His Bodyguard

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His Bodyguard Page 4

by Ace Fawn

  “You’re just saying that,” Levi mumbled.

  “I’m serious.”

  Levi let out a breath as tears streamed from his eyes. His father was a tough man and always sought out to discipline the boy. Levi wanted to take Rex’s word and believe him. He wanted to have a good relationship with Wolf and to live like a normal kid.

  The younger male pulled in a deep breath, inhaling Rex’s soothing musky scent. He sighed gently, warm breath brushing against the hard muscle of Rex’s chest. Levi liked to have a big strong man in his bed with him like this. He felt protected and safe after what the night had given him.

  “I want to go out and have fun. I want to do what other guys my age are doing,” Levi said softly. “It’s not fair.”

  “Life isn’t supposed to be fair,” Rex murmured. “It’s ruthless and unforgiving. Life will not stop and change for anyone. Remember that.”

  Levi nodded and pressed his lips against Rex’s broad chest. He loved this man even though he had been a brat to him. Rex kissed the top of Levi’s head. He really did care for the boy and wanted the best for Levi.

  The warmth was soothing. Being wrapped up in Rex’s strong protective arms was something Levi relaxed in. He liked feeling safe. He liked it when Rex was being gentle, something Levi didn’t expect his bodyguard to be.

  With his straight nose pressed into the crook of Rex’s neck, Levi breathed in deep. To have Rex’s strong scent fill his senses, to feel warm skin on skin and Rex’s hand caressing the back of his hair, Levi felt at ease.

  It wasn’t long before Levi closed his eyes and fell asleep.

  For a while, Rex remained awake. He continued to gently caress Levi’s hair as he laid there on his back in Levi’s bed.

  By morning and before Levi had woken up, Rex was out of bed and out of sight.

  Chapter 11

  The next morning, Wolf stood out the front of his mansion, polished black dress shoes planted firmly on the patterned concrete. He had both hands in his slacks pockets as he took in the true extent of damage that was inflicted on the sedan the night prior.

  Dried blood stained the seats and window. Bullet holes littered one whole side of the vehicle and the glass to the backseat was completely shattered. From what Wolf knew, Levi and Rex had survived the incident. But the damage on the car was enough to have killed them both if they had been more than unlucky that night.

  “They really want him dead,” Diego drawled before he kicked the back of the car with the heel of his boot.

  Levi stepped out onto the porch. He walked down the steps slow and cautious. He examined the car and frowned.

  This time, Wolf had his arms crossed over his chest. He looked back at Levi for a brief moment before looking at the car again.

  “You’re lucky to be alive, Levi.” Wolf said.

  “I know,” Levi sighed. “I’m sorry.”

  Diego leaned his back against the car and watched them with his hands in his pockets.

  Wolf turned completely and walked to Levi. He stopped and looked down at his son with a serious expression on his handsome face. He knew that Levi would still be badly affected by this type of thing, so he decided not to punish him.

  “Last time, Levi,” Wolf said, firm yet calm and collected as he always was. “I want you to listen to Rex from now on. And do not leave the house until I say it’s safe for you to do so. Understand?”

  Levi dropped his gaze and nodded.

  “I understand.”


  For a while, Levi sat out on the steps at the front of the mansion.

  The wind picked up and white rose petals from the nearby rose shrub glided through the air and came to rest by Levi’s feet.

  His father wasn’t much of a flower guy. For some reason Wolf had only liked roses, white to be exact.

  With both hands resting against his face, Levi sighed out of sheer boredom. There wasn’t really anything for him to do around the mansion and it was starting to feel like he was being grounded.

  He finally stood, stepping on the rose petal with his shoe. What he left behind was a bloody footprint stamped across the white petal. His enemy’s blood still hadn’t come off his shoes since the short time frame of the incident.

  After pulling his sneakers off, Levi stepped back into the mansion.

  For a while he wanted to be alone. Rex had kept an eye on the boy, but Levi didn’t pull anything. By night, he was asking Rex to join him in bed again. Sleeping with a warm body beside him was better than being alone.

  Chapter 12

  The following days, Levi did as he was supposed to and remained home.

  That promise he had made to Wolf was absolute. And after that night with the attack on his vehicle, Levi couldn’t risk it. He now understood what his father had meant about his life being on the line.

  Levi had watched as his father got into the back seat of a Mercedes and was driven off to his private jet. That marked the first night Levi wasn’t going to see his dad for at least a month due to his extended crime work in Japan.

  Since Wolf was out of the mansion, Diego found that a great opportunity to leave the property as well. Levi had overheard Diego on the phone talking code over gang related issues so it was no surprise when Diego got into the sports car Wolf had brought him as a gift for their first anniversary and sped off without any word on his end.

  He really didn’t mind his dad’s new boyfriend. Within a year of knowing Diego, Levi actually liked the other male. On some occasions, he had let Levi get away with things he knew he shouldn’t have and had even talked with each other when Wolf wasn’t around.

  Levi sighed as he rested both elbows on the balcony and looked out into the property. He was safe at the mansion and was free to do as he pleased at home. It was a bummer and ultimate boredom that he couldn’t leave the premises. He had to find a way to entertain himself. Fast.

  The quickest way was to smoke a joint. At least that was the first thing Levi thought about doing. His dad wasn’t around, it’s not like he would know. Wolf had not said anything about Levi’s weed habit, but he knew that Rex wouldn’t like it at all. Levi figured he could get it by him by avoiding him.

  A few minutes in and it was going well. His bodyguard was in the mansion somewhere, but Levi wasn’t sure exactly where. He ended up in the kitchen, looking for something to eat when Rex walked in from the back door and stepped inside.

  One look and Rex’s experienced eyes caught on almost immediately.

  “You’re high again, aren’t you, kid?”

  “No,” Levi lied. He leaned against the kitchen counter and watched Rex as though he was telling the truth, but Rex wasn’t buying it.


  Rex crossed his arms over his chest.

  “I thought I told you not to smoke anymore weed, Levi.”

  Levi narrowed his eyes and pushed off the counter. He walked to Rex, stopping right before him. That angry expression on Levi’s face was adorable. Rex smirked and kept his ground. Levi’s behaviour was almost charming.

  “I’m not supposed to leave the house so I’m staying here. So what, I’m not allowed to have fun now?” Levi complained.

  “There’s plenty of ways you can have fun, kid. Getting high is not one of them,” Rex said. He stayed calm despite Levi’s building temper.

  “I don’t care!” Levi exclaimed. “And screw you, man. I’m not a kid.” Levi stormed off.

  His high was quickly crashing. Levi narrowed his eyes and slammed his bedroom door shut. His heart was beating hard against his ribcage and his breathing was hard. He didn’t know why he was so angry, especially over one word: kid.

  He didn’t like being a kid. Levi hated it when Rex called him that. It reminded him of that night he was rejected. Levi glowered. He pulled his bedroom door open and walked into the bathroom. Levi stripped his top off. He was burning hot and needed to cool down. A shower would do, but he didn’t know if it would be enough.

  Chapter 13

stood in the kitchen even after Levi had stormed off on him.

  If this is what Rex had to put up with for the duration of Wolf’s absence, then he was going to be in for a ride. There was no way Levi was going to back down, especially when Levi’s father wasn’t there to discipline him.

  It was now Rex’s job to do that and he would start that day.

  The boy needed to learn his lesson. If Rex told him not to do something, he expected Levi to listen to him. He may have been a bodyguard, but Rex couldn’t just let Levi walk all over him.

  Walking upstairs, Rex made it to the landing when he saw the door to Levi’s bedroom open. He followed the boy to the bathroom where he stopped and watched Levi pull his shirt off.

  “What the hell do you want?” Levi glared.

  He pulled his pants off and tossed it to the floor, revealing his lean thighs and rounded bottom. Levi didn’t care that he was stripping in front of his bodyguard. He was too upset to care. Next, those boxers were off and landed right by Rex’s feet.

  Levi stepped into the shower, though he hadn’t bothered to shut the clear glass door yet. He adjusted the water as it sprayed down on him, frowning.

  “You need to calm down,” Rex said, trying not to look below Levi’s naked waist.

  The younger male really did have a beautiful tight body and it was difficult for Rex to not look at Levi’s smooth rounded ass and small narrow waist.

  “And you need to fuck off,” Levi responded, livid.

  The boy was all sorts of angry. Being under home arrest, having been rejected and constantly being bored out of his mind seemed to add up and make his anger boil over.

  “Hey,” Rex growled.

  He got close, and pressed a hand against the shower door, keeping it open. He narrowed his eyes on Levi, who returned the look.

  “What?” Levi glared. “What are you going to do about it?”

  In a way Levi could be just as challenging as Diego. He could see the conflicted look on Rex’s handsome face. How his jaw tensed and his eyes hardened on the boy. Levi grinned, knowing Rex could not hit him. But Levi was not trying to get Rex to raise a hand at him. He was trying to get him to do something else, something naughty and exciting.

  As Rex stood there frowning at Levi, one thing was for certain. Rex wanted to teach this brat a lesson. He wouldn’t hurt Levi, but he would make him learn a valuable lesson. The boy needed to learn some respect and discipline.

  The bodyguard was close enough that specks of warm water from the shower head were raining down on his button down shirt and soaking through the white fabric, showing his array of Japanese style tattoos on his broad chest.

  The feeling of being trapped swarmed in Levi’s belly, making him nervous. But the boy was not about to back down. He kept his eyes on Rex, dark hair now feathering around his youthful face. His beautiful grey eyes still narrowed.

  “I know you’re pissed that I didn’t kiss you,” Rex said.

  “Are you going to fix it?” Levi asked.

  When Rex didn’t answer, Levi sighed.

  Instead of pushing Rex away, Levi pushed up onto his toes to close the distance between them and pressed his lips against Rex’s. He expected the bigger man to pull away, but when Rex kissed back, Levi was pleasantly surprised.

  Warm water sprayed down on Rex as he stepped into the shower. His hair, shirt and slacks drenched immediately. He kissed Levi back with enough intensity to leave them both breathless and panting.

  With his arms slung over Rex’s shoulders, Levi pulled back to catch his breath. His mouth remained open as he breathed hard against Rex’s lips. His bodyguard kissed him harder than before and pulled Levi up into his arms.

  Wrapping his legs around Rex’s waist Levi pressed his body up against Rex’s. His bodyguard pulled back and stepped out of the shower. He pulled his lips away again and turned the water off.

  When they made it to Levi’s bedroom, Rex pressed Levi into the bed and kissed him again. Levi kissed back, moving his lips against Rex’s in perfect unison. His eyes closed and his legs still wrapped around Rex’s waist, Levi pushed up against the older male and moaned lowly.

  Rex pulled his lips away to take the drenched shirt off and Levi whined. He wanted Rex so badly that when his bodyguard dared to move away, he reached for him again and pulled him close.

  The wet shirt now on the hardwood floor, Rex worked on removing his slacks. Levi helped, naked body flushed and wet from the shower. He hastily pulled at Rex’s pants, helping the older male pull it off.

  Under Rex’s dark briefs was the large outline of his cock. At the sight of it, Levi’s eyes widened. But he didn’t dare stop what they were doing.

  He had wanted it for a long time. Despite being a little nervous, Levi hooked his thumbs into the fabric of Rex’s briefs and rolled the underwear down muscular thighs in one tug.

  An impressive length sprung out, hard and straining. Levi blushed and covered his own smaller cock with his smooth thighs. But Rex wasn’t having any of that. He gripped onto Levi’s thighs and pushed his legs apart, settling between Levi’s legs.

  “Don’t hide from me,” Rex breathed as he looked down between their bodies.

  It was an erotic sight having the boy under him open and willing to be taken. Rex couldn’t stop himself. He leaned down and pressed his lips against Levi’s heated skin, pressing kisses from his neck down to his navel.

  A shaky breath left Levi’s parted lips. The lips against his skin were already addicting. He loved the way Rex had felt pressed up against him, cock to cock, and how he kissed him. With both hands, Levi pulled Rex’s face up to his and kissed him again. He couldn’t get enough of his bodyguard, and now that they were doing this, Levi knew he would get far more attached.

  “You’ve done this before,” Rex said once he pulled his lips away.

  “I’ve never been on the bottom,” Levi said.

  Rex stopped and gazed down at him. So Levi was the top when that blonde boy was here last time.

  “You are today,” Rex smirked. “You got any lube, kid?”

  “Mhm,” Levi nodded before he pointed at the drawer. He didn’t care that Rex called him kid anymore because he was getting what he wanted.

  Rex got off to grab the small bottle of lube and came back, pinning Levi down again. He poured a generous amount of lubrication onto his fingers and pressed his digits against Levi’s puckered hole. His tattooed finger pushed in smoothly. When he added another, Levi could feel Rex’s fingers stretching him wide.

  It didn’t hurt. Levi closed his eyes and let himself revel in the sensation. His lips parted and he let out a soft moan.

  When Rex was sure that he had stretched Levi out enough, he withdrew his fingers and coated his rock hard cock with lube. He pressed Levi’s thighs open, causing the younger male to blush. Rex’s eyes were on him the entire time, and Levi couldn’t help but tremble from the intensity of it.

  “You ready?” Rex asked.

  “Yeah,” Levi answered shakily.

  The head of Rex’s cock was red and glistening as he rubbed it against Levi’s hole. When he pressed in and started to move slowly, Levi hissed and let out a sudden yell.

  Rex stopped but he didn’t pull half of his length out.

  “You alright?” Rex asked, though he was growing impatient.

  Years of wanting the kid just made Rex want to slam into Levi’s tight little body and fuck him hard into the mattress. But it was Levi’s first time and Rex knew that he had to be gentle.

  “It hurts,” Levi whimpered. He tried to pull back, but Rex was keeping him in place as he slowly eased his cock inside of Levi.

  “I know,” Rex growled. “Be a good boy for daddy and relax.”

  Levi’s cheeks flushed when he heard daddy come out of Rex’s mouth. That sexy rough voice wasn’t helping either. Levi’s cock twitched and he let out a small cry like moan as Rex pushed in deeper.

  The boy was so tight that Rex could feel Levi’s ass clenching down hard on his strain
ing cock.

  “Remember what I said,” Rex husked.

  “O-okay,” Levi breathed.

  It wasn’t easy at first, but slowly Levi had relaxed enough that he was no longer squeezing down on Rex, but instead suctioning him in deeper.

  “Okay what?”

  Levi bit and chewed on his bottom lip.

  “I-I don’t know.”

  “Yes you do know,” Rex chuckled and wrapped a firm hand around Levi’s cock, pumping him slowly. Levi arched his back and whimpered.

  “Okay daddy,” he said right before Rex pressed his entire length into Levi’s lithe body. He let out a low breath and held onto Levi’s waist with both hands.

  “You’re such a good little boy,” Rex murmured as he started rocking against Levi.

  What was he doing? This was the boss’ kid. In his hazy pleasure, Rex ignored rational thought. He wanted one thing and he was getting it.

  At first the pressure was overwhelming, but soon enough Levi was spilling sweet sounds of pleasure. Rex loved how Levi whimpered and moaned as he smoothly thrust into him.

  It was bliss to be inside of Levi. His bodyguard did not think about anything other than the amazing sensation of Levi tightening around him deliciously.

  “Fuck,” he groaned.

  With both hands reached out, Levi pressed his palms against Rex’s rock hard chest and whimpered. By now the rhythm was a constant push and pull, the speed slowly building with every thrust.

  Levi’s cock twitched and pre-cum beaded at the tip. He didn’t know how much longer he could continue. He came with a cry, his seed coating his smooth stomach and chest. Levi panted, watching Rex with lidded eyes as the older male continued to have his way with him.

  When Rex came, it was with a roar. All that pent up frustration he harboured from Levi amounted to this, him spurting thick and deep into Levi’s sweet tight body. He pressed his lips against Levi’s in a passionate kiss. With soft lips, Levi kissed him back and kept him close.

  There was no un-fucking Levi. The deed was done. The moment Rex pulled away and they started to get cleaned up, he realised that Wolf wouldn’t be too pleased to know about what they had done.


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