His Bodyguard

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His Bodyguard Page 2

by Ace Fawn

  “Are you going to risk it?” Levi asked.

  He should have walked back into his bedroom and closed the door, but Levi didn’t want this to end. It was exciting and quite frankly, was making his night more entertaining.

  It was a challenge that Rex wasn’t about to back down from and Levi didn’t want him to. He didn’t move even when Levi took a step closer. He pushed up on his feet and pressed his lips against Rex’s before pulling back and watched for a reaction.

  Rex was speechless. He did not expect Levi to do that. Levi felt his face heat up and his heart hammered like a woodpecker against his rib cage. A sudden jolt of excitement rushed through him. Levi wasn’t thinking as he leaned in to kiss Rex again. This time Rex pulled back. He shouldn’t have been flirting with the kid and he knew it.

  Levi reached for Rex again, but he caught his hand before he could do anything else.

  “No, Levi.”

  Levi stopped and pouted. He pulled his hand away and crossed his arms over his chest, glancing away. Levi pouted. He hated rejection.

  It’s not that Rex wanted to reject him but he knew that if he messed around with Levi, there would be no end to it. Shoving both hands into his pockets, Rex sighed.


  “Don’t call me that,” Levi mumbled before he looked at Rex again. “I’m not a kid.”

  “You’re eighteen.”

  “So? I’m legal, aren’t I?”

  “That’s not it.”

  “Is it because of my dad?” Levi asked. His voice was softer now, defeated.

  Rex didn’t answer. It was partially because Levi was Wolf’s son. Rex had known Wolf for years. They were good friends and Wolf put his trust in him. He had known Levi from the moment he was born. Although Levi was a young man, he was still a boy in Rex’s eyes.

  There was an obvious age gap between them. Eighteen years to be exact. Despite that, Rex was admittedly attracted to the boy. Levi was gorgeous much like his father. But Rex had a job to do and that did not involve messing around with the boss’ kid. He had to protect him. But Rex knew that it would inevitably draw them closer to each other.

  Levi frowned, grabbing the door handle. He was hurt, embarrassed from the rejection. Levi just wanted to get under the covers of his bed and hide. He wanted to avoid Rex but he knew that wouldn’t be possible.

  There was a strong sexual tension between them and they could both feel it, but there was nothing they would do about it.

  Lips parted slightly, Levi wanted to say something to cut through the silence, but there was nothing to say. Instead he gave Rex one last look before closing the door, much softer this time.

  Chapter 4

  If Levi couldn’t leave the house and have fun, then he would bring the fun to him.

  It hadn’t slipped Rex’s watchful eyes that there was a guest in the mansion, specifically in Levi’s bed. He was a blonde lithe boy with blue eyes and a playful nature by the sound of it.

  Was he doing this just to get back at Rex for not kissing him back the other night? Just how long had Levi wanted to kiss him? Rex couldn’t get that constant thought out of his head. That look of hurt on Levi’s face became an imprint in Rex’s mind and he didn’t like it. He didn’t want to hurt the boy.

  There wasn’t anything that Rex could do about it either, and it made it all the more unbearable. Rex could have taken that blonde boys spot. But a lithe boy wasn’t a good suitor for Levi. That’s what Rex thought about it anyway. Instead, he wanted to be in there, his hard muscled body dominating Levi’s smaller figure. Rex didn’t move. He stood outside of Levi’s bedroom door and listened to everything that was going on inside.

  The muffled moans, giggles and squeaks of pleasure were easily heard. Fuck. Rex was glad that he was the only guard standing by the bedroom door, because his own hardened cock was pressing up painfully against the front of his slacks. Levi was good at teasing, even if he was in the other room and not even trying.

  By now Rex knew that Levi’s moaning was on purpose. He was being loud for the sole purpose of making Rex hear every second of it. Levi wasn’t making it any easier on him. At this rate, the bodyguard wanted to walk into the room and yank the blond boy off. There was no reason to do so. Levi wasn’t in any form of danger; Rex just didn’t like seeing another male with the kid. He was protective of Levi, but the only thing he could do was frown with the fact that he couldn’t interfere.

  Rex stood and waited by the bedroom door. His hardened cock continued to strain against his slacks, though Rex was actually doing a good job at ignoring it. That was until Levi let out a final moan and Rex couldn’t stand there anymore. It was not easy standing out there when he could hear Levi from the other side of the door like that. It was easy to imagine Levi in all these different lewd positions and Rex felt like he was about to burst. He walked to the nearest bathroom for privacy sake and opened the front of his slacks, pulling his cock out and stroking himself a few times.

  Rex soon came, cursing under his breath as he started to clean himself back up and tuck his now softened cock back into his slacks. He stayed in the bathroom for a while, letting the heat slowly evaporate from him.

  This situation was getting more and more difficult. Rex couldn’t stop his growing desires to have the boy.

  It was when Rex was walking out of the bathroom that another of the boss’ men approached him. He wore an expressionless look and an all-black suit like all the rest of the guards. There wasn’t really much of a distinction between them anyway.

  “The boss wants to see his son,” he said simply.

  With a single nod, Rex made his way back to the closed bedroom door. He stopped and listened for anything else before knocking on the door.

  The door opened and there Levi was, standing in nothing but a pair of designer briefs. Levi looked like a male model out of a designer underwear ad. He leaned against the doorframe, a lazy smirk on his lips as he gazed at Rex. The younger male’s hair was a hot mess and hickeys begun to form on his porcelain smooth neck.

  From behind Levi, Rex could clearly make out the blonde boy he was playing with. Turning his focus back on Levi, Rex couldn’t help the look of distaste on his face.

  “What do you want?” Levi asked with a sigh.

  “Get rid of that guy. Your dad wants to see you.”

  Chapter 5

  After sending his guest away and getting cleaned up, Levi headed to his father’s office.

  The bundle of nerves in Levi’s stomach heightened the moment he walked into Wolf’s office. Wolf was sitting behind his mahogany desk, signing paperwork. He wore business casual, black slacks and a white button down shirt. It was rare to see Wolf in anything other than his business wear, but then again, it was his staple.

  When Levi entered the office decorated with furniture, paintings and décor worth millions, Wolf looked away from the paperwork and looked at his son with his piercing blue eyes. Wolf had this way of looking at people, which made it hard to hide things from him. That gaze could read people well, as though Wolf could look into their very soul. His son was no exception.

  “You had a guest over,” Wolf started, his deep voice frim. He liked to get straight to the point, especially when there was much to be done.

  “I did,” Levi confirmed. “He’s a friend.”

  “A friend,” Wolf repeated. He leaned back in his seat and clasped his hands together. Levi was being reckless. Wolf knew that his son was doing these things for attention. “Your life is at risk and you call a friend over.”

  Levi didn’t speak. He chose to remain quiet, knowing that his father wasn’t happy with him. For a short while, Wolf was quiet and unmoving as he observed his son.

  “I don’t want any more guests here,” Wolf said firmly. He was upset with Levi but remained calm. He had to be with his son in order for him to actually listen to him.

  “You might want to listen to your dad,” Diego smirked as he walked into the office. “You don’t want to risk getting kidnapped a

  Diego wore black slacks held up by a thin designer belt and a form fitting black button down with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, revealing the ink on both of his arms.

  It was amazing how Diego had changed his choice in clothing in Wolf’s presence. They had been together for a year and there were already some changes to Diego’s fashion choices. Now he looked like a young Mafioso and fit well into his new life.

  “Mind your own business,” Levi growled.

  Diego sneered, leaning against the window sill with his arms crossed over his chest. Levi glared at him, ignoring Wolf who was watching the two. It wasn’t easy for Levi to accept Diego and his dad being together, especially after Diego had kidnapped him.

  “What, do you have something to say?” Levi grumbled, keeping his eyes on Diego.

  “Oh I do,” Diego smirked.

  “The both of you be quiet.” Wolf interjected before he looked at Diego. “Or I will have to punish one of you.

  Levi groaned. “Dad, come on. I don’t need a babysitter. I can take care of myself.”

  “It’s not up for discussion, Levi. Rex is not your babysitter; he’s your bodyguard. You’re getting older now and you need to take things more seriously. There are people out there that want you and me dead so they can take over.”

  “But it’s not fair,” Levi complained. He was only eighteen. He wanted to go out and enjoy his youth, not be stuck inside just because his father was the criminal worlds most loved and hated. It’s not like Levi chose to be the heir of a crime family. And although there were bigger things at stake, he drowned it out with his own needs.

  “Boy, stop complaining,” Wolf warned.

  “Fine,” Levi sighed. “I won’t call anyone else over. Are we done now?”

  Narrowing his eyes, Wolf watched Levi carefully. The boy was growing a mouth on him, one that needed more than just a smack to put him back in line.

  “Watch that attitude around me, Levi.”

  It was a clear warning, one that both Diego and Rex saw right away. Levi did not.

  In some ways, Wolf was impressed with Levi. The boy was brave. He kept eye contact with his father and that attitude did not cease despite Wolf’s warning. Even now at the tender age of eighteen, Levi showed his father how fearless he could be. Levi would make a strong leader after his father and Wolf was well aware of that. But he didn’t like to be disrespected and Levi was crossing the line. His pup needed to get a wakeup call before it was too late.

  “Why do I have to pay for your shit?” Levi continued brashly.

  Wolf had enough. He rose from his seat. Diego watched between the two quietly. He knew when Wolf was tense. He also knew how much the kid stressed his father out. It was all for protection, yet Levi didn’t seem to understand that.

  “Come here,” Wolf rumbled.

  The room was tense. Diego didn’t speak. Rex stood by the door, watching with a frown on his handsome face.

  Levi took a hesitant step forward. He stood right before the desk, his gaze faltering. Instead of looking directly at Wolf, Levi lowered his eyes.

  “Eyes on me,” Wolf ordered.

  Levi did as told. The longer he looked at Wolf, the harder it became. He shouldn’t have spoken back to his father, but the brat didn’t realise his own actions until it was too late. No fret for that, however. Wolf would teach his own son not to talk back to him. He found it disrespectful, and ignored the fact that they were not alone in the office.

  Diego and Rex stood by, both quiet, both tense.

  “Let’s imagine a scenario, boy,” Wolf started as he pulled a drawer open and pulled out a handgun. It was a small heavy thing, but it was lethal and everyone in the room knew it.

  “Dad…” Levi started as he eyed the weapon.

  “That boy you called over was working with those who threatened to have you dead, because of me,” Wolf rounded the desk. He then pressed the gun right under Levi’s chin; applying pressure and tilting Levi’s chin up as he looked into his eyes.

  “And while you had your guard down or when Rex wasn’t in the room to help, this happened?” Wolf continued.

  With no control over his own body, Levi tensed, every muscle in his body tightening from the impending threat.

  “Dad,” Levi frowned. His voice shook. Wolf caught onto it but he didn’t stop.

  “Listen to me,” Wolf was calm, his tone was firm. He clicked the safety off and kept the gun tight under Levi’s chin.

  “What the hell are you going to do?” Levi exclaimed. His eyes watered and his breathing was harder.

  It wasn’t hard to get a response out of Levi. The boy was just that: a boy. He was yet to control his emotions and impulses, but Wolf took threats seriously, especially when they were aimed directly at his own son. All Wolf was doing now was teaching Levi a lesson. Albeit dangerous, it was working on Levi.

  After a long moment, Wolf pulled the gun away and set it on the desk. He focused his eyes on Levi, noticing the small trembles in his hands and the pout on Levi’s lips.

  “Levi, there are people who want you dead just to get at me. They would kill to place a gun under your chin like that and blow your head off.”

  There was no point in hiding anything from Levi. Wolf was blunt, but it was for good reason. Taking a few steps back, Levi sniffled.

  “Now go to your room. Behave and listen to Rex.” Wolf instructed.

  Levi’s voice was too raw to speak. Instead, he supplied a small nod and quickly left the office.

  Rex followed suit.

  “Intense,” Diego smirked.

  Wolf sat back at his desk, a narrowed look in his eyes.

  “You should let the kid have more fun, baby.” Diego said before he sat on Wolf’s lap and kissed his neck.

  He didn’t like it when the intensity remained because Wolf would usually take it out on Diego and leave him limping most of the time.

  “He had a blonde twink over. He was cute.”

  “Don’t start, Diego,” Wolf murmured as he wrapped an arm around him. “My son needs to be protected. He needs discipline. And with that attitude of his, there’s a double threat.”

  Wolf’s unconventional method of raising a son was questionable, but for Diego, who liked the vicious nature of mafia and violence found it impeccably arousing.

  “You’re hot when you’re in dad mode.” Diego smirked.

  Wolf wasn’t listening to Diego. He was quiet for a while, clearly restless. Diego was still young; he didn’t understand what it was like to have a son.

  Diego felt how tense Wolf was and frowned. He started to massage Wolf’s shoulders with both hands, hoping it would help.

  “Why are you so tense?” Diego asked.

  “I don’t want to hurt him,” Wolf said.

  He was aware of how harsh he was to Levi. But he knew getting it through to Levi would still be difficult regardless.

  “I just want to protect him.”

  Diego sighed. “And you will. Give me the attention now. Let Rex sort your kid out.”

  Wolf knew that Rex would do a fine job at keeping Levi safe. He would keep the boy in line and not fall for his persistent ways. Or so Wolf hoped.

  Chapter 6

  For the next two days, Levi was sulking.

  He spent his time avoiding his father, which was easy to do considering the amount of work that kept Wolf busy. Levi hadn’t seen Diego either and figured that they weren’t in the mansion lately.

  Levi was used to being alone in the mansion. Usually his only company were the men dressed in suits that didn’t speak and simply guarded the house. It seemed that the only person he could talk to was Rex. The tough as nails guy that was now his bodyguard. Rex’s exterior didn’t call for conversation and sweet friendship type of stuff. If anything, it made Levi feel less inclined to be close with Rex, even though he still liked him.

  Out on the balcony, Levi sat watching the horizon and smoking a small joint when Rex stepped out to join him. Taking a draw, Levi glanced
at Rex. His bodyguard was always dressed in a clean black suit. Those amber brown eyes gleamed almost every time he saw him.

  “What do you want?” Levi mumbled before blowing smoke out from the corner of his lips. He eyed Rex, lingering on the older man for longer than intended.

  “I did a sweep of your room and here you are, smoking weed.”

  “As if I’d stash my weed in a place you’d find it,” Levi countered.

  He made to have another draw, but the joint was plucked from his fingers and stubbed out before he could say a word.

  “No more weed.” Rex said firmly.

  “You’re not my dad,” Levi mumbled. “I don’t have to listen to you.”

  Rex watched him quietly. Levi may have been acting tough with his no care attitude, but his bodyguard could see right through that. Levi needed love, care and attention. A firm hand. All those things Wolf wouldn’t give him due to the life he led. The boy was hurt and Rex could tell. And he wanted to do something about it. Despite his tough exterior, Rex was genuinely a sweet man. He looked scary. He was deadly. But when it came to Levi, he was different.

  Their enemies would run from the sight of Rex alone, knowing how dangerous he was in the crime underworld. Rex was known to hunt people down, torture them for their betrayal against Wolf and kill them. But here he was, dealing with the bratty boy of a mafia boss.

  “You still upset over what happened?” Rex asked.

  Levi scoffed. By now he was high and his eyes were bloodshot. It was actually a good thing that no one else was home to see him like that. On top of that, Levi was starting to feel a little giddy. He was slowly forgetting what happened the night before and that no care attitude was easier for him to pull off when he was high from the sheer boredom.

  He stood and looked Rex in the eyes.

  “If you think what my dad did upset me, you’re wrong,” Levi said. He was a tough kid, but it wasn’t easy for him to hide his emotions. “If anything, I’m safe. I don’t need to be protected.”


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