, dangling the temptation she is at a frustrating distance. As soon as she's within reach, I yank her to the edge of the shower, and roughly suck her nipples into my mouth. Her moans, which are music to my ears, echo in the shower. After lapping at each of the sensitive peaks, she slips into the shower. Unable to control myself I drop my face to her pussy where I spread her thighs and bury my tongue. The first lick elicits a loud enough cry that encourages me to continue. Ruthlessly I feast, each flavor filled suck doing it's best to soothe the desperate sexual deviant inside that always feels insatiable. My tongue twirls around her clit, toying with it until she's falling apart. Committed to the notion of turning her pussy into the trembling tender tranquility my cock can't wait to further please, I continue my movements until she erupts all over my tongue. Rising to my feet, I turn her around. She braces her hands on the tile wall. With her legs spread she sticks her ass slightly out allowing me to push my cock home. We groan in unison. My hands clutch her hips as I bounce her beautifully on my dick. Each precise push receives an echoed praise creating the most remarkable erotic symphony. Lost in the nirvana that can only be felt when I'm with her, I continue to pump, my cock knocking at her g-spot so feverishly she comes again within the first few minutes. Feeling gluttonous, I don't slow down knowing the only thing I want on her mind while I'm away is me.


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