His Bodyguard

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His Bodyguard Page 5

by Ace Fawn

  Chapter 14

  Two weeks later

  He couldn’t leave the house and he wasn’t allowed to smoke weed, but Levi didn’t care about that anymore. He had Rex, and the night they shared was amazing.

  Throughout the day, Levi couldn’t stop thinking about what his bodyguard had done to him. The thought itself and his raging hormones were enough to turn the younger male on. He couldn’t help it.

  Neither could Rex. He knew that they were not supposed to continue their affair. No one knew about it but Rex knew their little secret wouldn’t last. Levi didn’t seem to care.

  Days in and sex had become their constant fix. Wolf was away for work. Diego was out with his gang majority of the time. They had the whole mansion to themselves and stuck to their pleasure filled activities in the bedroom where no other guards could see or hear anything.

  When Levi was bored he resorted to sex. He didn’t see the need to call anyone else over to fulfil his sexual need. His bodyguard was no longer just that, but a lover too. Rex knew how Levi felt and he wouldn’t stop him either.

  There was the underlying fact that when Wolf came back, all of this would have to stop. Even if it hurt Levi, even if it was hard for him to deal with, Rex knew for a fact that Wolf would not allow this. He wouldn’t be able to hide it from the intelligent mafia boss.

  For the time being, they made the most of their time together.

  In the bedroom, Levi was naked and on his back. His arms were above his head. His wrists were tied together with the expensive silk of Rex’s tie.

  They were already slick with sweat and panting lightly. Having already ravished the boy, Rex trailed kisses down Levi’s warm skin.

  Having Rex’s lips on his skin was amazing. Levi loved the attention and warmth he was receiving from his bodyguard. A soft gasp escaped Levi when he felt those lips on his inner thighs.

  Rex sighed and pulled away. He had a constant reminder that only dawned on him the longer this went on. Days were counting down and this could not continue. Rex untied Levi’s wrists and frowned.

  “We got to stop, kid.”

  “But…” Levi said as he sat up.

  Deep down, Levi knew that he couldn’t be with Rex. Like his bodyguard had said; the world wasn’t fair. Levi was not supposed to be in love with his bodyguard. Wolf wouldn’t allow it and Rex wanted to stop it before anyone even found out.

  “You know we can’t be together,” Rex reminded. “It won’t work out. Your father won’t allow it and you’re still young.”

  “I know,” Levi sighed. He was dejected, but Rex seemed to have made up his mind and Levi wasn’t keen on getting in trouble over their relationship together.

  Without a word, Levi listened. He knew Rex was right. He knew this wouldn’t go on for much longer. As much as it hurt, Levi wasn’t going to fight it. It was obvious that he wouldn’t win this fight.

  “I’ll still be here for you,” Rex told him. “I’ll still protect you. But it also means protecting your heart too.”

  Eyes stinging, Levi nodded. He didn’t want to cry in front of Rex but he couldn’t help it. He slowly pulled the pillow over his crotch and sighed. So this was it.

  “Okay?” Rex asked.

  Everything felt so sudden. The beginning of their short lived romance ended how it had started. Somehow, buried beneath the sadness, Levi was okay.

  “Okay…” Levi managed a small smile. A tear fell from his eye and Rex wiped it away with his thumb.

  Rex shouldn’t have let his desires get the better of him in the first place. He felt bad about letting Levi down like this. At least he was being honest with the kid before he dragged it out any further.

  “But you’re still an asshole,” Levi mumbled. He would get over this and move on. The boy would start to mature as time went on.

  Rex chuckled, making Levi laugh as well. The boy was crying and laughing. He was heartbroken but still smiling.

  The prince of the crime family was a gorgeous boy. Despite his bratty and challenging nature, Levi was much like his own father in his own respect. His characteristics sometimes resembled Diego, but the younger male was well worth it. Levi may have been upset in that moment, but there was no doubt that he would find another lover in no time.


  Sitting out front on the steps of the mansion, Levi hugged his knees and gazed down at his sneakers. Days had gone by, yet he couldn’t get over the low mood that had accumulated in his system.

  He hadn’t even realised Diego walk out and sit on the steps beside him. When he did, Levi was mildly surprised. The gang leader had left enough space between them, but he wasn’t too far away. Close enough. He hadn’t expected Diego to come out here and sit for him. Levi had mostly gotten over what happened to him due to Diego’s planning. But he was still a little sensitive over the topic of his kidnapping.

  “I know what was going on,” Diego started.

  “What are you talking about?” Levi asked, frowning.

  The cigarette between Diego’s fingers was sparked by a small lighter in his other hand. He took a draw from his cigarette and watched Levi silently. Diego appeared to be in thought as he blew the smoke out from the corner of his lips.

  “You and Rex.”

  Out of surprise, Levi narrowed his eyes. How did Diego find out? Had he seen them together like that? Levi wasn’t sure but he knew that this was something he couldn’t deny.

  “Great,” Levi mumbled, a nasally whine dipped in his voice from crying. He wiped his tear away with the back of his hand and let out a shaky sigh.

  Without a word, Diego continued to smoke his cigarette. The day Levi and Rex were in the room having sex, Diego had walked into the house and down the hall to get something he had forgotten. When he heard what was going on, he knew immediately. He stayed quiet about it, though. There was no point in talking about something that didn’t concern him.

  Sitting together with Diego wasn’t so bad. There was a slight breeze and Levi still felt down, but the company he had was almost warming.

  Diego wasn’t much of a ‘let’s sit down and talk’ kind of guy. Even Wolf had a challenge getting Diego to talk about certain topics with him. The young gang leader was more of a guns blazing and crude remarks kind of guy that wasn’t afraid to hurt your feelings. But for some reason, he was giving some of his time to Levi and the boy was silently appreciative of that.

  “Are you going to tell my dad?” Levi asked.


  “Why not?”

  “Kidnapping you was bad enough,” Diego smirked. “I didn’t say sorry about that, did I? Well I’m not going to. I meant that. And I mean it when I say I won’t tell Wolf.”

  Despite Diego’s words, Levi smirked. He knew that Diego was not apologetic. He wouldn’t even apologise for the wrongs he knew he did. Of course Wolf would occasionally teach Diego a lesson about that. But no one was perfect, anyway.

  “I’m not going to tell your daddy, Levi,” Diego assured him seriously as he looked at him. “You’re a man now and your dad’s going to start treating you more like one. But Rex? You’ve got some balls.”

  Without thinking, Levi let out a short laugh. His mood was slowly lifting all thanks to Diego. He liked the fact that Diego was going to keep their secret a secret. Levi smiled for the first time since he sat out there and realised an important fact: he could trust Diego and talk with him when he needed to.

  Wolf was an old school disciplinary type. He was traditional in the way he did things. For sure he would lecture Levi about sleeping with his bodyguard. It wasn’t necessarily allowed in Wolf’s books. But Diego was promising to stay quiet about it, like he didn’t even know or it hadn’t even happened.

  “Thanks,” Levi mumbled. “I didn’t think you wouldn’t say anything about it.”

  “No problem,” Diego smirked.

  Diego didn’t mind Levi. The kid reminded him of himself when he was younger, yet he looked like Wolf. Levi was like a combination of them both. A year
had changed Diego’s view on Levi. In a way, Diego saw Levi like he was his own kid despite their age difference.

  Not one to sit around for long, Diego stubbed his cigarette out and got up. He clapped Levi’s back and didn’t need to speak for Levi to know that he should stop sulking.

  Chapter 15

  A month was up.

  Wolf had returned back to the mansion. The mafia boss had set up a series of plans through work and other means. The main focus was on his son’s bodyguard.

  “Who’s that?” Levi asked with a frown.

  They were in Wolf’s office, where a blonde man with blue eyes stood before him in a suit. He was roughly mid-twenties and had a lean musculature. He was an attractive man, but Levi was concerned.

  “His name is Nick. He’s your new bodyguard,” Wolf answered simply.

  Levi eyed Nick carefully.

  “What about Rex?” Levi asked. The disappointment was evident in his voice. He may have cut it off with Rex, but he still saw the older man as a friend.

  “Rex was only short term,” Wolf answered.

  Just like their relationship, Rex was only Levi’s bodyguard for a short time. Levi frowned. He knew he wouldn’t be able to change his father’s mind. He knew that Wolf was serious about the change in bodyguard.

  At first Levi hated the idea of being separated by Rex. He was getting over their fling together, but he didn’t want to lose a friend either. Without arguing, Levi nodded. He looked at Nick again and shared brief eye contact with his new bodyguard.

  Nick smiled at Levi and he returned the look. Maybe having a new bodyguard wouldn’t be so bad. The blonde man was handsome. Levi couldn’t deny that he felt attraction for Nick, even if they had just met.

  “Am I still under house arrest?” Levi asked. Even though he wasn’t really under house arrest it sure felt like it.

  “You’re free to leave the house,” Wolf told him.

  Most of the enemy gang who had threatened to harm Levi were either dead or severely injured. Diego and Wolf combined had sorted them out after a solid month. They had pulled back on their threat to harm Levi and with that didn’t cause any other trouble to them.

  Finally, Levi smiled. He was still upset about losing Rex as a bodyguard, and dealing with the end of their short lived but exhilarating relationship. But at least he had his freedom back. He could leave the house and it was something to look forward to.

  “Dad…” Levi started as he looked at Wolf. “Can we do something together?”

  After his chat with Rex, Levi remembered everything that his former bodyguard had told him. Wolf did not hate him and he was good with Diego too. Levi wanted to do something with them since he hadn’t in a long time.

  Looking as devilishly handsome as ever, Wolf offered a small smile at his son. He had his arms crossed over his button down shirt as he briefly thought about it. There wasn’t anything else planned for him for the time being. Wolf wanted to spend time with Diego, but his son was also very important to him.

  Wolf ruffled Levi’s dark hair, making the boy smile.

  “Of course we can.”


  When Levi left the office, his new bodyguard followed him.

  “So, what do you like to do?” Nick asked once he had stopped Levi in the hallway.

  “Depends,” Levi grinned. Now much closer to his new bodyguard, Levi took the time to look at Nick carefully.

  His new bodyguard was younger than Rex, but definitely older than Levi. Nick was new, but he seemed nicer than majority of the men Levi had met or known in his young life.

  “Do you…want to go out?” Nick asked.

  Nick was really cute. Levi playfully rolled his eyes. Of course Levi wanted to go out. After weeks being forced to stay home, Levi wanted to go out and make up for all the time he had lost out on.

  “Are you asking me out?”

  “No, yes, well, I was just asking if you were bored or something,” Nick sputtered.

  “Okay,” Levi smirked. “Take me somewhere fun, new bodyguard.”

  They had just met and Levi was already having fun. Nick intrigued him and he was looking forward to the rest of the night with his new bodyguard.


  Days in and Levi had already gotten used to his bodyguard. Nick really was a sweet guy but he was tough and Levi saw firsthand how protective he was over the younger.

  Levi was steadily getting over Rex and their short lived passion and Nick was helping to speed up the process. It was fun while it lasted, though Levi realised how much he preferred Nick’s company over Rex’s. His former bodyguard had been so strict and firm on him. At least Nick was closer to him in age even if he was a little older and had a spark for entertainment much like Levi did. Without a doubt, they had gotten along with each other.

  What Levi looked forward to the most was spending time with his father. Of course his promise was met. Wolf was a man of his word after all.

  In Wolf’s in home cinema, Levi sat with a grin on his face. He was happy and had his popcorn, drink and movie playing. Most importantly, he had Wolf and Diego in there with him.

  His relationship with Diego may have gotten off on the wrong foot, but it was different now. Levi actually was starting to like Diego and the heir to the family was growing on the dangerous gang leader. In a sense, they shared an almost father and son relationship closely rivalling the one Levi had with Wolf.

  It seemed that the only thing he really shared in common with Diego was their interest in movies. It was almost comical how the action packed films held their attention.

  For now they had peace.





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