Beyond the Nightmare Gate

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Beyond the Nightmare Gate Page 10

by Ian Page


  You fabricate a reason for your presence in the Realm of the Elessin, claiming ignorance of any deaths by your hand. The golden-haired man is furious. Once more his voice echoes inside your head, and the words give you cause to fear. ‘You lie!’ he says. ‘Prepare to meet sentence.’

  If your current WILLPOWER score is 12 or more, turn to 16.

  If your current WILLPOWER score is less than 12, turn to 28.


  The Ethetron hits the ground, smashing into a thousand tiny pieces. You are killed on impact, a mercifully quick death, and your body is never found.

  Your life and your adventure end here.


  You are facing the door, with the stairway to your right and the tower entrance to your left.

  If you wish to step forward onto the flagstone bearing two swords, turn to 349.

  If you wish to move diagonally to the right, stepping onto the flagstone bearing one sword, turn to 311.


  The overwhelming force of your attack beats the birds away for the moment. The Ethetron grinds to a complete halt.

  If you have the Keys to the Crystal Tower, turn to 231.

  If you possess the Magical Power of Elementalism and wish to use it, turn to 78.

  If you have neither of these, turn to 83.


  With all the concentration you can muster, you search for a door, running your hand along the crystal wall in the hope of finding a hidden seam or hinge. Soon you are back where you started and you have found nothing.

  If you wish to examine the crystal wall immediately below the metal plate that bears the inscription, turn to 223.

  If you wish to try to climb the tower, turn to 264.

  If you wish to attack the crystal wall with your Staff, turn to 339.


  At the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point, you summon up your Power of Prophecy and try to discover how Tanith has been so affected. However, all that you can ascertain is that the Black Wizard and the Chaos-master are responsible for her condition.

  If you wish to expend another WILLPOWER point searching for the Black Wizard, turn to 237.

  If you wish to speak with the Chaos-master, turn to 199.

  If you possess a Mind Gem and wish to use it, turn to 219.

  If you have the Magical Power of Enchantment and wish to try to rid Tanith of the spell which enchants her, turn to 213.


  You mount the steps and stand before the palace entrance. Suddenly, an Elessi guard comes striding towards you, speaking in a commanding tone, his hand outstretched. He requires something from you.

  If you have a Gold Coin and wish to give it to the guard, turn to 170.

  If you have a Silver Coin and wish to give it to the guard, turn to 136.

  If you have a Copper Coin and wish to give it to the guard, turn to 151.

  If you have a Parchment and wish to show it to the guard, turn to 166.

  If you have a Glass Rod and wish to show it to the guard, turn to 196.


  You reach down and pick up the statue. It is surprisingly heavy. With a gasp, the Elessin reel back, horrified expressions on their faces. Staggering, you inch your way along the hall towards the exit.

  In the name of all that is sacred! screams the voice in your head. You know not what you bear.

  If your current ENDURANCE total is 16 or less, turn to 283.

  If your current ENDURANCE total is more than 16, turn to 297.


  If Spittlethrift speaks the truth in saying that you cannot leave the Neverness without the aid of the Academicians, then you have little choice. Tanith flashes you a look that says, ‘I do not trust him.’ But you can only shrug a reply. You agree to steal the Threnogem from the Elessin of the Singing City.

  ‘Good, good. Marvellous, in fact,’ says Spittlethrift, joyously. ‘Come with me to the laboratory.’

  Turn to 105.


  You ignore the man, who soon disappears from view. You continue across the cloud plain towards the building and soon you can make out the shape of a tall tower, gleaming faintly with a strange, brittle light. The tower appears to be constructed from great shards of black crystal, and its architecture possesses an alien quality that is both puzzling and intriguing.

  Turn to 167.


  You breathe deeply to try to steady yourself for the jump. You land a little awkwardly and injure your ankle: lose 2 ENDURANCE points. You have sprained it, and you are forced to hobble along the deserted street and into a long, crystal-paved avenue beyond.

  Turn to 279.


  Believing that Tanith is held by means of enchantment, you decide to fight like with like. Tanith and the gaunt man are still cowering in the corner of the room. Patiently you sit down on a wooden chair opposite and begin the trance. You know that you cannot dispel Tanith's illusion; you must enable her to do that herself if she is to be free.

  When you have shaped the illusion in your mind you transfer it to hers. You begin to recall, moment by moment, all the events that you and she have shared. You start from the time when you first met in the dungeons of Mother Magri and she, a serving girl in the Wytch's service, offered you food and pity. You go on to describe her role in your escape. Still her illusion is not broken. Tanith's breathing becomes more rapid and sweat breaks out upon her brow. Her face is torn by conflicting emotions as you strain to maintain your illusion: lose 1 WILLPOWER point.

  If you wish to expend a further WILLPOWER point to continue your spell, turn to 253.

  If you wish to give up, turn to 265.


  Tense with anticipation, you wait as the figures draw near. Each wears a short white toga; they have blonde hair and strange, circular ears.

  As soon as they arrive they begin speaking to you in a language you cannot understand. Their voices are soft and flute-like and there is a lilting quality to their speech. These are Elessin, inhabitants of the Singing City. Excitedly, they chatter on, pointing at both the Ethetron and the sky. You soon realize that they wish you to go to the Singing City with them.

  Illustration XV—The Elessin have soft, flute-like voices and wear short togas.

  If you wish to go with the Elessin, turn to 45.

  If you wish to attack them with your Wizard's Staff, turn to 6.


  The webbed claw rakes the side of the Ethetron, but your swift reflexes save you from certain death. As the monstrous limb sinks back into the mist, Tanith points to a crack that has appeared in the glass dome that contains the power which drives the craft. The Ethetron starts to lose height, sinking slowly into the swirling mystery below.

  Suddenly, there is a hideous roar and seven eyeless heads on long, slender necks wave before you like monstrous flowers in a breeze. Twenty feet tall, with teeth like razors, they sway this way and that, blindly seeking you out. A giant head sways barely a few feet away and a yawning mouth bears down on you.

  Illustration XVI—Seven eyeless heads on long, slender necks wave before you.

  If you wish to attack the creature with your Staff, turn to 194.

  If you wish to manoeuvre between the long-necked monsters, turn to 171.


  You pass through the Gate, past a shimmering waterfall, and into the foothills of a mountain range towards a lush, green valley. You land the Ethetron and you and Tanith disembark.

  Everywhere is a growing, verdant splendour. The air is fresh and invigorating and you suddenly realize that you have not eaten since you crossed the Shadow Gate. You mention this to Tanith and she nods in agreement, pointing to the berries of a nearby bush. Perhaps more familiar natural laws apply in this realm. You eat your fill of the delicious berries; restore 2 ENDURANCE points due to their great nutritional value.

  Illustration XVII—Everywhere is a growing, verdant splendour.

  If you have the Magical Power of Alchemy, turn to 177.
/>   If you do not have this Magical Power, turn to 293.


  You fasten one end of the Rope around your waist and hand the other end to Tanith. When she has secured her end of the Rope, you hand her your Wizard's Staff and Backpack, since you will need as little encumbrance as possible while you attempt the difficult climb ahead. ‘When I reach a ledge,’ you say to Tanith, ‘I'll try to haul you up.’

  She nods, a look of concern etched into her pretty face. ‘Be careful, Grey Star.’

  Taking a deep breath you begin the ascent.

  Select a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess the Silver Charm of Jnana the Wise, add 1 to this total. If you possess the magic Talisman of the Shianti, add a further 1 to this total.

  If your total is 0–5, turn to 292.

  If your total is 6–11, turn to 246.


  The Jahksa snatches the Moonstone, and with a triumphant yell, turns to face you, brandishing his staff menacingly. ‘Prepare to die, Wizardling,’ says the Jahksa, viciously. You raise your Staff, ready to fight for possession of the Moonstone. Suddenly, Tanith stays your hand, begging you not to fight.

  ‘Something terrible will happen if you fight this creature,’ she says, imploringly. ‘Grey Star, I sense it!’

  If you refuse to fight with the Jahksa as Tanith suggests, turn to 350.

  If you wish to fight the Jahksa, turn to 286.


  If you can force Tanith's mind to overcome the spell that binds it, you will help her to dispel the illusion. You light the Mind Gem with the power of your will and focus its red glow on Tanith. You repeat to Tanith, over and again, that she is under a spell and urge her to resist. You have used 1 WILLPOWER point when suddenly Tanith cries out.

  If your current WILLPOWER score is greater than 10, turn to 163.

  If your current WILLPOWER score is 10 or less, turn to 179.


  When you are sure that none of them are looking in your direction you burst from your hiding place, your Staff blazing with magical fire. Several are slain before the remaining Elessin realize what is happening. They make no attempt to fight back and, after a short combat (that costs you 3 WILLPOWER points), only one Elessi remains standing. You raise your Staff to strike him as he places a slim, silver pipe to his lips and blows. Suddenly your head is filled with a screaming pain as the shrill whistle of the pipe drills into your brain.

  Add together your current WILLPOWER and ENDURANCE scores.

  If the total is 20 or less, turn to 271.

  If the total is more than 20, turn to 284.


  You find yourself in a dark corridor. You proceed cautiously along the passage, edging past the stone statues that, oddly, are placed at random on the floor.

  If you wish to examine one of these statues more closely, turn to 336.

  If you wish to continue without investigating the statues, turn to 298.


  You dash into the palace. You have only a few moments in which to find the Threnogem and escape. You run along the massive hall, past rows of transparent columns that contain a shifting, coloured liquid, and press on towards a swirling pillar of light at the far end of the hall. Beneath the whirlpool of light you see a grotesque statue of an infant child with an old man's face. In its open mouth rests the Threnogem.

  You are rushing towards the statue when suddenly a voice shouts out in your head. Stop! it demands.

  Instinctively, you spin round and see a tall figure draped in white robes, with long, golden hair. He holds a jewelled crozier in his hand and is commanding you, telepathically, to stop. A crowd of Elessin enters behind him.

  If you wish to take the Threnogem from the statue's mouth, turn to 71.

  If you wish to attack the man with the golden hair, turn to 334.

  If you wish to do as the man demands, turn to 316.


  You examine the section of wall just below the metal plate but discover nothing. There is no sign of a concealed door, hinge, or seam.

  If you wish to try to climb the tower, turn to 264.

  If you wish to attack the crystal wall with your Staff, turn to 339.

  If you wish to examine one of the many black holes in the cloud plain, turn to 285.


  You reach out and touch the statue. With a start, you realize that this was once a living creature that has been turned to stone by magical means. The use of this Magical Power has cost you 1 WILLPOWER point.

  Turn to 298.


  You plunge into the fountain seconds before the Elessin turn the corner. You hold your breath and hope that the guards will have passed before you have to surface for air.

  If your current ENDURANCE total is greater than 20, turn to 195.

  If your current ENDURANCE total is 20 or less, turn to 180.


  As you bend down and examine the statue, you give an involuntary shudder. The statue emanates a potent evil; it is the source of a terrible demonic power. Suddenly a voice echoes in your mind: Stop!

  You spin round to see a tall man with golden hair standing at the far end of the hall. He is robed in white and carries a jewelled crozier. Behind him crowd a group of Elessin guards. The man is speaking to you telepathically. The language of the mind is universal and you are able to understand him clearly. He orders you to remain exactly where you are.

  If you wish to do as he says, turn to 316.

  If you wish to take the Threnogem from the statue's mouth, turn to 71.

  If you wish to attack the tall, golden-haired man at long range with your Wizard's Staff and have more than 5 WILLPOWER points, turn to 334.


  You reach out and take the Eagle Key. Tanith cries a warning, causing you to spin round. ‘Grey Star!’ she screams, pointing up at a dark speck high in the featureless sky.

  The speck grows larger and larger and soon you hear the sound of beating wings. A giant eagle is hurtling towards you, its chilling scream breaking the silence. Its hooked beak and cruel talons are poised to tear your flesh.

  If you wish to fire a long-range attack with your Wizard's Staff, turn to 31.

  If you wish to wait and fight the eagle in close combat, turn to 87.


  You come to a main road that crosses your path into the valley. It leads into a village, which you can see in the distance, hugging a small wood of squat trees. Strangely, there is a lot of smoke rising from the village.

  Turn to 201.


  You lay your hands upon the door and drift into a state of deep concentration. Immediately you sense that the door gives off a powerful aura, a strange magic that is totally new to you. The enchantment is resistant to your Power of Psychomancy but your instincts tell you that one of the five Keys will unlock the door. Still deep within your trance state you try to choose the Key that will open the door to the Crystal Tower.

  If you wish to touch the Eagle Key, turn to 227.

  If you wish to touch the Wolf Key, turn to 235.

  If you wish to touch the Serpent Key, turn to 240.

  If you wish to touch the Spider Key, turn to 252.

  If you wish to touch the Dragon Key, turn to 277.


  Cautiously you enter the building and find yourself in a massive hall with tiered balconies looming high above you. You walk past many rows of transparent columns filled with a slow-moving coloured liquid and, in the distance, you see a swirling whirlpool of light.

  The light illuminates a grotesque statue, three feet in height and formed of a strange, greenish metal. The statue has the body of a child sat cross-legged on the floor but bears the shrivelled face of an old man. In its open, upturned mouth rests the Threnogem.

  If you wish to take the Threnogem from the statue's mouth, turn to 71.

  If you wish to examine the statue more closely, turn to 226.

  If you have the Magical Power of Psychomancy and wish to u
se it, turn to 39.

  If you have the Magical Power of Prophecy and wish to use it, turn to 55.


  ‘Of course!’ you shout to Tanith. ‘The Keys! We must use the Keys!’ With an understanding nod, she takes the Keys.

  ‘Which one?’ she asks.23

  If you choose the Spider Key, turn to 98.

  If you choose the Wolf Key, turn to 251.

  If you choose the Eagle Key, turn to 68.

  If you choose the Dragon Key, turn to 281.

  [23] Remember that you may only use those Keys you possess.


  Though you have no idea what the guard is saying to you, you appear to have made the right response. He allows you to pass and you breathe a sigh of relief as you enter the city.

  Turn to 175.


  You swerve aside but you are seconds too late. The gigantic hand slaps you from the air like an irritating fly and you are smashed into the ground. There is no chance of survival.


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