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Wilder, J. C. - Shadow Dweller 2

Page 15

by Retribution(lit)

  A cloud passed over the sun, stealing the light. He suppressed a shiver. Many would die for their actions today. Mac resumed the climb, his friends falling in line behind him. He would fight to the death for Jennifer and he would do it gladly. Should he die here today, it would be the will of the Goddess, not the will of Mikhail.

  As they passed through the west portal, Mac thought they'd stumbled into a garden party from hell.

  A small group of vampires were lined up neatly in rows before the altar, hiding it from his view. They all wore pale colors of white, ecru or ivory. Mikhail stood at the head of the group looking devilish in black from head to toe.

  "Welcome my friends," Mikhail tipped his head slightly. "May I offer you some refreshment?" He gestured to someone behind him and two men came forward carrying a battered human between them. Unceremoniously, they dumped him at Alexandre's feet.

  Mac knew who it was before he hit the ground.


  A low growl erupted from Fayne. He started forward and Val restrained him.

  "Of course he wouldn't be terribly tasty for you Mac. Perhaps I have something else that will do as well?" Mikhail smiled.The crowd parted to reveal the altar and the woman who lay upon it. "Now doesn't she look just delicious?"

  Mac's heart leapt into his throat as he beheld the woman he loved. She looked unharmed, possibly asleep and incredibly fragile in her white gown.

  Cassiopeia stepped out from behind the altar, her eyes glaring at Alexandre. "Let's get on with this," she snapped impatiently.

  Mikhail smiled indulgently at her. "Patience, my dear, patience."

  "Do you choose to be here of your own free will, Cassiopeia?" Alexandre asked.

  "Well, of course I do, you strutting fool. Did you think I wanted to live under your ancient laws of chivalry forever?" she snapped. "Your misguided sense of honor and duty will be the end of us. It is time for new blood, a new rule."

  "And I also choose to be here," a childish voice shrilled. Edward stood with his hand on the child's shoulder. "It's time for changes in our clan," the child piped.

  Mac caught the look of distaste on Val's face as he looked at Edward.

  Mikhail grinned. "Did you honestly think I would coerce these people into attending me?" He shook his head. "How little you think of me."

  "What do you want, Mikhail?" Val's voice was smooth, low. "Do you want to fight me? Do you want to make me pay for the wrongs I've supposedly perpetrated against you in the past?" He held his hands out. "Here I am."

  Cassiopeia laughed. "Oh, you funny little man. Is that what you think this is? Do you think Mikhail would have orchestrated this magnificent coup just to exact revenge upon you?"

  "According to Jennifer, Mikhail wants to exact retribution from me," Val replied evenly.

  "You think too narrowly," the child spoke. "Look at the big picture."

  Mac watched the faces of the gathered. Something else was at play here, something bigger than a few imagined slights against Mikhail.

  "I told Jennifer only part of the story," Mikhail waved his hand airily. "I do want retribution from you Val, make no mistake about that. What I want is retribution from all four of you." He looked at Fayne. "I didn't expect you to be here, so I consider your presence to be an extra added bonus, as it were."

  "Lucky me," Fayne muttered.

  Mikhail's gaze locked the Alexandre's. "I invoke the law of seven."


  Mac held his breath. The wind picked up slightly, it's cry mournful as it cut around the stones. A single red rose fell from the altar like a drop of blood.

  "You know not what you do," Val ground out.

  "Of course I do," Mikhail smiled, a manic light in his eye. "I'm challenging Alexandre for the head of the Council. In killing him I will assume control of the Council as Elder. I'll rule over all the preternatural creatures. Vampires. Revenants. Shape- shifters. And soon I will rule the witches, too. All of them."

  "You're insane," Fayne ground out.

  "Oh, my pretty kitty-kitty. Your kind I will love most of all." Mikhail crooned. "From what I understand, were-cats, such as yourself, can perform all night long. Is that right? This kind of entertainment would fetch a great deal of money on the black market. Sexual slaves are in high demand among the glitterati."

  A low growl burst from Fayne.

  Mikhail laughed delightedly. "Come on, kitty-kitty. Shall I find a ball of string for you to play with? Maybe a nice juicy mouse or a bit of catnip?"

  The growl grew deeper, more feral. His fists clenched and Renault twitched, a low moan escaping him.

  "Enough," Alexandre thundered. "You have invoked the law of seven thus challenging me to a duel to the death. So be it."

  Mikhail scowled at having his game interrupted.

  "What about Jennifer?" Mac stepped forward.

  "What about her? She's mine and you aren't getting her back," Mikhail shrugged. "She is my revenant, to do with as I please. As you can see, I have dressed her to be my bride. Tonight I will make her mine," his eyes glittered.

  "Wrong. Your ownership of her was terminated almost three hundred years ago when Miranda and I took possession of her." Val answered. "She's mine."

  Mikhail glared at Val. "No more. I am her master. It is up to me to decide her fate."

  As the men argued, Mac scanned the circle. Something his father taught him niggled in the back of his brain. What was it? Something about the origins of the circle and those who dwell in it.

  "Who cares about the whore?" Cassiopeia was saying.

  His father's voice drifted into his mind. "The threefold law and the laws of light shall always prevail upon the sacred ground of the standing stones. For it has been blessed by the Goddess herself."

  And what was the threefold law? His mind scrambled for an answer. Whatever you put out into the universe will come back to you threefold. This is a holy place. A holy place blessed by the Goddess...blessed by the Goddess...

  His eyes closed as the voices around him receded. Stillness spread through his mind, and invaded his body. The law of light was to harm none and to only do good works for the world. His eyes opened, fixing on Mikhail. His presence here in the circle was an affront to the Goddess. How dare he invade this place, sacred for thousands of years, with his darkness, his corruption.

  Uncle desecrated this holy place first.

  Anger blossomed in his soul. His father was a good man, a holy man. Murdered by his brother in this place, on that very altar. He turned toward where Jennifer lay on her bed of roses. His Jennifer, the love of his life. He frowned. Why this place? Why would Mikhail bring them to this place? What could this place possibly mean to the vampire? He knew without a doubt that it hadn't been chance that they ended up here.

  "Why?" Mac spoke. "Why did you come here? Why did you bring us to this place?"

  Mikhail turned to him, a chilling smile graced his face. "You haven't figured it out yet, have you?"

  Something shifted, like a curtain to the past it opened and images tumbled forth. His father laughing, grabbing his son and hugging him tightly. His mother, shaking her head as she let the hem out in his cape yet again. Images of his father lying dead on the altar, his brother standing over him.

  His Uncle.

  Images superimposed themselves, blending into one. His Uncle, his father.


  His father's brother, his Uncle.

  "You. You killed my father." Mac's voice was flat.

  Mikhail laughed. "Your father was a bumbling fool. I saved him and his people from himself and his ignorance."

  Horror closed Mac's throat, his breathing strangled as he beheld the man who murdered his father and destroyed his mother. "My father was a good man," he choked, "a kind man..."

  "Your father was a fool. But, he was a fool with powers. So I took them, and you. I took everything and I left you nothing. I took his knowledge, I took his woman, and I tried to take his son." He kicked at Renault's leg. "If it wasn't for this f
ool I would have succeeded. Renault, child of my loins." He laughed harshly. "An abomination to the Master. A were-cat." He spat. "I could not have sacrificed him in service to the Master. That left you. The son of my dear departed brother. Untouched, the holy son of a holy man. The only living offspring of a Pagan high priest. The ultimate sacrifice."

  "And it went awry."

  "Oh yes, it went awry. After I came to, the villagers had risen against me. They sold me into slavery. My master then traveled to Kiev." He glanced in Val's direction. "It was Val's intervention that saved me, made me a god." He laughed harshly. "I'll rule forever."

  Mac shook his head. "You forgot one thing."

  "I forgot nothing," Mikhail smirked.

  Mac walked to the head of the altar, parting the gathered vampires seamlessly. He looked down upon the serene face of the woman he loved. "You forgot me."

  "You," Mikhail laughed. "As if you can do anything to stop me."

  Lightly Mac brushed his finger across Jennifer's cheek. Her skin was as cold as ice. She wasn't dead. He could feel her spirit inside her. Cowed, wounded, but not dead.

  He stepped back from the altar. Raising his arms, he spoke. "I, Conor MacNaughten, invoke the threefold law and the law of light upon this circle."

  Mikhail smirked and Cassiopeia tittered behind him.

  "What is he doing?" The child chirped.

  "This should be a good floor show," Mikhail laughed. "Before I kill him."

  Mac ignored the words around him. He closed his eyes, concentrating on the light that grew within. He intoned in the ancient Scots language "Guardians of the North stone, Ancient keeper of the earth, I call upon you to attend me here." Beneath his feet the ground gave a faint tremor.

  Mac opened his eyes as Mikhail burst into laughter. He began clapping his hands as mutterings broke out among the vampires.

  "Guardians of the East stone, ancient keeper of the air, I call upon you to attend me here."

  A low wind sprang up ruffling clothing and tossing hair. Clouds began to gather above the circle. Mikhail stopped clapping.

  "Guardians of the South stone, ancient keeper of the fire, I call upon you to attend me here."

  A crack of lightning rent the sky, striking one of the ancient oaks. The wood splintered as it burst into flame, the scent of ozone and wood smoke permeated the air. The wind grew to a low howl as several of the lesser vampires scrambled to seek shelter against the east stones.

  "Stop that," Mikhail snapped.

  "Guardians of the West stone, ancient keeper of the water, I call upon you to attend me here."

  A clap of thunder rent the air as fat snowflakes began to fall outside the circle. Val, Alexandre and Fayne grabbed the limp body of Renault and carried him to the west entrance. They settled him on the ground in the shelter of the massive stones. The rest of the vampires huddled against the South stone, leaving Mikhail alone at the foot of the altar.

  "Goddess, wondrous lady of the moon, mistress of the night. Mother, maiden, crone, oh wise one, ruler of the elemental realm, I call upon your power now. Cast your power unto this circle." The wind increased to a shriek and Mac had to yell to be heard.

  "Mother Goddess, hear the words of your servant MacNaughten. Here, in your sacred circle, I invoke the threefold law and the law of light."

  A crack of lightning rent the air causing the earth to tremble beneath their feet and Mac's eyes popped open. He tipped his head back as the ferocious power tore through him, darkness danced before his eyes.

  Val watched in astonishment as several of Mikhail's followers were literally thrown from the circle as Mac called to the guardians. The wind tore at their clothing and tossed them down the icy hill, their shrieks fading in the rising storm. Val glanced at the remaining vampires as they clung to the stones. Cassiopeia and Edward were huddled by the south stone, looks of abject horror on their faces. The child clung to the albino's leg, sobbing wildly.

  Mikhail stood at the foot of the altar, his hands clenched to the red stone, his eyes darting looks of rage at Mac, his lips curled into a feral snarl.

  "I ask that you look into the hearts of those gathered here." Mac bellowed, power rolling off him in waves. "Expel from this magickal place all who seek to covert your laws."

  A bolt of lightning rent the sky, striking the lintel of the east stone. Wild cries arose from several of the vampires as those who stood nearest the stones burst into flames. Panicked, the surviving vampires dispersed. Some ran for Mikhail while others ran outside the stone circle and down the hill.

  Cassiopeia and Edward looked at each other uneasily.

  "I will destroy you," Mikhail cried. He shook off the vampires that clung to his legs. "I will destroy you and all your kind."

  Mac lowered his head and impaled Mikhail with his gaze. Val caught his breath, shock clutched at his heart. Mac's eyes were completely golden now and they glowed eerily. The sight of those glowing golden eyes gave even Mikhail a pause.

  "You," Mac thundered. "Have corrupted this sacred place and those who dwelled in it. You have perverted the power of the Goddess to do evil and you see not what you do. You do not see the crime you have perpetrated in this, the holiest of places." He lifted his eyes to the heavens and the black clouds that circled in the sky. "I ask that you use me, Goddess, as your weapon against evil. Drive this darkness from the circle of light and restore harmony here."

  The dark clouds parted and a beam of brilliant sunshine shone down on the altar illuminating Mac and Jennifer. Mac flung his arms out to his side, and the wind caught the old wool of his cape, parting the folds.

  The Sun glowed on Mac's bare chest and the pendant seemed to expand before Val's eyes. As if it were gathering energy, absorbing the power of the sun and the man who wore it. A golden glow surrounded Mac, expanding to include Jennifer. Mac suddenly jerked as a narrow beam of light blasted from the pendant, hitting Mikhail in the face.

  Wild screams erupted as the vampire staggered back from the brilliant light. Clasping his hands over his face, he fell to the ground writhing in agony. The remaining vampires scrambled away from him, running for the south portal and their freedom.

  Cassiopeia lurched to her feet as the albino clawed the child from his leg. She ran to Mikhail's side as he shrieked and clawed at his face. The stench of burnt flesh filled the air. She grabbed one of Mikhail's arms and the Albino grabbed the other and they began to drag him from the circle.

  Val got to his feet, intending to go after them when Alexandre grabbed his arm. He pointed to the altar.

  The massive red stone trembled as if it were under some great pressure from the inside. Grabbing Alexandre's arm, the two men fought the rising wind in their journey to the altar. Jennifer's eyes were still closed, her hair ruffled and her coronet askew. Alexandre pulled her into his arms, careful to avoid the brilliant beam of light that still emanated from the stone around Mac's neck.

  They struggled against the rising wind to the West stone as Fayne appeared with the child in his arms. Val and Alexandre placed Jennifer on the ground beside Renault, between the stones to protect her from the wind.

  An ear-shattering crack rent the air as Mac's body gave a violent jerk. The light from the pendant hit the altar as he fell backward to the ground. The altar cracked down the center, exposing the raw insides. A thick red liquid ran from the cracks and spilled to the ground. The noxious scent of tainted blood filled the air as it pooled around the shattered rock.

  "We have to get out of here," Alexandre shouted above the wind. "If we stay here, we die."

  Val nodded, "Take them down. I will get Mac."

  Alexandre nodded. Val helped him to his feet. Alexandre tossed Jennifer over one shoulder and took the child from Fayne. Val saw them off down the hill before helping Fayne grab Renault and heave him over one shoulder. Fayne started down the hill as Val turned to get Mac.

  He lay unmoving a few yards from the destroyed altar. The pooling blood already surrounded his boots and was rapidly advancing toward his le
gs as if to devour him. Val ducked into the rising wind and struggled to his friend's side. Grabbing his hands, he dragged him toward the west portal and freedom.

  The winds made it impossible for Val to make any good progress. By the time he reached the West stone, he was panting and Mac hadn't stirred. Gritting his teeth, he pulled Mac out of the circle as the winds increased. It was as if something did not want him to remove Mac from this place.

  Frustrated, Val cried out, "If you truly are the Goddess and this is your chosen one, help me to save him." A gust of warm air, familiar and comforting wrapped around him. Infused with the scent of jasmine and something spicy, his breath caught in his throat.


  The hillside gave out from underneath him and he and Mac fell. He wrapped his arms around the unconscious man, trying to save him from serious injury as they rolled down the hill. When they came to a stop at the bottom Alexandre and Fayne were waiting for them. The wind was much calmer and only a light snow fell.

  Shaken, he allowed Fayne to pull Mac from his battered arms.

  "You came down that hill like a bat out of hell," Alexandre grinned. "Are you all right, my friend?"

  Val nodded shakily. "Yeah, I think so. I thought for a minute we were dead."

  "I thought so too. I looked up and saw you struggling then a flash of white light appeared and you fell down the hill." Alexandre shook his head. "I could have sworn I saw Miranda in that light."

  Val grinned, his heart lightened. "I think you did, my friend. I think you did."

  * * *


  Four Months later

  Jennifer wasn't the same woman she was before her kidnapping.

  Mac paused in the doorway to watch the woman who'd stolen his heart. She stood at the corner of the deck, tossing breadcrumbs over the edge to the birds. A rainbow of colors moved over the grass as the birds squabbled over the bits and gulped them down greedily.

  His heart leapt as he caught sight of the faint smile that flickered across her face. Mikhail had scarred her, and for a while he'd thought, irrevocably. She claimed she didn't remember anything from her abduction after being taken from the bedroom. But the shadows that lingered in her eyes told him that maybe she remembered something and it wasn't pleasant.


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