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by Stephanie

  The unfortunate thing was her career had wreaked havoc on her social life before. Event planning wasn’t a nine-to-five job. Then men in her past hadn’t enjoyed having to compete with her first love. There were often inopportune times when she was interrupted by the call of duty.

  As much as she hated to give into a challenge, she and Sterling were on complete opposite sides of the playing field right now. Her physical attraction to him was off the charts and he appeared to be just as interested, but not in the same way.

  It was just her luck because something deep within told her he’d been just the man she was searching for when she’d decided to come to Myrtle Beach. Closing her eyes, she stifled a sigh. This wasn’t going the way she wanted, but so be it. Maybe she could find another prospect at Imani and Carson’s Fourth of July party. Two days. She could hold out until then.

  Opening her eyes, she gazed over at Sterling and smiled. “Thank you for your honesty, Sterling.”

  “I know no other way to be.”

  “I appreciate the offer to join you for lunch.”

  “I’m grateful that you prepared it. Hopefully this won’t be the last time we have the opportunity to share a meal.”

  “I’m sure it won’t,” she murmured. “After all, we are neighbors.”

  Too bad we can’t be more.

  Her gaze dropped to the strong hand gripping his wine glass. Oh yeah, he could definitely work magic with those fingers. Too bad they wouldn’t be stroking her body in all the ways she craved. Shaking her head to clear it, she grimaced. No need to torture herself unnecessarily.

  “Judging by the expression on your face it looks as if you are attempting to figure out the best way to escape.”

  She stared at him, struggling to keep her mouth from falling open. “Excuse me?”

  Sterling leaned a little closer to her. “I’ve been told I’m a pretty good observer and I’ve picked up on quite a bit while sitting here with you.”

  “What does that have to do with anything?”

  “More than you think. Ms. Westbrook, something tells me you’re a woman who is used to getting her way.” He paused, one corner of his mouth tilting upward. “And you should, within reason.”

  Her mouth fell open. Somehow the man had managed to insult and compliment her at the same time.

  “I think it’s safe to say you prefer to keep your involvement in any relationship casual, correct?”


  “I’m also guessing you do this because at some point you suffered a heartache so great you vowed to avoid all emotional attachment in any future relationships, right?”

  Naja’s spine stiffened and she did her best to school her expression. “Well, Mr. Henson, you just reinforced the reason why I do choose to keep things light.”

  His left brow arched high on his forehead. “Your indirect answer tells me I’m on the right track.”

  Naja pushed back from the table and stood.

  “I’m surprised, Naja. You didn’t strike me as the sort to run away.”

  “I’m not—” She stopped when he smiled. “Okay, look. It’s clear we’re interested in two different things and I’m okay with that.”

  “I beg to differ. I think we’re both seeking the same thing. Only one of us is not afraid to admit it.”

  She shook her head as she closed her eyes. Who the heck was this guy? How had he read her so well in such a short amount of time? There was no way he’d pegged her that quickly without help.

  Reopening her eyes, she focused on him. “Do you know my sister?”

  Sterling frowned. “No, why?”

  “Are you sure? Did she put you up to this as payback from me meddling her about Carson?”

  “Who’s Carson?”

  The pure confusion in his expression told her he had no idea what she was talking about.

  Then there was only one explanation as to why he’d guessed as well as he had.

  “You’re psychic, aren’t you?”

  Sterling stared at her silently for several heartbeats before the corners of his eyes crinkled and he chuckled. When he seemed to realize she was serious he laughed harder.

  Frustrated with the way the situation was going, she pressed her lips together to stifle a curse word. “Look, Sterling, I think it’s best I get going now. I’m sure you have things to do today and so do I. I hope you enjoyed your lunch.”

  She turned to walk away, but he gripped her wrist. The instant he touched her, a wave of heat surged through her. She couldn’t disguise the tremor that followed. A gasp exploded from her as she glanced down at his hand.

  Sweet mercy the man was potent. She knew right then not getting involved with him on any level was the smart thing to do. The man was dangerous. In so many ways she didn’t know where to begin. She’d never felt the sort of attraction she’d experienced with him. Ever. That scared the hell out of her.

  “Are you back to attempting a hasty departure?”

  “I’m not running,” she grumbled.

  “Then what do you call it?”

  Naja rolled her eyes and sat. “I call it making an attempt to get on with my day. You should want to do the same. When on vacation one should relax and do a little sightseeing.”

  “After we finish this conversation, hopefully we’ll be able to do that together?”

  “That would be a mistake. If you know you’re incompatible going into the situation, you usually don’t continue on.”

  “You do if you know the exploration of what’s to come will be worth it.”

  “So you are psychic.”

  “No. I just know from firsthand experience not to waste a moment. To take a chance on something that could turn out to be so great you’ll regret it more if you don’t.”

  Naja remained silent. How could she argue with his rational logic? It might not be the road she planned to travel down, but that didn’t mean it was wrong for him. Still, she couldn’t deny she was tempted. There was something about the man that just drew her in. It was more than his gorgeous, sculpted face, his broad shoulders and muscular but lean body.

  His personality called to her on a level deeper than she was comfortable with. More

  importantly, in a way she’d never experienced. She did want to get to know him better. The yearning to have him touch her body in a way it hadn’t been in a while surged through her.

  She wanted him. But that was her libido speaking. Her mind screamed no and her heart beat so fast she was surprised it hadn’t exploded out of her chest.

  “Tell me what’s going through that brain of yours.”

  “Trust me. You don’t want to know.”

  “Of course I do. Otherwise I wouldn’t have asked.”

  Naja reached for her wine glass. She needed something stronger, but the wine would do for now. “You truly are an attorney, aren’t you?”

  “I am. I also enjoy it very much,” Sterling replied.

  “You scare me.”

  He tilted his head to the side. “Why?”

  “Because you tempt me to say yes even when I know I shouldn’t. I know that even though I want to go about this another way, you’re good enough to persuade me to try it yours and that could end up blowing up in my face, in both of our faces.”

  “I never took you to be a pessimist.”

  Naja smiled. “I prefer realist.”

  “If that’s so, you should be completely onboard with what I’m suggesting. It doesn’t get more real than that.”

  She laughed. “Where are you from, Sterling?”

  “Memphis, Tennessee.”

  She fought back a grimace. That was a little more distance than she was comfortable with.

  Then she stifled a groan as her words to her sibling a few weeks ago came back to her. She’d encouraged her sister to take a risk on something that could turn out to be the best thing that had ever happened to her. It turned out Carson seemed to be that and more for Imani.

  Could Sterling end up being that for her? Did she want him
to be? How would she handle it if he was?


  She’d just started her vacation and the situation had already become complex. What in the heck would she do? One thing was for certain: Imani would get a kick out of these latest developments.

  Releasing a pent up breath, she glanced over at Sterling. “Can I have some time to think about this?”

  One corner of his mouth curved upward. “Something tells me I should tell you no, but I’ll allow you the time you need.”

  “Just give me a day. I like having the opportunity to think things through.”

  “A smart trait for an intelligent woman.”

  She drained the last of the wine from her glass before standing again.

  This time Sterling stood with her. “Let me clean up then I’ll escort you back to your place.”

  “That’s not necessary,” she protested.

  “I know, but please pacify the gentleman in me.”

  Naja opened her mouth object again, but quickly closed it. Something told her it was a battle she wouldn’t win. She had a feeling she wouldn’t come out victorious against him often so she might as well save her energy for when it really counted. Instead, she threw her energy into helping assist him with the clean-up and a short time later they were headed to her family’s beach home.

  She turned to look at him once they reached the front door. Tilting her head to stare up at him, she smiled. The man was too darned sexy for his own good. The more she thought about the potential payoff, the more she was willing to give his way of doing things a shot.

  The heat bouncing back and forth between them was electrifying. The intimacy between the two of them would probably be off the charts. His kissable lips had been tempting her since she’d first run into him this morning. She wondered what he tasted like.

  Then as if he heard her thoughts, Sterling brushed his lips over her forehead. He froze, awaiting her reaction. She closed her eyes, her mind telling her to do one thing and her body crying out for her to throw herself into his arms.

  In the end she compromised. She turned her face up to his and licked her lips. That was all the invitation he seemed to need.

  He groaned and swallowed hard. “Naja, you don’t know what you do to me.”

  “Actually, I’m pretty sure I do because you do the same thing to me,” she whispered.

  Sterling swallowed hard. “That’s good to know. I’d definitely hate to be the only one feeling this way.”

  Before she could process the words he kissed her, his lips feathering gently over her eyes, her cheeks and then finally, finally, her mouth.

  His taste exploded on her tongue, heady like the ocean, cinnamon and man. She gripped his shirt in her fists and pulled him closer. With a rough, animalistic sound, his hands settled on her lower back as he kissed her deeper, only breaking apart to take desperate, greedy breaths. Their mouths met again.

  It was too much at once, too many sensations to process. Naja opened her eyes and the world around her seemed to spin and swirl. She broke away and covered her face with her hands.

  “I’m so sorry. I just can’t…not until I’ve made my decision.”

  She heard his harsh breathing, but he didn’t try to touch her again. He probably wondered what her problem was. She couldn’t tell him because she didn’t know herself.

  “You don’t have to apologize. I shouldn’t have done that in the first place. I just couldn’t help myself. There’s something about your mouth.”

  Naja laughed and his brows furrowed together in response. She shook her head. “I’m not laughing at you. I’m amused because that’s exactly what I was thinking about you just a few moments ago.”

  When the corners of his mouth titled upward, she stifled a groan. The man’s smile was wicked. Something told her she was in over her head and things between her and Sterling were bound to burn hotter than the summer sun.

  Chapter Four

  “I’m in trouble.”

  “What ? ” Imani’s eyes widened as she sat down her glass of tea.

  Naja chewed on her bottom lip nervously. After Sterling left her on the front porch, she’d gone inside and tried to relax. She hadn’t been successful so she’d gone into town and the shopping strip and looked around for a few deals. But it became clear rather quickly that until she came to a conclusion about what she wanted to do concerning Sterling, she wouldn’t be able to truly relax and have fun like she’d intended.

  Last night’s sleep had been plagued by restlessness and when she finally did go to sleep it was only to dream of Sterling and all of the wicked things she wanted him to do to her.

  “Hello? Earth to Naja.”

  She blinked as her older sister waved her hand back and forth in front of her face.

  “What in the world is going on? I haven’t seen you this off kilter in a long time.”

  “Imani, I’m not even sure where to start. I have so many crazy thoughts running through my mind right now that it’s a jumbled mess.”

  “Did something happen back home?”

  Naja shook her head. “No. Something occurred here.”

  “Is it the beach house?”

  “Ha! If only it were that simple.”

  She exhaled heavily and rubbed her forehead. “Yesterday morning, I met a guy and he’s dangerous.”

  Imani frowned. “In what way?”

  “Well, we bumped into each other on the beach while out for a run. The first thing I noticed was that he was freaking drop-dead gorgeous.”

  Before she could go on, a waitress came up to the table and took their order. When they were alone again, Naja opened her mouth to continue, but Imani stopped her.

  “What is this really about, Naja?”

  “Yesterday, I propositioned Mr. Sexy, as I’ve nicknamed him, for a casual affair while were both here at Myrtle Beach. He said no.”

  Imani’s eyes widened and she laughed. “What? You mean to tell me this guy told you no?

  Who is he? I must meet him.”

  Naja’s eyebrows furrowed together. “Why? I just told you he wasn’t interested—”

  “Into just getting you in his bed. I know. That’s why I have to make his acquaintance.

  Sounds like a gentleman.”

  “Is that the only thing you’ve heard out of everything I’ve said?”

  “No, but it’s what I’m focusing on. Remember, just a few weeks ago you were torturing me.

  You owe me the opportunity to pay you back a little.”

  “Oh, please. You’re the happiest you’ve been in a while. Don’t act like taking my advice has been a hardship.”

  Imani leaned back in the booth and folded her arms over her chest. “It was. I almost worried myself to death behind it. While I’ll admit it turned out to be a wonderful thing, I was scared beyond belief. In some ways I still am. But if I’m not mistaken, you were the one who told me to step outside of my comfort zone.”

  Naja rolled her eyes as she reached for her drink. She’d known her older sister would probably bring that up. “This is an entirely different situation, Imani. I don’t have time for a serious relationship, especially one that isn’t slated to last after two weeks.”

  “Who says it wouldn’t?”

  Naja grumbled under her breath, doing her best to keep her words unintelligible. This was about as bad as having a conversation with Sterling. How in the heck had she’d gotten herself into this predicament? All she’d wanted to do was have a relaxing vacation, find a gorgeous man to experience a few mind-blowing orgasms with and then head back home. But clearly that was too easy. No, instead she had to cross paths with the one man who didn’t want to.

  “I don’t know why I even opened my mouth and told you.”

  “Because holding something this major in would drive you insane,” Imani retorted.

  “So far telling you hasn’t been any better.”

  Imani laughed. “I’m going to give you the same advice you gave me. Put yourself out there.

ke a risk. You never know what might happen.”

  Naja shook her head. “No can do. That would be totally irresponsible of me. Sterling is asking for something I can’t give right now. I’m not going to pretend I can.”

  “Why can’t you?”

  Naja’s mouth fell open. “Who are you and what have you done with my big sister?”

  One corner of Imani’s mouth twitched. “I’ve evolved.”


  Imani reached across the table and took Naja’s hand in hers. “We’ll change the subject for now, but I’m not going to let this go.”

  Naja did a good job of holding in her sigh of relief. “What else is there to talk about?”

  “The Fourth of July party, of course. Everything is ready. All that’s left is for people to show up.” Imani’s eyes widened. “Hey, why don’t you invite Sterling to the party? You can hang out with him in a non-threatening environment.”

  Naja grimaced. “Actually, I was hoping to meet someone more suitable for what I have in mind at your party.”

  “Based on the RVSP list, I wouldn’t count on it. Your pickings would be slim, as a matter of fact, non-existent.”

  “Just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse.”

  Imani released Naja’s hand. “So, should I add a plus one?”

  “I have a feeling you will even if I tell you not to.”

  Imani laughed.

  Naja released a pent up breath and contemplated her next move. This entire situation was ridiculous. She should’ve known things wouldn’t go as she planned. Nope. Anytime she strategized something at least one thing went wrong. It was a big part of the reason why she’d hired two qualified assistants. They were the best at coming up with a backup plan. She could really use one right now.

  Unfortunately, she would have no such luck in that area. She’d have to figure this out on her own. Imani definitely wouldn’t be any help. It appeared now that she’d found happiness with Carson, Imani wanted others to experience it for themselves.

  To be honest, Sterling probably wouldn’t be a bad guy to have that with. At the age of forty-six, he seemed to be settled in life and more mature than a lot of men she’d had the misfortune of making the acquaintance of in the past. Nope, she didn’t have a problem with the age difference between them. What she did take issue with was the fact they were looking for two different things right now in their respective lives.


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