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Tempted by a Highland Moon

Page 19

by Gwyn Brodie

  "MacDonell?" Monro shouted.

  "Aye, I'm here." Duncan held his breath, as he waited for the laird's answer.

  "After speaking with Laird Ross, and giving the matter sufficient thought, I've made the decision to meet with Laird MacPherson, and hear what Lady Kila and you have to say. Ross will accompany me, along with five guards from each of our clans."

  Duncan exhaled loudly. "That's fair enough. We will meet you in the bailey."

  Duncan, Alex, and Galen hurried down from the ramparts, entering the bailey in time to greet the two lairds as they and their guards rode through the portcullis.

  After they dismounted, Monro looked at Duncan. "My head of the guard is dead and another near death. What happened?"

  "I killed the man Kila called Dubh in a sword fight, after I came upon him in the wood trying to rape her."

  Monro's eyes widened. "What of Willie?"

  "He was already out cold when I saw him. Kila tells me Dubh struck Willie when he tried to keep him from compromising her. She said he was most kind to her, and saw that she was fed. 'Twill sadden her greatly that he is near death."

  Monro nodded. "I see, then let's continue."

  Alex led the way into the castle. "Galen MacKinnon, my sister's husband, will show you to the solar. I'll have my sister fetch Lady Kila and join us there."

  A wide-eyed Sorcha hurried toward them. "Connor was found bleeding and unconscious on the floor of the solar. I left Kila there with her stepmother, but I dinnae ken what happened."

  An icy finger clawed its way up Duncan's spine. How the devil had Verona gained entrance? "When did you see Kila last?"

  "In the corridor—with her stepmother. She was smiling. Everything seemed fine."

  Duncan frowned. "Do you ken where they were headed?"

  "Aye, to the kirk to pray. I've sent for the healer. I left Aggie with Connor while I went to find you."

  "Eadan, go stay with Connor. I'll be there as soon as I find Kila." He prayed his foster brother would recover, and that he would reach Kila in time.

  Eadan nodded and hurried up the stairs, with Sorcha not far behind.

  Heart pounding, Duncan raced outside and headed for the kirk, with the others close on his heels, but when he threw open the door, it stood empty. Where was Kila?

  He'd been right all along, and Verona was about to make yet another attempt on her life. And he feared the wretched woman might succeed—if he didn't find them soon, but what if he was already too late?

  KILA HAD KNOWN VERONA had lied to Sorcha when she'd said they were going to visit the kirk. Instead, they ended up at the postern gate, where two guards were keeping watch. "Where are you taking me?"

  "You'll see soon enough." Her stepmother kept the point of her blade pressed against Kila's back, and forced her to stay close to the wall and out of the guard's line of sight. "Stop here," she whispered sharply.

  Kila wondered what they were waiting for, when an arrow struck one of the guards in the chest, and a second, in the throat. Kila felt sick, as Verona forced her to step over the still warm bodies of the dead men. "Search for the key to the postern gate, and be quick about it."

  "Nay, I'll no' do it."

  The tip of Verona's blade pierced the skin of Kila's back and she winced.

  "Find it, or do you need more encouragement?"

  Kila shook her head, then searched the men's sporrans, until she found the key.

  Verona ripped it from her hand.

  While the gate was being unlocked, Kila grabbed one of the guard's dirks, and hid it in the folds of her skirts. Her heart pounded with fear as Balfour stepped inside.

  Ignoring the corpses of the two men he'd just murdered. He raked his fingers through his long hair and looked at Kila.

  She thought she was going to be ill. Balfour was there for one reason only—to help Verona murder her. Blood ran down her injured arm, slicking the hilt of the dirk. She tightened her grip, waiting for the right time to strike. If she was going to be murdered, she didn't intend to make it easy for them, and this might be her last chance to try and get away.

  "Let's get this over with," he snarled, his black eyes empty and emotionless.

  Kila swung the dirk, knocked the sgian dubh from Verona's hands, and ran, knowing Balfour was but a few feet behind her. As she ducked around an arbor, she ran straight into Duncan's chest.

  He quickly shoved her behind him, and faced Balfour and Verona with his broadsword drawn.

  Balfour grinned, waving his sword in the air. "Fate must be with us, Verona. We'll rid ourselves of them both at once." He lunged to the side, as he swung his blade, aiming to take Duncan's head off.

  Duncan deflected the blow with his targe, keeping a close eye out for Balfour's next move. The bastard was clearly enjoying himself. He'd seen men like him on the battlefield, not fighting for a cause, but because they enjoyed the killing. He brought his blade down toward Balfour's chest, but the whoreson managed to leap away before he made contact. Duncan had raised his sword for another strike, when he heard Kila scream.

  While he'd been fighting with Balfour, Verona had maneuvered herself around Duncan, and now had Kila backed against the stone wall, with her sgian dubh raised in the air—ready to plunge into Kila's heart. The blood drained from his head. He'd never reach her in time.

  Colin Monro raced toward the two women, knocking the blade from Verona's hand, and dragging her away from Kila in one swift movement.

  Duncan uttered a prayer of thanks, as he dodged another one of Balfour's blows.

  Alex, Galen and Ian Ross ran in behind Colin, with their broadswords drawn.

  Balfour dropped his own blade and raised his hands in the air, when he realized he was surrounded by Highlanders.

  Duncan hurried to Kila's side, and she fell into his arms and wept. He held her—comforted her. "Shhh, lass." He knew Monro was watching, but he didn't care. She needed him. He lifted her into his arms and carried her inside.

  TWO HOURS LATER, EVERYONE was gathered in the solar—except for Connor, who was in his bedchamber recovering from his ordeal. His head wound had been a nasty one, and had required stitching, but thankfully his skull had been left intact.

  Kila's arm had required several stitches as well, and she cradled it with her other arm as she took a seat.

  Verona and Balfour were brought in under guard. Duncan had a lot of questions, and he intended to get answers. "Lady Murray, what was your reason for wanting Lady Kila dead?"

  She looked at Monro, and smiled flirtatiously. "When Colin visited Windmere Castle, I immediately fell in love with him. I never knew, until after my husband's death, that he was betrothed to my stepdaughter."

  Monro's brows shot up. "Surely you didnae think you and I would wed if Lady Kila was no longer around? The idea is absolutely preposterous."

  She smiled, undeterred by his comment. "I'm afraid you underestimate my skills of seduction, Colin."

  Colin narrowed his eyes, and shook his head in disbelief.

  Alex turned to Balfour. "And you are naught but a cold blooded murderer. You killed two of my best guards, and injured another, as well as Duncan."

  Duncan nodded. "Aye, and we ken 'twas you who launched an arrow at Lady Kila that morn beside the loch. Were you the man at the mill, as well, waiting for those two unsavory lads to bring Lady Kila to you? There's no use in denying it, Balfour. Remember, there are witnesses who can identify you."

  Balfour's gaze dropped to the floor, but he said naught.

  Duncan took several missives from his sporran and unfolded one. Thankfully the messenger had arrived, less than an hour before, from Kinnacraig Castle, along with the garrison his father had sent to escort him and Kila back to Skye. "Verona, Kila told me you admitted to poisoning her, and I have proof in this missive that you also poisoned her father, Laird Murray, as well as your two previous husbands."

  Kila's eyes filled with tears. "You poisoned my father? After all he did for you? He treated you like a queen." She buried her face i
n her hands and wept.

  Sorcha moved to her side, and slipped an arm around her shoulder, comforting her.

  Duncan swallowed back his emotions. It nigh ripped out his heart to see Kila weeping so.

  Verona glared at him. "You're lying. You have no proof."

  He grinned. "Aye, but you're wrong." He held up the missives. "I have the proof. Those who tended the three lairds while they were ill will testify that each man had the same symptoms as Kila, whom we ken was poisoned with deadly nightshade."

  Her face reddened, and she jumped up from her seat. "I'll no' sit here and listen to your accusations one moment longer."

  Alex rose to his feet. "Sit down, Lady Murray. I intend to send a missive to the privy council, as soon as I leave here. In the meantime, you will both be locked in secure rooms with guards posted outside, until their arrival."

  Verona's face reddened, but she kept her mouth shut.

  "May I speak?" Monro asked Alex.

  Alex nodded. "Aye, of course."

  He turned to Kila. "Lass, do you love MacDonell?"

  She looked at Duncan and smiled. "Very much."

  "MacDonell, do you love Kila?"

  He nodded. "Aye, I do."

  Monro sighed. "It seems I would be making a grave mistake if I forced her to follow through with the betrothal. As of this moment, you are free to marry whomever you wish, lass."

  She smiled and threw herself into Duncan's open arms.

  Galen laughed. "Sorcha, best send a missive to Claire to ready the blue gown."

  Kila looked at Sorcha, confused as to what they were talking about.

  She chuckled. "'Tis a long story, but one you'll be hearing for certain."

  Duncan looked at Colin. "Much thanks for saving her. I owe you my life. If ever you are in need of my help, send for me and I'll be there."

  Colin nodded. "'Tis most noble, MacDonell, but I promised her father I would see that she was well taken care of, and that's all I ask of you."

  He smiled down at Kila. "She will be; I swear it."

  A FEW DAYS LATER, A knock sounded at Kila's bedchamber door. "Come."

  A smiling Sorcha hurried inside and closed the door. She handed Kila a large package wrapped in linen and tied with a crimson ribbon. "The gown arrived from Skye this morning."

  Kila gasped. "I can hardly wait to see it." She carefully untied the silk ribbon. The linen fell away, revealing the most beautiful blue gown she'd ever seen—her wedding gown. The skirts and bodice had been painstakingly embroidered, as well as the matching slippers that came along with it. '"Tis lovely." She picked it up and held it against her, praying it would fit.

  "Why dinnae you try it on?"

  She nodded, undressed down to her shift, and slipped it on.

  Sorcha tightened the laces of the bodice, then stepped back and smiled. "It fits you perfectly."

  Giddy with excitement, she twirled around the room. "I was so afraid it would no' fit me. I'm much larger than you are."

  Sorcha appeared surprised. "Why would you think such a thing?"

  "Since becoming my stepmother, Verona has always taunted me about my size and how much I like to eat."

  Sorcha frowned. "After meeting the woman, I would no' be surprised by anything she said. But the truth is, you're no larger than I am. In fact, I believe your waist is a bit smaller, especially after my having the twins."

  Kila smiled. "You really think so?" She was both surprised and pleased to hear it.

  "Aye, I do."

  "Much thanks, Sorcha."

  "I promised you'd ken all about the gown. Aiden and Alie are in the nursery napping, if this is a good time for you to hear it."

  "I cannae wait." She poured them each a goblet of spiced wine, then took a seat across from Sorcha, and waited for her to begin.

  "The tradition started with Kade's mother, who brought the gown along with her from France for her own wedding to his father."

  Kila took an occasional sip of wine, as she hung on every word.

  "Jillian was the next to wear the gown. She and Kade had to marry quickly, due to her castle being under siege by an evil cousin who wished to marry her himself."

  "Oh, my!"

  "There was no time to hang banners or to have a dress of her own made, so she wed in Kade's mother's gown, which Galen tells me, made Kade very happy indeed."

  Tears welled up in Kila's eyes.

  "Then 'twas my turn. Has Duncan told you how Galen and I met?"

  "A bit, but I'd very much like to have you tell me."

  "Aye. Men seem to have a different prospective on most everything. Galen actually saved me from highwaymen, then kidnapped me to hold for ransom. I'll no' tell you every detail, but we ended up falling in love, and since we were at Ravenskull—Kade's castle—at the time, I wore the blue gown for my wedding as well."

  Kila clasped her hands together. "How very romantic."

  She smiled, a faraway look in her eyes. "Aye, 'twas. By then, it had become a tradition. Of course Cin, being the skirt chaser he was, gave us all a surprise when we learned he wished to marry Claire. She made a lovely bride—just as you will on your wedding day."

  "Much thanks for telling me about the gown. I will cherish wearing it even more, and you have made me feel a part of something larger than just Duncan and myself—a circle of friends, which I can hardly wait to meet."

  She smiled. "Believe me, Kila, they will be just as thrilled to meet the woman Duncan wishes to wed, as well. He is a good man, and will make you a fine husband."

  Kila nodded. "I ken he will."

  She chuckled. "Never tell him I told you this, but kenning you even in the short time I have, I believe you will find it amusing. Whilst Cin was about to wed, they asked Duncan when he would be getting married, and he told them right away, "I'd no' be holding my breath, if I were you."

  Both women burst into laughter.

  Sorcha got to her feet. "I'll leave you now. We'll talk more later."

  Kila walked her to the door. "Much thanks, again."

  "You're welcome. I very much enjoyed giving you the details," she said, then left.

  Kila leaned against the door, her thoughts swirling with all that Sorcha had said. Her gaze landed on the gown. She couldn't wait for Duncan to see her in it—and couldn't wait for him to remove it, as well. She shivered at such a wanton thought.

  DUNCAN WAS RETURNING to Blackstone, after taking Tearlach for a run, when he spotted a large number of people headed toward the castle. As he rode closer, he recognized it was Cin and the MacLeod guards, with Claire and the wee lads riding beside him. He grinned, then let out a loud whistle.

  Cin swung Shadowmere around and rode out to greet him, a broad grin spread across his face. "I cannae wait to meet the lass who changed your mind about marriage. She must be exceptional."

  He smiled. "Aye, she is." And he loved her more than life. "I hope Kila and Claire will become good friends, as they will be living such a short distance apart."

  "Aye. Claire would be delighted to have someone to talk with about womanly things. Seeing to Dunvegan and the lads keeps her much too busy."

  He raised a brow. "And you?"

  A broad grin spread across his friends face. "Aye."

  Duncan chuckled, as he followed Cin through the portcullis.

  Claire and the lads were waiting for them in the bailey.

  Duncan dismounted and gave her a peck on the cheek, before scooping the boys up in his arms. "The two of you have grown. Soon you'll be chasing roe across the moor, as your da and I did as lads."

  Their mother frowned. "Dinnae give them any ideas, Duncan. They're a handful as 'tis."

  He chuckled and set them on their feet. "Come, I want you to meet Kila."

  Alex came out of the library as they entered the castle. He smiled. "Welcome to Blackstone, Cin, Claire." He looked down at the children. "And you as well, lads."

  Beathan smiled up at Alex, but wee Brian, with hair the color of the sun and eyes as blue as his father's
, hid his face in his mother's skirts.

  Claire placed a hand on his mane of long fair curls. "He's a bit shy."

  Sorcha came down the stairs, with Galen on her heels. She hugged Cin and Claire, then gave each child a kiss on the cheek.

  Galen grasped Cin's forearm."'Tis good to see you, Cin, and your family, as well."

  Cin nodded. "Aye. We need to get together more often. Now, where is the lass Duncan is to wed?"

  Sorcha smiled. "She is quite anxious about meeting everyone. Claire, let us take the children to the nursery. Aiden and Alie will be thrilled to have someone to play with rather than one another. We'll join the rest of you in the solar."

  Claire followed Sorcha up the stairs, with a child holding each hand.

  "You'll soon have one of your own," Cin said, grasping his shoulder. "And those long nights of pleasure are well worth the trying." He face broke into a wicked grin.

  Alex smiled and shook his head.

  Duncan chuckled, but the image Cin's teasing had pushed into his head, caused his body to heat. "I'll fetch Kila and meet you in the solar." He hurried up the stairs and knocked on her bedchamber door.


  "'Tis I."

  She opened the door and threw herself into his arms.

  He picked her up and carried her back inside, kicking the door closed behind him. "I'm glad you're pleased to see me, lass, but I'm certain there's more to it than that." He set her on her feet. "Out with it."

  "I'm afraid your friends willnae like me."

  He chuckled. "Kila, I've kenned Cin since I was a wee lad. All I can say is I'm glad he's married to Claire, or else he'd try to steal you away."

  She smiled and slipped her arms around his neck. "You'd no' have to worry about that, Duncan MacDonell, for there's no one for me but you."

  He gently kissed her, then lifted his head. "I love you."

  She smiled. "I ken, and I love you."

  "We best get to the solar, or else Cin will be sure to ask what kept us."


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