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Seducing Phoebe: Lovers Unmasked: Book 3

Page 15

by Flockton, Nicole

  “Do you suppose it was someone she’d pulled a scam on before?”

  He shook his head, taking a few seconds to think before answering. Like he was studying his memory banks to make sure his recollection was accurate. “I don’t think so. From what I can remember the other girl seemed quite happy to see Veronika, as if she missed her.”

  “I take it Veronika wasn’t the same?”

  He laughed harshly. “No, she seemed to want to get out of there quickly. I remember now—she took the next day off work to run errands. Now I know what she was really doing. She was planning her getaway.”

  “Sounds like it. If what you’re saying is true, it sounds like this girl could have had the means to blow her cover. I’m surprised she wasn’t angry. I mean she invested nearly two years into her scam and just when it was going to pay off, someone comes along and messes it up.”

  “If she was angry she didn’t show it. Not in front of me. I guess she didn’t want to give me any reason to suspect she was about to do a runner.” He sighed and rubbed his hands together. “We had a good, comfortable relationship. I wouldn’t say it was off-the- charts, out-of-this-world feelings—not like our relationship. But an engagement seemed the next logical step.”

  Phoebe wondered if Marco realized what he’d just said. How he’d compared their relationship saying it was better than the one he’d had with Veronika.

  “Well at the end of it all, it seemed running into someone who could potentially have blown her cover was all that was needed to send her on her way. If you ever see that girl again you’ll have to thank her.”

  “Yeah, I guess you could be right.” He sighed and his shoulders sagged. “I can’t believe I never made the connection before how that simple social interaction changed everything.”

  Phoebe sidled closer to him on the bed and laid her head on his shoulder. “You’ve probably never really examined the whole situation before. You’ve blocked the relationship out of your mind. Now enough time has passed to give you a bit more rational perspective on the whole sorry situation.”

  “Maybe you’re right.”

  They sat quietly for a few minutes. Marco absentmindedly rubbed his fingers over her hand that rested on his thigh. Phoebe tried not to squirm and give away his gentle touch was causing her body to ignite. Even though she wanted to comfort him, it seemed a little shallow to jump him just after he’d shared his inner darkest secret.

  Phoebe could understand why he wouldn’t run around and tell everyone what had happened. She’d felt stupid when John had run out on her. So many people had warned her that he wouldn’t hang around for long. But she’d refused to listen.

  With Marco it was different. From what he’d told her, no one picked up that Veronika was playing him.

  “How did you explain to everyone when Veronika disappeared?” “What everyone always says, that we broke up.”

  “And they all accepted that? Surely some of them knew that you guys were planning to live together.”

  “Only a couple knew we were about to take that next step. It’s only Alex that knows the full story.

  There was something that was niggling in her mind. “How did you know she was faking her identity? You said she just left and took your money.”

  “Well, as I said, when I reported the theft of the money to the police, they couldn’t really do anything to recover the funds, it was a joint account she could withdraw money from it if she wanted. I’m sure privately they were thinking that she’d taken it to get away from me.” He smiled ruefully. “I may not have been so pleasant at the police station. In the end I decided to employ a private investigator. Even though she’d stolen from me, I was still concerned that maybe she had been held under duress and had to take the money. That it wasn’t her choice to leave me. The investigator was the one who uncovered that she had falsified her identity.”

  “He wasn’t able to find her?”

  “He thought he might have been on to something, but it turned out the lead he had was a false one and led to nothing. In the end I decided it wasn’t worth the money to continue searching. She’d covered her tracks so well. Now I wonder if she didn’t have someone to help her. She’s probably off running a scam on someone else right now.”

  Phoebe reached up and pulled Marco’s face down to hers. She placed a soft kiss on his lips. “Thank you for sharing—I know it was hard to bare yourself to me. But it had to be shared. If we are going to move on and try and build our relationship, you needed to have told me this this.”

  “I know, but it doesn’t make it any easier to swallow how gullible I’d been.”

  “I have to ask this though. This is such a major part of your past. It’s molded you to become the person you are today. Is this why you can’t fully trust me? Do you think I’ll do something like this to you? Are you afraid that if you give me everything, I’ll take it from you?”

  His hesitation was all she needed to confirm her suspicions. He may have let slip that the relationship they shared was better than the one he shared with Veronika, but she’d never fully be his partner. He would never give himself totally to her. She would never be number one with him. “Your silence says it all. It hurts that you could think so little of me. I’m not Veronika, Marco. I’m nothing like her.”

  “I know,” he said quietly. “I know you’re not her. I will concede her actions may have influenced me in the past. But I’m changing; I’m realizing all that I’m missing out on. Give me time, Phoebe; please tell me you’ll give me time to work through this. It’s hard to trust again, especially after the woman you gave your heart to turns out to be a fraud, but I really am trying.”

  She thought about what he said. Was she doing any different to him? John had burned her and she was worried Marco was going to do the same. She hadn’t fully given herself to him. The time to learn to trust each other had come.

  “I can understand, but I have to ask—would you have told me of your own free will about what Veronika had done?”

  “I know you want me to tell you that I would’ve told you all about her. The honest answer is—as it was when we first started this conversation—I’m not sure.

  Somehow I think, deep down, I would’ve told you. I know to have the type of committed relationship others around us have, honesty is what makes it so strong. This was too big to keep from you. I struggled to find the courage to share this part of my past with you, but I could never seem to find the right time to say anything to you about it.”

  It wasn’t the answer she wanted to hear but she had to appreciate his honesty with her. “I have to hope that there is some truth in what you’ve said tonight. That eventually you’ll open yourself up to all that life can offer you.”

  “Thank you.”

  Phoebe yawned. Everything she’d experienced emotionally over the last couple of days was catching up with her. “I think it’s time to call it a night.”

  His answer was to give her a goodnight kiss. She tried to hold herself stiffly but found it impossible. She let herself sink into the embrace.

  What started off as a simple kiss quickly escalated into something more. Her body screamed at her to pull at his shirt and touch the warm flesh. To have that sense of completion the moment he entered her.

  Her body might’ve wanted it, but her mind was telling her to be cautious. She knew they had no problem in the lovemaking department. It was communicating their thoughts and wishes that they seemed to have an issue with.

  She moaned when he broke the connection, their ragged breathing filling the night air.

  He placed another kiss on her forehead. “Goodnight, sweetheart. Thank you for giving me a push when I needed it.”

  “Goodnight, Marco. And I agree—I don’t want there to be any secrets between us.” “Sweet dreams,” he murmured as he closed the door behind him.

  Phoebe stared at the closed door, her body humming with suppressed desire. Even after the last hour they’d spent talking, in her mind, they still had such a long way t
o go before they could really call their relationship a true partnership.

  Was she expecting too much? What if this was as good as it was going to get?

  Would it be enough?


  Phoebe rolled over again and stared at the glowing red digits of her clock. She’d not managed any sleep since Marco had walked out of her room. Her mind kept going over everything he’d told her about his past relationship, and the slip in his conversation about how their relationship was different and—dared she hope—more special than the one he’d shared with Veronika?

  She groaned at the memory of the kiss he’d given her when they’d said goodnight.

  How she’d wanted him to take over and make her forget everything, and just feel. There were only a couple of rooms separating them. A few steps and she could be in his arms. Tempting as it was, not all problems could be solved by having sex.

  She gave up on sleeping and got up to get herself a drink from the kitchen. Maybe that small amount of activity would tire her out. She laughed to herself at the absurdity of the thought.

  Phoebe stood in the hallway. She knew which direction to go to get to the kitchen, only she found herself walking in the opposite direction, towards the guest room where Marco was sleeping. Her will-power to stay away from him was non-existent. He called to her in the most basic way a man called to a woman.

  As she got to the room she was surprised to see that the door was open. A soft glow from the full moon gave the room an ambient luminosity. She paused and looked at the form lying on the bed. The sheets where wrapped around his legs, as if he’d been tossing and turning as much as she had.

  Taking a deep breath she walked into the room. She didn’t want a drink. This was what she wanted. Even after everything they’d been through over the last week—had it really only been a week—she could acknowledge that her feelings for him wouldn’t change. She could finally admit to herself that she loved him and she wanted him and, as stupid as it was, she did want to marry him.

  She wanted to wear that gorgeous dress and have the lavish wedding that had been planned. Was it too late to ring the planner in the morning and get her to undo all the cancellations? Would Marco even want to still go through with it? He said he did, but what if he’d changed his mind?

  “Are you planning to stand there all night?”

  Phoebe yelped in surprise. She had no idea he was awake.

  “Did I wake you?” she asked as she walked towards him, slipping the straps of her nightgown over her shoulders.

  “Sweetheart, you’ve been keeping me awake a lot lately.”

  She’d reached the side of the bed and shimmied, letting the gossamer soft fabric slide down her body. She was naked and exposed to his gaze. “Maybe I can fix that problem tonight.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  Marco lifted the sheet and she climbed into his waiting arms. Her body immediately curled in and softened as he tightened his hold on her. She shivered in delight.

  “I need you tonight, Marco.” It was her turn to need the reassurance that his embrace could give.

  “You have me and I’ll always be here for you.” He took possession of her lips, leaving her with no question about how much he needed this as well. He was all but ravaging her, and she was giving it back. She wrapped her arms more tightly around him, giving him a little shove so that she was on top.

  She pulled her lips away and started to kiss his jaw. Little kisses, nipping every now and then. His fingers tightened on her waist, letting her know he was more than happy with her taking charge of their lovemaking. She trailed her lips down his neck, kissing along his collarbone. His taste was intoxicating.

  With her hand she inched down his chest until she reached his erection. The skin was soft to touch. She stroked it a couple of times, eliciting moans from Marco.

  In a flash she found herself flipped onto her back with Marco was looming over her.

  “I was having fun.” She pouted, but welcomed his heavy weight.

  “Next time.” He gave her no chance to reply as he kissed her deeply. His hands cupped her breasts, massaging them and she moaned into his mouth. His broke the kiss and she took some deep breaths in. His mouth closed around her nipple and she cried out in pleasure.

  With his free hand, Marco found the heat between her legs. He slipped first one finger, then another in and slowly moved in and out. She clenched her inner muscles around them and lifted her hips, telling him what she really wanted.

  Sliding his fingers out, he answered her call and entered her in one swift thrust. He paused and lifted his head to look into her eyes. The fire burning in their depths warmed her soul.

  “I need you so much, Phoebe. So much.”

  There was no more conversation between them. As he thrust into her all rational thought left her mind and she only felt the strength of him as he fulfilled their journey to utter completion.

  * * *

  Phoebe floated to the surface from the depths of a deep sleep. Her body relaxed and she was surrounded by a warm male form. She stretched and her bottom came in contact with a part of Marco’s anatomy that was most definitely awake.

  His lips pressed at the back of her neck. “Morning, beautiful.” She snuggled a little closer. “Morning. Did you sleep well?”

  His chuckle reverberated down her spine. “I slept wonderfully. And I have you to thank.”

  “I think we helped each other.”

  She expected a reply but when he didn’t answer she looked over her shoulder and found that Marco’s gaze was focused on something to the left of her.

  “Who’s that picture of?”

  Phoebe stilled. She didn’t need to look at what Marco was gazing at. She knew. It was a photo of Adele White.


  She closed her eyes. It still shouldn’t hurt to talk about her. She rolled over so that she was facing Marco’s chest, not the photo.

  “That’s Mrs. White.”

  “She’s the lady who took you in after your parents died, right?”

  Phoebe couldn’t get an answer past the lump of hurt that unfurled itself in her throat so she nodded.

  Marco shifted beneath her and sat up. He lifted her so that she rested against his chest.

  He started to stroke her hair. “I think there’s more to the story than you mentioned the other night, isn’t there?”


  Phoebe was hoping that he would leave it at that, but it wasn’t exactly fair of her to think like that. Not when she’d pressured Marco to tell her about Veronika.

  “I know what you’re thinking,” he said quietly. “What’s that?”

  “You’re thinking that because you encouraged me to tell you my sordid secret you should automatically tell me yours?”

  She laughed, even though it was the last thing she really felt like doing. “When you put it like that it sounds a little silly, but it is only fair.”

  “Maybe, but if it makes you uncomfortable to talk about it, then I can wait.”

  He was giving her an out and she fell for him just a little bit more. For them to move forward, they needed to be open and honest. She needed to tell him about her time with Mrs. White and how, in the end, even her proclamations of love were hollow words.

  Lying in his arms, feeling safe and secure, was the perfect time to talk. “As I told you, Mrs. White was our neighbor as I was growing up. She would look out for me when my parents went off on their adventures. She was fun and had older children who, I guess for lack of a better word, tolerated me when I was lumped into their worlds.”

  She took a breath trying to bury the hurt building up inside of her. Her two sons had resented Phoebe a little bit. “You see, Mrs. White always wanted a daughter and so she would indulge me whenever I was there. Don’t get me wrong, she never, ever ignored her sons, she wasn’t like that, but she would always get me some pretty clothes.”

  “She sounds like she was a wonderful person. Someone to give you the lov
e you deserved.”

  Phoebe sighed. “Yes, at one time I thought I was important to her.”

  She stopped and let the memories wash over her of the times they went to the park or even to the mall to window shop.

  “So how much older were the boys?”

  “They were eleven and nine years older than me. When I went to stay for good with Mrs. White they were getting reading to leave home. I thought they’d have been glad that she wasn’t alone while they chased off on their own lives.”

  “Families can be strange creatures.”

  “Don’t I know it.” She laughed drily. “Anyway, as time went on, the boys got married and when they did, Mrs. White let her future daughters-in-law wear her most treasured possession—a beautiful diamond heart necklace. It was given to Mrs. White on the death of her favorite aunt. It was stunning and even though it was old, it still looked modern.”

  Phoebe tamped down the lump that was starting to develop in her throat. “Whenever I was feeling really sad or angry at the world for what I thought it was doing to me, Mrs. White would bring it out and let me wear it. She even told me that when she died she would put in her will that she wanted me to have it. You see, her sons’ marriages hadn’t worked out, and she knew that I loved that necklace more than her boys did. She knew I wouldn’t pawn it off, which she feared her sons would do.”

  “I take it you were planning to wear it on our wedding day?”

  She looked away and plucked at the sheet. That had been one of her greatest dreams.

  To have Mrs. White walk her down the aisle when she got married while she was wearing the necklace. But as it turned out her dream was once again shattered. She’d found out the hard way that she’d been lied to.

  “Well that was the plan, but as it turned out, Mrs. White had never planned to give it to me at all.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean when she died, not one of her family took it upon themselves to let me know. I only found out by going to visit her to tell her about us that she had even died. I’d been so busy and hadn’t seen her for a while. Her house was empty and up for sale. It was like her sons had cleaned it out the moment she’d passed away. I found after that she’d been buried for two weeks when I went to see her. Two weeks!”


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