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Beyond the Nightmare Gate

Page 8

by Ian Page

  If you wish to enter a black hole, turn to 130.

  If you wish to fly into the ground, turn to 109.

  If you wish to gain altitude, turn to 19.


  Tanith is summoning the creature of the Key from the Crystal Tower. Before the Jahksa can act, the spirit of the giant wolf leaps at him, throwing him to the ground. But even as he falls his body becomes transparent as he escapes from this realm.

  Turn to 273.


  As you release your grip on the storm the craft lurches violently. The wind is so powerful that it carries the Ethetron along in its wake but the little craft will not take much more of this punishment.

  If you wish to attack the Jahksa, turn to 148.

  If you do not, turn to 165.


  You walk around the tower and soon find yourself back where you started. To your surprise, there now stands a door where before there was only a blank section of wall. Tanith looks at you, incredulous. ‘Strange sorcery is at work here,’ she says. You nod in agreement.

  The large, iron-shod door stands tall and uninviting. You try the handle and find, as you expected, that the door is locked. You notice that there is a keyhole and, hanging on five hooks alongside the door, are five Keys. Each Key is fashioned in the shape of a beast.

  If you wish to try the Serpent Key, turn to 240.

  If you wish to try the Eagle Key, turn to 227.

  If you wish to try the Wolf Key, turn to 235.

  If you wish to try the Spider Key, turn to 252.

  If you wish to try the Dragon Key, turn to 277.

  If you wish to read the inscription above the door, turn to 10.

  If you wish to strike the door with your Wizard's Staff, turn to 97.

  If you have the Magical Power of Prophecy and wish to use it, turn to 161.

  If you have the Magical Power of Psychomancy and wish to use it, turn to 193.


  14As you pick your way through the rubble and scorched timber you see an old woman kneeling in the ashes searching for items that have survived the fire. As you walk over to her, she looks up with a start, her face contorted with fear.

  ‘You … you … have come back,’ she whimpers, and scrambles to her feet and rushes away. You wander through the village for some time, generating the same response in all you meet. You decide to move on and find another village.

  Turn to 160.

  [14] There is no choice that leads to this section of the book. This appears to be an oversight which is not easily correctable.


  Quietly you stalk the guard, but his keen ears detect a movement and he whirls round and spies you creeping in the shadows. Instantly he raises a silver pipe to his lips and blows.

  Turn to 271.


  At the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point you call up your Power of Prophecy. The Jahksa is in the Trianon. You spin round to see him leaning against one of the walls, the familiar sneer playing across his features — your features.

  Turn to 176.


  The Gyronome does not lie, but your Power of Prophecy is unable to reveal anything else from the realm you inhabit. Probing into the near future, you see little more than your attempt to reach ground level. Have you foreseen your own death? The use of this Magical Power cost you 1 WILLPOWER point.

  If you wish to fly lower, turn to 135.

  If you have the Magical Power of Psychomancy and wish to use it on the Gyronome, turn to 152.


  The raging wind helps the Ethetron to stay airborne without power and, while the Jahksa is in a trance state communing with the Elementals, you take up your Staff. It is difficult to take accurate aim because of the violent movements of the craft and yet, with remarkable calmness and precision, you fire a direct hit into the Jahksa's chest.15 He leaps back and, with magical flames still smouldering in the remains of his robe, he staggers towards you. Without hesitation, Tanith rushes at the Jahksa and thrusts him over the rail. She gives you a look of triumph and you cannot resist a cheer.

  The storm blows itself out and quickly you bring the Ethetron back on course. You soon reach the Moaning Mountain and locate the cavern. With some skilful manoeuvring, you line up the ship with the opening and enter.

  Turn to 300.

  [15] As you are using your Wizard's Staff against the Jahksa, you should deduct 2 WILLPOWER points.


  You close your eyes and concentrate on the near future. There is no immediate danger in the room of mirrors; it is what lies beyond that should cause you to be wary. The use of this Magical Power has cost you 1 WILLPOWER point.

  Turn to 2.


  You are already familiar with Tanith's power over beasts, learned when she served Mother Magri, the Shadakine Wytch. You pray that the alien nature of the Daziarn does not hamper her skill. As the giant eagle attacks you, she steps forward and calls out with a shrill voice, ‘Katta sheen, suono kow!’

  With a cry of frustration, the eagle releases its grip.

  You let out a sigh of relief as it climbs into the featureless sky and disappears from view.

  If you now wish to keep the Eagle Key, mark it as a Special Item on your Action Chart. You must choose from the remaining Keys; only one will open the door to the Crystal Tower.16

  If you choose the Spider Key, turn to 252.

  If you choose the Wolf Key, turn to 235.

  If you choose the Serpent Key, turn to 240.

  If you choose the Dragon Key, turn to 277.

  [16] You may only choose a Key that you have not already tried.


  With a frown, the Elessi guard returns the Copper Coin and ushers you down the steps, away from the palace. You decide it would be prudent to wait until nightfall before trying to slip into the palace unseen.

  Turn to 121.


  At the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point, you touch the Gyronome with your mind. The device is not magical but mechanical. Reaching out for a trace of its previous owner, Slypate, you see a vision of the old Academician working on his invention with loving care. There is nothing evil about the device. Why then does the Gyronome point to the ground?

  If you wish to fly lower, turn to 135.

  If you have the Magical Power of Prophecy and wish to use it, turn to 147.


  The beast roars and speeds towards you at an alarming pace. It rears its large horned head and bares its yellow fangs, preparing to blast dragon-fire at you. The penetrating stare of its old, veined eyes fills you with dread.

  Suddenly, Tanith steps forward. ‘Katta sai, juno keese,’ she shouts, speaking the words of command that give mastery over all beasts to the Wytches of Shadaki. The dragon slows in mid-flight, hovers, and finally settles its great bulk on the ground. It bows its huge head meekly to Tanith and makes to leave.

  If you wish to speak with the dragon, turn to 242.

  If you do not, turn to 197.


  You take careful aim and fire at the Jahksa, using 2 WILLPOWER points. However, he has seen you and raises his staff to fend off the bolt of flame.

  ‘Many thanks, brother,’ he shouts, ‘for feeding the fire.’

  You realize the truth of what he says. He is tricking you into behaving like an enemy of the Vale people. Without their help you will never find the Gate that leads to the realm of the Moonstone. It is important that you show these people that you are their friend.

  If you have the Magical Power of Elementalism and wish to use it, turn to 169.

  If you wish to engage the Jahksa in personal combat, turn to 159.


  Gulping a deep breath, you jump to the ground. You land heavily and a stab of pain runs up your leg: lose 2 ENDURANCE points. Fortunately, the injury is not serious and you find you are able to walk with little difficulty. You enter a busy street and mix with a crowd of Elessin. Your disguise ensures that you are not challenged as you
walk through the city, searching for a clue to the whereabouts of the Threnogem.

  If you have the Magical Power of Prophecy and wish to use it, turn to 5.

  If you do not have this Power, or if you do not wish to use it, turn to 79.


  You are already well versed in the ways of illusions and enchantments and, although half the strange, chaotic sights are enough to drive a man insane, you are able to challenge the illusion and dispel it.

  Turn to 187.


  With your heart thumping against your ribs you rush past the guard. He shouts some kind of insult at your back but does nothing. You breathe a sigh of relief and enter the city.

  Turn to 175.


  At last you come to the Moaning Mountain. You find the cavern and, after some careful manoeuvring, you edge the flying machine forward into the depths of the lonely peak.

  Turn to 300.


  Heedless of the flames, you climb onto the rooftop close to where the Jahksa stands. ‘So!’ he exclaims. ‘It's sport you want.’

  He whirls his staff around his head and, with a blood-curdling yell, aims straight for your legs as you balance on the narrow roof. Swiftly, you parry, incandescent sparks flying where your staves make impact. The Jahksa is beginning to weaken and a powerful blow sends him reeling back along the roof.

  Turn to 343.


  You pick up the road out of sight of the poor survivors and follow it to the next village. This village is also ablaze. No one attempts to put out the fire; instead, everyone stares at a figure dancing maniacally on the roof of a house. It is a familiar and disturbing sight: Jahksa. Even now he is hurling bolts of magical flame into the thatched and wooden roofs of the village houses.

  Illustration XIII—Everyone stares at a figure dancing maniacally on the roof of the house.

  If you wish to attack the Jahksa at long range, turn to 154.

  If you have the Magical Power of Elementalism and wish to use it, turn to 169.


  Unsure of the correct decision and hopeful that the future will offer you some guidance, you decide to use your Power of Prophecy. At the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point, you send your thoughts forward in time. You sense that there is great danger in the Keys, though you are unable to determine its exact nature. The wrong choice could be fatal. A vision of the metal plate above the door forms in your mind; a vital clue lies hidden in the words inscribed upon it. You break your trance to consider your next course of action.

  If you wish to try the Serpent Key, turn to 240.

  If you wish to try the Eagle Key, turn to 227.

  If you wish to try the Wolf Key, turn to 235.

  If you wish to try the Spider Key, turn to 252.

  If you wish to try the Dragon Key, turn to 277.

  If you wish to read the inscription above the door, turn to 10.

  If you wish to strike the door with your Wizard's Staff, turn to 97.

  If you have the Magical Power of Psychomancy and wish to use it, turn to 193.


  ‘Grey Star, look!’ cries Tanith, anxiously. You spin round to see the Jahksa leaning against the wall. A sly smirk creases the face that is also your face.

  If you wish to attack your double and have at least 2 WILLPOWER points remaining, turn to 192.

  If you wish to walk to the end of the corridor, where you can see a glowing, milky-white light, turn to 113.

  If you have the Magical Power of Sorcery and wish to expend 2 WILLPOWER points on the formation of a magical shield, turn to 185.


  Awareness suddenly glimmers in Tanith's face. Slowly she comes to her senses as if awakening from a deep sleep. ‘Grey Star,’ she says, quietly. ‘Is it really you?’

  ‘Yes, it's really me,’ you reply, with a warm smile.

  ‘I thought … ’ she says with a dry sob. ‘It was in my mind … the Black Wizard, he had your face. He took me from the Crystal Tower and brought me here. By the time I realized it wasn't you, the Chaos-master had asked me what gift I desired. I asked for you, Grey Star, and the Chaos-master told me that the Black Wizard was you. Then my mind was full of fear and loathing. I — ’

  ‘You don't have to explain. It's all right. I understand.’

  Outside, a strange, yet familiar voice sends a chill down your spine. ‘How touching; how noble. Such understanding,’ it sneers. You rush outside to see a hooded figure dressed all in black. Slowly, deliberately, the hood is pulled aside to reveal your own face staring back at you. ‘Greetings, brother,’ says your voice. ‘We meet at last.’

  Turn to 291.


  You pull the lever back as far as it will go in an attempt to bring the craft out of its dive but now you lack power and the machine continues to gain downward momentum. You are too close to the ground to save yourself and the Ethetron crashes, killing you instantly.

  Your quest and your adventure end here.


  A violent gust tears into the craft and, with a resounding crack, the mast snaps. The Ethetron flips out of control and falls at a startling speed. There is no time to save yourself before the Ethetron explodes into the ground. There are no survivors.

  Your life is over; your quest ends here.


  You draw out the Parchment stolen earlier from the dead Elessi and hand it to the guard. He eyes it suspiciously. Having read the Parchment, he hands it back and stands aside. He says something and you nod. The guard seems satisfied and you enter the palace.

  The sight takes your breath away. The interior comprises just a single hall. The high ceiling is supported by hundreds of transparent columns filled with a coloured liquid that stirs sluggishly within. But it is the glittering column of light at the far end of the hall that draws your attention as it changes colour and swirls like a lazy shining whirlpool. You walk towards it and, as you grow nearer, something else attracts your attention. The pillar is illuminating a grotesque but life-like statue of an infant child sat cross-legged on the floor, its face that of an old man. The statue is about three feet high and in its open, upturned mouth rests the Threnogem.

  If you wish to take the Threnogem from the statue's mouth, turn to 71.

  If you have the Magical Power of Psychomancy and wish to use it, turn to 39.

  If you have the Magical Power of Prophecy and wish to use it, turn to 55.


  The Crystal Tower looms larger as you draw nearer; its buttresses, balustrades, and cornices jutting at impossible angles. Some of the tower's ornamentation seems to disappear completely when looked at from certain directions, as if parts of the tower do not belong to this dimension at all. You also notice that, with growing frequency, the cloud plain is perforated with black holes of varying sizes.

  If you wish to investigate one of these holes, turn to 257.

  If you prefer to press on without any delay, turn to 302.


  The craft spins, spiralling downwards at great speed. You pull and push on the lever and the foot bar but the machine's crazy descent soon throws you from the craft into mid-air. There is no time for defensive action as you hurtle to the ground, smashing into it seconds after the Ethetron.

  Your life and your quest end here.


  You close your eyes and begin to chant. The Vale villagers flinch visibly, convinced that you mean to hurt them. You carry on regardless. At the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point you cause it to rain. The fire is raging quite heavily and you are doubtful that the shower you have raised is of sufficient intensity to quench the fire. You prepare to throw another WILLPOWER point into the spell but stop suddenly as the villagers give a great gasp. A cold evil throbs at your back.

  You spin round to face the Jahksa. ‘Why do you waste your energies so?’ the Jahksa enquires. ‘On these simpletons and peasants.’

  ‘And why have you shown yourself?’ you ask. ‘These people now know that I did no
t burn their village. Surely you hoped that they would cast me out without telling me where the Gate to the next realm can be found?’

  ‘Your unimpressive display of weather-working has sufficed,’ he snorts, derisively. ‘You have saved the people and all live happily ever after,’ he sneers, sarcastically. ‘But other dangers await you.’ So saying, the Jahksa disappears.

  Turn to 330.


  You show the Gold Coin to the guard. He takes it and inspects it closely. With a nod he hands it back and then speaks to you once more. Apparently he requires something else before he will allow you into the palace.

  If you have a Silver Coin and wish to give it to the guard, turn to 136.

  If you have a Copper Coin and wish to give it to the guard, turn to 151.

  If you have a Parchment and wish to show it to the guard, turn to 166.


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