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Rodney, the Ranger, with Daniel Morgan on Trail and Battlefield

Page 12

by John V. Lane



  What of David Allison's fortunes? Weeks had lengthened into months andno word had come back to Charlottesville from the man whom the greatwoods had swallowed.

  After several weeks of weary travel, through forest and by river, theparty had reached the location they sought. It was one that wouldattract even the most practical and stolid of frontiersmen: a plain ofseveral hundred acres surrounded by the forest, a detached part ofthose great plains farther west, which stretched hundreds of mileswith scarcely a tree to dot the expanse.

  Along each of two sides of the plain a small stream ran, the twouniting in quite a respectable little river that joined the GreatKanawha River a few miles distant. Through the tall grass of thislittle prairie were great "traces" or paths beaten by the feet ofpassing buffalo, elk and deer. Fish swam in the streams and the wildturkey's call was heard in the forest.

  "The Garden of Eden with a redskin for sarpint," was the remark ofweather-beaten Dick Saunders, when first he looked upon it.

  "We'll do him no ill an' consider weel before taking his advice abootforbidden fruit," replied David Allison.

  On the eastern side of the little prairie, near the forest, a stockadewas built of big logs, sharpened at both ends and set close togetherin the ground, enclosing about an acre in the form of a rectangle, onone side of which, and forming part of the stockade, were severalcabins.

  The work of construction was arduous and occupied the greater part ofthe summer but when completed it afforded a wall of protection, and aplace where, another year, such cattle as they might be able to driveover the mountains could be sheltered from Indians.

  As yet no sign of the red men had been found. While this country waspart of the neutral ground between the savages of the North and thoseof the South, a territory over which all hunted, yet through itwarlike bands frequently passed on their expeditions, for there was achronic state of hostility between these savages.

  The new settlers planted a little corn, but for other food relied uponhunting. Late in the fall all but three, of whom David Allison wasone, left for home, planning to return in the spring with theirfamilies. Clark had not remained with the settlers as he had otherventures. Mr. Allison sent a letter to his wife by the only one ofthose returning, who lived in Charlottesville; but he, being takensick on the way, did not reach home till the following spring, afterRodney had started to join his father.

  The winter months passed slowly for David Allison. Most of hiscompanions were uneducated men, accustomed, as he was not, to therough life. They respected him and he did his share of the workuncomplainingly, though an older man than the others.

  One bitter day an Indian called. As there had been no alarm, theentrance to the stockade had carelessly been left open and he readilygained admittance. It appeared he had been with a hunting party, butbecame separated from them and was nearly famished. He was givensomething to eat and was then told to go along about his business. Inthose days some Indians would hang around a settlement, living off thebounty of the inhabitants, and these men didn't intend to encouragethe habit. A storm threatened and the Indian was loath to leave. Mr.Allison took him to his cabin and kept him until after the storm waspast.

  This act did not please the others of the party and one of themremarked, "Ye'll find that handlin' lazy, sneakin' redskins isdifferent from teachin' school boys."

  "I'm of the opinion there's human nature i' the whole o' them," wasthe quiet reply.

  The three men got along without unpleasantness until spring. One dayin March Peter Cogan went out to hunt and did not return. Later hewas found dead and scalped.

  For the first time in his life the horror of Indian treachery in timeof peace was forced upon Mr. Allison's mind. He had fought them andknew of their cruelty in time of war, but he had never lived on thefrontier and had supposed the stories of outrages somewhat exaggeratedand due to ill treatment. His views had been similar to those held bythe Quakers of Pennsylvania. Surely this fiendish deed was unprovoked.With but two left, there was need of the utmost caution and neither ofthe men ventured far from the stockade.

  One evening in May several guns were discharged in succession outsidethe enclosure. The first party from Virginia had arrived and thewarmth of their welcome may be better imagined than described.

  "What of home?" were the first words.

  "All well."

  "But I thought to see the lad along wi' you," said Mr. Allison.

  Then was told the story of the attack on the Ohio, when one man hadbeen killed and Rodney had disappeared, whether killed or captured wasnot known.

  "An' you left, deserted him!" he cried, and his cry sounded like ascream. "Cowards each one o' ye! Who'll go with me to find the laddie?Not one? Then I'll go alone."

  It was with difficulty that he was restrained, and finally convincedof the folly of such an undertaking.

  "You have a wife an' child at home yet to care for," said one, "an'it's not yer duty to throw yer life away," and the wisdom of thisprevailed with him. But he was never the same man again. The stoopcame back to his shoulders never to leave them. He said little andworked unceasingly, as though in that way to forget. On his firstopportunity he turned his face toward Virginia, resolved never tobring his wife and little girl into the perils of the wilderness. Thejourney back to Charlottesville was uneventful. Nearly as many weekswere required for the making of it, as hours in this age of swifttransportation.

  How he dreaded breaking the news to his wife! She was always sopatient with his many failures. Yet, the courage displayed by Mrs.Allison at the setting out of husband and son was such as to leave nodoubt she would meet the new ordeal bravely, as indeed she did. Fromthe first, she expressed great hope that the boy had been made acaptive and in time would be restored to them, and so strongly did sheurge this view of the matter that her husband regained a little hope.In his heart, however, there was a bitterness he could not overcomeand, as rumours of Indian outbreaks were more frequent, he becameuneasy. When, the following spring, General Andrew Lewis was orderedby Governor Dunmore to lead an expedition down the Kanawha River, andacross the Ohio River to the Shawnee towns, David Allison resolved togo. The men of the party from which Rodney was captured declared thattheir assailants were Shawnees and this induced him to enlist underLewis.

  The mortgage on the little place was as yet unpaid. Mr. Allison on hisreturn had reopened his school, but the pupils were few. He went toDenham, told him of his desire to join the expedition against theShawnees and his reasons, and asked him if he would not allow himlonger time on the payments.

  "All the time you want, Meester Allison, all the time you want," andhe smiled his greasy smile!


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