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This Beautiful Thing (Young Love Series)

Page 11

by Amanda Heath

  I lick his sex a few more times before I feel bold enough to stick my mouth to it. I close my mouth around the head and slowly suck it into my mouth. I feel my face stretch around his girth. Yeah I’m not going to be able to fit the whole thing in my mouth so I place one of my hands around the base as I start to move up and down his length faster. My hand takes care of the places I can’t reach and it bumps into my mouth as I bob up and down. I get the shock of my life when I feel Declan’s hands dig into my wild hair. He’s moaning and groaning softly. I’m glad to see that he didn’t stop me when he woke up.

  He uses his hold in my hair to move me up and down his length faster and I love every second of it. Before I realize what’s going on he reaches down and pulls me up the bed. I’m now underneath him and he has this crazy wild look in his eyes. Maybe I shouldn’t have woken the lion. He unties my silky pink robe to discover I have nothing on underneath. He doesn’t say anything as he leans in to give me a harsh kiss. Ours tongue are in a dangerous dance and I find myself arching into him. He moves his kisses down my body. Over my neck, down the valley between my breasts, over my flat stomach and onto my sex.

  He stops there lifting his head as he trails a finger down my wet folds. “Your wet for me baby. Did sucking my dick turn you on?” he asks me with a cocky grin on his face.

  I’ll I can do is nod as he sticks his tongue out and swipes it across my sex. My back bows off the bed. Damn that feels so good. He proceeds to torture me by sucking on my nub of nerves. I think I moan his name and I hear him chuckle.

  It feels like it goes on for hours but it can’t be for more than a minute. With him sucking and thrusting his tongue into me I don’t last long before I have a pillow shoved into my face to muffle my scream of pleasure.

  When I come back down to earth I notice that he has taken the pillow from my face and he’s looking into my eyes and I know what he is going to say before he says it. “I’m ready.”

  That’s the only warning I get before I feel his rock hard length pushing into me. He’s bigger than I expected and I really don’t think he’s going to fit. He watchs my face intently and I know that he will stop if I show any sign of pain. He’s going slowly so my body can adjust to his invasion. When he is all the way in I let a sigh of relief. That wasn’t near as bad as I thought it was going to be.

  “You okay baby?” he questions me.

  To answer I throw my arms around his neck and thrust my hips up to meet his. He groans into my ear and then he starts to thrust too. Slow at first but his tempo gets stronger and stronger. All I can hear is the slapping off our sweaty skin and the grunts and moans coming from each of us.

  He brings his head back down to my ear where he whispers “Come for me baby, I’m not going to last long.” Shivers rock my body and I find myself rubbing that special spot on my body that makes everything more intense. It’s not long before I feel that tingle that means I’m about to blow.

  “MMM I’m almost there…” I trail off as I thrash my head from side to side. Its builds to an intense heat and I finally feel it explode and all I see is bright light. That was so much better then when we are just fooling around. I feel my sex clench around him dragging him in even further. I feel him tense above me and his movements get jerkier and then he’s kissing my lips as I shallow his yell of pleasure.

  He falls down beside me and curls me around him like he is afraid to let me go. “Yeah I don’t know if that was the stupidest or smartest idea we have ever had.”


  “Why stupidest?” she asks rubbing her hand up and down my stomach.

  “Because my dumbass didn’t put a condom on. You get me so wrapped up in you I forget the most important thing.” I rub my hand down my face in frustration. I can’t believe I didn’t even think to put a condom on.

  “It’ll be okay. We’ll use one from now on and I’ll get on the pill. I don’t know why I didn’t do that in the first place since I knew I would talk you into it sooner or later.” She looks up at me and I kiss her sweaty forehead.

  “Yeah but we are in a world of hurt if you end up pregnant. I’ll be dead the second you tell Jaden. Jesus why am I so dumb?” I stare at the white ceiling as she continues to rub her hand up and down my stomach in a comforting touch.

  “I won’t end up pregnant. Fate can’t be that evil. I’m not some sixteen year old girl who said it was okay for her boyfriend to not wear a condom because he doesn’t like them.” She laughs but I don’t think she even believes that.

  We quickly fall asleep naked and wrapped around each other. Just before dawn Teagan gets up kissing me good bye to return to her own room before anybody else wakes up. I suddenly miss her and wish we were at my house were we don’t have to hide the fact that we are together. Marcus doesn’t give a shit what we do.

  A couple of hours later after a shower I head downstairs to get some breakfast. It’s pretty late morning since I don’t like to get up early. The smell of coffee and pancakes reaches my nose before I even enter the spacious kitchen. Teagan is already sitting down next to Grace their heads bent together talking in angry whispers. Mrs. Harper is at the stove flipping the pancakes humming a pleasing tune. I head over to the girls and their heads pop up at my approach. “What are you two talking about so intensely?”

  “Nothing to worry your pretty little head about.” Grace smiles sweetly at me and I wonder if they were talking about me.

  Teagan reads my mind and shakes her head no as Jaden and Caden elbow their way past each other to enter the kitchen. Jaden comes over to kiss Grace who accepts with a bright smile. That’s when I hear a glass break on the other side of the room. “Caden Gabriel Harper that’s belonged to your grandmother god rest her soul!” Mrs. Harper exclaims.

  “Sorry mom it slipped out of my hand.” He explains with a blush to his cheeks.

  “Well you better learn how to hold things the right way boy.” She throws him a dirty look and points her spatula at him

  “Poor Caden a grown man and still getting spanked by his momma.” Jaden taunts him.

  “Jaden Vincent Harper you better watch your mouth because I can still wash it out with soap young man. Acting that way doesn’t make either of you grown. You best remember that.” I would hate to be on her bad side.

  Teagan and Grace exchange a look. I really want to know what’s going on there. Caden walks by and Grace gets a hurt look on her face when he doesn’t make eye contact. Yeah I definitely want to know what’s going on.

  After breakfast I go up to corner Teagan. When I walk in after checking to make sure no one sees she is sitting on her bed with her kindle reading away. I don’t think she even noticed that I walked in. “What are you reading Beautiful?” I ask startling her.

  “Oh hey I’m reading a romance novel. I’m just at the good part. What’s up?” she is avoiding my eyes so I know she doesn’t want to talk about what was going on in the kitchen.

  “I want to know what’s going on with Grace, Jaden, and Caden.” I cross my arms over my chest so she will get the point that I’m serious. Jaden is my best friend and if Grace is playing him he deserves to know.

  “Fine I knew you were going to bug me about it.” She sets the kindle to the side and sits up tucking her wild hair behind her ears. “I’m not going to go into detail with you because it’s none of your business. Grace isn’t playing Jaden she actually wants things to work out between the two of them. Caden is making it hard because he won’t let her go. I’ve talked to him she’s talked to him, hell even Jaden has talked to him. He is kind of looking like a stalker at this point. Maybe you should talk to him.” She taps her index finger on to her dainty chin in a serious thinking face.

  “I wouldn’t even know where to begin to talk to him about it. I’ve had like one conversation with the guy and I think we both grunted through it.” She starts to look worried so I comfort her with my next words. “But for you I will do anything so I’ll go find him and have a chat okay?”

  “Thank you. You’re like
the best boyfriend ever!” she laughs and jumps into my arms placing kisses all over my face.

  Chapter 17


  Grace has gotten herself into a pickle. And no before you even ask I’m not telling you what kind of pickle either. That’s her business and I’m sure you’ll find out later. Anyways on to other things. My lovely brother Forest decided that we needed to go out since we haven’t spent much time together in ages. I for one I’m looking forward to it. Declan isn’t all the happy but only for the fact that he won’t get to see me all day. It will give him time to talk to Caden. I hope he can get through to my knuckle headed brother.

  “You ready to go baby girl?” Forest asks me from the front door of the house. I guess I went off into la la land on the couch. Happens sometimes.

  “Yeah I’m ready to go.” I’ll tell you right now Forest and daddy will be the only two people on this planet who will get away with calling me baby girl.

  “Good our movie is in like twenty minute I don’t want to be late.” He waves his arm in a hurry up motion. I chuckle and head out the door to his shiny new mustang. Forest’s wife, Holly left him a couple of months ago leaving him with Hailey on his own. Sarah and daddy watch her all the time for him but it gets kind of hard with them being an hour away. Holly was a total bitch I don’t know why he married her to begin with. She decided that she wanted to be a model up in New York City and he hasn’t heard from her since. Good riddance I say.

  The car ride is silent and I know he’s going to say something about Declan. Seems everyone knows but the twins but those two have always been about number one, themselves.

  “So this Declan guy he treats you good right?” and here comes the interrogation.

  “Yes Forest he treats me very good. He takes me on actual dates to actual places. He opens my car door for me and pulls my chair out for me when we eat at a restaurant. He lets me pick what we watch on TV and what movie we get to see. Though don’t beat him at anything because he is a sore loser. Oh and he doesn’t get scared off by my temper. I get mad at him quite a bit and he lets me yell out my anger without even getting pissed off.” I smile like a big goof ball knowing I sound totally ridiculous.

  “Wow he is like the perfect guy or what?” Forest rolls his eyes. “Hell by the sound of him I would want to date him myself.”

  “He’s not perfect by a long shot but he is perfect towards me and that is all any of you could ask. I don’t understand why every single one of you feels the need to be overbearing. Well maybe not Jess and MayMay but still it gets really annoying. I’m nineteen years old I don’t need any of you to raise me anymore. If he wasn’t a good guy I wouldn’t be with him.”

  “Well it’s called the youngest sister syndrome. Plus you’re extra special because you aren’t laid back like the rest of us. You are out there in the world’s face telling it not to piss you off. I don’t have to worry about Marie because she wouldn’t date or marry anybody who she couldn’t control. Jessica is a ball buster but still she likes them agreeable. You? No you are the one who would bring home a bad boy covered in tats and piercings giving dad a heart attack. You and me? Yeah we go after the ones we can’t hold on too. Now I’m not saying you can’t hold on to Declan by any shot I’m just saying that we shoot for more than we can handle. But he seems to be pretty laid back and really into you. The twins are idiots because I don’t see how they can’t tell y’all have something going on. They are in your circle of friends for crying out loud.” He huffs knocking his knuckles into the steering wheel.

  “They have their hands full with Grace at the moment. I personal hope they keep out of the loop. I don’t want Jaden to lose his best friend because he can’t put his hurt behind him. And he will be hurt that we didn’t tell him from the bat. We have our reasons but still that doesn’t make it right and at this point I don’t know whether we should tell him or not.”

  “What do you mean they have their hands full with grace?”

  “Exactly what it sounds like. They both want her and most of the time she can’t decide who she wants. I would drop both of them on their asses because they are both self-centered and stupid. I keep telling her this too but she won’t listen.”

  “Well who do you think she will end up with?”

  “Jaden. Definitely Jaden because he is the one to cause her less drama. She’s got a hurtful past and all she can see with Caden is hurt in her future. Besides I don’t think she likes him all that much anyway.”

  “I bet that is rubbing him raw. He can’t stand to not be at the center of the world. It will be good for him I think. Both of them. Cade needs some rejection in his like and Jaden actually needs a girl in his. Someone needs to soften that poor guy out.”

  That’s what I love about Forest. His personal life might suck right now but he still notices everything around him. Nothing escapes his notice and if he can fix a problem he does. Before long we arrive at the movie theater and of course he picks out the new zombie thriller. The next two hours are going to be so much fun. Not.


  I find Caden in a room buried deep in the back of the house. Its facing the back of the property and the view is breath taking. When the sunsets it comes through the windows adding a beautiful glow making the whole thing peaceful. The tree line gives way to a lake out in the back with the most pretty blue water I have ever seen. There’s a flower garden right outside the windows. I bet during the summer there are flowers of ever color out there. Right now everything is dead but the gazebo out there makes up for it. Painted candy apple red with white trim it fits right in with the stone walkway and matching stone benches.

  Caden is sitting in the middle of the room on a stool in front of a canvas featuring a beautiful blonde woman. The room itself is plain. With hardwood floors and white walls. You can tell he has been painting in here for years. There are a couple of tables here and there with paint supplies laying around on them. The floor is covered in dried paint speckles giving it a homely feel.

  “What the hell do you want Sage?” Caden startles me out of my appraisal of the room.

  “Umm your sister asked me to talk to you, so here I am. I’m not really sure what to say so I’m kind of hoping you could help me out there.” I raise my brows in a hopeful expression.

  “Come sit down then. I need to talk to you about some shit anyway.” He points at an empty stool next to a blank canvas. After I’m seated it doesn’t take him long to get to the point. “So you’re fucking my little sister and she wants you to talk to me about Grace.”

  I stare at him in shock because I seriously didn’t believe that he knew. “Umm…” I trail off speechless.

  “Don’t worry I’m not going to kill you are anything. She thinks I didn’t see her sneak into your room last night. I personally can’t change things that have already happened but if you hurt her I will mess you up. That much I can say on it.”

  “Yeah I don’t plan on hurting her at all. I know what it’s like to be hurt by someone you’re dating and I don’t want to wish that on anyone.”

  “Good now what are you going to say to me about Grace that is supposed to make me back off?”

  “All I’m going to say is that Jaden is my best friend and if you keep it up with Grace you’re going to hurt him and I might have to hurt you.”

  “You think you can take me?”

  “Yeah if you wanted to get at me over Teagan I wouldn’t fight back so you could hurt me that way. But doing something to hurt Jaden when you knew it was going to hurt him then yeah I would hurt you.”

  “Wow I didn’t realizes my brother had such a good friend in you. I kind of thought you were only friends with him because of Teagan.”

  “No I’ve known him longer than Teagan. He is like a brother to me and I don’t want him to get hurt over some shit that doesn’t even need to be happening. Why can’t you just grow up and let them be together?”

  “Because she won’t get out of my head dammit. She is always there fucking with me. M
aking me feel things I have no business feeling. She walks into the room and all I can do is fucking stare at her and watch as she pretends that she doesn’t feel the same way as I do. Jaden asked me to leave her alone when I first met her and I did but then he invited me to that thing at the bowling alley. When I showed up and he had his hands all over her I got so fucking mad I wanted to punch him in the face. I haven’t wanted to punch him in the face since the seventh grade when he wrecked my bike. We both promised that we would leave her alone because we both liked her. He totally broke the bro code.” He starts chewing on the end of his paint brush and I see teeth marks on the other ones. I guess it’s a nervous habit.

  My eyes widen in surprise. I didn’t think Jaden had it in him. “So you both agreed together to stay away from her and he went against that? What an asshole. You can’t break the bro code like that. Not that you and her sneaking around behind his back is okay it’s actually worse. He shouldn’t have told you he would leave her alone and then go after her full force.”

  “He’s a dick like that man. I don’t even know why he likes her. She doesn’t even like football. I mean I know she’s a cheerleader and everything but she only did that so she could get a scholarship to here. Football is his whole life and I don’t think he could make it with someone who doesn’t even like it.” He huffs.

  “No because he would get tired of having nothing to talk about to her. I don’t know though they have been dating for a whole month going on strong. She’s a pretty chatty girl and a southern bell if there ever was one. She could probably pull a conversation out of her Prada bag.”

  “Dude why do you even know what Prada is?”

  “I dated a bitch from hell that was into the whole fashion thing. Your sister is a nice change. She doesn’t have to try to be beautiful she just is.” I can feel the big goofy grin on my face. Yeah I’m a total dork.


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