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Maid For You - A Cinderella Love Story

Page 5

by Paisley Lang

  Slowly, she nods. “Okay.” A small smile creeps across her lips. “Let’s do this.”

  She stands and begins to pace the room. “What if he doesn’t want anything to do with me?”

  “Then he’s an ass and you’ll be better off without him.”

  She stops moving and looks me square in the eyes. “Are you sure this isn’t too…intrusive? What if he has his own family, what if-”

  I cut her off, sensing she’s about to start talking herself out of it. “We won’t know if we don’t try.” I stand, reaching out for her hand, and her eyes fixate at my touch. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. If you decide to change your mind, that’s cool too.” I smile. “I just want to help you.”

  She narrows her eyes at me. “Why? Why do you want to help – and what do you want in return?”

  I look away and run a hand through my hair. My brows pull in at her direct question. I don’t have any answers, so I lay on my usual charm.

  “If I solve the mystery, I get to take you out to dinner.” She’s opening her mouth to protest and I hold a finger up to silence her. “Just dinner…nothing else.” I purposely rake my eyes over her delectable body. “Of course…I’d only be happy to-”

  “Enough. Stop.” She holds her palm up. She exhales loudly. “Fine. One dinner. Purely platonic.”

  “So, does that mean I don’t get to sample dessert?”

  “Don’t push it, Stud.”

  I lean closer to her, my mouth mere millimeters from her ear. “Spoilsport.”

  I’m beginning to enjoy the way her face flushes when I say anything remotely inappropriate towards her. As it is, I’m having a hard time staying neutral, when I’d just been witness to the most beautiful breast I’d ever seen. My eyes linger on her chest and all the blood leaves my head and rushes to my cock. I’m hard as a rock and I back away discreetly before she catches on.

  She ignores my comment and rakes her teeth over her bottom lip, a gesture I’m beginning to recognize she does when nervous. It’s fucking adorable and all I want to do is pry her lip away with my mouth.

  Not helping my situation down below either.

  “I really appreciate it, thank you. I’m just not in the position to be able to, you know…afford your fees…”

  “Firstly, you owe me nothing. I’m doing this favor for you as a friend. Anything else?”

  Her hazel eyes are conflicted as she examines her feet. “I don’t want be the cause of any trouble between you and your mother….” she worries, biting her lip some more. I sense she isn’t telling me everything. I’ve witnessed firsthand how foul my mother can be to people, let alone our staff.

  Placing a finger under her chin, I direct her gaze back to me.

  “Don’t worry about her, ‘k? She doesn’t need to know what we’re doing.”

  “But I’m not even sure she would approve of our friendship...”

  “Screw that.” I shoot her a lopsided grin to ease her worries. “She barely approves of me most of the time.”

  Her shoulders seem to drop at that, and she smiles.

  “Okay. I trust you, Jax.”

  Those few words hit me like a ton of bricks and stir up an emotion I’m unfamiliar with.

  “Awesome. Let’s get some photos together.”

  I quietly shut her door behind me, armed with a small collection of photos.

  My cell buzzes and I pull it from my pocket, a small feeling of dread settling in my stomach.

  Olivia. Again. I had managed to blow her off for the past week with work excuses. Now, she’s desperately trying to organize a lunch for us with our respective mothers to chat about plans for the summer. Shit. She’s also dropped enough hints for an invite for her to our annual summer ball as my date…yet the thought of her accompanying me just doesn’t do anything for me. Not anymore.

  Sighing, I tap the green answer button.

  “Hey, Olivia.”

  “Hey you, handsome. It’s so hard to get a hold of you anymore. I miss you, baby.”

  Her whiny voice grates on me.

  “Yea, it’s been pretty hectic at the firm.”

  “Well, don’t forget about me, honey. So, anyway, a few of the guys are coming over for an impromptu barbecue - can I count you in?”

  I briefly consider her question. A few beers and a chance to let loose seems like fun. I’ll even shoot to have the talk with her later.

  “Sure, what time?”

  “Yayyy.” I pull the phone away from my ear until she stops fucking cheering. “Mom and Dad are out for the evening - we’ve got the place to ourselves.” She pauses for effect, waiting for me to say something, except I don’t. “Anyway, so swing by anytime after seven, baby. I’m sure Mom would like to see you before they leave.”

  “Yeah, cool. Later.”

  I wake up the following morning with a resounding pain in my temple. Groaning, I turn over and bury my head under the cool underside of my pillow. Flashbacks of the previous night comes back to me - shots by the pool bar, girls dancing on tables, music blaring. Shit. As usual, things had gotten out of hand. I try to recall if I told Olivia I was done, but nothing comes back to me, which means probably not.

  Somewhere on my bed, I can hear my cell ringing. Groping around my sheets, I locate it and hit the button without checking the caller display.


  “Dude, cool party last night, right? We’re on our way over.”

  I snap open my eyes. “What? Why, Bryan?”

  “You said we could chill at your place for the day. We’re all on our way.”

  Fuck. I totally forgot I’d invited them. At least it was Saturday and I wouldn’t have my father up my ass.


  I hang up, pissed at myself. Dragging myself out of bed and regretting the alcohol I’d consumed, I hit the shower. Twenty minutes later, I head to the kitchen in search of coffee. Copious amounts.

  “Morning, Gaby.”

  She looked up from where she’s folding some laundry, a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth as she glances at her watch.

  “Good afternoon, Jax.”

  I shrug, smiling. Whatever. Grabbing a mug, I pour myself some coffee and pull out a barstool.

  “Tough night?”

  I groan in response. “Something like that.” The coffee burns my throat as I swallow, but it feels good. Sobering. “The gang is coming over. Just wanna warn you in advance.”

  “Sure, do you guys want lunch or anything?”

  “Nah, that’s fine. Thanks anyway.”

  I stand up and walk out of the kitchen, keeping an eye out for Ava. She mentioned she wasn’t working today; I wondered what that Kitten was up to.

  A few minutes later, I hear the sound of cars pulling up in the drive and sighing, I open the door, squinting in the bright light.

  Bryan reaches me first, fist bumping me and sneering at my disheveled self.

  “Yo, feelin’ a little tender, bro? You hit those beers and shots hard last night, man.”

  I wince. “Not feelin’ particularly great. Do you mind not shouting in my ear, asshole?”

  I watch as the girls gathered their crap, Olivia blowing me a kiss from her car.

  I’d have to take care of that today.

  I turn to walk into the house, but pause when Bryan blows out a low whistle.

  “Fuck, man, who’s that hottie on your grounds?”

  My jaw tightens and I run my hand over the back of my neck. Turning around, I see Ava heading off down the drive. With her short shorts and strappy top, her ass looks amazing with that little sway to her hips. A picture of her naked breast flashes before my eyes, sending a signal straight to my cock. Oblivious to us, she’s got her ear buds plugged in.

  My voice is terse. “Her name’s Ava Cortes. She’s our new part-time maid.”

  I don’t like the expression that forms on his face as he cranes his neck and licks his lips.

  “Well, I’m gonna tap that piece of a
ss for sure.” He laughs and pats me on the shoulder.

  I grind my teeth. “Stay the fuck away from her.” My voice is hard as steel, the warning clear in my tone. Bryan’s eyes shoot up in surprise.

  “What’s the problem, man? She’s just a maid, it’s not like I’ll ever see her again - I’ll even fuck her nice.”

  My entire body tenses and heat rushes through my body. I can feel the vein in my neck pulsing and I have him pinned against the wall in two seconds flat, my arm across his neck, blocking off his air supply. His eyes shoot wide open, betraying his fear and surprise.

  “The fuck, man. Let me go.”

  “I said leave her the hell alone.” My face is inches from his and I’m not easing off until I hear him say it. Reluctantly, he nods his head.

  I release the piece of shit only to see Logan and the girls staring at me, their mouths hanging open.

  “Sorry about that. Just a little misunderstanding.”

  Walking away, I unclench my fists and make my way out towards the back of the house.

  The afternoon passes without further altercations or snide comments from Bryan. The mood from earlier has passed and everyone’s tired and just happy to chill and relax, with tunes playing in the background. My thoughts keep returning to Ava - I wonder where she is, what she’s up to.

  Yesterday, before leaving for Olivia’s house, I’d placed a call to one of my father’s contacts - a business associate and close friend he referred to as his “fixer.” I explained about wanting to track down someone without giving away too much detail. He knew the drill and didn’t ask any further questions, so I couriered the photos to him. He promised he’d be in contact today at some point with news of his progress, and I’m distracted by continually checking my phone.

  “So, baby, would you like to have dinner with my parents tomorrow night?”

  Oh, man. I have to tell her. But I don’t want to be a complete jerk and do it in front of everyone.

  “I can’t…I have plans.”

  She doesn’t bother to hide her disappointment and her lips flatten together. Before she can respond, I hear footsteps on the patio and glance over to see Ava approaching the kitchen. She’s seen us but has lowered her head, trying to be inconspicuous.

  “It’s that new maid again.” Bryan whispers it loud enough to gain everyone’s attention.

  I scowl at him and Olivia crosses her arms.

  “That’s your new maid, baby?” she purrs as she moves closer to me. Her hardened eyes rake over Ava. “God, they start them young these days, don’t they?”

  “She’s almost nineteen.”

  “Oooh, you seem to know a lot about her, don’t you?” She tries to play it down, but the venom in her tone can’t be concealed.

  I open my mouth to reply but am cut off as she abruptly stands and begins to signal to Ava. “Excuse me, maid? Helloooo?”

  “Sit down, Olivia.” My voice is firm, but all the others have sat up now, watching with interest.

  Ava stops in her tracks. Even from here, I can see her face is flushed, but her head’s held high.

  “Yes, can I help you?”

  “Yeah, we’d like some drinks to be served out here.” Olivia turns to the others, giggling and fanning herself. “It’s so hot today.”

  “Olivia.” My voice is raised and I’m surprised at how protective I feel towards Ava. She’s rooted to the spot, but her eyes refuse to meet mine.

  “Sure, I can take care of that.” She lowers her eyes and makes to turn around.

  I stand abruptly.

  “Please don’t talk to my staff like that, Olivia.” Ava freezes in her tracks.

  “What?” Olivia feigns innocence and spreads out her palms. “Relax, baby. She is the maid after all.”

  My jaw is clenched and I shake my head at her.

  “Wait up, Ava. I’ll grab them.”

  Fuck Olivia. I’m done with her.

  Chapter 7


  The sun is streaming through the curtains and I shift in bed, turning to my side. I’m nineteen years old today. My vision blurs and I choke back a sob, knowing I’ll never again be able to celebrate another birthday with my mother.

  A knock on my door has me quickly wiping my eyes, and I sit up in bed. “Come in.”

  The door pushes open and a smiling Gaby walks in balancing a tray. She stands still and begins to sing.

  “Feliz cumpleaños a ti, feliz cumpleaños a ti, feliz cumpleaños querida, Ava, feliz cumpleaños a ti.”

  I laugh and give her a clap as she takes a little curtsy.

  “Your breakfast is served, senorita.”

  I push the covers back and hop out of bed while she places the tray on my desk.

  “I made blueberry pancakes, your favorite.”

  The smell wafting from the tray makes my mouth water. It’s accompanied by a plate of freshly cut slices of watermelon, a mug of steaming coffee, and a glass of orange juice.

  I pull her in for a hug and squeeze tightly, holding on for longer than normal. “This is amazing, Gaby. Thank you so much.”

  She finally unwraps her arms, and I note her eyes are just as misty as mine. “Enjoy your breakfast, mija. I need to get back to work.”

  “Thank you, I’ll join you soon.”

  She waves her hand. “Take your time.”

  I exhale as she departs and sink into the chair. As I look around, my eye catches a package on my bedside table. I’m puzzled as it wasn’t there last night. Rushing across, I see it wrapped exquisitely in pale gold paper. My hands tremble as I carefully open it and pull out its contents. I gasp, and my fingers fly to my lips as I’m holding what looks like a first-edition copy of Wuthering Heights. I run my fingers over the distressed front and sink into the bed, my heart thumping in my ears. A small handwritten note falls out of the wrapper and I retrieve it from the floor:

  Happy Birthday, Kitten. I hope you like Emily Bronte. Be ready by 6, we’re celebrating. PS Don’t freak out, I’ve cleared it with Gaby.

  A lump forms in my throat and I can’t help the tears that stream down my face, even though I’m smiling.

  He remembered.

  “So, where we going?” I’m grinning like a schoolgirl, but I’m excited at the prospect of what the evening holds. We’re walking along the path to their private section of the lake and the evening stroll is perfect, the air balmy with a light breeze. I’m carrying my wrap as it’s still too warm to need it.

  Jax gives me the side eye. “Patience, Kitten. We’ll be there soon.”

  I roll my eyes for fun and check for his reaction.

  “I saw that.” He tries to sound terse, but there’s a small smile playing on his lips.

  He’s dressed in faded jeans and a white button-down shirt, with the sleeves rolled to his elbows. Every now and then, the breeze changes direction and I catch a whiff of his cologne, which plays havoc with my hormones. Since the other night in my room, I can’t stop picturing what it would be like to kiss him, to have his mouth on my breasts while his hands explore my body. Just the thought of it makes me flush and my nipples instantly harden. God, not now.

  He looks so handsome tonight, the white shirt contrasting perfectly against his tanned skin, and even his eyes seem to glow even brighter than normal.

  I’m dressed in a yellow maxi dress with tan sandals, nothing too over the top as I had no idea where we’d be going. My freshly washed hair is pulled up into a messy bun and I’ve accessorized with my silver hoops and my usual bracelet. I know I’m nowhere near as sophisticated compared to the girls he dates, but I don’t let it bother me – tonight, I’m Ava Cortes, not just the help, and it’s my freaking birthday.

  In the distance, I can see their log cabin nestled amongst the trees, but what catches my eye is the table set on the dock. I squint my eyes.

  “Jax? Is that what I think it is?”

  He follows my eye. “You mean that? Yeah, we’re having dinner on the water. No biggie.”

  I stop and turn to face
him, my lips stretched across my face. “You did this? For me?”

  He shrugs and turns away, kicking a pebble. “It’s just dinner. Thought maybe you’d like to eat outside.”

  Facing the dock once again, a waiter is now standing on the side, ready to receive us.

  I can’t believe he’s done this for me and impulsively, I throw my hands around his neck and bury my face into his shoulder. “Thank you.”

  It takes him a second to respond, but his arms come around my waist and he presses himself against me. He feels so good and I want to stay in his arms forever. I feel his hands lowering and before I can stop him, he’s grabbing my ass. I place my hands on top of his and narrow my eyes.

  “That’d be all, Stud. Hands off.”

  “Damn, and here I was thinking I’d cop a good feel at the same time.”

  He sounds genuinely disappointed and I find myself laughing as I untangle myself.

  He grabs my hand and leads the way. “Come on, I’m starving.”

  This time I don’t stop the contact.

  Dinner is amazing and Jax is the perfect gentleman, resisting all sexual innuendos for a change.

  I replace my fork and take a sip of my water. “You feeling alright, Stud?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  I glance at my watch. “Well, it’s been over an hour and for once you haven’t said anything inappropriate. I just want to check this isn’t my last meal or anything…”

  He chuckles across the table. “You sound surprised, Miss Cortes. I can behave, you know.” He raises an eyebrow, eyeing me over his glass.

  “Well, here I was thinking you just wanted me for my body.” I’m teasing him, but his expression changes and suddenly the air is charged between us. A shiver runs down my spine and I catch my bottom lip between my teeth.

  “Don’t do that, Kitten.” His voice is deep and it sends sparks shooting between my legs. My cheeks warm under his gaze, the look in his eyes telling me exactly how much he wants me. I don’t know what to say so I fiddle with my glass. Thankfully, he changes the subject.

  “So, how’s everything going with work?”


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