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Mark of Fate

Page 17

by May, W. J.

  As fast as it had all happened, it was over, and Rae lay there on the ground, blinking in amazement and trying to catch her breath.

  Yep, that had been her father alright. Only he would have designed the kind of contraption that would have ripped off her fingers if she hadn’t yanked them away with a speed tatù.

  Her eyes flickered nervously about the barn, worried the sound might have woken her mother. But the barn and the house were both quiet as a grave, fast asleep on the warm summer night. Then she glanced back at the broken pieces of what was once her mother’s prized bench.

  That’s just wonderful, she thought with a groan. First I make her drive me to the airport at six in the morning, and then I break her ‘seven minutes in heaven with Simon’ bench.

  She crawled forward on her hands and knees to examine the damage, wondering if there was a way she could fix it. For the first time in quite a while, there was a warm hum under her skin as Nic MacGyver’s tatù floated to the surface. Nic was Guilder’s resident handyman-slash-genius. Rae had always thought it was hilarious that he’d been named after his fictional counterpart on television, but upon voicing that to her other Guilder peers it was quickly apparent none of them had any idea what she was talking about. Apparently their Nic MacGyver was the one and only.

  A dozen random ideas about homemade wood glue and bolts for leverage flashed through her mind, but before she had a chance to focus on any of them a sliver of white paper caught her eye instead. It was nestled inside one of the halves of the bench, which she just now realized was hollow. Inching forward to get a better look, she reached inside to pull out an oversized white envelope, slightly yellowed around the edges and dampened by rain.

  She turned it over slowly, bracing herself for whatever was to come, before her mouth fell open with a loud gasp.

  There, written in the center in a fancy script, were two single words:

  Rae Kerrigan.

  * * *

  “Honey, are you sure you don’t want me to go with you back to London?” Beth asked as she helped unload an overnight bag Rae had conjured from the car. “I could help you settle into your new place? Keep your warring boys at bay?”

  “Ha, ha,” Rae said sarcastically, but she turned with a grin. “That’s really nice of you, but…no thanks. I think this is probably something I should be doing on my own.”

  Beth pursed her lips but nodded, pulling Rae in for a huge hug. “Alright, well you just have a safe flight and call me as soon as you land, okay? And don’t let Molly boss you around about designing the apartment. It’s your home too, you hear me?”

  Rae chuckled. “Could you make that promise? With Molly?”

  “No, probably not.” Beth laughed and hugged her quickly again, before glancing nervously to where she’d illegally double-parked against the curb. “I’d better go. But we’ll see each other soon, alright? And remember to call me right when you land!”

  “I will!” Rae smiled and waved, watching as her mother smiled sweetly at the parking attendant before slipping behind the wheel of her Lexus and shooting off down the road.

  In truth, she would have loved her mother to go with her back to London. It would have been kind of nice to have a shield between her and her angry friends. Not to mention, if anyone could talk Molly down about the apartment—not that something like that would ever realistically happen—it would be Beth. But there was one little problem standing in the way.

  Rae wasn’t going to London.

  The second her mother was out of sight, she headed away from the terminal and doubled back towards the rental car agency. After conjuring herself a Scottish driver’s license of the proper age, she was speeding down the interstate heading north, her father’s letter safe in her pocket.

  About three hours later, she rolled to a stop in a little town on the Dunnett Head Peninsula—a lovely realm of high cliffs and emerald green meadows at the northern tip of Scotland.

  She shivered as she stepped out of the car and quickly ducked back in to conjure herself a proper jacket. It was much colder here than even her mother’s house, although they weren’t too terribly far away. That was most likely because the entire town stood upon fifty-foot cliffs that dropped straight down into a crashing sea.

  As Rae pulled her new coat tighter up around her chin, she couldn’t help but smile as a misty ocean breeze blew her dark hair up around her. There was something almost magical about this place, she decided as she looked around. It was the kind of place you’d see when you opened the pages of a fairytale, all deep greens and dark blues. Complete with a sparkling ocean, stretching as far as the eye could see.

  Then Rae remembered why she was here and her grin faded. She was here because her father had come here. He hadn’t said so in his letter, but the letter wasn’t the only thing inside the envelope. There was also a key.

  Normally she would have been incensed by the trail of cryptic clues, but in this case there was nothing cryptic about it at all. The key was labeled quite clearly: ‘Dunnett Head Inn, Bed and Breakfast.’ So here she was, key in hand, ready for whatever dear old dad had to throw at her.

  A quick drive through the town revealed that the Dunnett Head Inn was actually the only place to stay in the whole tiny city. She caused quite a stir as she checked herself into the correct room—her key had said #4—and settled in. Apparently the local townsfolk didn’t get many visitors all the way up here, and when a young girl drove up by herself it caused quite the stir indeed.

  Once she was safely inside she once again unfurled the letter, taking in her father’s script with almost hungry eyes.

  My dearest daughter,

  Rae, if you’re reading this, then you have grown up to become everything I’d hoped you’d be. You are resourceful and strong, but most importantly you are curious. If there’s one thing I can impart to you, sweet daughter, it’s that curiosity is the most important gift of them all. The desire to ask questions, to challenge what one has been taught. It is an invaluable lesson, and one I hope you learn as I did.

  But I digress. Rae, I’m writing to you, assumedly from the grave, to warn you of the dangers in the world you have entered. Be cautious, think carefully, and ask questions before aligning yourself with those in power. I promise you, not everything is as it seems.

  By now you’ve no doubt heard terrible things about me. The infamous Simon Kerrigan—they’re already saying it. I can only imagine what it must be like to go through life carrying that name. For that, I am sincerely sorry.

  But I would challenge that there’s also more to being a Kerrigan that meets the eye. More than the members of the Privy Council, and those people back at Guilder would have you believe.

  You are SPECIAL, Rae. No matter what anyone tells you. And I am not the only one who thinks so.

  Although they may be quick to condemn the work of others, I would ask you to take a closer look at the workings of the high and mighty Privy Council. They were not always as spotless and forthcoming as they would have people think.

  You need proof? Ask Peter and Katerina.

  You are going to have to dig for answers. Everything you trust and believe in, question it all.

  Good luck, Rae. Stay strong and safe. I wish I could be there to guide you through these perilous times, but, alas, that chance has been taken from me. Instead, allow me to impart a few parting words.

  The best thing you can do in this world is to know yourself. TRUST YOURSELF. The rest will follow.

  Yours in love,


  By now Rae’s fingers had worn grooves into the sides of the paper. There were tiny ink smudges in the corner that made her think her father had written this in haste, perhaps looking over his shoulder as he filed it away for safe-keeping. Hoping that one day she would find it. Never knowing for sure if that would be the case.

  With careful hands, she folded it back up and pressed it against her heart as she gazed wistfully out the window. She didn’t know exactly why she was feeling so sentimental. Af
ter all, her father had been a terrible man—the crazed Simon Kerrigan. She knew this. But still… She stroked the back of the paper lovingly. This was the only letter he’d ever give her. The only words of love and advice she would ever remember hearing from her dad.

  She didn’t know how long she stood there. It must have been a long time. There were no pressing time concerns, because while his letter had certainly brought other issues to light, it had said absolutely nothing as to why he had led her here to Scotland.

  The sun began to set low on the horizon over the cliffs, painting the sky in a brilliant orange haze. Eventually, Rae decided to walk out to the bluff to see it for herself.

  Yanking a coat and scarf back over her shoulders, she slipped out the side gate to the inn, letter still in hand, and began walking out across the grass towards the ocean. The breeze had picked up stronger than ever, dusting her cheeks in a light layer of ocean salt as walked to the edge of the cliffs.

  Gazing out at the horizon, Rae realized she had never seen anything so beautiful. It was as if God Himself had painted this place by hand, streaking the sky and casting handfuls of sparkling glitter down upon the waves. It was so mesmerizing. It was almost painful.

  It was then, staring out at the crashing waves that something else caught Rae’s attention, a peripheral blaze of color dancing in the corner of her eye. She turned curiously to see that it wasn’t a distant fire—like she’d thought—but something stationary. Something she’d seen before. Something that, by now, she almost expected.

  A Japanese Maple.

  No one was around for miles that far out on the bluffs, so Rae slipped into a tatù and flew across the grass like she had wings, coming to stop in front of the crimson tree. There was nothing about it that lent any sort of hint or idea as to what to do next. The tree itself was the clue.

  Rae frowned and circled it slowly. Anything that Simon might have hung or carved or left would have been long worn away by the wind and rain. He would have known that. That meant that everything on the tree itself was out of the question.

  So that only left…

  Rae closed her eyes and shook her head. A small smile crept up the side of her face, and she actually laughed around as she sank to her knees.

  “Okay, Dad, this better be worth it.”

  Then Rae started to dig.


  Strength & Power


  ~ Turn the page for a teaser of Book 10 ~

  Strength & Power

  So Rae and Devon are broken up. Gabriel's furious he wasn't chosen. Angel is back in the picture, Kraigan is out of the picture, and Molly and Luke have turned into one of those hilarious obnoxious perfect couples...

  After discovering a cryptic clue left by her father, Rae Kerrigan finds herself facing off against an opponent she never expected: the Privy Council. The lines between 'good' and 'evil' are blurred once again, only this time, Rae isn't sure who's left on her side. Life in London becomes a dangerous dance--one she must navigate carefully because the stakes have never been higher.

  Could it be possible the Council was behind everything all along? Is Rae really willing to cut all ties and go rogue like her father? How far will the agents at Guilder go to stop her?

  Who might she be leaving behind...?

  Sneak Peek

  At the Rest of the Series Covers

  Note from Author

  Thanks for reading (and hopefully enjoying Mark of Fate). I feel like we are just starting to know the adult version of Rae, who is still very much her mother, and her father’s, child. I love writing about Rae’s adventures, her friends and her life! I hope you guys don’t mind sticking around for a few more rounds with Rae!

  All the best, W.J. May




  The Chronicles of Kerrigan

  Book I - Rae of Hope is FREE!


  Book Trailer:

  Book II - Dark Nebula


  Book Trailer:

  Book III - House of Cards


  Book IV - Royal Tea


  Book V - Under Fire


  Book VI - End in Sight


  Book VII – Hidden Darkness


  Book VIII – Twisted Together


  PREQUEL – Christmas Before the Magic


  CoK Prequel!

  A Novella of the Chronicles of Kerrigan.

  A prequel on how Simon Kerrigan met Beth!!


  More books by W.J. May

  Hidden Secrets Saga:

  Download Seventh Mark part 1 For FREE

  Book Trailer:

  Like most teenagers, Rouge is trying to figure out who she is and what she wants to be. With little knowledge about her past, she has questions but has never tried to find the answers. Everything changes when she befriends a strangely intoxicating family. Siblings Grace and Michael, appear to have secrets which seem connected to Rouge. Her hunch is confirmed when a horrible incident occurs at an outdoor party. Rouge may be the only one who can find the answer.

  An ancient journal, a Sioghra necklace and a special mark force life-altering decisions for a girl who grew up unprepared to fight for her life or others.

  All secrets have a cost and Rouge's determination to find the truth can only lead to trouble…or something even more sinister.


  Book 1 is FREE:

  Book Blurb:

  Everyone needs to be a hero at one point in their life.

  The small town of Elliot Lake will never be the same again.

  Caught in a sudden thunderstorm, Zoe, a high school senior from Elliot Lake, and five of her friends take shelter in an abandoned uranium mine. Over the next few days, Zoe's hearing sharpens drastically, beyond what any normal human being can detect. She tells her friends, only to learn that four others have an increased sense as well. Only Kieran, the new boy from Scotland, isn't affected.

  Fashioning themselves into superheroes, the group tries to stop the strange occurrences happening in their little town. Muggings, break-ins, disappearances, and murder begin to hit too close to home. It leads the team to think someone knows about their secret - someone who wants them all dead.

  An incredulous group of heroes. A traitor in the midst. Some dreams are written in blood.

  Courage Runs Red

  The Blood Red Series

  Book 1 is FREE


  What if courage was your only option?

  When Kallie lands a college interview with the city's new hot-shot police officer, she has no idea everything in her life is about to change. The detective is young, handsome and seems to have an unnatural ability to stop the increasing local crime rate. Detective Liam's particular interest in Kallie sends her heart and head stumbling over each other.

  When a raging blood feud between vampires spills into her home, Kallie gets caught in the middle. Torn between love and family loyalty she must find the courage to fight what she fears the most and possibly risk everything,
even if it means dying for those she loves.

  Daughter of Darkness


  Only Death Could Stop Her Now

  The Daughters of Darkness is a series of female heroines who may or may not know each other, but all have the same father, Vlad Montour.

  Victoria is a Hunter Vampire

  Free Books:

  Four and a Half Shades of Fantasy


  Aumbry House --A recess to hold sacred vessels, often found in castle chapels.

  Aumbry House was considered very special to hold the female students - their sacred vessels (especially Rae Kerrigan).

  Joist House -- A timber stretched from wall-to-wall to support floorboards.

  Joist House was considered a building of support where the male students could support and help each other.

  Oratory --A private chapel in a house.

  Private education room in the school where the students were able to practice their gifting and improve their skills. Also used as a banquet - dance hall when needed.

  Oriel -- A projecting window in a wall; originally a form of porch, often of wood. The original bay windows of the Tudor period. Guilder College majority of windows were oriel.

  Rae often felt her life was being watching through one of these windows. Hence the constant reference to them.

  Refectory -- A communal dining hall. Same termed used in Tudor times.


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