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Wipeout: A Sweet Teen Romance (Ryder Bay Book 4)

Page 18

by Jordan Ford

  “What?” The air rushes out of me so fast, I’m shocked into freeze-mode.

  He lives in Ryder Bay.

  Have I been right about Reed all along?

  My brain scrambles to figure out who else it could possibly be.

  For a second I entertain the thought of Jace but quickly push it aside. Savannah said his parents sent him here, and I know for a fact that Bass’s parents are divorced, and like Reed, Bass has basically no contact with his father. If Jace’s parents are married and living in Virginia, then that rules out Jace as an option.

  “It can’t be him.” I sigh, surprised, but kind of not surprised, by my disappointment.

  This is a good thing.

  Meeting Bass and connecting with him face-to-face is a really good thing.

  What if it is Reed?

  I try to make it work in my mind. I can kind of see it, but also not. Reed doesn’t seem like a daredevil, but maybe he’s given that up after what happened to his best friend.

  As I think back through our communication since Bass moved, I can’t think of any story from him about jumping from rooftops or doing anything scary bad. Maybe the wake-up call really worked and he’s changed that side of himself.

  “Reed.” I tip my head, then force my brain to entertain other ideas.

  Bass said we know each other. So who else do I know who might send me emails like this? It’s gotta be someone new in town, right?


  A knock on my door snaps my attention, and I spin in my chair and frown. “Who is it?”

  “It’s me,” my sister says, then opens the door before I give her permission. “How are you feeling?”

  I swipe my finger across my mouse pad to put my screen to sleep. I don’t want Savannah reading over my shoulder. She’ll freak out if she knows I’ve been emailing some guy. And she’ll freak out even more if she knows I’m planning on meeting him.

  But if I know him already…

  Damn, I wish he’d just told me in his email.

  I have to get rid of my sister so I can reply and figure this thing out before I go insane.

  “Can we go for a walk?”

  I glance up at Savannah’s question. It’s a Dad tactic that he’s employed for years. Whenever bridges need mending in this house, it starts with a walk and talk.

  With a frustrated wince, I’m about to deny her when I catch sight of the look in her eyes. She’s silently pleading with me. There’s this deep sadness on her face that I just can’t say no to.

  She’s your sister, Lettie. Don’t be a bitch.

  Forcing a smile, I nod and stand. I guess Bass’s email can wait until I get back from this walk.

  Pulling a sweater over my pajama top, I quickly put on some sweats and sneakers and follow Savvy out the door.

  “Where’s Lou?”


  “Cool.” I nod. He’s been having a lot of those lately. Out of the three of us, he’s definitely the most social.

  Shoving my hands in my pockets, I quietly walk beside my sister as we head to the beach. We’ll take the stairs down to the boulders and then meander along the sand. I’m kind of waiting for Sav to get things started, since the walk was her request, but she’s taking her sweet time.

  But the minute our feet touch the sand, she starts talking.

  “I’m sorry about yesterday.” She cringes.

  I blink and try to figure out how to respond. Should I apologize too? I—

  She sighs and shakes her head. “I shouldn’t have hassled Jace that way about his driving. I mean, he was going too fast, and I was legally the only person in the car allowed to be driving people around, but I could have handled it so much better. I just…” She winces. “I just saw the way you were looking at him and it scared me. He’s older than you, and I’m guessing way more experienced in, well…” She glances at me and I give her a droll look. “Aw, come on! He was a party animal back in his old town. He’s more than likely had sex, plus he’s got this dangerous edge to him. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  My cheeks puff out before I expel my breath. “He’s not like that all the time. I’ve seen a real sweetness in him. You’re judging him without knowing him.”

  “I know.” She gives me a pained look.

  “I don’t get it. Your boyfriend did time in juvie. How can you go assuming all this stuff about Jace when you’re dating a bad boy yourself?”

  “Griffin is not bad! He’s got great character, and he didn’t have the luxury of growing up the way we all did. He was a foster kid with a psycho brother. He’s done so incredibly well considering.”

  “Yeah.” I agree. “But Jace has a good character too. He’s been so nice to me.”

  “Why?” Savannah spins to face me. “What does he want?”

  I throw my arms wide. “To be nice to me!”

  Her eyes narrow. “Is that all? Or are you just an easy target?”

  I scowl at her and try to storm away.

  “Wait!” She runs to catch up with me. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I just want you to think about it.” Snatching my wrist, she pulls me to a stop, spinning me around to face her. “Jace was in the principal’s office for having drugs on his first day of school. He was brought home by the police his first weekend here.”

  I swallow, not really wanting to hear this stuff. It makes it too hard to try and defend him. So he’s made some bad choices. I’ve seen his sweetness. I’ve looked into his eyes. He’s real with me. I know he’s good.

  Savannah’s expression crumples. “You may have seen a nice side to him, but at his core…he’s a troublemaker. I’d just so hate for you to end up in the situation I did. You know, with Ripper.” She shudders, and my stomach convulses. It does every time I think about that slimy creep and what he tried to do to Savannah. “What I did was dumb and reckless. I put myself in harm’s way, and it could have ended so badly. I don’t want that for you. I don’t want you to get in over your head. I love you, Lettie. I know you don’t think I do, but I seriously care about you so much. I want you to be happy. Ever since Mom died, you’ve…” Savannah starts to cry, her voice wavering. “It’s like you’ve lost yourself, and I’ve been trying so hard to pull you back.”

  Her tears make my eyes well, and I shake my wrist free of her grasp so I can cross my arms and hold everything in.

  “I know I’m not Mom.” Savannah sniffles. “I want her back too. She’d know exactly what to say. She always had the right words, and the best advice, you know? I miss her so much.”

  My heart swells with an overwhelming affection for my sister. Seeing her so raw and honest like this, seeing through her bright, bossy veneer…

  It makes me want to hug her. It makes me want to be raw and honest too.

  “I miss her. Every day,” I squeak, brushing a tear off my cheek.

  “I’m sorry I can’t be more like her.”

  “I don’t want you to be.” I shake my head. “Please, you gotta stop trying. I just want you to be you. My sister. My friend.” Pressing my arms into my stomach, I look between our feet and swallow. “You’ve got to let me make some mistakes and figure things out on my own. You can’t protect me from everything. It’s not your job.”

  “I know,” she whines. “But it’s really hard not to do it! You’re my kid sister.”

  I sniff and let out a little laugh. “I’m not a kid anymore.”

  She frowns and tucks a lock of hair behind her ear.

  Another wave of affection washes through me, and I can’t deny how sweet it is that she’s trying so hard. With a little sigh, I wrap my arms around her. We’re about the same height now. Dad predicts that I’ll actually end up being taller than Savvy. I kinda like that.

  After a brief pause, her arms wrap around me and she holds on tight. Our sniffles start to fade as we cling to each other, the ocean waves rolling in behind us, a light breeze lifting our hair.

  “I love you, sis,” I whisper in her ear.

  She squeezes me agai
nst her and lets out a watery laugh. “I love you too.”

  I kiss her cheek as I pull out of the hug, then tip my head back toward the stairs.

  She smiles at me and loops her arm through mine as we wander back to the house. We walk in companionable silence; the only sound between us is the odd sniff as our tears fully dry up.

  We’re about midway up the stairs when Savannah finally says, “You know, Reed was asking about you today.”

  I glance at my sister.

  “He really likes you.” She smiles.

  A blush forms before I can stop it. Is he Bass?

  How easy would that be? I can tell by the expression on Savvy’s face that she likes him. And in spite of the fact that he was sent here for getting into trouble, I haven’t seen or heard of him doing one bad thing while he’s been here.

  Plus, he seems to like reading.

  And he brings me sweet treats.

  I could see him at school every day.

  Maybe I do want him to be Bass.

  “Do you like him back?” Savannah asks when we reach the stairs.

  “I don’t know.” I shrug, not daring to give away what I’ve been up to online.

  Savannah grins. “That blush tells me you like him a little, and… well, you should go for it. If you like him back, then go for it. He seems really nice and sweet.”

  I grip the railing, my lips pressing into a thin line.

  “And I mean, I know you say Jace is too. I’m not trying to meddle, I just think Reed makes sense, you know?”

  “Yeah, I know.” I nod.

  “But you do what you want.”

  I snicker and shake my head. Poor Sav. She really is trying, even though I can tell by her tone that she doesn’t mean it.

  I keep the thought to myself, and we make it home in peace.

  As our house comes into view, I slow my steps when I spot Reed’s uncle’s car in our driveway.

  “Speak of the devil.” Savannah winks at me.

  I nudge her and gasp, “Did you invite him here?”

  “No, of course not. I wouldn’t do that without asking you first.”

  “So why is he here, then?”

  Savannah giggles. “Maybe to see you. Duh.”

  Reed comes running out of our doorway, and I quickly tell her to shut up.

  “Hey.” He looks super excited as he comes up the path. “I was hanging out until you got back. I hope that’s okay. Drew really wanted to see Lou’s new Lego creation, and I just couldn’t say no, so I drove them over. I didn’t know you weren’t home.” He cringes. “Louis let us in with his key. I hope it’s okay that I stuck around. I obviously didn’t want to leave the boys in an empty house, and they seem really settled. Is it okay if Drew stays for a while? I know it’s getting close to dinnertime, but I’m not sure how easy it’ll be to drag him away from Lou’s awesome collection.”

  “No problem.” Savannah beams. “Drew’s welcome here anytime. And so are you.” She brushes past him, heading for the front door, then spins behind his back and starts wiggling her eyebrows at me and drawing invisible hearts in the air.

  I do my best to ignore her, nerves skittering through me as he stops right beside me and gently takes my hand.

  What is he doing?

  Pulling off his shades, he gazes down at my face. His brown, almond-shaped eyes drink me in like this is the first time he’s really seen me before.

  “I can’t believe it’s you.” He skims his knuckles down my cheek. “Snap dragon.”

  My lips part with surprise. “Bass?”

  “The one and only.” His smile grows, his dark eyes sparkling with delight.

  I can’t believe it.

  “I really wanted it to be you. I was getting so confused, hanging out with you at school but then liking this girl online. But it’s you,” he whispers, his voice kind of awestruck. “It’s been you this whole time, my little snap dragon.”

  Words fail me as I gaze up at him.

  It’s kind of weird how Jace keeps popping into my head.


  He’s not Bass.

  Reed is.

  Which is what I’ve been wondering all along.

  And this is a good thing.

  Reed is easy.

  Jace is complicated.

  Yet still, his face plays in the back of my mind, and his sizzling kiss and the strength of his hands.

  “Do you want to go out with me tonight?” Reed lifts my hand and brushes his lips across the back of my knuckles. “We could hang out. Talk face-to-face.”

  I can’t help my smile.

  Talking to Bass face-to-face. This is what I wanted.

  “Okay,” I manage to whisper.

  “Perfect.” He grins, then looks down at what I’m wearing. “Do you want to change first?”

  I laugh. “Most definitely. Give me fifteen minutes.”

  “Take as long as you like. I’ll just wait out here.” His wink tickles my insides, and I rush into the house.

  “Savvy!” I yell her name as I double-time it up the stairs.

  For once, I actually need her help in a very big way.

  When it comes to fashion sense, I suck and Savvy rules.

  It’s time to borrow some of her pretty power.

  Rushing into my room, I instinctively look to my laptop. The screen is still dancing with the screensaver image I left it on. Looks like I won’t have to email Bass back after all. I close the lid and spin as Savvy walks into my room.

  “What is it?”

  “Date. First date. Help. Freaking out.”

  She starts to laugh. “When?”

  “N-now. Like right now. He’s going to take me out now.”

  “He asked you just now?”

  “Yes! What do I do?”

  “You said yes?”


  Savannah starts to laugh again. “Okay, well, great. Let’s find you a dress.”

  “Is Dad gonna mind?” I cringe, the thought only just occurring to me.

  “I’ll cover for you. Reed’s a nice guy. Just make sure he gets you home by ten. I don’t think it’ll be an issue. Drew can stay here for dinner. I’ll get him to call his mom. Just leave it with me.”

  “Okay.” My head bobs erratically as the nerves kick in even worse than before.

  Savvy giggles, capturing my fidgeting hands. “Don’t stress. Just be yourself. You’re beautiful, intelligent and sweet. He’d be crazy not to like you.”

  Crazy not to like me.

  That’s what Jace said.

  His sweet smile whistles through me as I follow Savvy into her room and start hunting out the perfect dress. For Reed. Not Jace. This night is all about Reed.


  It’s a Mystery


  Halfway to Lettie’s house, I start to lose my nerve, so I pull down a side road and rehearse exactly what I’m going to say to her.

  Pulling out my phone, I reread my last message. She hasn’t replied yet, which is okay.

  If she doesn’t read the email before I see her, then I’ll just explain what I said.

  “Shit,” I murmur, resting my head back against the seat and closing my eyes.

  She was worried about being a disappointment, but she has no idea. How could she ever disappoint anyone?

  Me, on the other hand?

  My insides stir with a mixture of desire and dread.

  I so want to see Lettie, but I so don’t want to be a letdown.

  Indecision reigns for I don’t know how long. I nearly chicken out twice. In fact, I actually make the decision to head back to Denee’s house, but when I get to the main road, I head right up the hill.

  I can’t turn away from her. I have to see her at least once. I have to look into her eyes when she figures out the truth. I can’t not be afraid of roof jumping but run in fear at the idea of talking to the sweetest person I know.

  “You’re ridiculous,” I mutter to myself as I drive at the speed limit up the hill and turn into Clifto
n Terrace.

  Pulling into Lettie’s driveway, I hold the wheel for a few minutes, collecting myself before shouldering open the door and walking up the path.

  Savannah answers after I knock, her eyebrows lifting in surprise before settling into an unimpressed frown.

  “Hey, Savannah.”

  “Jace.” She clips my name.

  We stare at each other for a long beat, me shuffling my feet while she crosses her arms, waiting.

  Waiting for the dreaded S-word.

  “S-sorry,” I eventually manage. “I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry I was driving too fast for the conditions. I’m sorry we nearly had an accident.”

  After a long beat, Savannah nods without smiling. “Thanks for the apology.”

  I swallow and give her a closed-mouth smile. “Is Lettie here? I need to apologize to her as well.”

  Savannah’s lips twitch with a little grin. “Actually, she’s not. She’s on her very first date.”

  “A date?” I frown, unable to hide my confusion.

  “Yeah.” Savannah’s obviously excited about this, and it’s only freaking me out more.

  Lettie is on a date?

  What the hell!

  “Who with?” I croak.

  She fights a grin. “This guy from our school. Reed. You don’t know him.”

  “Reed,” I whisper. “Asian dude. Yeah, I’ve met him.”

  “Oh, okay.” She seems surprised by this but keeps on talking without asking me how I’ve met the guy. “I think he’s been into Lettie for a while and he’s finally found the guts to ask her out.”

  “And she said yes. Just like that?” I snap my fingers.

  “Ye-ah.” Savannah draws out the word. “Why wouldn’t she? Reed’s a nice guy.” The pointed way she’s saying all this shit is making me wonder if she’s silently saying, Reed’s good. You’re not. Stay the hell away from my sister.

  I swallow and look to the ground, scratching the back of my neck, unable to ignore my roiling confusion.

  “Jace?” Savannah gets my attention. “What’s your problem with Reed? Are you jealous or something?”

  I have no doubt in my mind that as soon as I’ve wrestled out from under this confusion cloud, jealousy will lynch me, but right now I just need to figure out what the hell is going on.


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