Beyond the Nightmare Gate

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Beyond the Nightmare Gate Page 9

by Ian Page

  If you have a Glass Rod and wish to show it to the guard, turn to 196.


  The greyish mist in the Ethetron's glass dome is slowly seeping through the crack in the glass. The creatures of the mist writhe and gyre in their hunger and you struggle desperately with the controls as the ship sinks lower and lower, becoming an easier target for the hideous beasts. You swerve amongst them like a tiny insect flying through a forest of swaying trees. Add together your COMBAT SKILL and WILLPOWER points.

  If the total is 16 or more, turn to 84.

  If the total is less than 16, turn to 129.


  You shout down to Tanith and she prepares to climb. Taking a deep breath, you haul on the Rope, dragging Tanith towards you. She does her best to scramble up the tower but the weight of your Backpack and the encumbrance of your Wizard's Staff make climbing very difficult for her. Soon, she is on the ledge beside you. Another fifty feet remain to be climbed and you must repeat the process to reach the top of the tower.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess the Silver Charm of Jnana the Wise, you may add 1 to this number. If you have the magical Talisman of the Shianti, you may add a further 1 to this number.

  If your total is now 0–5, turn to 63.

  If your total is now 6–11, turn to 91.


  You exert the power of your mind upon the lock. At the cost of 2 WILLPOWER points you turn the tumbler of the lock mechanism. The door swings open to reveal a narrow flight of stairs, leading downwards.

  If you wish to step forward, turn to 125.

  If you wish to go back to the large stairway, turn to 239.


  A sky-blue sea with foam-crested waves rolls where the sky should be. Green hills and fields ripple and undulate like an ebb tide and the Ethetron begins to rock violently. Mountains stand on their peaks and towns and cities float haphazardly in the air. Night becomes day and day becomes night in the blink of an eye. A huge fist rears up, poised to strike, and then passes through you like a phantom. All around you is the sound of crazed and forlorn laughter.

  Illustration XIV—Mountains stand on their peaks and cities float haphazardly in the air.

  If you have the Magical Power of Enchantment, turn to 156.

  If you do not have this Magical Power, pick a number from the Random Number Table and add it to your WILLPOWER score.

  If the total is 20 or more, turn to 86.

  If the result is less than 20, turn to 104.


  You come to a long avenue paved with crystal stones. At the far end of the avenue is a huge palace constructed entirely of glass.

  If you wish to explore the city, turn to 76.

  If you decide to investigate the glass palace, turn to 114.

  If you have the Magical Power of Prophecy and wish to use it, turn to 5.


  ‘So, Wizardling, we meet again. The Moonstone awaits us. But who shall claim it, I wonder?’ he sneers.

  If you wish to attack your likeness and have at least 2 WILLPOWER points remaining, turn to 192.

  If you wish to continue to the end of the corridor, turn to 113.

  If you have the Magical Power of Sorcery and wish to expend 2 WILLPOWER points on the formation of a shield, turn to 185.


  Your trained eye picks out an extremely rare and useful plant that is growing on the hillside: the Senara, a flowering bush whose unripe buds have a restorative effect. Chewing one of these large, yellow buds will restore 1 WILLPOWER point. You may pick up to five of these Buds; keep them in your Herb Pouch (remember that your Herb Pouch can contain a maximum of eight items). If you have a Pestle and Mortar you may mix a preparation that will restore 5 WILLPOWER points with one dose, but you will need a Vial in which to keep the Potion. You may mix as many Potions as you have Vials.17

  Turn to 293.

  [17] You must choose whether to keep the individual buds or to mix potions from them. You may not do both.


  As the snarling beast lunges, you thrust upwards with your Staff, dealing the wolf a powerful blow to the body. With a howl, the wolf is knocked aside and you close upon it to attack as it prepares to pounce once more.

  Wounded Wolf: COMBAT SKILL 20 ENDURANCE 20

  If you win the combat, turn to 106.


  ‘Get out of my mind!’ she screams, desperation and pain in her voice. Quickly you extinguish the glow of the Gem for fear of damaging her mind. Outside, you hear a voice that sends an icy chill coursing through your body.

  ‘How sad. Tragic. Such a waste of energy on a girl who despises you.’ You rush out of the room to see a hooded figure dressed in black. Slowly the hood is pulled away to reveal your own face looking back at you. ‘Greetings brother,’ sneers a voice identical to your own. ‘We meet at last.’

  Turn to 291.


  Your lungs feel ready to burst and, with a spluttering gasp, you surface and gulp in huge breaths of air. Unfortunately, you are spotted by an Elessi who is searching the area. You are forced to surrender and a clutch of Elessin guards march you away to a huge palace in the centre of the city.

  Turn to 191.


  The wall is, once more, totally unharmed by your attack. A further search reveals nothing. You cannot find, or feel, anything that indicates the presence of a doorway. ‘Perhaps there is no door?’ Tanith suggests.

  If you wish to try to climb the tower, turn to 264.

  If you prefer to examine one of the many black holes in the cloud plain, turn to 285.


  To the delighted cheers of the Elessin, the statue of the Screaming God is carried from the palace and away from the Singing City.18 It is taken to the grove of trees where your flying machine is hidden and loaded aboard. Many thanks, Grey Star, says the Guardian. Today you give us our freedom. Is there some way we can repay you?

  ‘I seek the Moonstone of the Shianti,’ you say. ‘Long ago they hid it somewhere on the plane of the Daziarn, our name for the realms gathered here. Can you tell me exactly where it is hidden?’

  The Elessi shakes his head. I have never heard of such a thing but there is one who surely might. In the Realm of Paradox lives one called Oz-na-Mun, he of the mighty hand. He is wise and knowledgeable; perhaps he will know.

  ‘How may I find this Realm of Paradox? My only guide is this.’ You show the Guardian the Gyronome. ‘And it can only guide me between here and the Neverness.’

  Give this thing to me, he says. He closes his eyes, places the Gyronome close to his mouth, and begins to sing into it very softly. Now the Gyronome will guide you, he says, though you may never return to the Singing City. I have changed the power of the device so that it will seek the Realm of Paradox instead of our own; it will still return you to the place you call the Neverness while it is silent.

  ‘I thank you,’ you say, boarding the Ethetron. ‘Farewell.’ To a chorus of joyful singing and the blessing of the Elessin you carefully rise into the air with your perilous cargo. Once more you feel a strange tingling sensation as you leave the realm of the Elessin forever.

  Turn to 278.

  [18] If the Elessin confiscated your Weapons, including your Wizard's Staff, these are now returned to you.


  You and Tanith run into the burning village. The effect is dramatic. ‘He is back,’ you hear someone scream. They cower before you, their eyes bright with fear.

  ‘I mean you no harm! I want to help,’ you cry, but all remain silent, regarding you with horrified stares. ‘How can I help?’ you shout. A rock thuds at your feet by way of reply. You cannot see who threw it.

  If you have the Magical Power of Elementalism and wish to use it to help the villagers of the Vale, turn to 169.

  If you would prefer to move on and find another village, turn to 160.


  The Elessi guard gives a startled cry as you burst into a sprint an
d run along a street of countless windows. The guard raises the alarm and, looking over your shoulder, you now see that there are at least ten guards pursuing you. Turning the first corner you come to, you find yourself crossing a lawn of blue grass. The cries of the Elessin draw nearer and you curse your bad luck, for you can see no immediate hiding place. An ornate fountain lies in the centre of the lawn.

  If you wish to jump into the fountain, turn to 225.

  If you wish to keep running, turn to 335.


  The shield is barely formed when the Jahksa attacks you with his staff, but it successfully deflects the ball of white-hot fire.

  If you wish to fire at your double and have 2 WILLPOWER points or more, turn to 192.

  If you wish to continue to the end of the corridor, turn to 113.


  With a final blow you beat off the eagle and it crashes to the ground, dead. Your body is covered with numerous wounds but none of them are serious.

  You must choose between the remaining Keys; only one will open the door to the Crystal Tower.19

  If you choose the Spider Key, turn to 252.

  If you choose the Wolf Key, turn to 235.

  If you choose the Serpent Key, turn to 240.

  If you choose the Dragon Key, turn to 277.

  [19] You may only choose a Key that you have not already tried.


  ‘What?’ booms a voice from above. ‘Who dares to challenge the design of the Chaos-master? Speak, petty mortal!’

  ‘They were but illusions, Chaos-master. I saw the truth beyond them,’ you reply.

  ‘Truth is but illusion. Reality is but a mortal dream. What do you seek, dreamer?’

  ‘I'm looking for a girl; her name is Tanith.’

  ‘Know this, mortal. You are in the Realm of Paradox — my realm. It is a world of possibilities and contradictions. None may find what they seek unless they pay the price.’

  ‘What price?’ you ask.

  ‘My price. Will you pay it?’

  If you wish to agree to the condition of the strange god, turn to 94.

  If you refuse his terms, turn to 134.


  You fend off the growing number of creatures with increasingly desperate blows; you are beginning to tire. The ghostly light of the Ethetron's power source is almost extinguished, yet the Trianon of the Shianti still lies tantalizingly close. The birds crowd around you, hovering and fluttering on their stubby wings as the Ethetron sinks closer to the swirling mists below.

  Chaos-birds: COMBAT SKILL 26 ENDURANCE 30

  If you win the combat, turn to 205.


  You have thrown the flying machine into a spin. Despite your frantic efforts you are unable to pull the Ethetron from its spiralling fall and it smashes to the ground, sending debris and wreckage flying in all directions. You are killed instantly on impact.

  Your life and your quest are now over.


  20When at last you come to the village you find that it is nothing but a smouldering ruin. Cautiously, you peer out from the cover of the thick foliage that surrounds the small wood.

  If you wish to go into the village and find out what has happened, turn to 144.

  If you prefer to move on and find another village, turn to 160.

  [20] There is no choice that leads to this section of the book. This appears to be an oversight which is not easily correctable.


  You enter the palace and walk down a vast hall containing hundreds of transparent columns, each filled with a coloured liquid. You are met by a tall man with golden hair and piercing blue eyes. He is cloaked in white robes and carries a jewelled crozier in one hand, your Wizard's Staff in the other.21 At his command, the Elessin guards leave.

  The golden-haired man frowns at you, his piercing gaze almost forcing you to turn your head away. It is as if he can see into your very soul. A voice echoes in your mind: You have slain my people; why? The man is telepathic and, because the language of the mind is universal, you are able to understand what he is thinking.

  If you wish to explain your crimes by telling the Elessi the truth, turn to 259.

  If you wish to deny all knowledge of these crimes, turn to 202.

  If you have the Magical Power of Prophecy and wish to use it, turn to 9.

  [21] If you carry any other Weapon in addition to your Wizard's Staff, the Elessin have confiscated this too (but not any weapon-like Special Items). Note this on your Action Chart.


  You fire a bolt of energy at your twin that wreathes around him like a snake of fire, but it is you who cry out in pain. Reduce your ENDURANCE total by half (round up fractions to the nearest whole number).

  ‘Would you destroy yourself, brother?’ laughs the evil creature, horribly.

  If you wish to turn your back on the creature and walk to the end of the corridor, turn to 113.

  If you wish to enter one of the doors along the corridor, turn to 47.


  To use your Magical Power of Psychomancy you must touch the object you wish to learn more about. The use of this Magical Power costs you 1 WILLPOWER point.

  If you wish to touch the door, turn to 229.

  If you wish to take the Serpent Key, turn to 240.

  If you wish to hold the Wolf Key, turn to 235.

  If you wish to hold the Spider Key, turn to 252.

  If you wish to take the Dragon Key, turn to 277.

  If you wish to take the Eagle Key, turn to 227.


  You unleash a blast of magical fire aimed directly at the creature. Combat may last for only two rounds before you will have flown past it.

  Creature of the Mists: COMBAT SKILL 21 ENDURANCE 25

  If you survive, turn to 51.


  When, at last, you surface for air, the area is deserted. You step out of the fountain. Your clothes soon dry in the sun as you wander through the streets of the fabulous city, in search of a clue to the whereabouts of the Threnogem.

  If you have the Magical Power of Prophecy, turn to 5.

  If you do not have this Power, or if you do not wish to use it, turn to 79.


  You draw out the Glass Rod and offer it to the guard. His suspicion is aroused; he throws you an unblinking glare and says something in his curious language. Nervously you consider what else you might offer him.

  If you have a Copper Coin and wish to show it to the guard, turn to 151.

  If you have a Silver Coin and wish to show it to the guard, turn to 136.

  If you have a Gold Coin and wish to show it to the guard, turn to 170.

  If you have a Parchment and wish to show it to the guard, turn to 166.


  Wings spread wide, the dragon takes to the air and soon disappears from sight. Once more you thank Tanith for saving your life. If you wish to keep the Dragon Key, mark it as a Special Item on your Action Chart.

  You must now choose from the remaining Keys since only one of them can open the door to the Crystal Tower.22

  If you choose the Spider Key, turn to 252.

  If you choose the Wolf Key, turn to 235.

  If you choose the Eagle Key, turn to 227.

  If you choose the Serpent Key, turn to 240.

  [22] You may only choose a Key that you have not already tried.


  Both you and Tanith search the room thoroughly but all you find is a small Prism. If you wish to keep this Special Item, place it in the pocket of your robe and remember to mark it on your Action Chart.

  If you now wish to leave the room the way you came in, turn to 266.

  If you wish to leave by the other exit, turn to 221.


  You lift up your head and shout: ‘Chaos-master, I call thee!’ There is a great swirling of colour and flashing light. You have summoned the Master of Paradox.

  Turn to 94.


  With Tanith still close
by your side you enter a large, square room. The walls are made of the same black crystal as the outer wall of the tower. A large, ornate stairway ascends from the room and the only other visible exit is a door to your left. There are many paintings on the walls. The flagstones on the floor of the gloomy hall bear the carvings of swords. The one you are now standing on bears an inscription.

  If you wish to look at the paintings, turn to 7.

  If you wish to examine the floor, turn to 29.

  If you wish to make for the stairs, turn to 40.

  If you wish to head for the door on the left, turn to 53.


  As you draw closer to the village, you realize it is on fire. The occupants are running backwards and forwards with buckets of water but they are fighting a losing battle.

  If you wish to try to help the villagers, turn to 183.

  If you prefer to move on in search of another village whose occupants might be able to tell you how to find the hidden realm of the Moonstone, turn to 160.


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