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Maid For You - A Cinderella Love Story

Page 12

by Paisley Lang

  “That won’t be necessary. Please tell Mr. James that I am no longer interested in talking with him.”

  I hang up and exhale loudly.

  No more rejections.

  I was done.

  A few days pass. I drag my feet back to the hotel after my afternoon shift, my mind a million miles away, thinking about securing an apartment share. I can’t continue living in the hotel on a long-term basis.

  I almost miss the big black Town Car parked outside.

  As I near the entrance, the door swings open and I’m face to face with Carter James.

  I freeze in my tracks.

  He adjusts the button on his suit jacket and takes in my appearance. We don’t say anything and just simply stare at each other. Finally, he speaks. “Ava, I owe you an apology.”

  I’m too shocked to trust my voice, so I give him a curt nod.

  “Please, can we go somewhere and talk?”

  I shrug my shoulders and clear my throat. “Sure, we can talk in the hotel.”

  He nods, a small smile playing on his lips, and I’m struck by how handsome he looks when he’s not scowling.

  “Lead the way.”

  Dear Gaby,

  I’m sure you’re freaking out from the postage stamp, but please don’t worry. I hope this letter will explain everything.

  Firstly, I owe you a huge apology for everything I put you through over the summer. You offered me nothing but kindness and a home, and even though I never meant for it to happen, getting involved with Jax was a mistake and I’m deeply sorry it compromised your position. I’m also sorry I let you down – it was never my intention.

  I know I’ve only called a couple of times these past few months, but I didn’t want to cause you any further trouble so I thought it best to give you some space. As mentioned, I was doing fine and even enjoyed my job as a waitress.

  As you can see from the postage stamp, yes, I’m really in New York. It’s noisy, loud, the people are brash but so far, I love it. I finally feel like I belong somewhere.

  I have some big news, which I didn’t want to share with you over the phone - not until I was sure it would work out. Gaby, soon after I left, I looked up my father. I know you advised against it, but I thought he had the right to know and vice versa. Of course, he was in shock at first, but we’ve slowly gotten to know each other over the past few months. Gaby, he’s a great guy! He’s got two boys, Cole and Kyle, aged fifteen and twelve. At first, I guess when we met, we were all a little suspicious of each other, but now we get on really well. They’re cool boys and even refer to me as “sis.” I can’t believe I’ve two half brothers. Cole told me that he wants to pursue a career in engineering, but Kyle is showing interest in marketing, although he’s still young, so he may change his mind yet.

  Carter is married to Catherine. She’s okay, cordial towards me, but I don’t think my presence is particularly welcome. I prefer to keep my distance from her. Carter assures me she’ll come around, but honestly, I’m not holding my breath.

  I can see why mamá fell in love with him. I just wish she gave him a chance and told him about me before she shut that door – things could have been very different. I also sense a lot of regret on his part, but the past is the past and they both had their reasons.

  You know I love everything to do with marketing and I guess in my over-enthusiasm, I quizzed him about one of the campaigns his firm is working on. I opened my big mouth to disagree with the strapline and would you believe, he actually agreed with me! I think he was really impressed as he invited me into the office and even gave me a job as a junior assistant for a couple of months. I loved every minute of it – needless to say, I quit my waitressing job.

  For whatever reason, he said he saw a lot of potential in me and sent me forward for an interview at Columbia Business School. I guess I impressed the selection team too…and I’m starting college in January! This is a dream come true. My life has really turned around. Carter has set me up in one of the agency’s apartments and I asked if I could have a roommate for company, which he agreed to. I miss my friends and I’m looking forward to meeting new people and starting a new life. Someone called Lauren – she sounds really nice on the phone – is coming over to chat later today, so maybe she’ll be my new roommate.

  I’m sorry I kept this from you and I can imagine this has come as a huge shock. If it didn’t work out, at least I’d know I tried, but I wanted to spare you if that happened.

  Somewhere up there, I know mamá is looking down on me and smiling. I miss her so much and wish she was here.

  I hope she’s proud of me.

  You’ll find my address at the bottom of this letter along with my new email and cell phone details – I know I don’t need to say it again, but please keep it private.

  I’d love for you to come visit me sometime. Carter is keen to meet you too, whenever you’re ready.

  I’ve a ton of reading and prep to do before the new semester so I’ll be pretty busy these next few weeks.

  I wish you a very Happy Christmas and hope things are going well for you with Roberto. Are you celebrating together this year? It’s about time you two come out with your romance (lol). You deserve to be happy.

  Promise, I’ll call soon, I’m sure you have lots of questions.

  Love you,


  6 Years Later

  Chapter 17


  “Mija, I’m so excited you’re coming back, are you all set? Everything ready? Do you need anything?”

  I flop onto the sofa and grin at Gaby’s enthusiasm. “Yes, I think so. Just have to finish packing and go over my speech, you know, the final last-minute things.”

  “Okay, sounds good. Now you sure you don’t want me to collect you at the airport? I don’t mind at all.”

  “No, Gaby, honestly, I’m good. Carter is sending a car for me and I’m heading straight to the hotel. I’ll be tied up with a preliminary meeting and then I’m hitting the spa.” Tingles of nerves shoot up my spine, and Gaby is silent on the other end.

  “Gaby, you still there?”

  She sniffs, and I can tell she’s crying again.

  I’m smiling into the phone even though she can’t see. “Gaby. You promised no more tears.”

  There’s a rustle and I figure she’s dabbing at her eyes.

  “I know, I know, mija. I’m just so proud of you…all your hard work over the years…I wish your mother was here to see what a fine young woman you’ve turned into.”

  A lump forms in my throat. I wish that every day. “Tomorrow is dedicated to her.” I blink away my blurred vision. “If she hadn’t encouraged my studies, I wouldn’t be here today.”

  She clears her throat, and I can hear Roberto calling her in the background. “I have to go, but I’ll see you tomorrow at seven. I’m so excited.”

  “I can’t wait, it’s been what, four months since you last visited me here?”

  “Yep, that sounds right.”

  “’K…see you tomorrow. Love you, Gaby.”

  “You too, mija.”

  We end the call and I exhale. I’m exhausted and I need to sleep, but I’m wired and excited at the same time.

  My eyes close momentarily and I hear the front door opening.

  “Hey, Ava. You home?”

  I sit up and run my hands over my face. “Yeah, in here.”

  Lauren, my best friend and roommate, drops her bag onto the floor, shrugging out of her jacket.

  “Wow, it smells like I’ve walked into a florist’s shop. What is that?”

  She steps into our open plan sitting room and her eyes land on the kitchen counter. Her jaw hangs. “Oh my God, Ava.” Six dozen long-stemmed red roses are covering the entire space.

  Rushing over, she picks through the bouquets, looking for the card. “Jesus, who sent these?”

  I place my arm on the top of the sofa and lay my head to rest. A deep sigh escapes. “I have an idea.” I watch as she rummages through the flowers.
br />   “Bingo.” Examining it, she holds it up. “What is this? I mean the picture of the kitten is cute and all…” She turns it over and finds the simple message. Congratulations. “Ava…?”

  “It’s my past coming back to haunt me.”

  She places it back on the counter and comes and flops beside me, tucking her long legs under her. “Okay, so that makes sense. Not.” She fiddles with her long blonde ponytail while I wait for her to connect the dots. The next second, she bolts upright and her eyes widen. “A picture of a Kitten.” She snaps her fingers. “Is that who I think it’s from?”

  I give her a weak smile. “Congratulations, Sherlock.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  I shrug. “Nothing.” My heart begins to thump. It’s been six years of no contact and then…this. “I’ve nothing to say. Please, can we talk about something else?”

  Lauren gives me an understanding nod and blows out a breath. “Are you nervous for tomorrow? Besides the Gala, of course. You feeling okay about going back to Miami?” “Not really.” I smile and look away, lost in thought. “It doesn’t exactly hold great memories for me.”

  She squeezes my hand. “I’m so sorry I can’t be there for you. You know how I hate that my pitch coincides with the Gala. This is your big moment…and I have to goddamn work. I swear that bitch, Lydia, refused to move the meeting on purpose.”

  Lauren hates her boss. “I understand, hon. Honestly, I do. Look, you’ll nail this pitch like the badass you are. And then we can put our plan into action.”

  She nods her head. “Can you imagine Lydia’s face when I land the client and then go and quit the following day?” She furrows her brow. “You really think they’ll follow me?”

  “I’m sure of it. You’re damn talented at what you do, God knows Carter has been trying to poach you for the past two years.” I shift in my seat and cross my legs. “Technically, you won’t be in breach of your non-compete…the clients will no doubt choose to work with your expertise. We know it’s up to them to decide who and where they want to spend their ad budget.”

  She hangs her head in her hands. “It’s just such a huge risk…you, me, everything.”

  “Look, it’s gonna be fine. Carter is all for us setting up our own boutique agency. We just need to get you out of your contract as clean as possible. And you’ll do it, Lauren. I know you will. And like the Pied Piper, you’ll lead and clients will follow. Combined with my contacts, we’re going to be fine.”

  She scoots over and gives me a tight hug. “I can’t wait to put our plans in motion. Just think, by the summer, we’ll be up and running with our own full-service agency.”

  “Me too, I’m so excited our plans are moving forward. So sorry I can’t be here to check out that loft space with you.”

  She pulls away and sits back. “It’s fine. I know what we’re looking for. If it’s promising and big enough, I’ll text you some photos and hopefully we can move forward with signing a lease this week.”

  “Awesome.” I exhale loudly, the nerves creeping up on me once again.

  Lauren squeezes my hand. “You’re gonna do great tomorrow. Seriously, what you’ve achieved? It’s incredible. And your speech is dynamite.” Her eyes mist over. “Trust me, you’re going shine up there and I’m so proud to call you my bestie.”

  Lauren had applied to be my roommate six years ago, and we’d hit it off immediately. We were taking the same course and even though we decided to specialize in different areas, we’re still thick as thieves and the very best of friends.

  We chat a little while longer and then I retreat to my room to get organized for my flight. I pass the vases of roses, which are still bothering me, bringing up painful memories, but I try and push him out of my mind. Hopefully I’ll be in and out of Miami as fast as possible.

  Gaby has tried to convince me to visit for the past few years, but each time, I manage to come up with another excuse. Unfortunately for me, my father’s head office is located there. Tomorrow evening, he’s hosting one of the most prestigious galas in the U.S. - a night that recognizes the top millionaire executives in their industry who are under thirty years old.

  Thanks to the advertising app I’ve developed for the digital market, I’m currently one of the thirty being honored for the night.

  Guess I’ve come a long way from the naive eighteen year old that landed in the U.S. six years ago.

  The flight takes off and I settle back into my seat, a flood of mixed emotions overwhelming me.

  I peer out of the window as the buildings become smaller and farther away and look up as my name is called for the second time.

  “Miss Cortes, may I offer you a glass of champagne?”

  The hostess makes me jump. “Sorry, sure. Why not?” I accept the sparkling beverage and shift in my seat, listening for the captain’s announcement.

  In just under three hours, I’d be in Miami.

  The warmth hits me as I step outside the airport, a good few degrees higher than back home. I follow the driver to the car and slip into the back seat, my thoughts preoccupied with the meeting I’m about to attend. I haven’t seen my father in over a month and I’m looking forward to catching up before the evening ceremony. I send off a quick text to Lauren, wishing her luck for this morning, and then instruct the driver to take my suitcase to the hotel. Once outside Carter McKenzie Communications, I thank him and grab my laptop bag and exit the car.

  I’ve spent time here before so after going through the preliminary check in, I take the elevator to Carter’s office on the executive floor and stop outside his door.

  “Hey, Milly. How are you?” His secretary glances up from her screen and her face splits into a smile. She steps around her desk.

  “Ava. It’s so good to see you again.” She gives me a warm hug and perches on the end of her desk. We’ve met a couple of times when Carter had brought her along to business trips in New York. “How are you feeling? All set for this evening?”

  I suck in a breath and grin. “Yep, I think so. Can’t believe it’s finally here.”

  Her phone begins to ring and she walks back to her desk. “Go on in, Carter’s expecting you.”

  “Thanks, I’ll catch you later.”

  I knock twice and then step into my father’s office. He’s scribbling some notes, so I take a moment to study him before he looks up. His blond hair is peppered with silver streaks but there’s no sign of any loss. He wears a deep tan and because he works out every morning, he’s still in great shape. I have his eyes, the exact same hue of hazel brown. Just then he registers my presence and I lift my fingers, giving him a small wave.

  I’m grinning from ear to ear. “Hi Dad.”

  He drops his pen and pushes his chair back, his arms outstretched. “Hey you. How’s my favorite girl?”

  I close the distance between us and wrap my arms around my father. He’s a little over six feet and his comforting arms encircle me. We kiss on the cheek and then I take a seat opposite him.

  “Good flight?”

  “Not bad, thanks.” I glance around his office. One entire wall is covered in awards and achievements for the agency. “Thanks for the briefing notes this morning. Are we all set for the meeting?”

  His eyes crinkle at the corners as he regards me with a smile. “Yes, all good. But tell me something else. How are you feeling? Tonight’s your night, kid.”

  I flop back into the chair and run my hands down the armrest. “I’m nervous as hell. What if I screw up my speech…or trip on the way up the stairs, Jennifer Lawrence style?”

  He laughs out loud. “You’ll be fine, kiddo. I know you will. Just be yourself and everyone will love you just as much as I do.”

  I’m quiet for a moment. Considering we’ve only known each other for six years, we’re extremely close. “I love you too, Dad.”

  He selects a folder from his desk. “Come on, let’s get this meeting over with and then you can go do your girlie things at the hotel.”

things?” I stand and pick up my laptop bag. “Seriously, did you just say that?”

  He holds the door open for me and his forehead wrinkles. “A little slack, please? You know you’re my only daughter…I’ve no idea what you women do.”

  I smile and shake my head as I walk past him.

  It’s good to see him again.

  A few hours later, back at the hotel, I step out of the shower, feeling heavenly and relaxed after my spa massage. As promised, Carter wrapped up the meeting quickly and sent me off to relax.

  Wrapped up in a big, fluffy robe, I answer the door to my suite. Right on time, the stylist I’ve booked stands outside with her assistant. We greet each other warmly - I’ve worked with Kyla a couple of times before and I trust her taste implicitly.

  We kiss on the cheek. “Kyla, good to see you again.” I hold the door open and she steps through with her assistant, who drags the garment rail behind her.

  “Ava, you’re looking amazing.” She looks me up and down and crosses her arms. “You still working out like a badass?”

  I laugh and lead her into the bedroom. “Just the usual, but yeah, really enjoying mixing up the martial arts with yoga.”

  I’ve been training in self-defense for a few years now. After what almost happened to me six years ago, I never want to be defenseless or a victim again.

  I widen my smile, excited at the prospects beneath the zippered clothes bags. “So, what have you got for me?”

  Kyla’s assistant begins to unzip the bags and pulls out the dresses carefully. Three colors to choose from - cream, black, and red, all in a similar style. Floor-length, strapless, and mermaid cut. I nod with satisfaction.

  “You don’t need reminding of your perfect hourglass figure…” Kyla rolls her eyes playfully. “But these styles are perfect for you. I’ve a favorite in mind but thought I’d give you the option.”


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