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by Rosemary Ashton

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  Works written by Darwin, Dickens, Disraeli, and Thackeray appear as subheadings under their author’s main entry. References to months, unless otherwise stated, refer to the year 1858.

  42nd Highlanders (i)

  1848 (year) (i)

  Abandoned, The (Augustus Egg) (i)

  About London (J. Ewing Ritchie) (i)

  Adam Bede (George Eliot)

  Darwin reads (i), (ii)

  immediate success of (i)

  takes world by storm (i), (ii)

  Adams, Rev. W. (i)

  Adelphi (i)

  Adelphi Theatre (i), (ii), (iii)

  Administrative Reform Association (i)

  Admiralty (i)

  adultery (i)

  Agamemnon, HMS (i)

  Albert, Prince

  Disraeli convinces (i)

  education of prince of Wales (i)


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