A difficult Man to Love - EPUB
Page 6
Her fingers discovered what she needed when they slid along his neck, but the softness of his hair was just as interesting. She wasn’t aware of him lifting her into his arms. All she cared about was discovering more about this man. More textures, more reactions. Every time her fingers found a new place to explore, she heard a sound, almost a growl, as if a wild animal was close by. It was one of the most erotic sounds she’d ever heard. Every time that sound came to her ears, she shivered and pressed her body closer to her only source of protection.
“Where’s your bedroom?” Viktor demanded.
“I don’t care,” she gasped back, whimpering when he moved because that hardness was pressing against her groin. She lifted herself up, trying to feel that sensation again. So when he took another step, she felt it again. And again. Shifting her body, she searched out that source, needing yet another shift. Another!
That growl reached her ear and she pressed against her protection, thrilled with the sound, feeling very daring and yet, desperate for more. Her hips shifted again and again, the growl coming to her ear as Viktor’s teeth nipped at her earlobe, sending spasms of excitement everywhere, but every tingling sensation ending in her groin, in that place low in her body.
She gasped when she felt the wall against her back once again, completely unaware of her dress being lifted up, bunching around her waist, or the zipper purring down her back. “Please!” she sobbed, shifting against him again, not sure how to fix this aching, desperate, clawing need deep inside of her.
Viktor could barely believe the passion that was driving him. Never in his life had he been so turned on. But Hayden’s soft hands caressing his chest had made him lose his head. One hand practically ripped the dress off of her body while his other arm held her against him, unwilling to separate her body from his own. She was pressing against him, shifting her heat against his shaft and it was all he could do to help her.
He slammed his palm against a doorway and almost roared when he discovered the bed. Carrying her in, he laid her down as gently as possible on the mattress. Leaning over her, he continued to press himself against her core, knowing what she was seeking. Closer and closer he pressed, watching her eyes as she stared up at him, her mouth forming a sexy “o” as she lifted her hips, grinding against him.
He knew the exact moment that she was going to climax and pulled back, not allowing her to find that release.
Instead, he shifted back, ripping the rest of her clothes off. “No, my beautiful woman,” he growled. “It’s not going to be that easy with me.” He almost laughed when he saw her anger, but his hands moved quickly, dispensing with her bra and the ugliest, white panties he’d ever seen on a woman. “You will never wear these again,” he told her, tossing them into the trash can. “I’ll send you what I want you in.”
Before she could argue with him, and the brewing fury in her eyes told him that she was definitely going to argue, he bent over her, taking her pink nipple into his mouth and sucking. Hard! He heard her scream, but her fingers dove into his hair, holding his head in place. When he flicked his tongue against that hard peak, her hips began their frantic shifting. But he’d moved his hips away from her, unable to endure that kind of torture any longer, especially now that she was completely naked. His hands moved down her body, barely able to take in all the places she liked to be touched. It didn’t seem to matter though. This woman gasped when he touched any part of her body. So, he moved his hands and his mouth over every inch of her. The spot at the base of her neck, her ears…he rolled her over and nibbled her shoulder blades. His hands were covering hers, so he knew when she curled her soft fingers into fists. Kissing a trail down her spine, he almost laughed when she tried to wiggle away as he approached those perfectly round globes.
“Not a fan?” he asked, standing up and taking her foot in his hand. Rolling her over once more, he leaned in again and kissed her. When she kissed him back, her tongue shyly moving into his mouth, he almost lost his control then and there. He loved her hands on his body, his skin seeming to light on fire when she touched him.
“Please!” she begged, lifting her hips up and trying to find that source that she’d enjoyed before.
Viktor felt like he was going to explode, but he’d been thinking about and dreaming about this woman for the past month. Now that she was in his arms, he wanted to savor Hayden, even if it killed him. Pulling back slightly, he was still standing on the side of the bed looking down at her as his fingers trailed across her breasts, tweaking each nipple. He smiled when her fingers clutched at the quilt, but his eyes moved further down her body. She was too slender, he thought, but then his fingers moved lower, watching, gauging her reactions. Her whole body stilled, her eyes closed but her pretty, white teeth were gnawing her lower lip. Every muscle in her body was drawn tight and his erection throbbed at the sight. She was beauty, sensuality, and innocence, all wrapped up in a lovely, feisty package.
He was going to make her his in so many ways, he thought with relish and a tenderness he’d never felt before.
Dismissing the tenderness, because he didn’t understand it, and focusing on making this woman sing with pleasure, he bent lower, kissing her nipples, teasing them until she screamed out his name. He loved the way her fingers alternately tugged at his hair, trying to push his head away, then pulling him closer.
But there was so much more to explore.
Hayden thought she was going to explode. This man, this horrible, cruel man who was making her body feel things that she couldn’t control, was driving her insane!
She breathed in huge gulps of air when he finally released her nipple, trying to get her body back under control. But every time he stopped one thing, his mouth or his hands would touch her in another way, not giving her enough time to figure out what was going on, to gain control of this situation. When his mouth moved lower, his fingers led the way. She knew what he was about to do, and tried to squirm farther up on the bed, but his strong hands only held her in place.
“No!” she begged when she looked up at his evil smile. “Please, I can’t take anymore,” she sobbed.
“Relax, Hayden. I’m going to take care of you.”
She didn’t like the sound of that. It sounded like he was going to…
Yep! His hands touched her down there, his finger sinking into her heat and all she could do was lift her hips up, silently begging him for the relief that she instinctively knew only he could give her.
She gasped when his thumb flicked against that bundle of nerves, her hands gripping his arms as she stared up at him, not sure what to do. But then he bent his dark head and she just about screamed when she felt his tongue flick against her. His fingers moved inside of her, that wicked touch making her arch her back in shock and desperation. Her movement also pressed that nub right up against his mouth and she did scream this time. Her body reacted instinctively, shifting against his mouth, needing that touch but still shying away from it while, at the same time, pressing into him.
It took only moments before her body exploded, throbbing against his tongue and his finger. She wasn’t aware of her hands tangling in his hair, tugging at his scalp, or of the way her entire body bowed as her release hit her, slamming into her like a bolt of lightning. All she knew was the pleasure that hit her was unlike anything she’d ever experienced before. The throbbing, the pulsating waves of pleasure seemed to continue on forever!
Shivering, Hayden could barely breathe, couldn’t think, could only hold onto Viktor, her tormentor and protector. When she felt his arms pull her closer, she curled up against his heat, needing that strength at this moment. Burying her nose against his throat, she breathed in his scent, feeling like she was an all-powerful woman at the moment.
Unfortunately, he wasn’t done with her.
The nibbling! Why was he doing that?! His teeth against her neck, those scalding hands against her back…she shook her head, trying to pull away from him. “I can’t,” she breathed, but then her body curled against his touch.
He took his hand away but then she gasped and brought it right back. Normally, she would be horrified by her nakedness. But this man, the way he was touching her, made her unselfconscious. She wanted him. She needed him. This touch, the way he was kissing her again, as if she could offer him a lifeline.
And she wanted to be that woman for him! As he pressed her back against the mattress, she lifted her leg, rubbing her inner thigh against his hip. Vaguely, she realized that he was naked as well, but she couldn’t think beyond that thought. She could only revel at how wonderful it felt to have all of his heat against her starving body.
He rolled over so that she was underneath him, freeing her hands and she used that freedom to explore him, to run her fingers over his chest. Her eyes opened and all she could see was this man, his eyes filled with a heat that would normally scare her, but with Viktor, that look only made her need hotter, more intense.
“Touch me, Hayden,” he growled, moving her hands to his chest, just like he’d done hours ago. Hours? Minutes? Time didn’t matter. Not anymore.
She lifted her legs, her body instinctively cradling that hard part of him once again. She wanted to lift her hips up, but every time she did, he moved his away from her. So she let her fingers move over his chest, enjoying this freedom. When her fingers slid across that fascinating, flat nipple, she heard his intake of breath. Smiling, she did it again. And again. With each touch, he hissed and she felt her body turn into liquid heat with the sound.
Since she’d enjoyed when he teased her, she lifted her head, flicking her tongue against his nipple and immediately felt his hands tangle in her hair. What had happened to the neat twist she’d put her hair up into this morning? Obviously, that style was gone and, as she flicked her tongue against that sensitive spot once more, she didn’t care. Not a whit! All she cared about at this moment was making this man create those sounds again.
When her hands moved down his sides, she let her fingers curl into each and every wave of muscle. Hayden was fascinated by this man’s body, so different from her own. Curling around his hip, she held her breath, wanting to…did she dare.
Her eyes moved upwards, linking with his silver ones.
“Do it,” he groaned, but didn’t wait for her to follow his command. His hand took hers, wrapping her fingers around his erection. She was shocked by the velvety hardness her fingers encountered and wanted to look, to explore more. But his chest was now pinning her down along with one of his heavy thighs against her leg so she used her fingers to discover this man’s erection. Up and down, her fingers touched, explored, fondled and learned what a man felt like. Never had she felt something like this and she loved it. She suspected that not all men were like Viktor. She’d seen pictures of other men. What woman hadn’t? But this…her fingers couldn’t hold all of him. Running her fingers up and down, she stopped when she heard the sound low in his chest.
“Don’t stop!” he told her, his hands moving to cover her fingers, showing her how to touch him, tightening her fingers around him.
After only a few strokes, he pulled her hands away, shaking his head. “No more, Hayden,” he told her. He stood up and she whimpered, but he only searched through his pants pockets, coming back with something in his hand. She watched in fascination as he tore open the condom. A part of her mind was shouting out a warning, telling her that letting him go forward would be dangerous, but she didn’t care.
In fact, she sat up, wanting to watch him. Wanting to do it for him. “May I?” she asked, shocked by her daring, unware of her tongue darting out as she anticipated touching him again.
He glanced at her, then handed the condom to her. “Be fast, Hayden.”
She nodded eagerly, scooting closer. Her fingers once again wrapped around that throbbing shaft and she couldn’t stop her fingers from sliding up and down, exploring properly now that she could see as well as feel.
“Damn it, Hayden!” he groaned, taking the condom from her and rolling it down. She couldn’t believe what a turn on it was to see him like this. It was almost as if he were as tense as she was, as tied up and eager for more. He couldn’t be, because she felt like she was going to snap inside.
Then he moved over her once again. Hayden scooted back on the bed, aware of an increased sense of…tension. He didn’t wait. His body pressing her backwards, his knees shifting her legs apart. She held her breath, not sure what to do. She’d read so many romance novels, but nothing could prepare her for this. For him!
When he pressed into her heat, she gasped, surprised at how large he felt. But good! Better than good!
Then that part of him moved out of the way and his finger slid inside of her. “You’re so tight, honey,” he groaned.
His finger was gone and she wiggled when he teased that nub once again. Her first reaction was to shift away from his touch, but then he changed the way he was touching her and she couldn’t move. Not an inch. Her body tensed for a long moment until he shifted again. Then her hips were lifting, trying to meet his touch.
“You’re beautiful like this,” he told her, his voice husky, rich, and deep, as if he were being dragged through a chocolate fountain somehow. Hayden’s hands slid higher along his arms to grasp at his shoulders. Leaning into him, she bit her lip, trying to control what he was doing to her. But then he pulled his hand away, his hips moving back. This time, when he pressed into her body, the way was smooth. His erection pushed into her and she gasped, lifting her hips, wiggling to adjust to his invasion, to take all of him inside of her.
It felt incredible! There was a small pop as he pressed deeper and deeper. Her hands pressed against his shoulders, stopping him, and he froze. After a long moment, she lifted her hips again, inviting him deeper. He accepted that invitation, pressing fully into her heat.
Hayden gasped, feeling perfect, feeling full and wonderful. Never could she have imagined this feeling. It was too incredible. Too beautiful!
“Are you okay?” he asked, panting like he was running a marathon.
Hayden kissed him, needing that connection as much as the other invasion. “I’m great,” she told him, wanting to hug him.
That was all before he started moving.
The first shift wasn’t so bad. But then he moved again. Her eyes popped open and all of that wonderfulness was gone! “Viktor?” she asked, worried now. With each of his slow thrusts, she felt…something. “Don’t do that!” she gasped, but then he did it again and her hips lifted, meeting his. Thrust for thrust, she couldn’t stop the clawing, desperate need that intensified every time he pressed into her.
He moved faster, but that didn’t seem to help. It only made things worse!
Her head tossed back and forth, trying to deny everything, but it was there. It was too powerful and she wasn’t sure how to handle it. “No! You have to stop! I can’t take this,” she begged, but her hand was pressing against his butt, silently urging him to move faster, harder. “Please, Viktor, this isn’t…I can’t…”
Viktor knew what she was telling him and he shifted slightly. He pressed his thumb against that nubbin as he slammed into her. He wanted to be more gentle, more careful with her. But the way her body tightened around his shaft every time he pressed into her, he couldn’t stop. He couldn’t be gentle. All he could do was ensure that she found her own release.
So when his thumb rubbed in time with his thrusts against that nub, he knew that she was close. So damn close, he could feel her inner muscles tighten around him even more. She was like a vise and he had to concentrate to keep himself from letting go until…
Her scream and the nails biting into his shoulders caused him to lose that last bit of control. He couldn’t hold back any longer. All he could do was press his groin against her, intensifying her release as he roared with his own orgasm. Pulsating waves of pleasure. Sparks of light. Heavy breaths and…just intense, overwhelming, mind-blowing beauty.
And when it was all over, he wrapped his arms around her, giving her the gentleness that he hadn’t been able to achie
ve earlier.
This was his woman, he thought. He felt her breath against his chest as he grabbed a tissue and discarded the condom, keeping his arms around her and her body pressed up against his.
Slowly, he felt her breathing slow as she drifted off to sleep. Thinking about the dark circles under her eyes, he cradled her gently, wanting her to sleep. With his free hand, he pulled the quilt over them both, soothing her with gentle words when his movement seemed to wake her slightly.
As he held her, Viktor stared up at the ceiling, wondering what had happened to him. Just yesterday, he’d been sitting in a meeting discussing ways to put this woman out of business so he could buy her property and move forward with the land development. Now he was in her bed and thinking of ways to improve her business.
She was damn well going to take his money though. Looking around, he realized that the woman was in dire straits. The house needed to be leveled and a new one built in its place. But he wasn’t going to do that. He wanted his wife in his house, back in the city. No way was he going to continue to let her live out here.
Thinking back to his childhood, he remembered the brutally cold nights in Moscow, the cracks in the windows of the building that let in the cold wind. Ever since his childhood, he’d rejected feelings, acting purely on survival, logic, and crushing his competition. That philosophy had brought him to this point where he was feared by business leaders. Just a comment from him could change international markets and a glance towards a company had their management shivering in fear of what he might do. Marauder. Bastard. Merciless. All had been applied to his name.
And yet, he found himself in bed with a woman who, less than an hour ago, had been a virgin, a business woman with the worst sense of business he’d ever encountered.