Error (Adrenaline Series Book 5)

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Error (Adrenaline Series Book 5) Page 12

by Neal, Xavier

  Azura cries out, her hand hitting the wall. “I can't take anymore.”

  “Just a little more baby,” my encouragement is proceeded with me giving her ass a good pop. The smacking sound swells my dick in warning I don't have long left. I repeat the action. “Take that dick just a little longer.” She moans hungrily at the following pops. I growl harshly each time. One last blow is delivered before her pussy clasps onto my cock so brutally, it caves, coming faster than I can possibly stop it. “Fuck....”

  “My God,” her voice agrees.

  In one easy movement, I cradle her body to mine, littering her neck with kisses. When my lips roll around to her ear, I whisper, “I love you...”

  “I love you too.”

  Hearing the proclamation eases the worry I can't seem to stop from falling into. Between continuing to close The Devil's operations at every opportunity that presents itself and sleepless nights researching the object the BV MC is missing, I've began to wonder how much longer I can keep the inevitable implosion at bay. Are you getting the feeling it's not too much longer?


  You know you don't really know how much you miss gallivanting around the outside world until it's taken away as an option. Sure being stuck in the apartment has some perks. Lots of sex. I mean lots of sex. After Destin and I are done most of the time it takes me at least an hour to remember how to walk again. Plus, I get to work on this little gift I've been putting together for him, which is going to be epic. However, I do miss seeing my friends. The bar. Jamie has swung by for a brief visit, but Spencer who took a pretty brutal shot has barely made contact. I got a message saying he needed some space for healing, but that was on my old phone that I haven't used in the last week. I've given him my new number. But still nothing...

  Angela called to apologize profusely to me and Destin about the incident. She spent the entire time talking about how she wasn't in a good place, how much she misses Daniel, and how thankful she is the McCoy’s rescued her yet again. Not once does she ask or allow me to fill her in on my own safety. My parents aren't much better. They called to double check that Angela was somewhere safe and that I wasn't going to stay at the house, but that was it. Part of me feels like they all wish I would just die or at least go back into WITSEC without them. I highly doubt they'd blink an eye if I did.

  Melody, Drew's girlfriend twirls around in the kitchen, twisting her hips to music while she adds cheese to the salad.

  Not only is this woman breathtakingly beautiful, Drew worships the ground she walks on. She sat down one afternoon while the guys were at work and told me how they got together. Turns out it's a doozy. Just one you have to hear for yourself. The other upside of her is that she's stuck in this apartment worse than I am. I can visit the outside world when Destin's in a giving mood. She can't. Not yet. Not while the man known as The Devil is still alive. Sometimes I think late at night Drew sneaks her out, but don't tell anyone. I don't want anyone in trouble.

  My cell phone buzzes across the bar, pausing my work on the computer. The number makes me grin. “Hey Spencer!”

  “Az,” his voice softly greets in return. “You doin' okay?”

  “Yeah.” I lean back in the bar chair. “I mean as fine as a person can be after everything that happened. What about you? Are you okay? How's the injury?”

  “I'll be fine,” he replies. “Still a bit painful, but nothing major got hit. Well other than my pride.”

  Confused, I ask, “Why your pride?”

  “Because I should've been the one to save you,” his sigh hurts my heart. “Because even wounded I should've at least been smart enough to tell you to get down. To come after you....anything. Something.”

  “You did what anyone would do if they were being shot at, Spence.” Melody stops her sultry dancing to give me a suspicious look. I mouth the word. “Friend.” She nods her approval and returns to moving in ways that make me believe Drew is probably a lucky guy.

  Really lucky if she rocks like that in the bedroom. Oh what! Come on! You were thinkin' it too.

  “Really? Is that why Destin knew to at least tell you to get the hell out of the way?” He grumps. “I shouldn't be pissed at the guy for being able to use his brain or saving my best friend...”

  I hum my approval of Destin's name.

  “Everything okay between you two? He taking good care of you while you're not on bar duty?”

  “Yeah. He's great. We're great. I appreciate you asking.”

  “Did you see that there was only one other person injured?” Spencer's voice cracks.

  “I did.” Remembering the headline on the front of the paper, thankful my name had not been included at all, I add, “The other person took a leg shot. The entire thing has Mickey in high debates about ever reopening.”

  “Can't blame him. With rumors swirling his gambling debt is what got his bar shot up in the first place, I would say his smartest move is probably to keep those doors closed.”

  Mickey's gambling problem is one of those things I'm not sure actually exists. While I'm thankful there's no word out about the BV MC demanding my blood there's too much guilt that comes with someone else's name being tarnished to save mine.

  There's a beep on my phone and it's a number I don't recognize. “Hey Spencer, I gotta answer the call on the other line, but promise me I'll see you soon.”


  “Take care,” I coo before switching to the other line. “Hello.”

  A man's voice strongly says, “Hello. This is Marshal Mayweather with X-treme X-press. I'm looking for a Miss Azura Rose.”

  Concerned, I glance at Mel who keeps watching me out of the corner of her eye.

  We've become great friends in these past couple of weeks. She knows at the first sign of trouble to flag a McCoy just as well as I do.

  Determined to keep my voice from shaking, I steady it. “Um...this is she.”

  “Good evening Miss Rose. As you recall we interviewed you a few days ago.”

  They did. It was actually the perk of that day. I kept it to myself though. Figured there was no need to build false hope since there was a good chance I wasn't going to get the job. There were a shit ton of other candidates all probably more qualified than me. I was just thankful they even considered me worth interviewing.

  Sorry for calling so late. I had a meeting with Guy Klinger-”

  The unexpected frisson causes me to blurt, “The snowboarder?”

  “Yes. He's actually a good friend of mine,” Marshal brags. “If you accept the job offer, I'll be more than happy to introduce the two of you. Be warned he does have a weakness for girls with beautiful smiles.”

  “I'm sorry, come again?”

  “I'm offering you the job to come work for us,” he informs.

  My jaw drops to the ground, which pauses Mel's actions again. “You're...You're offering me...”

  “A job,” Marshall slyly finishes the sentence for me. “That is if you are still interested. We loved the video resume that was initially passed to us. Your interview was charismatic. Your enthusiasm for extreme sports is almost as impressive as your passion for your craft. I think your talent needs to be captured, polished, and presented for the entire world to see.”

  Unsure of what to say, I whisper, “I...I don't know what to say.”

  “Well hopefully you say yes,” he chuckles. “I'll send you over the paperwork with the details, but what you need to know most importantly is you'll be flying out in two weeks.”

  Surprised at the timing, I question. “Flying out where?”

  “To London.”

  “For how long?”

  “Couple months give or take. There's some basic boring training, blah blah blah, then we'll fly out to Colorado for the WG.” With my head spinning faster than my mouth moves, I don't even manage to confirm or deny this is what I want. “Make sure when you sign your contract, it's in blue pen. I really hate black ink.”


  “Alright, I have to
catch a flight. I have a date. We'll be in touch.”

  The call ends before I have the chance to voice my opinion on anything.

  Did that really just happen to me? Was I really just given my dream job?

  “I know that look,” Melody sighs leaning her hands on the counter across from me.

  I dart my head up.

  “It's the life changing one.”

  My mouth moves to explain to her what just happened, to scream at how exciting this is, to scream that maybe getting away while the BV MC is hunting me would be perfect, but instead only air comes out.

  This is a good thing right? I mean get my dream job and stay safe? Destin can come and visit me! Maybe he'd wanna come with me...Am I being selfish?

  There's the sound of a key entering a lock, which is when I close my lap top down.

  Don't wanna ruin his surprise.

  Suddenly McCoy laughter fills the room. The pair of identical faces makes Melody smile as wide as me.

  Destin shakes his head. “I can't believe you bet Wrench over the color of Knox's panties.”

  “I can't believe he took that bet,” Drew chuckles closing the door behind him.

  “He almost got knocked out,” Destin sighs flopping down at the bar beside me.

  His brother nods excitedly, arriving next to Mel. “By Madden. That's what makes it funny.”

  “How is that funny?” Melody questions her boyfriend.

  “Because Madden's face turns the color of zit that needs to pop, which leads Knoxie to almost, always apply the unneeded pressure,” Drew continues to laugh. “This time, she flashed Wrench her underwear.”

  Destin shakes his head again. “Madden dented a car hood.”

  Our jaws drop in unison while Drew continues his snickering. “It was a Lexus. He hates Lexus's.”

  “Not funny Big D. You know how fucking uncomfortable that phone call was? 'Yes sir. Sorry to inform you there was a minor incident in the shop today. It'll be fixed free of charge along with the other services you brought your vehicle in for.' Not my favorite phone call nor my favorite report to make. Your little joke was an expensive one.”

  Drew shrugs still smirking. “The funniest ones typically are.”

  “You are so much trouble,” Melody scolds at him.

  His smile expands. “That's why you love me.”

  “Is that why?” she playfully counters.

  He moves his body to greet her just as Destin moves his to greet me. The feeling of his hand winding through the back of my hair causes my eyes to close. Our lips find their way to each other, the touching of our tongues brief.

  When he pulls away he whispers at me, “Hi...”

  “Hi...” I coo in return.

  “Smells like heaven,” Drew compliments as he washes his hands. “Want us to set the table?”

  Melody winks at me before nodding at him. “Please.”

  She mentioned earlier that Drew was well trained. If she cooks, he can set and clear the table. I've seen him do it once or twice before, but I thought it was a fluke. I didn't realize the McCoys had manners.

  Destin hops up to help. “It's just us four. After Drew's little panty prank-”

  “Haha, panty prank,” he proudly echoes.

  “Knox made a comment about needing to go see someone who knew all the colors of her underwear when she chose to wear them and Madden made a bunch of unnecessary noise before informing us he needed to get his frustrations out.”

  “Code for fuck someone 'til he forgets how much he cares about Knox,” Drew translates.

  “Shouldn't they just...tell each other how they feel?” I suggest.

  All three of them give me a sarcastic look.

  Why are you giving it to me too? It's not that far-fetched of a notion.

  “I highly doubt that'll ever happen,” Destin mumbles placing the plates down while Drew does the silverware.

  “Better chance of having a snowball fight in hell,” Drew's joke gets a smile from his brother.

  The four of us settle down at the kitchen table where we fill our plates with homemade lasagna, mozzarella salad, spinach salad, and fresh baked, from scratch garlic bread.

  Looks beautiful and can cook like a gourmet chef. Have I mentioned I love her too? She also happens to make a mean set of breakfast tacos.

  Conversation flows along with the wine. Glass after glass is had by Mel and Drew until they reach the point of apparent intoxication. While I feel a little tipsy, I'm definitely the most sober with Destin not far behind me.

  Which is good because I want to have this conversation at least remotely sober.

  Mel giggles, leaning into Drew's arms on the couch. “So, what was the big news, Azura?”

  “I've got a headline,” Drew less than subtly jokes.

  “You've got news?” Destin's thumb strokes my shoulder. “What is it?”

  I hesitate to answer.

  Mel pushes, “Come on. Tell us! We're family, right? We celebrate great news together!”

  Wouldn't know. This is like the first good news I've had since I got accepted into college. My parents didn't celebrate with me then, so much as ask how much would the first check be.

  “Can we celebrate great news together naked?” Drew whines.

  “One track mind,” she fusses.

  “One track the bedroom.”

  Destin shakes his head and bumps him. “Come on baby. What's the good news? I'm sure we could all use a little.”

  Smiling softly I reply, “I got offered my dream job today.”

  In unison they croak, “What?!”

  “Yeah. The biggest name in extreme sports wants me to work for them,” I gush trying to hold back my excitement.

  “That's fucking incredible,” Destin exclaims.

  “Does that mean we have to stop watching football?” Drew asks. “Or better yet, is there an extreme football league?”

  “Isn't that Rugby?” Destin jokes, causing his brother to laugh before they fist bump again.

  They do that a lot. Not just fist bump, but laugh at each other's jokes that are only slightly amusing. It's cute and sad.

  “If I take the job, I start in two weeks,” I continue slowly.

  Mel looks puzzled. “If? What do you mean if? Don't you mean when?”

  “Yeah,” Destin adds. “When, right?”

  My eyes fall into his, the debate of correcting them so difficult, dinner starts to churn in my stomach. Finally I confess, “I'd have to relocate to London for a couple months before traveling to Colorado for a week.”

  “London baby!” Drew shouts. “Remember that episode of Friends?”

  Destin's eyes never leave mine. “'d have to leave me?”




  “You're just gonna up and go without thinking about how this could affect us?”

  His rush of irritation hits me like shot gun blasts.

  “You're just gonna throw away these last few weeks, all we've done to protect you for some...fucking job?”

  “Ohhh....” Mel's voice whispers. “Oh no...”

  “Bro,” Drew tries to help.


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