His Bodyguard

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by Ace Fawn

  His Bodyguard

  Ace Fawn

  © 2019 Ace Fawn

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to persons living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.


  Title Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 1

  The loud pulsating music drowned out the packed nightclub, bright lights flashed repeatedly as sweaty young men and women danced. Rex stood by the wall, a look of displeasure evident on his hardened handsome European features.

  With his tattooed hands shoved deep in the pockets of his slacks, Rex remained still and focused. He had a clear view of the dance floor, including the eighteen year old male dancing within the small crowd of people and to the rhythmic beat.

  Rex didn’t take his eyes off Levi for a second. Black hair flicked out the ends, some dark strands stuck to Levi’s forehead as he danced. Rex watched as Levi’s light grey eyes opened and closed, reflecting the red, blue and yellow lights shining down on him.

  Levi Lone was a real beauty. The pretty boy had a Japanese model for a mother and also got most of his good looks from his half American half Japanese father: Wolf Lone.

  Rex was staring, he couldn’t look away. The younger male was preoccupied with dancing and Rex had a duty to upkeep.

  Levi’s lean body moved to the beat, unsuspecting as an older man come up behind him and pressed against his backside. Rex’s watchful gaze intensified as he saw what happened next, the stranger grinding against Levi’s backside made it difficult for Rex to just stand there and watch. His orders were to protect and stop Levi from getting in trouble. Rex couldn’t step in until he had a reason to do so.

  Soon Levi walked away from the dancefloor and stood by the bar. With his head high and his body drunk, Levi leaned against the sticky counter, swaying slightly as he stood in one spot. The same man who was dancing behind him appeared again and ordered a drink.

  Swiftly, the stranger poured a white powder into Levi’s drink. Levi didn’t notice. He was looking away until the man nudged him and handed the glass to him.

  Without question and a flirty giggle on his full lips, Levi took the glass. Without hesitation, he brought the rim of the glass to his warm lips. Before he could drink it, Rex stepped in and snatched the glass out of Levi’s hand. He slammed it on the bar counter, the liquid sloshing up and hitting Rex’s hand. He didn’t care.

  A confused look crossed Levi’s boyish features before he frowned. His bottom lip stuck out in a pout, a cute expression before he glared at Rex.

  That stranger who spiked Levi’s drink was long gone. After a quick survey of his surroundings, Rex was glad that sleazy filth had disappeared from his line of sight.

  Not a moment to spare, Rex gripped Levi’s arm and hauled him out of the nightclub before Levi could even say a word.

  “Hey, what the hell? I was having fun; you don’t need to fucking ruin it for me!” Levi slurred, his cheeks flushed and his eyes lidded. He stumbled along as Rex led him back to the black sedan, parked in the undercover parking around the corner, his raised voice echoing within the walls of the parking lot.

  Rex remained quiet until he unlocked the sedan and loosened his hold on Levi’s arm.

  “Calm down, kid. I’m only doing my job.”

  “Your job?” Levi exclaimed as he yanked his arm out of Rex’s grasp. “Is your job supposed to ruin my night? Just because you’re my bodyguard, doesn’t mean you get to ruin my night, asshole!”

  Levi got close, a challenging look gleaming in his eyes. Standing his ground, Rex watched with slight irritation. He easily towered over the kid. Could easily grab him and toss him into the car. But this was the mafia boss’ son. He couldn’t make the boy too mad or he’d go back complaining to his father.

  “I was hired to protect you.” Rex reminded, voice a deep husk opposed to Levi’s lighter tone of voice.

  Protection, security and control were the fundamentals and regardless of the situation, Rex was handpicked to protect Levi and keep everything in order when it came to the boy.

  For Levi it meant one thing. He would be watched all the time. It was suffocating him. The alcohol in his system wasn’t helping his emotions and stress levels either.

  Levi shoved Rex’s broad muscular chest with both hands, his sticky fingers from the alcohol transferring onto Rex’s black suit jacket which was tailored to fit every curve of hard muscle. He didn’t move an inch from the shove. Rex was built strong like a tank and could take a lot.

  He gripped Levi’s wrist to stop him and looked into his eyes.

  “That guy was going to drug you in there. I saw him spike your drink.”

  Yanking his hands away, Levi took a step back and winced. He gripped the side of his head and let out a low groan.

  Ears buzzing and body sore, Levi knew he couldn’t stand out there in the crisp night air any longer. All the vodka and weed was getting to him and Levi knew he was going to have a killer hangover because of it.

  He needed to lie down. He needed to sleep this off.

  “Just get in the car,” Rex said as he pulled the passenger door open. He patiently stood by; watching as Levi slowly started to walk towards the car and finally got into the backseat.

  Slamming the door shut, Rex got into the driver’s side. He didn’t waste any time in driving out of there. It took some time to get out of the city and back to the upper areas that were fit for the wealthy.

  Chapter 2

  The fancy glossy black gates groaned as they opened, leading in to a path with well-groomed trees on either side. The path led into clean patterned concrete and a small fountain in front of a mansion.

  After he parked the car and cut the engine, Rex got out and opened the door to the backseat. Levi was asleep, chest rising and falling slowly with every breath. Rex watched him for a moment, soon lifting Levi up into his strong arms and carrying him into the mansion.

  The interior of the mansion was ornately decorated and expensively furnished with the finest furniture. The kitchen and bathrooms consisted of marble benchtops and the hardwood floors were polished to perfection. Rex had worked for Wolf for a long time. He knew the mansion like the back of his hand.

  The mansion belonged to Wolf. Levi rarely saw his own father even if he lived in the same mansion as him.

  Suited men stood by the door of the entrance, giving Rex a once over before looking at the sleeping young man in his arms. They didn’t say a word, used to such a display.

  The sun was steadily rising above the trees, rays of sunlight streaming in through the wide pane windows of the bedroom. Gently, Rex placed Levi onto his back on the silky sheets.

  Levi was completely out of it. He was in a deep sleep, mumbling as he lay splayed out and content.

  Rex removed Levi’s shoes first. He neatly set them to the side before proceeding to carefully pull Levi’s faded jeans off his lean legs, leaving him in black briefs. His top came off next. It smelt of cigarette smoke mixed with alcoholic sweat. Rex dropped the fabric into the hamper, deciding that need
ed to be washed.

  “Since when did bodyguards do babysitter duties?” Rex asked as he looked at the sleeping male, clad only in tight briefs.

  Levi responded with a small groan and an incoherent mumble before he fell silent and tossed his head to the side in his sleep.

  This had been a common occurrence. It definitely wasn’t the first time Levi was brought back home drunk off his head. Rex figured that it probably wouldn’t be the last time either. That was unless he stepped in and firmly told the younger male no. He doubted Levi would listen to him. The boy hardly listened to his own father.

  He wanted to clean Levi’s act. The party boy in Levi had to slow to a close. It clearly wasn’t good for him, all that drinking and late nights. If Rex could help it, he’d stop Levi from going to those places all together.

  Levi hardly saw his own father. The mafia boss was a very busy man. Rex knew that Levi’s frustrations were for this reason. Wolf hardly had any time for his own son and Levi didn’t like that. Rex wanted to help. He wanted to unravel the stress from Levi’s life and give him the attention he needed. Levi needed a firm hand and Rex decided to take matters into his own hands when Wolf wasn’t around.

  Rex needed to protect the boy. Keeping him home or taking him to safer places was more appropriate and desirable for the bodyguard.

  He couldn’t stop from gazing down at Levi’s near naked body. Levi’s skin was fair, smooth and untouched. It wasn’t easy for him to look away from such a gorgeous body and a face equally as beautiful.

  Levi was definitely smaller than Rex, but the younger male had a lean physique with enough muscle to draw the attention of women and men combined.

  He wanted to touch, to feel the soft smooth skin. Levi was deemed more powerful than Rex. He was the only son to a wealthy and dangerous mafia boss; there was no doubt that Levi would be next in line to inherit the same.

  Rex knew that he shouldn’t have been attracted to Levi. He shouldn’t have even brought the thought into his mind. Though he did as he desired and pressed a finger against Levi’s collar bone as gently as he could.

  He stopped and watched for a moment. Levi was still asleep, his shallow breathing heard easily in the silence.

  Slowly, his finger trailed down, brushing over the perk of Levi’s hard nipple and over his set of abs. Rex stopped right at the hem of the briefs before he pulled his hand away.

  Maybe Rex had been standing there watching and touching for too long, because another soft sound akin to a moan from Levi made him snap out of it. He felt his cock twitch from the small whimper. At his realisation, Rex immediately left the bedroom.

  Chapter 3

  A threat was expected.

  It was no surprise when the boss received a threat from enemy gangs or a threat to pull away from a deal. But when it came to a death threat, especially directed at the boss’ son, it made Rex’s work as Levi’s bodyguard get a little bit more serious.

  Levi wasn’t going to like what was in store for him, but for safe measures, Rex decided he would keep the boss’ son in the mansion late nights and accompany him during the day, even if it was to a place considered safe.

  A week had gone by and Levi was in his bedroom, changing into different outfits and looking at himself at all angles in the mirror. His dark hair was already styled and his eyebrow piercing had a new silver stud in place.

  Once ready, Levi stepped out of his bedroom, passing and ignoring one of his father’s men who stood by the door in a suit. He walked a whole ten steps before Rex stopped him.

  Levi stopped at the sight of his bodyguard and let out a sigh. He knew there was no way he was going to be leaving this building without Rex tagging along.

  “You’re not leaving the mansion tonight, Levi.”

  Levi expected Rex to say he’d join him, but pulled a look of denial when Rex wasn’t allowing him to even leave.

  “And why’s that?” Levi asked, crossing his arms over his chest. He had that same look in his eyes, that challenging spark that proved he wasn’t about to back down so easily.


  “Orders,” Levi repeated bitterly. “I don’t care. Get out of my way.”

  Rex didn’t move. He didn’t take his eyes off Levi for a second. The boy who had once gone to a private school and worn uniforms was now a completely different kid. Now he liked to go out and party and drink and dress in trendy clothing most boys his age wore. He spiked his hair out and looked like one of those pretty boys that easily turned heads.

  After he was kidnapped, Levi displayed some bratty temperamental issues and started to get himself into more trouble than he should have with Wolf as a father. Diego had really affected the boy.

  Levi didn’t seem to care and that was what he was portraying on the outside. Rex knew how Levi really was. He had practically been around Levi’s entire life. Hell, there were times where Rex would drop a once fifteen year old Levi to school and pick him up.

  Not only was Levi a brat, but he was also rude when he felt like it. Levi could be feisty despite the size comparison between the two. It just reinstated the fact that this was the powerful mafia boss’ son, not a random young man on the street. Rex knew Levi was a good kid despite how he was acting, though he wasn’t about to let Levi leave the house and potentially risk his life.

  Rex moved swiftly, his palm resting against Levi’s hard abdomen, effectively stopping him from going any further.

  “Death threat,” Rex told him, keeping his eyes on Levi’s.

  He could practically feel the tension between them. It was intensified by the fact that Levi was good at keeping eye contact, and could probably win in a staring competition.

  Not another word was spoken. A small growl escaped Levi, and that glare was hardening with every passing second. Despite the hardened look of displeasure, Levi turned and stormed back into the bedroom, slamming the door shut in Rex’s face.

  He stood by the door, hearing the insult from within Levi’s room. Rex simply stood out there and didn’t move to open the door. Levi was upset but at least Rex stopped him from leaving the house.

  Of course Levi had other plans. From inside his bedroom, he walked to his balcony and pulled the doors open, stepping out into the fresh night air. With both hands against the white railing, Levi surveyed the surrounding area. Levi was on the second floor. If he wasn’t careful, a fall from this height could break his bones, and leave him in a bed for a month. He let out a breath, not wanting his night to be completely ruined in tragedy.

  Instead, he pulled away from the balcony and walked back into his bedroom. Levi slumped down in his bed with a loud groan. He knew his personal bodyguard would still be standing outside his bedroom door.

  Levi sprung up and pulled his bedroom door open. His thoughts were correct. Rex stood by the door, his attention immediately on Levi upon seeing him again.

  “You can’t stop me from leaving,” Levi started. “You’re not my dad. You can’t tell me what to do and I can go where I want to. So move.”

  He took a step forward, pressing the palm of his hand hard against Rex’s shoulder and pushing with all his strength. Rex took a step back, smirking.

  He was such a persistent brat. Levi didn’t stop for a moment. He was keen on leaving the house, on partying and drinking his night away. Rex would not allow such a thing, especially when there was a huge threat out there. Rex watched as Levi tried to push past him, but to no avail. For Levi, it was like pushing a boulder and Rex was not about to move.

  Giving up, Levi pulled back and glared.

  “Fine. Then I’m going to go see my dad.”

  “He’s not in,” Rex said simply. “Business trip.”

  “Then I’ll call,’ Levi took his mobile out, ready to speed dial.

  “He’s in Japan. He won’t answer.”

  Levi let out an exasperated sigh and tossed his phone on his bed.

  “Then what am I supposed to do?” Levi asked, crossing his arms over his chest. “I’ll get bored staying
here all fucking night.”

  Rex imagined that the only way to keep Levi entertained was to fuck around with him.

  “What?” Levi frowned.

  Had Rex spoken out loud? For a moment he simply stood there, shaken out of his thoughts and keeping his eyes on Levi. He cleared his throat.


  Rex was staring and Levi caught onto it. He used that opportunity to stare back at Rex, looking from his amber coloured eyes to his chiselled jaw.

  “Why’re you staring at me?” Levi asked suddenly, like he was trying to hide the fact that he found his bodyguard attractive. “I…I asked you what I’m supposed to do here other than be bored. Are you going to entertain me?”

  “Entertain you?” Rex smirked.

  Levi’s eyes were on Rex’s lips. They made eye contact. Levi didn’t look away. Neither did Rex.

  Focus shifting lower, Rex looked over Levi’s outfit. Those jeans looked tight, it couldn’t have been comfortable. The boy had a killer body so it was appealing to look at regardless. The fabric hugged the curves of Levi’s ass and although he was on the lithe side, brought attention to his lean thighs as well.

  For a while, Rex checked Levi out. He scratched his stubble slowly in thought. The boss’ son smelt of a mysterious perfume. It was alluring and sweet at the same time. Levi knew all the right cards to play on a man. Rex was mildly impressed, though he wouldn’t be changing his mind anytime soon. Levi watched his bodyguard quietly, feeling slightly exposed under his gaze. Even so, the boy was still defiant.

  “Those look a little tight.” Rex stated.

  “Do you want to take it off like you did last week?” Levi retorted.

  “You don’t like it?”

  Levi quietened down, not sure what to say about that. He couldn’t say he didn’t like it. He couldn’t deny the fact that he liked it when Rex touched him and wished he would do it often and when he was actually awake to experience it.


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