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His Bodyguard

Page 3

by Ace Fawn

  Rex never was a fan of weed and smelling it on Levi didn’t sit right with him. He decided then and there that he wouldn’t allow Levi to touch another drug again even if the boy would complain about it.

  “You’re lying to yourself, kid. Truth is, soon enough you’re going to get yourself in trouble. And I’m going to be the one to get you out of it,” Rex pointed out.

  Levi let out a breath of irritation. His brows were furrowed and his jaw tense as he kept his eyes hard on Rex. It was also his excuse to just stare at the sexy man. Rex was a hell of a guy. His chest was broad and his arms were rounded with delicious rock hard muscle. Tattoos and scars littered his skin but somehow it added to the sexiness.

  He noticed Levi’s eyes were on him longer than usual and smirked. The younger of the two glanced away with a pout. Although he was madly attracted to Rex, Levi wasn’t about to go easy on him. He was still going to be the demanding, attitude driven brat he always was.

  “Last time I checked, I’m Wolf’s son. Not you. I’m bored, so take me out.” Levi said with a focused intensity in his grey eyes as he looked at Rex.

  “Take you out?” Rex raised a brow. “You’re not supposed to leave the house, remember?”

  Levi sighed heavily and rolled his eyes. What followed next was a smirk on his full lips and a mischievous glint in his eyes.

  “They won’t know if you don’t say anything,” Levi said before he lightly grasped onto Rex’s silk black tie and pulled him close. “Right?”

  Chapter 7

  Levi always got his way.

  An hour later and they were seated inside an Italian desserts joint, a plate with chocolate cheese cake and vanilla ice cream in front of them.

  There was no denying Levi, even when Rex tried to reason with him not to leave the mansion. Now here they were. His bodyguard sat across from him on the plush furniture. They were in a booth, private and unseen from others in the restaurant with them, but Rex was still wary.

  “Chill out, nobody’s going to see us,” Levi said before taking a spoonful of ice cream and cheese cake into his mouth. He sucked on the spoon as he watched Rex.

  It wasn’t about someone seeing them together. It was about a threat. Anyone could walk in there with guns blazing if they knew Levi was inside. Wolf wouldn’t be happy with this sneaky outing.

  “The boss is going to be pissed if he hears about this,” Rex said as he glanced around the place.

  Rex was paranoid and it was obvious. The bodyguard had promised the boss that his son would be safe and protected at all times. There was no ‘if’ in this situation. It was a matter of when something would go wrong and Wolf would undoubtedly find out.

  He focused his attention on Levi, a frown set in his handsome face. “And you know the owner of this place knows your dad. Couldn’t you pick somewhere else?”

  “That’s the point,” Levi smirked.

  “So you’re trying to get back at your dad?”

  “Yup,” Levi said before he slumped back in his seat comfortably.

  “This isn’t the time to be getting back at your dad,” Rex grumbled.

  It seemed that the kid never leaned. His life was at stake and yet here Levi was, going out against Wolf’s wishes and purposefully putting himself into danger. But he had Rex, and despite knowing he wasn’t supposed to be out like this, Levi believed that if something were to go down then Rex would actually protect him.

  There was a brief silence between them. Levi dipped the spoon back into the cake and ice cream, bringing the delicious sugary dessert to Rex’s lips.

  He pulled back slightly and eyed the spoon.

  “This isn’t a date,” Rex stated. Although he did get a taste of what it was like to spend quality time with Levi.

  “Bet you wish it was,” Levi said, shoving the spoon at Rex again, who took the spoon from Levi’s hand and ate from it himself.

  Levi pouted as he watched Rex. He stared at his bodyguard’s shapely lips and captivating eyes, watched as his Adam’s apple bobbed when he swallowed.

  “Why did you want dessert anyway?” Rex asked.

  “I had the munchies,” Levi answered.

  Rex slumped back in his seat.

  “You still high or what?” He asked.

  Levi smirked.

  “After this I won’t be.”

  “You need to drop the weed habit. It’s not good,” Rex said.

  “What are you, my dad?” Levi countered.

  Rex didn’t say anything more.

  By now the cake was mostly gone and the ice cream was melting. Levi dropped the spoon on the plate with a clatter and stood.

  “Let’s go,” Levi said before slipping out from the booth and walking to the exit.

  Rex pulled out from the booth quickly and followed after Levi.

  The crisp night air welcomed them as they stepped out of the building.

  “Next time you let me walk you out,” Rex told him. He tried to sound unaffected by Levi’s sudden departure, but instead, Rex’s tone of voice was firm and unrelenting.

  “Hey what’s your problem?” Levi grumbled. “I can get up and go if I want.”

  Rex let out a long breath. “Stop being a brat. And you know what? I think it’s best if we don’t head out again. You know you’re not allowed to be.”

  “I’m eighteen. Stop telling me what to do. It’s not like you can actually do anything to keep me in the house, either,” Levi stated.

  “I can,” Rex said.

  “Like what?” Levi got close with his question, but Rex didn’t move back. He simply stood his ground and looked Levi directly in the eyes.

  The brat was challenging him.

  A lot of possible scenarios ran through Rex’s mind. He could tie Levi up somewhere in the house to stop him from leaving. He could make him stay in his room. He could distract Levi and make him not want to leave. There was a lot that Rex could do, but he didn’t tell Levi any of it. He stayed quiet instead.

  This was the boss’ son for crying out loud. If Rex did something crazy, he risked putting himself in a shitty position. Regardless of that fact, Levi showed signs of interest. He kissed Rex. Rex wanted to get closer to Levi, but there was always something holding him back. For how much longer this would last, he didn’t know.

  They continued to walk in the night air, the street lined with famous restaurants. There were lights and people everywhere. The longer they were out there, the more restless Rex became.

  Rex walked by Levi’s side, grabbing his arm before the younger, bratty male walked the other way and led Levi into the waiting black sedan and pulled him into the back seat.

  Once they were both seated, the car door was shut and the vehicle started moving, Rex let out a sigh of relief.

  Chapter 8

  The relief did not last long.

  The driver of the vehicle was a suited man in his mid-forties that didn’t speak to them. Rex maintained his composure as he sat in the backseat of the sedan with Levi, who was clearly unaffected next to him.

  With his body slumped back on the seat and phone to his face, Levi sat quietly with his eyes hard on the screen. One brief glance showed Rex that the kid was playing a game.

  Rex sighed. He was tense for good reason. They had just driven out of the main strip of fine dining full of people and cars and lights, into a street that was dark and deserted.

  Amber eyes were hard as they watched out the window, now being hit with raindrops. The rain slowly picked up, lightly spraying down on the car. The windscreen wipers squeaked with each back and forth movement up front.

  The car stopped at a red light. It was silent other than the pelting rain and the wind wipers gliding across the windscreen. Levi was now further down on the seat, expensive boots on his feet now propped up on the back of the seat in front of him.

  Rex was watching him closely again. He leaned in to watch the screen in Levi’s hands before he heard a ricochet.

  Bang, bang, bang.

  The driver slumped forward
, head against the horn which blared into the darkness.

  “Shit,” Rex cursed.

  Blood splattered the windscreen. The driver was dead.

  Not a word come out of Levi as he sat in the backseat, eyes wide and mouth parted in shock as he witnessed what had happened to the driver.

  It took seconds for Rex to realise what had happened. He saw the dead driver. Then he saw the black car with tinted windows beside their vehicle. They were targeted. Trapped. No one would drive through here, especially not when there was gun fire. Rex grabbed Levi and dived down further. Multiple gun shots fired one after another.

  “Rex!” Levi exclaimed. He was panting hard, squirming against Rex’s hard body.

  His bodyguard kept his larger body over the top of Levi, protecting him from the shattered glass that flew into the backseat.

  “I knew we shouldn’t have gone out,” Rex growled, pulling his handgun out.

  “Don’t blame me,” Levi glowered.

  “Damnit, Levi. Not now. We’re being fucking shot at.”

  Rex reached up and pulled the car door open. Since the vehicle was on the other side, Rex knew it was safer to keep Levi out of the car than in it.

  “Quickly roll out and sit behind the car. Don’t let them see you,” Rex instructed.

  Levi was scared, but he knew that he had to be brave and did as he was told. He fell to his hands and knees and crawled to the end of the car, sitting with his knees pulled up. The gunshots were loud. Levi covered his ears with both hands and grimaced. His heart was thundering in his chest as he sat there trembling.

  Rex shot back at the car before he reached a hand into the back compartment and pulled out a semi-automatic. The quicker he killed those bastards that were shooting at them the better. He didn’t want any police involvement or more of the enemy to show up.

  The next thing the bodyguard did was roll out of the car and crouch by the other end of the vehicle. He shot back at their shooting. The back and forth shooting seemed to go on forever, but it had only gone on for merely a minute. A sudden stop from the enemy signified they were reloading.

  The next time Rex shot, a bullet lodged into the man’s arm, making his drop his own weapon. Another man ran out from the car, making his way to the side of the car Levi was hiding behind.

  Time to finish this.

  Rex slipped out from the back of the car and started firing at the running man. The man fell to the wet road with a heavy thump, dead.

  Next, Rex advanced steadily towards the man still in the car, holding the semi-automatic rifle in both hands as he aimed it at the man in the front seat. The man tried to reach for the gun, and looked up at Rex in time to get a spray of bullets to the face.

  They were both dead, blood soaking the ground. Rex let out a heavy sigh of relief, though his heart was still hammering hard against his chest.

  “Fuck,” Levi grimaced when he looked to his side and stared at the dead man, eyes open and looking directly at Levi, even when he was dead. Levi stared, shaking.

  The younger male grabbed his phone from the wet ground and scrambled to his feet. Rex walked towards him, grabbed Levi’s arm and pushed him into the back seat.

  “What do we do?” Levi asked, out of breath.

  “We go home,” Rex answered. He sounded calm despite how tense he was.

  Even though the enemies were dead and did not pose a further threat, Rex was still on guard. He had no choice but to be, especially after he had sworn with his life to protect Levi.

  Levi was shivering. They were both drenched from the rain.

  Rex put the semi-automatic back into the back compartment of the car and walked to the front seat. He pushed the dead driver’s body out of the car and got into the driver’s seat, blood already staining his white cuffs and collar.

  “Are you going to tell my dad?” Levi asked with a heavy frown on his boyish features.

  Rex glanced back at Levi, frowning. Of course he was going to tell Wolf about it, he had no choice.

  Chapter 9

  When they returned home, Levi was cold and clammy. His hair was damp from the rain and the knees of his jeans were stained with dirt.

  The shock over what happened had finally gotten to him. Having never been on the receiving end of firing guns, Levi was jumpy and clearly afraid. Wolf had always protected Levi from such things. He had never allowed Levi to be involved in the business before, but there was no hiding these things from Levi.

  He had seen two dead bodies. Two of which were going to kill him if Rex wasn’t there to protect him. Levi didn’t speak at all on the drive back home. He couldn’t help but to think that he could have been a dead body covered in blood, left out on the cold, wet road instead.

  Rex made it fast. They arrived back at the mansion safely, but the blood in the car and on their skin made it clear to the other guards that something bad had just gone down.

  “I could have died,” Levi murmured when he was led through the hall. He stopped by the bathroom door, standing alone in the hall with Rex.

  Levi looked up at his bodyguard, the look of worry still present in his eyes. His dark hair was plastered on his face and messed out from the rain. His lips were close to a pale colour, much like his skin.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have made you take me out,” Levi mumbled. His eyes cast down as he fidgeted with the end of his sleeve.

  “You’ll be alright,” Rex assured him. This time his voice was a lot softer. He knew the events that played out earlier that night had greatly affected Levi. The boy looked vulnerable now, and Rex couldn’t blame him.

  What they had been through could have been avoided if they had just stayed home. Levi knew how dangerous it really was now. How serious this all was. Wolf was right. Rex was right. Levi felt guilty for it, but at least they were both alive.

  Rex didn’t think when he reached out and brushed Levi’s damp dark hair out of his eyes. Levi’s heart fluttered from the touch. He didn’t move or say a word. Levi simply stood where he was and let Rex touch him. After a brief moment, Rex dropped his hand to his side.

  Without a word, Levi nodded and cast his eyes down. He knew that this wouldn’t have happened if he had just listened to his father. If he had taken the warning from his own bodyguard more seriously, he wouldn’t be worried about getting in trouble either.

  Levi turned and opened the door to the bathroom. He stepped inside and turned to look at Rex, who stood in the hall watching him.

  There was nothing to say. Levi was thankful, yet he didn’t thank Rex. It was the man’s job to protect Levi in the first place. Levi simply stared at his bodyguard, and in return, Rex stared back at the boy he was assigned to protect.

  He closed the door. Then Levi realised that Rex was right. He had to listen to Wolf and he had to stay indoors. He had to trust Rex.

  It was much safer in the mansion for him after all.

  Chapter 10

  Rex would usually wait out by the door to Levi’s bedroom until the lights were out and the boy was settled in bed. When the door opened and Levi stood topless with only boxer shorts on, Rex knew he couldn’t sleep.

  “You alright?” Rex asked.

  Looking away, Levi shook his head and rubbed the back of his spikey hair. He sighed and willed himself to look at Rex again. He couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened that night. He felt guilty, like it was his fault. All Levi wanted to do was go out and enjoy his night, not almost die.

  “I don’t want to be alone,” Levi said in a small voice. “Can you…sleep with me?”

  That was unexpected. Rex stared at Levi briefly before he cleared his throat.

  “I uh…”

  Rex was about to say no. He was about to tell Levi to get back into bed and just go to sleep but he couldn’t. Levi looked vulnerable and after what he had been through that night, he couldn’t say no.

  “Alright,” Rex decided.

  A small smile pulled up on Levi’s lips. The younger pulled away from the door and let Rex
walk into the bedroom.

  The sheets were a crumpled mess. It was obvious that Levi was tossing and turning before he finally asked his bodyguard to join him in bed. It was a request Rex had never gotten before but he was willing to do so for Levi’s sake.

  Usually Rex would sleep in a shirt and boxers. Since he was in his suit, he decided to strip it all off and leave his boxers on. Levi stared at his bodyguard, focusing on the older man’s muscular tattooed body. Levi crawled into bed and laid down on his side, watching Rex with tired, lidded eyes.

  The boy looked no older than sixteen in this state. Rex almost didn’t believe that the boy was eighteen and so temptingly legal that it wasn’t fair. He sighed and slipped into the queen sized bed beside Levi, who quickly nuzzled into his chest.

  “I’m scared,” Levi mumbled after a while of silence.

  “Don’t be. You’re safe now,” Rex said before he wrapped an arm over Levi’s lithe figure and kept him close.

  “We could have died,” Levi frowned. “And it would have been my fault.”

  “We’re not dead, kid.” Rex chuckled lightly. “These things happen.”

  “It’s not normal,” Levi complained.

  “Well, your father is not exactly a normal man. You’re very important, even if you don’t accept it yet.”

  Levi sighed and nodded. He knew that the older he got, the more responsibility he would have to take when it came to their not so normal crime family. Levi just didn’t feel ready for it yet.

  “He hates me,” Levi sobbed.

  Rex knew instantly that Levi was talking about Wolf.

  “My dad hates me now, I know it. That’s why he always spends time with Diego and all he does is tell me off.”

  Since his mother left him at a young age, Levi always felt like Wolf was harsh on him for that reason. Levi didn’t yet realise that Wolf’s harsh actions were because he loved his son and didn’t want anything bad to happen to him due to his place in the crime underworld.

  “He doesn’t hate you. He’s worried about you.”


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