Book Read Free

Lessons of the Heart

Page 27

by Jodie Larson

  “Complicated how? I mean, if you’re going out with someone, shouldn’t you actually like the person?” Cami asks.

  Crap! Think, think. I take a bite and chew it slowly.

  “Let’s just say it’s an experiment that I’m doing. I’m trying to see if I can piss him off enough for him to leave me alone permanently.”

  Dez dips a French fry in some ketchup and points it at me. “Yeah, but you’re the one who looks miserable.”

  “It’ll be fine. I’m keeping an eye out for my girl,” Penny says and pulls me into an awkward side hug.

  “See. What could possibly go wrong if Penny’s looking out for me?”

  Everyone laughs and we drop the subject entirely. Justice and Drake both talk about how they’re excited to attend UConn this fall. Cami and Lyle talk about the prom nominations and I wisely choose to stay out of that conversation. Instead, I ask Dez how her track season is going and she goes on and on about her improved times in the relay and sprints.

  “So, prom,” Lyle says, getting the attention of the table again. “Cami and I were thinking of hosting a party. Just a small one so we have somewhere to go afterward. You guys in?”

  A collective yes sounds from the table. I cringe because I want to go. But that also means that I’d have to bring Chase with me and he’s quickly become persona non grata with our little circle. Especially after his last few party appearances. I’m glad I didn’t witness his most recent debacle at Travis’s house where he puked over the railing into Tammy Johnson’s hair. Then he tried to feel up most of the cheerleaders that were there. Yeah, my boyfriend is a real winner.

  “I think I’ll pass since I’ll be attending with you know who,” I say, jerking my head back toward Chase. “But thanks for the invite.”

  “That's a shame. We’ll miss you Britt, but we totally get it,” Justice says.

  “That doesn’t mean we can’t live it up at prom, though,” Cami chimes in.

  I nod, hoping that she’s right. “Yeah, we can totally live it up there. Who knows, maybe that night will actually turn out to be halfway decent.”

  We go back into a conversation about everyone’s summer plans and I kick prom right out of my head, not wanting the reminder of what I’m missing because of what Chase is putting me through.

  Even though it’s been a month since I’ve seen James outside of a school setting, the sixth period isn’t quite as hard as I thought it would be. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still tough because Chase is glued to my side during class. And the little vein on the side of James’s neck pokes out to the point I’m afraid he’s going to have a stroke. But we’re trying to make the best of it, acting like we did at the beginning of the year when we were professional and avoided any and all contact with each other.

  But that doesn’t stop us from silently communicating with each other. He’ll write something on the board and then turn around to ask the class a question and my eyes will drift to his hand as he absently plays with a ring that isn’t there. To everyone else it appears he has developed a nervous tic. But I know better. I know he’s telling me that he loves me, to which I respond by constantly keeping my fist over my heart, making it seem that I have perpetual heartburn. Chase doesn’t appear to notice, which makes me happy to have this one thing that we can do without him being any the wiser.

  The bell rings for the end of school and everyone jumps out of their seats, but James’s voice stops everyone from leaving right away.

  “Remember, the chapter test is next Thursday and it’s worth one-quarter of your final grade.”

  Chase waits for me to get out of my desk before grabbing my arm and pulling me to him.

  “We’re going to Sammy’s tonight so you can help me study.”

  I wrench my arm away from him and narrow my eyes. “Sorry, but I’m busy with my family. My grandparents are in town and we’re going out to dinner.” I step closer to him and point in his face. “And don’t you ever fucking grab me like that. I don’t care what kind of blackmail you’re holding over me, you will not lay your hands on me like that again.”

  He quickly leads us out of the classroom and presses me up against the wall. “Look here. I don’t think you’re in any position to give me orders or tell me what to do. If you don't go out with me tonight, then I guess I’ll just have to come over to your house. Some alone time in your bedroom might be good for us. You know, spice things up so we’re not always in public together.” He runs his finger down my arm and my whole body shivers at the contact, and not in a good way.

  “That’s not going to happen.” I swallow hard and turn away from him. “Fine. I’ll meet you at Sammy’s around six.”

  “You’re sexy when you’re feisty.” He moves closer and kisses the corner of my mouth. “Don’t be late.” He tries to kiss me again, but I move my head, making him kiss my cheek instead. He grabs my chin and forces me to look at him. This time he hits his mark. The tang of copper hits my tongue as his teeth clamp down on me. “Don’t ever turn away from me again. You’ll want to stay on my good side, Britta. Otherwise it’s the end for you and your little boyfriend.”

  He releases my chin and I work my jaw back and forth to try and relieve the stiffness from his assault. Chase walks down the hallway with his head held high, as if he didn’t just manhandle me. Tears threaten to fall but I hold myself together because I can’t let anyone see how he’s affecting me. This is the first time he’s ever really been this physical with me. I wonder if he’s losing a little bit of the control that he’s been carefully wielding to me.

  I move from the wall and quickly look up and down the hall, thankful that most of the people are gone or are blissfully unaware of the events taking place around them.

  “Britta,” a pained voice calls to me just beyond the doorway. I turn to face him and can see the repressed anger in his expression.

  “He didn’t hurt me. It’s okay, I can handle it,” I say, trying to keep my voice steady. I quickly dart into his room because I know if I don’t he’s going to make a scene and we can’t have that.

  “He put his hands on you,” James says. He gently turns my head to examine my sore chin. Marks must be forming because his eyes dilate while his brows turn in sharply. “I’m going to kill the fucker.”

  I take a step back and brace my hands against his shoulders.

  “James, look at me,” I plead. His hands bunch up into tight fists at his sides, turning his knuckles white. My hand cups his cheek to guide his eyes to mine. The storm behind his irises finally calms as his face falls slightly. “I’m okay. We can’t have you going off and creating problems between Chase and me. I know what I’m doing. Don’t worry. I’ve got this.”

  “But he grabbed you,” James whispers.

  I press my forehead against his, breathing in his calming scent. “And I’m okay. Believe me, I have something in the works for dear little Chase. And if he ever touches me again it will all go down. But until then you need to keep a level head and let me handle this.”

  He backs up and crosses his arms in front of his chest. “What are you planning?”

  I smirk and kiss his cheek. “Let’s just say that prom is going to be interesting.”

  Tingles erupt over my skin as his hands rub up and down my arms. “One month to go,” he says.

  I smile and watch his face light up. “Then we’re free.”

  I turn to leave, letting his fingers slip through mine.

  “Britt?” he asks, making me pause in the doorway. I glance over my shoulder and tilt my head to the side. “When this is all said and done, I want to meet your parents and then I want you to meet mine.”

  Pure and utter happiness warms my heart at this request. “I would love that.”

  “Good.” He smiles and shoves his hands into his pockets. I turn and blow a kiss to him as I disappear through the doorway to head to my locker. After getting everything I need, I sprint to my car and pull down my visor to inspect the red marks on my face.

  Penny knocks o
n my window before climbing into the passenger seat. She frowns when she takes a good look at me. “What in the hell happened?”

  I shove my phone into her hands. “Just take a picture,” I say and hear the shutter sound as she logs the evidence. She hands it back to me and I smile at the photo.

  “Will you mind telling me what this is all about?”

  “Chase grabbed my chin after class because he freaked out.”

  “He did what?” she screams. I wince but talk her down from the ceiling.

  “Calm down. Look, this is all going to plan. Remember?”

  Her breathing is erratic and heavy, but she slowly calms herself down. “I know but seeing him actually do it is something else.”

  “Just stick with the plan. Then during prom night we just need to stage the next step and then we should be golden,” I say, putting the car into reverse and backing out of my spot.

  Penny slides her hands together conspiratorially. “I can’t wait to see the end result,” she says as we discuss phase two of Operation Chase Must Pay.

  “I FEEL LIKE A PIN cushion,” I grumble to Penny, who’s standing beside me in my bedroom as we share the full-length mirror.

  Fifty-eight. That’s how many bobby pins were used to keep my hair in place when I went to the salon this afternoon. But even with all this hardware in, I must say that Stacy did an excellent job. I know my hair is hard to work with, but she managed to pin the curls so they cascade down my semi-bare back. Only a few tendrils remain loose to frame my face.

  The life-sucking monstrosity that is my dress is way too fancy for a person who would rather wear sweats most days of the week. My personal shopper, AKA Penny, told me that it was the most perfect strapless dress on the face of the planet. One suitable for the royal court. I called her a loon and said that there’s never a good reason for a strapless dress, especially one that will bring attention to an area that doesn’t need any additional attention brought to it.

  It killed me to admit that she was right. It really is perfect. The teal goes fairly well with my skin tone, and the jewel-encrusted bodice seems to match my personality with the intricate floral designs. Layer after layer of chiffon completes the dress, giving me the elegance of a Hollywood movie star at a premiere.

  “I still love that diamond cut-out in the back,” Penny says.

  I turn and bite my lip. “You don’t think it’s too risqué?”

  “Hell no. If the thing would stay up on its own, you wouldn’t even need this little piece keeping it together.”

  “I don’t know. I just feel a little too exposed.”

  “It’s fine. You look gorgeous.”

  “Look who’s talking.”

  Penny’s dress is absolutely breathtaking. It’s a perfect match for her hair and skin tone. She sort of looks like The Little Mermaid in it, which makes me laugh. The floor length gown is strapless like mine, also with a sweetheart neckline and a green jeweled bodice. A green satin sash separates it from the iridescent blue and green organza with a small train in the back, giving the illusion of a tail.

  For fun, I think I’ll call her Ariel for the rest of the night.

  Liam walks into my room wearing a tux, looking rather dashing. Well, as dashing as my brother is going to look to me. When he sees Penny, his face breaks out into a huge smile.

  “Baby, you look edible,” he says as he wraps his arms around her.

  “Who, Ariel? Yeah, she looks positively enchanted,” I snicker.

  Penny smacks my arm, which only makes me laugh even harder.

  “I do not look like The Little Mermaid,” she loudly proclaims. I raise an eyebrow to her and she just huffs back in response.

  “Even if you did, I’d still go under your sea,” Liam says, nuzzling into the layers of curls around her neck.

  “And now I’m going to throw up all over this lovely gown. Excuse me,” I say, leaving the room.

  Prom is supposed to be a good time for all teens. A rite of passage and all that jazz. For me, it’s a means to an end. I’m not excited to go tonight because the person I want to be there with isn’t the person whose arm I’ll be on. Instead, I’ll have to see him from afar, in secret, yearning to touch him but knowing it’s forbidden. And isn’t there just something about being told you can’t do something? Makes you want to do it that much more. And I want to touch, to kiss, to caress, and to hold him so badly I can taste it.

  Penny and Liam follow me down the stairs, softly giggling and smacking at each other’s hands. I turn to them at the bottom of the stairs and give them a faux glower.

  “If you two can’t keep your hands to yourselves I’m not riding with you.”

  Penny plasters on an apologetic pout and can barely contain the smile that wants to break through. “We promise to behave. Besides, we’re not about to leave you alone with that twat. God knows what he’d try to do.”

  “Yeah, safety in numbers. Besides, I promised James that I would be your bodyguard tonight. I’m under explicit instructions that you are to arrive in one piece and unmarked.”

  Liam is still pissed about the bruises from last week, but once Penny and I explained our plan he was slightly better about it. And by slightly I mean his feelings went from murder to manslaughter; same result just different punishment. But that also gave us a chance to recruit him for the other part of tonight, which should free me from Chase once and for all.

  Chase arrives right on time, looking moderately decent in his tux. He’s still a good-looking guy, but his appeal is lost on me now after the events that have taken place this past year. The sight of him alone is enough to turn my stomach and sour my mood, which was already down to begin with.

  Chase walks up and places his hands on my shoulders to pull me in for a kiss. “Wow, you look beautiful. There’s no way you won’t be prom queen looking like that.”

  I pull out of his hold and force a smile. “If only it were based on what everyone was wearing tonight but alas it’s based on votes that have already been counted.” It’s hard to hide the sarcasm and contempt in my voice because honestly, how stupid is he?

  He misses the meaning behind my words and continues on his train of thoughts. “Yeah, well, it’s no contest. You’ll be the hottest chick there.”

  “Thanks,” I mutter because I hate being called a chick. Last I checked I didn’t have yellow, downy feathers and claws on my feet. Although with the manicure Penny took me to get earlier today I’m fairly close to having claws on my hands.

  Chase looks up and finally regards the people standing behind me. “Penny, Liam. Always a pleasure.”

  Penny mutters something low and Liam laughs, but we can’t hear what was said. Probably for the best.

  The four of us wave to my parents, after being assaulted by my dad’s camera, and climb into the back of the white stretch limo parked out front. Chase climbs in first and I slide next to him, careful not to step on my dress and risk a wardrobe malfunction. I try to put some distance between us, but he pulls me next to him, resting his heavy arm across my shoulders. Penny and Liam sit across from us and we all make small talk, trying to fill the uncomfortable silence in the confined space.

  The prom committee went all out this year, making the theme A Night of Romance, which makes me want to hurl in every direction possible. Mainly because of my escort. A red carpet has been run for the approaching limos and various other vehicles, guiding us through a floral archway into the school. Chaperones and teachers line the walkway, greeting each of us and wishing everyone to have a good time. I take that request with an enormous grain of salt.

  When we walk into the gym, I scrunch my nose up to what I see. More flowers, helium balloons, and streamers are scattered throughout the space. It looks more like an oversized kids’ birthday party than a romantic evening. Curled up with a good book and the one you love, now that’s romantic. Throw in a fireplace for good measure and you’re guaranteed to be showered with love.

  Penny drags Liam over to the table that all are friend
s are sitting at. Chase, however, sees his jock friends sitting on the other side of the gym and whisks me that way.

  “Can I at least say hi to my friends before I’m shackled to your wrist the entire night?” I plead.

  Chase narrows his eyes at me. “You get ten minutes with them. But if I see you even talking to you know who, you can kiss your freedom goodbye for the rest of the night.”

  I bite back the scathing remark I want to throw at him and plaster on a fake smile. “Thank you,” I grit out and turn quickly to see my friends.

  The DJ is playing some filler music while he continues to set up his system and I hum along to the song as I cross the gym. Everyone is gathered around a small table, talking animatedly and laughing at something that Drake just said.

  “Hey guys,” I say, wedging myself into the mix.

  “Britta!” they all exclaim loudly, making my ears ring while causing a few heads to turn our way. I laugh and hug each one of them, thankful that they’re here.

  “So where’s Chase?” Justice asks.

  I point over to the jocks and she nods, scrunching her nose up slightly.

  “Even from here he looks like an asshole,” Lyle says, pulling Cami in close. She smiles up at him and for a brief second I’m slightly jealous of their relationship.

  “I’d say looks can be deceiving but, you know…”

  Everyone laughs. I lean in slightly while looking over my shoulder, making sure he’s still standing by his friends. “Okay, are we ready to make some trouble?”

  “Hell yeah!” Drake exclaims and fist bumps Lyle. Justice, Dez, and Cami all nod their heads with mischievous smiles. Penny and Liam rub their hands together, giving each other an evil look. Their part is slightly larger than the others, but we all need to work together to make this happen.

  “Okay, when I give the signal I need you five to keep a lookout for any trouble while Liam, Penny, and I execute the other part of the plan.”

  Cami claps her hands and squeals in delight. “This is going to be so much fun. He’s going to get what he deserves. I’m still pissed off over what he did to you last week.”


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