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Resurgence: Imortum

Page 13

by JK Stone

  Terrah did say they would be doing it again and more. But she seemed unfocused when she had said it. Figuring he would talk to her about it later, Doran began running another set of diagnostics on his program, the ship, and the binding disk to locate the source of the blockage he was encountering since the bonding process completed.

  It would usually take between six and twelve hours for the bonding to complete and allow full access to the host commanders thoughts and memories. This time there was a major issue, and everywhere he investigated Doran came up short on answers. This new set of diagnostics were the last things he could figure to do before approaching Terrah and informing her she would have to reset his programming to attempt to rectify the issues.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Terrah had finished with the ascension much sooner than she had anticipated, and she figured she would set up the ship to suit her needs before calling over to Jason to inform him that she had one more task to complete before heading to Abnearu.

  She’d just reset the ship for the new commander and was considering how to redecorate. After joining the military, her housing became more utilitarian than soft and inviting. She had missed that and decided to make up for lost time.

  Terrah peered around the empty room and began with the flooring, she envisioned an ornate rug she had seen in her travels, concentrated and a moment later it was there. Smiling at the ease of it, she focused on placing a queen-sized bed with several decorative pillows near the corner with nightstands on either side of the bed. Peering around the remaining space, she added the same plush chairs and a similar looking fireplace as she’d seen in Justin and Calia’s ship.

  Once the chairs were in place, Terrah looked around at the walls. They were a bare light gray so she closed her eyes and focused on a new color and design.

  Opening her eyes, Terrah smiled. The room was now a lively off white with transparent portholes to allow for a view of the surrounding space, and she chuckled when she looked out.

  The design of the ship was a pyramid and the rooms were in a stacked box configuration, so she realized the porthole was actually more of a display than a window, otherwise she would’ve been looking through several feet of the ship to get the view she had. Peering around at the final product, Terrah smiled at how easy redecorating had been and made her way to the lower level to set up the control room next.

  Terrah placed the same two additional consoles as she’d seen in Jason, Justin, and Jerren’s ships in her control room as well, along with the oculus shaped track with seats affixed to it, and sitting down Terrah gave the seat a whirl.

  Terrah went from the Science console around the back and stopped at the Weapons console. Peering to the left, she saw the second chair was still in front of the Mission prep console and she gave her seat a nudge in that direction to see what would happen.

  The other chair reacted like an opposing magnetic field. As Terrah flew towards it, the other seat was pushed aside. She followed it around in an ocular loop a few times enjoying the gliding sensation. She closed her eyes and chuckled when her last motion sent her behind and back to her original position.

  Doran must have been watching her, because with an amused tone he called out, “Having fun are we?”

  Terrah jumped in her seat when he spoke, and instantly blushed at the feeling that she had just been caught doing something naughty.

  Regaining herself from her startled state, Terrah turned and smiling warmly up at Doran she said, “Yes actually, it’s been a long time since I let my guard down and just had fun. As a child, I would enjoy amusement rides and this felt a little like one of those.”

  Doran seemed to peer around taking in the new configuration of the control room, then came up behind her and letting out a sigh he said, “It is nice to have a clean ship again.”

  Terrah had made a mental note to ask about that and said, “It was a mess. Why wouldn’t Baelac dispose of the relics? Was he just a hoarder?”

  Chuckling Doran said, “No, Baelac was actually one of my tidiest commanders.”

  “Why was the ship so cluttered then?” Terrah asked.

  “Baelac had relocated a group of refugees to the planet Antaris, and we were taking the last of the colonies belongings to them when the ship performed one of those random time jumps. After that, we had to prevent an interstellar war, and we got side tracked. Baelac was not happy about all of the clutter on the ship, and that is why we were on the observation level.”

  Doran peered down and said, “We were led to believe that the Mission prep console was the only one available to us. Where did you find the other consoles?” Doran stated as he moved to stand over the Science console.

  “The binding disk I applied was made in the master control room, that’s the room off of the Engine room. Anyway, after I applied the disk it allowed me… well, all of us actually, to increase the data flow from the master control room. Designs like these are popping into our heads as we access the data. But I knew of them because they’re in my brother’s ships already. They said the AI’s on their ships were shocked when they saw that console as well,” Terrah pointed toward the Weapons Deployment and Defensive Systems console, and Doran moved in front of it.

  Drawing in a sharp breath, Doran closed his eyes and shaking his head he said, “I can see why. We were never told that there were weapons aboard these vessels. It would have been nice to have had them. I doubt Horuisis would have dared to attack us if we were able to defend ourselves.”

  “So, you know for sure he was the one who attacked you?” Terrah asked of Doran.

  Doran let out a sigh, opened his eyes and seemed to peer deep into her soul as he told her, “No, not for sure. We were there to meet him and he was the only one aside from Baelac’s sister who knew we would be there. Baelac and I believed either Horuisis or someone Horuisis ordered to attack us was responsible.”

  Doran looked apprehensive about something, and Terrah was about to ask what was troubling him, when he took her hands in his and said, “We have an issue that I have been unable to resolve. I have performed several diagnostics but all of them have returned as functioning within normal parameters.”

  Terrah was about to bring up Baelac’s sister, but after hearing Doran’s concerns she figured it would be best to resolve Doran’s issues first. She looked at Doran with concern mounting and asked, “What’s the problem.”

  “Within six to twelve hours I should have been fully bonded with you, but something must have gone wrong with my programming due to the duration the ship had been without power.

  “I should be able to access your memories and thoughts, but I am unable to do so. Also, there have been anomalous occurrences with this and other bodies I have created since the bonding. I have performed several diagnostics that have all came back normal, so my only conclusion is my programming has been affected. I think you will have to purge me from the system and reactivate my previously uploaded version to rectify the issues.”

  Terrah was at a loss for what to do. It had taken an excessively long time to reactivate Doran’s program, and she really didn’t want to go through that again, especially since Doran was active, and in her opinion, he was looking and working fine.

  She could feel his concern and wanted to set him at ease, but she did feel that purging Doran as he requested was too drastic of a measure, at least for now. Shaking her head, Terrah said, “I think we should meet with the others and speak with them before we do anything that we can’t undo. Are we agreed?”

  Doran nodded to her solemnly, so taking a breath Terrah activated the communications and called the eldest of her brothers. “Jason, do you have a moment?”

  “Yes, what can I do for you?” Jason replied.

  “Doran… that’s the AI’s name over here. He says there’s a problem with his program, and we need help in figuring it out.”

  Terrah thought she heard a chuckle in the background and wondered what it was about.

  A second later Jason replied, “We’ll be
right over.”

  Terrah’s irritation grew a bit at hearing the tone Jason replied in. It almost sounded amused, and she didn’t think this was an amusing matter.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Terrah and Doran had been waiting about ten minutes before Terrah’s irritation got the better of her and she called over again. “Are you coming?” she snapped out.

  “Sorry, I was thinking it might be a good idea to have Alise, Calia, and Eneria present as well, and your sisters overheard, so now it looks like everyone except Pops will be coming over if that’s alright with you. We also decided it would be a good time to have a meeting as long as we will all be over there anyway,” Jason stated.

  Terrah groaned inwardly and said, “Alright, we will be on the second level when you arrive. The Archway is up,” she said then sighing, Terrah led Doran to the second level and prepared the room for their guests.


  Terrah and Doran had been waiting another five minutes. She had explained that the AI’s were able to leave the ships, and he would be able to meet them in person. Doran was obviously astounded at the possibility and she knew he was about to ask how that was possible, but a second later she heard a noise from the area of the gravity lift. She had been about to call out to tell them to hurry up again when the floor in the corner had dissolved and their voices could be heard animatedly chatting back and forth as they ascended to the level.

  Terrah and Doran stood and as they approached she introduced them one by one. She noticed that when she would say the AI’s names Doran would get a dazed look and would flinch at the moment he was hugged by one of the women.

  Terrah didn’t know why but with every embrace her hackles would rise and she rushed to introduce the next in the line.

  Once the introductions were made Terrah signaled for them all to find a seat.

  Immediately upon sitting Jason asked, “Alright, what seems to be the problem?”

  Terrah grasped Doran’s hand and told him, “You’ll have to explain it. I’m unfamiliar with what ‘normal’ for you should be.”

  Doran nodded and said, “I believe my program has been damaged due to the long duration I was deactivated. There have been several anomalies that have occurred which the diagnostics have been unable to isolate. I believe my active program should be purged, and an earlier working version reactivated, but Terrah thought it best to consult you first before we proceed.”

  Jason smirked a moment and Terrah would have sworn she saw a glint in Alise’s eyes as well, which meant they were probably speaking to each other in mind. Terrah was about to chastise them over the slight, when Jason nodded and spoke.

  “What are these anomalies you’ve experienced?” he asked.

  Doran took in a deep breath. “It took an exceedingly long time for the bonding process to complete and even though it has, I am unable to see Terrah’s thoughts or memories. This body has also been experiencing systemic issues, manifesting in an increased loss of concentration as well as other bodily control, erratic heart palpitations, and shortness of breath along with dizziness and sweating with a loss of consciousness,” he listed off.

  Jason had a concerned expression as he nodded and asked, “Eneria, would you like to field the first symptom?”

  Eneria nodded and said, “It’s not an anomaly that you’re unable to read Terrah’s mind. They… no, we’ve all eaten Ambrose, and it affected hers and our genetics. Her increased synaptic functionality is instilling a natural protective barrier.”

  Doran seemed relieved, then he got a focused and determined look as he said, “Alright, that one is explained, but what about the other physical anomalies?”

  Jason sighed. “Ah, those...” he said, then asked, “what were you doing at the time of the occurrences?”

  “The first time I lost my focus, I was talking with Terrah. Then I was in the engine room looking at the archway and Terrah was speaking with her sisters. The next time I was speaking with Terrah on the couch in this room, and I could not stay focused. Then I was watching as Terrah went to Earth to perform the ancient Druis Pyre ascension ritual.”

  All eyes turned to her, but Doran continued speaking.

  “Once Terrah was on the surface, she walked into the standing stones at the Henge and vanished from view, and I was unable to track her movements. I experienced erratic heart palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness and sweating. Then once Terrah was safe aboard this ship I lost control of my concentration and began kissing her. Then Terrah took my shirt—

  Terrah rushed to halt Doran’s explanation now that she figured out the issues, “That’s enough… they don’t need to hear the rest.”

  “But that is when I lost consciousness, that cannot be—

  “No!” Terrah cut him off then added, “I can explain it later,” Terrah said firmly.

  She heard chuckling from around the table and she cast severe glares their way before looking back at Doran and saying, “I don’t believe there’s any cause to reset your program.”

  “So, you performed one of the Druis Pyre ascensions?” Eneria had an expectant look as she asked that of Terrah.

  Terrah nodded and Eneria asked another question with obvious fascination about the topic.

  “Did anything happen or were the remains just cremated?”

  This question drew all eyes toward Terrah, and she explained that she brought the prior commander’s remains into the Henge and ascended him, then she briefly went over how his ethereal form coalesced and that Baelac made a request of her.

  A moment later Eneria laughed and said, “Flintis was one of the last Lantins to successfully perform the rite. Your description of the ethereal form was almost identical to his. Did you try to use a weapon to set him ablaze first?”

  Terrah nodded and Eneria continued, “Technology will not work within the crystalline Henge stones during the Solstice or the equinox, so how did you set the pyre?” she asked.

  Terrah looked at Eneria and said, “The only way I could figure to, given I didn’t bring anything to light it. I forced some energy out of my body and the arcing ignited him.”

  “That’s how Flintis performed it, but he had minor pyrokinetic abilities that he could use as well,” Eneria said excitedly.

  Terrah remembered the promise, and said, “It may take me a couple of days before I’ll be ready to leave Earth. I made a promise to Baelac before he ascended, and I would like to see to it first if that’s alright with all of you?”

  Jason asked, “What do you need to do?”

  “Baelac seemed to think his people at Lantis need to be helped,” Terrah stated.

  “We’re aware of that, some of the effects of the Multi-Phasic neural associations we taught you to block out at Earth were caused by them, but we still haven’t figured a way to assist them yet,” Alise explained.

  Terrah sighed then said, “The request that Baelac was most concerned with was that I rescue his sister Krysali.”

  Terrah turned to Doran and added, “Baelac gave me the impression that you would know how to find her.”

  Doran looked puzzled and he said, “I have no idea where she could be. The last place I knew she was going to be was at Terra to meet us for the meeting, but we were knocked off of the Pyramids beam before she arrived. I will have to think on it.”

  “Well now that we’ve resolved Doran’s problems we might as well move on to our plans for Abnearu,” Jason stated with a nod.

  That topic triggered Terrah’s memory, and she turned to Saleria and said, “That reminds me, I found out something interesting. Your name is the same as the planet we’re headed to, or at least it used to be. Abnearu was once called Saleria.”

  Jerren chuckled and said, “Terrah beat you to the punch Jason.”

  Jerren looked toward Saleria and added, “That was one of the things we needed to discuss with all of you,” then he gestured for Jason to continue.

  Jason smiled and looking toward Saleria he said, “When Terrah told us your name, we thought i
t was an odd coincidence. That was until we took into account that you’re our sisters, and once Terrah became commander of this vessel—

  “What’s the significance of Terrah being the commander of TDS 4?” Saleria asked.

  “We find it to be too much of a coincidence that Terrah became the commander of the ship that had been lost on Terra, and we are headed to a planet that once bared your name, and we suspect the last ship is at that location. We’ve discussed it and we believe you’re supposed to be the commander of that vessel,” Jason ended with an ironic looking grin.

  Terrah was struck silent by their explanation at first. It sounded like a far-reaching attempt to make something out of coincidence, but somehow, she felt Jason was correct.

  Looking at Saleria, Terrah could see that she was trying to come to terms with what Jason said. Terrah then looked over at Vellia, and back to Jason asking, “Are there any planets named Vellia?”

  Terrah looked around the table to blank stares and Alise said, “The only people here with names the same as planets are you two.”

  Doran laughed and said, “That is not entirely accurate.”

  Alise looked befuddled and asked, “Who else is named after a planet?”

  Everyone looked Doran’s way and he explained, “My second commander Gallos was a stellar historian, and on our off time we charted and researched the Imortum to great length.

  “You know Terrah and Saleria have planets they were named after. You Alise are named after a Nebula. Originally it was the Alise Nebula but it is now referred to as the Kor’lise Nebula.”

  Jason looked oddly at Alise then looked at his brothers.

  Doran looked in Calia’s direction and said, “You Calia are named after the moon of Terra,” then Doran peered over at Eneria and said, “You Eneria are named for the Imortum planet Eneria. The Lantins renamed the planet after their trek to locate a new home.


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