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Love Heals (The Love Duet Book 2)

Page 6

by Leah Sharelle

  “Don’t you know how to take a day—”

  “Kelsey has been attacked, I need you here on Main Road, across from the mechanics,” I said in a rush, cutting him off.

  “Leaving now mate, sit tight,” Jobe’s reply came back immediately, his tone changing from jovial to serious instantly. That was why he and I worked so well together and for so long. He wasn’t one of those annoying fuckers that liked to talk too much, and even though he was always up for some ribbing, he knew when to knock it off, like now.

  Jumping to my feet, I sprinted to the car to retrieve the bottle of water from the centre console cup holder. It didn’t feel hot like it had been sitting in the car forever, it would do to cool off her skin if anything. All in all, it took me no more than ten seconds to leave and get back to Kelsey in that time. I dropped back to my knees just as Kelsey groaned painfully, she was trying to sit up but I placed my hand gently to her stomach to stop her movements.

  “Hey sweetheart, don’t move okay? I have an ambulance on the way. Can you tell me who attacked you Mermaid?” I asked, trying to keep my voice gentle while inside I was planning how to make the arsehole who did this to her pay painfully. Uncapping the water, I slowly poured the tepid liquid over her forehead, gritting my teeth every time she moaned with approval.

  God, I could imagine her moaning in the same way while her mouth stretched around my throbbing cock, or perhaps pounding up into her while she rode me, her slick wet heat—

  Whoa! What the hell was that? My filthy mind was leading me to places I never thought it would go, and with Kelsey. Ever since… fuck when did these dirty thoughts start?

  “Jason stop!”

  Shaking my head clear, I heard Kelsey spluttering at me, her face now drenched with the water. I got lost in my head so much, I went from slowly trickling the water on her face to pouring the whole bloody thing and nearly drowning her.

  “Oh shit, sorry baby,” I apologised, tossing the bottle on the ground.

  “Did you say ambulance? I don’t need an ambulance Jason,” Kelsey protested, making my eyes roll. Of course, she would say that the woman was so god damned pigheaded. My natural instinct was to protect her and she annoyed me thwarting me at every turn.

  “Kelsey for fuck’s sake! You were attacked, of course you need a fucking ambulance.” I began arguing my point when the sirens signalled the paramedics had arrived.

  “Stop swearing Jason. I wasn’t attacked, I stumbled when a wheel fell off my cart sending me falling in this blasted hedge,” she explained, her eyes narrowing at a branch over her head. It was thick and old looking and obviously the culprit for the slashes she sustained.

  “Oh fuck,” I mumbled, hearing the sound of a gurney being pushed over the gravel.

  “Oh, Jason seriously!” Kelsey gasped. “This is so embarrassing,” she groaned, hiding her face behind her hands.

  “What the fuck else was I supposed to think? I find you lying on the ground unmoving and hurt, of course I thought something bad happened.” I tried to defend my actions, but inside I was cringing. Maybe I overreacted just a tad, but she was hurt and definitely dehydrated. She wasn’t getting out of a lecture for hauling so many bags of heavy soil in the worst heat of the day. Then the whole car discussion was still to come, that is going to be fun– not.

  For the next ten minutes, I sat off to the side while the EMTs looked Kelsey over, attending to her wounds with some antiseptic lotion, they deemed them not needing stitches although I wanted to argue, Kelsey’s disapproving glare stopping me.

  I felt a bit more justified about panicking when the EMT told her she was suffering from heatstroke. Then smug when they lectured her on being stupid. Knowing she was in good hands, I stepped to the side and called Jobe to call him off, explaining what actually happened. I, of course, hung up on him once he started laughing at me. I had no doubts that the story would be told over and over at the station when he got back, making me think about not going to work on Monday.

  Shaking my head at how much fun that was going to be, I pulled up Charlotte’s number from my contacts. If I knew Kelsey as well as I thought I did… and I did, she was going to need some help if I was going to get her to rest when I get her home.

  Fifteen minutes later I had Kelsey in the ute, her fucking stupid handcart, minus a wheel and the soil in the ute bed. Once we got back to her place we were going to have a chat.

  One, she was going to take the Ranger and drive it.

  Two, she was going to be in my bed. I was done with messing with my head. Sex was just that, sex. It didn’t always have to involve love, I wasn’t doing that anymore, but I did want to have sex… with Kelsey. Not necessarily today, we had to work out some logistics, rules and such so we could have fun without bringing our hearts into it.

  The more I thought about it, the more I liked my plan. No heart, no love, just sex and friendship.

  Kelsey wasn’t in love with me, she obviously had feelings for me which I found I liked a lot. We were both adults, both capable of sharing an intimate relationship without any complications like love.


  Chapter 6


  I sat in the passenger seat of the huge Ford pretending that I was mad at Jason for going all overprotective alpha, calling not only the ambulance but the police as well. I really and truly wanted to be, but I was having trouble remembering my embarrassment and instead I focused on Jason’s reaction to me possibly being seriously hurt.

  My god he thought someone attacked me.

  All my lady bits and bobs were doing a happy dance. Jason cared, he just had to, right? Letting out a sigh, my eyes trained out the front windshield, I fisted my hands in my lap praying I didn’t do something stupid like lay a hand on his thigh… his thick muscled denim encased thigh.

  “Don’t get all huffy with me Mermaid. I was justified in calling the EMTs, you were fucking passed out on the pavement, what else was I meant to think?” Jason said all of sudden.

  “And the police you called because?” I asked, raising my eyebrow at him.

  “I thought someone attacked you Kelsey. I’m not going to apologise for my actions,” Jason practically shouted at me. I noticed his knuckles gripped the steering wheel, the skin turning white his hold was that hard.

  My heart sped up, I could hear the thumping in my ears. Shifting in the seat, I swivelled as much as the seatbelt allowed me and enough so I was facing him directly. “Jason, what happened to me before isn’t going to happen again. Mum is in prison, the others… well one is gone for good and the two then teens, you told me they left the state after they got out of jail,” I told him quietly, recognising his struggle at seeing me laying on the ground bringing back memories of the night he discovered me battered and slashed in the car boot.

  “You have protected me every day since, you won’t let that happen ever again,” I whispered believing every word I spoke. Jason might not love me the way I loved him, and probably never would or could, but he loved me in his own way. And if that was all that he could give… then I would take that any day of the week. Call me a masochist, glutton for punishment or a lover of heartbreak, whatever you wanted to call it. That was me in a nutshell.

  I was so lost in my emotions I didn’t see Jason take one hand off the steering wheel until I felt his large hand cup the side of my face without the scar. Instinctually, I leaned into his touch, enjoying the warmth from his hand.

  “No, I won’t let anything happen to you ever again Kels, I promise.” His deep blue eyes bored into me, a flicker of something I didn’t understand passed over them, but before I could figure it out, he let my face go and returned his concentration to the road.

  I spent the rest of the ride confused and giddy both at the same time. Jason Johnston was a puzzle with missing pieces. Small touches and sitting me in his lap one minute, pushing me away and growling at me the next.

  Women might come from Venus, but Mars was definitely a confusing place.

  I made a mental n
ote to go to the bookstore Memphis Stephens owned in town, maybe Creed’s wife had some self-help books to guide me, maybe I might grab a few of the romance novels she wrote under her pen name.

  I could use all the help I could get if I was going to figure out my sexy detective.

  “Make sure you drink all of that electrolyte drink Kelsey. The EMT said you should be fine, but I think you should rest up for the rest of the day just to be sure,” Jason ordered me, carrying me into my bedroom with a gentle hand on the small of my back.

  When we pulled into my driveway he ordered me not to even think about getting out of the car then proceeded to get out himself and stalk around the front of the car, rip open the passenger door, lift me effortlessly down from the tall cabin and then carried me into my house.

  I wasn’t concerned about him carrying me because of my weight, I weighed less than forty-five kilograms and stood no taller than five-foot-four. I was tiny for my age, a man the size of Jason could carry three times that weight.

  Being in his arms like this again was a delight and no matter the reason behind it, I was going to enjoy it. Yet despite that, the logical and reasonable part of my brain protested.

  “Jason, I have animals to feed, and my cart to fix. I need my cart so I can fulfil my deliveries tomorrow,” I argued.

  “No,” he growled setting me down on my bed. “You don’t. The animals will get fed, Charlotte and Shiloh will be here shortly to do the outside chores, I’m taking the cart back to the compound, and you,” he turned and pointed his finger at me, his blue eyes narrowed, “are going to take the Ford Ranger and drive it for as long as you need, Deck has offered to sell it to me and I said yes. No more walking, Mermaid, I mean it. I’m not budging on that so suck it up buttercup.” While he laid down the law, he busied himself with plumping pillows behind me, his hands on my shoulders arranging my body in the most uncomfortable position imaginable. Not at all a good way to sleep but I didn’t have the heart to tell him five large pillows was a bit too extreme. He was in alpha mode and good golly did it turn me on. My thighs rubbed together of their own volition causing a stirring deep in my core. Hmmm, his hands felt so good on my shoulders— wait! Did he say I was to drive the Ranger? Taking my cart?

  “I’m not driving that monstrosity of a truck,” I shouted in protest, the thought of driving, even an automatic spiked me with fear. Okay it didn’t have a boot, but still.

  “It’s a ute not a truck, and yes you are. I just told you Deck said I could buy it, it has an automatic transmission, it’s safe and you will be able to haul a fuck lot more than you can in the cart halving the amount of time it takes you to deliver your produce.”

  “And what about my cart?” I asked in a huffy voice, pissed off that I liked the idea of the ute making my life a lot easier but not willing to admit it yet.

  Jason leaned forward and pressed his lips to my forehead, a gesture he had performed a hundred times or more in our years of friendship but this time it felt… more.

  “I’m taking it to the compound so the boys have something different for target practice,” he announced. “Don’t forget to drink this,” he said pulling a bottle of sports drink from his back pocket.

  “Jason— ”

  “Later Mermaid, we will talk later, sweetheart,” he said quietly, then turned and walked to the door and stopping to look back at me. “Please, just give me some time to get everything right in my head then we will talk.” His eyes implored me to agree with him, as did the desperation in his tone and words. “If you need to, I can give you some driving lessons around the back of the compound and the side streets until you are more comfortable behind the wheel,” he added gently, making me feel a bit more at ease at the prospect of driving again after so long.

  I gave him a slow nod. “Okay,” I agreed softly. Whatever was happening with us, was not only confusing for me but I was starting to think for him too. I also liked that he understood me so well and how I felt about driving as if we were in-sync.

  Hope sprung but I tamped it down straight away. I wouldn’t let myself get too hopeful until later, and hear what he has to say. I learnt a long time ago expecting too much only gave me heartache and pain.

  “Sleep!” he ordered before walking out. I listened for the back door to close before pulling four of the pillows out from behind me and settling down into my soft comfortable mattress. I really was tired, and a sleep might just be the cure for my confusion.

  Yep, just a little nap then back to the enigma that was Jason Johnston.

  I was being watched.

  I could smell the faint scent of gummi bears and chocolate close to my face which meant it could only be one person. Opening one eye, I made out two sapphire blue eyes and a halo of black curls.

  “Did you know you snore really loud Mermaid? You have some drool at the corner of your mouth, which is kinda gross, and you say Uncle Jason’s name in your sleep,” Shiloh informed me of my sleeping flaws all while her face was only centimetres from mine. Blinking my eyes once then twice, I stared at Shiloh open-mouthed. Her unique and sweet brutal way of delivering news still shocked me even after all the years I had known her.

  “I what?” I croaked, praying for the mattress to open up and swallow me.

  Shiloh’s head bobbed up and down, “You make funny moaning sounds too. Are you still heatstoked Kelsey?”

  I couldn’t help giggle at her mispronouncing the word stroked, Shiloh also had a very unique way with the English language, especially when she was younger. Her grammar was slightly better now, but she still had trouble from time to time.

  I was about to ask her exactly what else I said in my sleep when a noise from the door of my room caught my attention.

  “Shiloh Johnston, I believe I told you to leave Kelsey alone to sleep,” Charlotte admonished her daughter walking gracefully into the room and coming to a stop at the side of my bed.

  “Sorry mother,” Shiloh answered dutifully, sounding anything but repentant.

  I glanced up at the pretty dance teacher, pulling my lips in to stop myself from laughing. Charlotte didn’t have any trouble reacting to her daughter’s formal answer, her eyes rolled but a small smile graced her beautiful face.

  “Shiloh go find Darth and annoy him for a while,” Charlotte suggested, patting Shiloh on her army camo panted butt.

  “Ah duh, he is right here ballet dancer. He was helping me watch Mermaid sleep. He said Kelsey loves Uncle Jason, but Uncle Jason’s head is shoved so far up his—”

  “Shiloh!” Charlotte and I both shouted, stopping the rest of her sentence.

  Oh my god, I didn’t know what was worse, being watched by ghost Darth or him talking about Jason and me. Or that he knew my feelings for Jason.

  Charlotte helped Shiloh off my high bed and guided her towards the door.

  “Go outside and play with Peter, Seb is out there with Bastian, so go keep him company so he isn’t annoying Seb,” Charlotte told her daughter firmly. “And tell Darth both of you are grounded tonight, so no Zeke for either of you.”

  I listened to Shiloh grumble that Darth wasn’t deaf, then she looked up and narrowed her eyes then shook her head and swatted her hand in mid-air. I could only assume she and Darth were in the middle of a heated discussion about their punishment.

  How I managed to wait until the little girl left the room to fall into a fit of giggles I had no idea but once she disappeared I did exactly that, Charlotte joining me on the bed laughing too.

  “How do you not laugh all day long with that child?” I asked, in between fits of laughter.

  “Oh, trust me it’s not easy. Between her word vomit and antics with Darth, then her ability to get herself and the other kids at the compound into trouble, her father and I are going grey,” Charlotte said, still chuckling.

  “There isn’t a grey hair to be seen,” I scoffed at her, pulling myself into a sitting position. “And Deck is just receiving some karma. He got himself into so much trouble in his teen years his poor parent’s n
umber was on the police station’s speed dial,” I replied drolly. “Shiloh is so much like her dad it is uncanny.”

  “And her mother?” Charlotte asked, getting comfortable on the bed next to me.

  I was pretty sure Charlotte had been told about Zoe by the members of the Wounded Souls. I knew her and Vegas had been fast friends when she was alive, and Mia and Stella knew Zoe also. In fact, they knew her better than I did, so why was Charlotte asking me about Shiloh’s birth mother?

  Cocking my head to the side, letting some of my hair fall over my left cheek, I regarded the pretty woman and decided she had an agenda in asking me that particular question and I wanted to explore why.

  “Not much,” I admitted truthfully, “I only knew Zoe for less than a year, she was kind of sassy, so I guess that’s where Shiloh gets it from as well. She never really cared what people thought of her, there were rumours going around the place about her relationship with Deck from time to time. Neither of them reacted to the talk as far as I knew, I don’t know much more, other than she was a really nice person and Jason loved her very much, and her him.” I finished with a shrug. “You should ask him or Deck if you want to know more.”

  Charlotte’s eyes lit up at the mention of her brother-in-law.

  And there is the reason. I thought smugly; all roads always lead back to Jason.

  At least they did for me.

  “Speaking of Jason,” she said.

  “Yes?” I asked suspiciously.

  “He came back to the compound earlier today with your red handcart and took it to the target range at the back of the property and filled it with bullet holes. I find this interesting, don’t you?”

  I did in fact find it interesting, Jason said he was taking it back for the others to use for target practice, not him.

  “And then he stalked around the compound growling at anyone that got in his way. Any idea why Kelsey?”


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