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First day of the Somme

Page 57

by Andrew Macdonald

  100. Sheffield, Somme, p. 155.

  101. Hindenburg, Marshal von, Out of My Life (Uckfield: Naval and Military Press, undated), p. ix.

  102. Sheffield, Gary, The Somme (London: Cassell, 2003), p. 155.

  103. Hindenburg, pp. 241–2.

  104. Sheffield, Somme, p. 156.

  105. Haig, Douglas, diary, 29 March 1916, NAUK, WO/256/9.

  106. GHQ, ‘The Opening of the Wearingout Battle’, 23 December 1916, in Sir Douglas Haig’s Despatches, ed. Lt.-Col John H. Boraston (London: JM Dent & Sons, 1919), pp. 58–9.

  107. The figure for the number of casualties on the memorial is taken from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website ( Its database links 72,403 names to the Thiepval Memorial, but 148 of these are soldiers who listed under aliases and are therefore included twice. Website last accessed 16 January 2016.


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