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This Beautiful Thing (Young Love Series)

Page 3

by Amanda Heath

  Laughing I say, “You sound like you are more invested then me!”

  “Well you are my last single sister so I have to live vicariously through you.” She laughs along with me. “Married life is boring and I will only have sex with one man for the rest of my life.” She wiggles her eyebrows suggestively.

  “Ha! Okay Jess I’ll give you every gory detail from now on.” I smirk and bump my hip into hers.


  I’m sitting on the side lines in full uniform watching the game. I’m a red shirt freshman and proud of it. I love that I don’t have the pressures of the game but all the practices. I get to stay in shape and keep my skills sharp but none of the anxiety.

  I’m trying to get my masters in law so I’ll be in school for a lot longer than four years. I was all-state my senior year and I had several scholarships thrown out there but I wanted to stay in Arkansas with my little brother.

  My dad thinks I’m crazy but he isn’t ever around and Marcus would be here mostly on his own. My dad owns a big company and travels a lot. Since he started it here, he built his house here and started his family but then my mom ran off with her trainer and we haven’t seen her since. Hardly ever see my dad either. He is always off on some business trip or a vacation.

  Good riddance I say neither one of them did anything for Marcus or me but ruin our lives. So instead of waiting around for them to raise us, I did. And I think I did a good job at least were Marcus is concerned. He’s a good kid and his head is in the right place.

  I concentrate on the game and cheer Jaden on in my head. He’s a good dude and I’m glad he’s on my team this time. We met a couple of years ago when he still played as defensive linesman. He broke my collar bone and I broke his arm. We have been good friends ever since. We talked on the phone a lot but since we played on rival teams we didn’t go out in public. I used to joke that he was my mistress. He didn’t find this funny. Football is Jaden’s life and I don’t blame him. He can go somewhere with it.

  He also has a younger sister that goes to school with us. I bet I can get him to let me talk to her. He and his twin are way too protective of her. It gets to the point where I don’t think they let her do much of anything.

  She might know my mystery girl. Girls notice everybody. Or at least Claire does and I’m not asking her.

  I’m not friends with any girls myself and I know I hookup a lot but I don’t form relationships with any of them. And I stay away from the cheerleaders since Claire is on their team. Speaking of which they have been giving me death glares all night long, guess they know about Claire’s nose. I guess I can count Grace out of that. Jaden has the hugest crush on her and I don’t blame him. She’s smoking hot and the sweetest person ever. Her and Claire do not get along.

  The game is almost over with ten seconds on the clock and us with the ball. Doesn’t matter if we score though since we are already winning twenty-two to twelve, which will put as at six wins and two loses. And with it being a win Jaden should be in a great mood.


  After the game and showers Jaden and I walk out to my truck. Betty is my baby. She is a 2012 Chevy Silverado with an extended cab and six inch lift. She was a graduation gift from my dad. He may not ever be around but he is a great gift giver.

  “Where’s the party at tonight?” Jaden asks as we climb into the cab. The interior has nice plush black leather seats softer then a baby’s butt.

  “Over at Kyle’s his parents own a cabin out in the woods. He told me he’s gonna have a bonfire and a couple of kegs.” I put the keys in the ignition and get her revved up.

  “Cool. Can we stop over at the girl’s dorm? My sister drove my car back to town and I just got to grab my keys.”

  “Yeah, but about you sister…”I trail off because I don’t know how he is going to react.

  He whips his head around to look at me. “What about her? You don’t know her do you?”

  “No I don’t know her, I just need to ask her a question.” I really hope he doesn’t punch me.

  “If you don’t know her why do you need to ask her a question?” He doesn’t sound mad just curious and I hope he stays that way.

  “Last night I hooked up with a girl, and I don’t know her name. I’m hoping she can help me find her.” I pause looking for the right words. “It’s not some random hook-up to me either. I can’t stop thinking about her and I feel like I might go crazy if I don’t figure out who she is.”

  He looks at me like he’s never seen me before. “Wow, who are you and what did you do with the Declan Sage I know?” he shakes his head and laughs. “I can’t believe you are hung up on a girl. Hell you never said things like that about Claire. Yeah you can ask my sister. I want to meet this girl who has you out of control.”

  I look at him confused, “What do you mean out of control?” and I really am confused because I’m never out of control.

  “Declan I have known you a long time and not once have you expressed any kind of feeling that wasn’t what you wanted me to see. I can tell your uncomfortable talking about them and that’s cool. I just want you to know that I’m here for you.” He laughs under his breath and continue, “I know that is cheesy or whatever but you are so controlled all the time that you aren’t real with me a lot.”

  “I don’t really know what to say to that.” I say because I really don’t.

  “I know you have your brother but maybe you need someone outside of your family that knows about your parents to talk to. My family is crazy too and I know it can get overwhelming. Look what I’m trying to say is you don’t have to hide things from me. I care about you, you’re my bro. I’m a real friend to you man I don’t judge and I won’t put you down.” He finishes and gives me a pointed look.

  I rub my hand down my face in my signature nervous move. “That’s cool Jaden I appreciate it.”

  He laughs out loud this time. “No problem. I got to call my sister and tell her to meet us in the lobby.”

  I drive on while he pulls out his cell phone and dials her. I try not to listen but I’m even more nervous that she won’t help me. “Hey Teag, look I’m almost to your dorm.” He pauses while she says something. “Yeah ill meet you in the lobby, and put some clothes on. I have Declan with me.” He scowls as she says something else. “Just put on some pants. I know you are getting ready to go to bed. And he is coming in because he needs a favor.” The pause is longer this time and he has an ever growing smirk on his face. “You’ll just have to find out missy prissy. Bye I’ll see you in five minutes.”

  Chapter 5


  I wonder what the ever wonderful Declan Sage could want from me. I haven’t ever met him but Jaden has known him forever. Apparently he is a great quarterback and that will earn brownie points with my brother.

  Grace and I have been looking through Facebook for my mystery guy. No luck so far and I’m starting to get discouraged. “It’s ok Teagan we will find him if I have to go through every guy that goes to this school.”

  I laugh, “Ok Grace, I got to go down to meet my brother and his friend. Apparently he needs a favor.”

  “Who is it?” she asks swirling her desk chair around to face me.

  “Declan Sage. They have been friends forever. I’m surprised that Jaden is letting him even talk to me.” I say as I pull my jeans on. I had been wearing yoga shorts for bed but Jaden would die if I walked down in those.

  “Oh my god! He is totally hot! I would lick him from head to toe.” She states with a coy look on her face.

  “I wouldn’t know I haven’t ever seen him before.” I chuckle at her face and walk to the door.

  “Oh you’ll forget about this other guy the second you see him! He’s like the hottest guy ever!” she squeals as she spins around in her chair.

  I full out laugh at her and head out the door. We live on the top floor and I have to take the four flights of stairs down to the lobby. I hate these stairs and wish that this building had an elevator.

hoping if I can do this favor for Declan then maybe he would help me find my guy. I get excited and hurry down. I know he is friends with my brother but I might be able to talk him into keeping it from him.

  As I walk out the stairway door I realize that they are already here. It’s Saturday night and this place is pretty empty. The chairs were you usually see girls studying or watching TV are empty except for my brother and his friend. Declan is sitting with his back to me so I can’t see if he is the hottest guy ever like Grace says. I probably wouldn’t think so anyways simply for the fact that mystery guy is the hottest ever, well to me anyway.

  Jaden is standing up and waving his hands in an animated way. I guess they are talking about the game. As I approach Jaden stops talking and holds out his arms for a hug. I go into them and feel like a little kid. I mean come on he is over a foot taller than me. I sneak a pick at Declan and all the color drains out of my face.

  It’s him and he has the same look on his face that I’m sure I have. I’ll give him credit though because when Jaden lets me go Declan snaps out of it and puts a polite smile on his face. He takes the few steps over to us and holds out his hand. “Hey Teagan, it’s nice to meet you. Jaden has told me a lot about you.”

  He looks at me pointedly and I grab his hand for the shake. My palm tingles where it touches his. “It’s nice to meet you too Declan. I can say the same about you.” I reply as he lets my hand go. “I have to get back up to my room, my roommate is ready to start our movie night, so give me your number and we can figure out that favor.”

  He nods. “Sounds like a plan; we have a party to get too also.” I take my phone out of my pocket. I hand it over to him and he makes a point to touch me when he takes it. He presses some buttons and then he is placing it back in my hand.

  We say our goodbyes and I start the walk back up the stairs to my room. I hardly notice the trip because my mind is on Declan Sage. I realize now why he seemed so familiar. There is a picture of him and Jaden at a lake party a couple of years ago up in Jaden’s bedroom. His hair was longer so I guess that’s why I didn’t make the connection before now.

  When I walk into the room Grace is bouncing up and down. “So he is the hottest guy you have ever seen right?” she blurts out after I have sat down on my bed.

  “Yeah he is the hottest guy ever. I also hooked up with him last night.” I tell her. I feel like I’m in a daze. I like him so much and haven’t stopped thinking about him since I woke up this morning and now all my hopes are crushed.

  “Oh my freaking god, you totally almost had sex with Declan Sage.” She sets down next to me on my bed. She looks like she is in as much of a daze as I am.

  “Yeah and here’s the kicker, he’s my brother’s best friend.” I drop my head into my hands. Why is fate so cruel? I could hide a boy my brothers didn’t know from them, but not one of their best friends.

  “That blows hon. I don’t know what to tell you. Jaden and Caden are like wardens and you’re a psycho prisoner.” She rubs my back as if to calm me.

  “He gave me his number do you think I should text him?” I ask hoping she says yes.

  “Heck yes! Oh my god this is great. Y’all could be like all secret and stuff. A modern Romeo and Juliet!” she exclaims.

  “I don’t think I would go as far as Romeo and Juliet, Grace. I mean they did kill themselves.” I laugh when she gets what I’m saying.

  “True but I’m not saying that you have to kill yourselves or anything, I just think y’all should keep it from Jaden. He would totally flip.”

  “Wait, I don’t even know if he feels the same way as me. So let’s not write wedding vows or anything.”

  “I think he totally wants you, you’re so much better than Claire. Gah I hate that witch.” She sneers.

  “Who is Claire?” I ask.

  “His ex-girlfriend and she is a mean person, which is probably why someone broke her nose.” She smiles at this.

  I don’t and for the second time this night all the blood drains out of my face. “I was that someone.”

  “What? How did you leave that out of your story? That is almost as major as you hooking up with Declan!” she says excitedly.

  “You know I can get violent when I drink and she threw a drink in my face getting it all over my signed Avenged sevenfold shirt.”

  She shrugs her shoulders like this is nothing. “It’s whatever she deserved it and more. Go ahead and text him please! This is the most excitement I have had in weeks.”


  I can’t believe I almost had sex with Jaden sister. I should have made the connection sooner. She had the same shade of black hair he does and he always talks about how tiny she is. I should forget about her because he will kill me if he ever finds out. But I’m not that strong and that’s why when she texted me asking me to meet her in the parking lot of her dorm, I said yes.

  After seeing her in the lobby I told Jaden I wasn’t feeling well and wanted to go home. He was a good sport about it and left to go to Kyle’s party in his car. I shouldn’t have made the block and parked back in the dorm parking lot and waited on her to text me. She didn’t disappoint, only ten minutes passed before she did.

  I see her walk out the doors and my heart stops. She is so freaking beautiful. I can’t take my eyes off of her. It’s like I’m the snake and she is the charmer.

  I shake my head and jump out of the truck. She is standing near the doors looking around for me, so I call out her name. Teagan. What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. I’m just happy I know what it is now.

  She jumps at the sound of my voice and I whence for shocking her. She takes a deep breath and walks over to me. I stick my sweaty hands into my jean pockets. It seems like it is slow motivation as she makes her way to me.

  She sticks her hands in her hoodie pouch when she gets a few feet away. She shifts from one foot to another as if she is nervous. Little does she know that she doesn’t have to be. She has nothing to be scared of with me.

  I take in her black hoodie which has a picture of Lady Gaga on it. I move down to her skinny jeans that fit to perfection around her hips and legs. I almost laugh when I see the fuzzy black slippers on her feet. I go back up to her heart shaped face and look into her emerald eyes framed by thick lashes and her wild curly hair.

  “Hey.” I say like a dumbass.

  “Hey.” She repeats.

  “You wanna sit in the truck? It’s kind of cold out here.” I ask her.

  “Sure.” She backs up and goes around the front of my truck and climbs into the passenger seat.

  I take a second to calm my raging nerves and climb in the driver’s seat. As soon as I get in I turn the key and making the heater come on.

  Before I get a chance to say anything she blurts out, “I just want you to know, I don’t usually do what I did last night.”

  I can’t help but to chuckle. “I know you don’t.”

  “Oh my god, you could totally tell I don’t have an experience. I’m so embarrassed.” Her face turns a bright pink when she realizes what she said. “I can’t believe I just said that.”

  I’m stunned stupid for a second. “Wait, you’re a virgin?” not the best tact believe me but it just came out.

  She whispers, “Yes.”

  “Fuck.” Is all I can say.

  “Yeah.” She says.

  “Well I’m really glad that we didn’t go any further. Jaden is already going to kill me for touching you.” I say dragging my hand down my face.

  “Well I didn’t want it to stop. I’m sorry I fell asleep.” She blurts out. I can tell she didn’t mean to say that out loud by the look on her face.

  I turn towards her and lean my arms on the middle console. “Teagan I didn’t want it to stop either, but if we had finished I would have been so ashamed of myself. It’s bad enough that I didn’t even ask you your name.”

  She turns towards me and lets out a heavy breath. “You don’t regret it?” she asks looking me straight in the eyes.

I feel like I’m falling and I don’t want to stop. “No baby not at all.”

  She shivers when I say baby and I’m glad she likes it. “So what is the favor that you needed?”

  I laugh because she changed the subject and I simply say, “You.”

  “Huh?” she questions confused.

  “I needed you to find you. I had no idea who you were and I don’t have any friends that are girls. My guy friends would think I was crazy asking if they knew who you were.” I finish with a laugh when understanding falls over her face.

  “I had no idea who you were either. Well I knew you were a football player. I couldn’t ask Jaden because he would want to know why. Grace and I were looking for you on Facebook.” She smiles and I feel like I could die happy.

  “You are so beautiful when you smile.” I blurt out and I can’t believe I said that out loud. I’m such a dork.

  When she licks her lips I lock onto the movement and before I know it I’m brushing my lips up against hers. I only meant to peck her but her lips open up underneath mine and I can’t help but slide my tongue in her mouth. She curls hers against mine and I can’t seem to get enough air. This kiss goes on and on. Its feels so good I never want it to end.

  She pulls back to rise up on her knees and before I know it I have pulled her across the console into my lap. She feels great on top of me as she looks into my eyes and I can’t help but be blinded by the beauty of her. I run my hands up her arms, over her neck and into her hair. It’s soft like silk as I nudge her head down to mine. Our lips meet again and it’s almost more than I can take.

  I pull my hands down over her back and let my fingers grip her hips. I try to hold her still while she presses up against me but she won’t have any of it. She starts to grind her hips against my hardness and if she doesn’t stop I’m going to blow. She moans low and deep and it’s the most beautiful sound in the world.

  I raise my head up to her ear. “Teagan, you shouldn’t do that.” I whisper.


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